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German National TV Report about "Foundation for a Drug Free World"


Silver Meritorious Patron
The "Foundation for a Drug Free World" (in Germany they have the name "Sag Nein zu Drogen, Sag Ja zum Leben" it means "Say no to Drugs, say Yes to Life") has made in the last time a "Tour" through some German Cities. They visited schools, had a Singer from LA in the Cities "Joy Villa" (don't know her, maybe somebody else does) and a "BMX - Star" Domink Nekolny was the "Leading Person" to get in contact with people. Especially in schools he was the "Advertiser".

Nobody was able to see, that "Sag Nein zu Drogen..." is part of Scientology. So they have found the way into schools, regulary Scientology will never find a way into schools.

Anne Hinder from the German National TV in Bavaria, has made a very good report about the "hidding" way Scientology goes.

The film is in German, because I can't translate in English (it won't work, nobody would understand) I have made a German Transscript. Maybe somebody can translate much better than me... :)


Die Story: Miese Tour von Scientology | Kontrovers | BR

Sprecherin (0:00 – 0:42): An einem Samstag in München. Hier an der Münchener Freiheit wird heute eine Aktion stattfinden. Von einem Verein mit dem Namen „Sag Nein zu Drogen – Sag Ja zum Leben“. Im Vorfeld haben wir einen Tipp bekommen. Angeblich soll Scientology dahinter stecken. Ob das stimmt? Wir wollen uns ein Bild machen und warten erst mal was passiert.Zumindest auf den ersten Blick scheint alles harmlos.

Laura Kochsiek (Organisatorin der Aktion) (0:42 - 045): Wir sind hier für die Drogenaufklärung.Wir wollen hier Jugendliche aufklären, was Drogen sind.

Sprecherin (0:47 – 1:19): Während wir mit der Kamera dabei sind, werden diese Broschüren verteilt. „Fakten über Drogen“ lautet ein Titel. Einen direkten Hinweis auf Scientology enthalten die Hefte nicht.

Die Sängerin Joy Villa ist extra aus Los Angeles gekommen. Dort ist auch das internationale Hauptquartier von Scientology. Hat das etwas zu bedeuten? Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen dieser Aktion in München und Scientology?

Laura Kochsiek (1:20 – 1:27): Es hängt nicht zusammen, es ist also so, dass es es gesponsert wird. Also das Material wird letztenendes von der „Scientology – Kirche“ gesponsert.

Anne Hinder (Reporterin) (1:28 – 1:30) : Also ist es von Scientology gegründet worden oder?

Laura Kochsiek (1:30 – 1:38): Es wurde von verschiedenen Menschen gegründet, es waren aber auch Scientologen bei der Gründung mit dabei. Ähm, es ist aber wie gesagt ein ganz unabhängiger Verein, der mir der „Kirche“ als solches nichts zu tun hat.

Anne Hinder (1:39 – 1:40): Sind sie auch Scientologin?

Laura Kochsiek(1:40 - 145): Ich persönlich? Äh, ich bin auch Scientologin, ja.

Sprecherin (1:47 – 2:05) : „Nicht alle hier am Stand sind Scientologen“, sagt sie. „Die einzige sei sie aber nicht.“ „Heute geht es ausschließlich darum vor Drogen zu warnen“, sagen die Organisatoren.

Drogenaufklärung durch Scientologen, seit Jahren warnen Experten vor Scientology.

Solveig Prass (2:07 - 2:09): Das wichtigste für Scientology ist allein das Geld. Und Macht über den Menschen.

Heinz Peter Meidinger(2:09 – 2:13): Das ist eine professionelle Menschenfängerorganisation.

Solveig Prass (2:14 – 2:16) : Man gibt sich selbst auf, man wird ein Teil einer Maschine.

Sprecherin (2:18 - 2:24): Auch vom Verfassungsschutz wird Scientology beobachtet.

Markus Schäfert (Verfassungsschutz Bayern) (2:25 - 2:43): Scientology ist ja letzten endes darauf ausgelegt, ein weltweites, totalitäres Herschaftssystem zu entwickeln. In dem es keine demokratische Vielfalt mehr gibt, sondern eine gleichgeschaltete Gesellschaft, in dem jeder einzelne nach scientologischen Gesetzmäßigkeiten funktioniert

Sprecherin (2:44 – 3:36): Laut Verfassungsschutz ist der selbsternannte Anti – Drogen – Verein eine Nebenorganisation von Scientology. Soll unter dem Vorwand der Drogenaufklärung neue Anhänger geworben werden. Die Passanten in München ahnen nicht, dass sie auch mit Scientologen ins Gespräch kommen. Auf den Broschüren werden verschiedene Internetseiten empfohlen. Das ist die deutsche Seite des Vereins. Darauf ein Kontaktformular. Gegen Name, Adresse und eMail kann man weitere Materialien bestellen. Zielgruppe offenbar Lehrer und Schüler. Genau diese Broschüren machen Heinz Peter Meidinger sorgen. Der Vorsitzende eines bundesweiten Gymnasiallehrerverbandes warnt, immer wieder würden Schüler und sogar Lehrer auf diese Hefte hereinfallen.

Heinz Peter Meidinger (Deutscher Philologenverband) (3:36 – 4:01) : Das Problem ist natürlich, dass diese Kontakte, die dadurch entstehen, dann genutzt werden können, äh, für äh weiterreichende Beeinflussungen. Also Beispielsweise, dass da gesagt wird, ihr habt Materialien von uns bestellt, wir würden euch jetzt auch mal einen Referenten anbieten, wo man jetzt schon nicht mehr weiß, was der dann alles so sagen würde.

Sprecherin (4:02 – 4:04) : „Die Masche mit den Heften, nur eine von vielen“, meint Meidinger.

Heinz Peter Meidinger (4:05 – 4:38): Wir kennen die Strategie von Scientology, über scheinbar ideologiefreie, äh, unverfängliche Themen eben Gesundheitserziehung, Drogenaufklärung, vor einiger Zeit auch Nachhilfeinstitute, an junge Leute heranzukommen, an Adressen heranzukommen, über solche Materialien, dann auch in persönlichen Kontakt zukommen. Äh, und Scientology rühmt sich ja auch, äh, dass diese Kampagnen sehr erfolgreich sind.

Sprecherin (4:39 – 5:00): Tatsächlich auf ihrer Homepage brüstet sich Scientology mit der „Anti – Drogen – Kampagne“. Bezeichnet sie sogar als Initiative der Scientology Kirche, mit Werbebotschaften.

Einspielung scientologischer Werbefilm (5:00 – 5:18)

Sprecherin (5:18 – 6:28): Welche Verbindungen gibt es genau zwischen Scientology und dem Verein und seiner Aktion in München? Auf unsere Frage antwortet Scientology Deutschland: „Der Verein ist organisatorisch völlig eigenständig und verfolgt keine religiös – weltanschaulichen Ziele.“ Nur 2 Sätze weiter, heißt es aber: „Natürlich ruft die Scientology Kirche auch ihre eigenen Mitglieder dazu auf, sich an den Aktivitäten des Vereins zu beteiligen und seine Ziele zu fördern und zu unterstützen.“

Dazu bewirbt Scientology Deutschland Aktionen wie diese. Eine Tour des Vereins mit einem tschechischen BMX Star (Dominik Nekolny), durch ganz Deutschland soll es gehen. In München geht es los, bis nach Berlin. Wo genau sie in diesen Städten auftreten, dazu keine Information.

Sektenbeauftragte Solveig Prass glaubt, dass sei Strategie, auch melde sich der Verein nicht mehr unter seinem Namen an. Um zu vermeiden, dass Leute wie sie, Aktionen im Vorfeld verhindern. In Leipzig war der Verein gerade erst.

Solveig Prass (Beraterin für Sekten und Kulte) (6:30 – 6:44): Letztes Jahr haben sie sich ja auch noch unter der Kampagne angekündigt und dann schellen natürlich die Alarmglocken, ne und dann wissen die, dass kriegen die mit. Natürlich war ich dann vorheriges Jahr darauf vorbereitet und sie haben ihren Stand gar nicht erst aufgebaut ähm, dieses Jahr konnte es keiner erkennen.
Sprecherin (6:45 – 7:12): Taktik? Laut Verein liegt es nur daran, dass verschiedene Mitglieder die Anmeldung übernehmen und offenbar abgekürzte Titel verwenden. Auch diese Broschüren kritisiert Solveig Prass als irreführend. Auf den älteren Ausgaben gab es noch eindeutige Hinweise auf Scientology. Auf den neuen Broschüren aber kein Hinweis mehr.

Solveig Prass (7:13 – 7:42): Die müssen sich ja immer was neues einfallen lassen. Äh, wenn andere Maschen nicht ziehen, dann müssen sie natürlich was Neues erfinden, dass ist das Gleiche, wie mit dem BMX – Fahrer oder, dass sie jetzt mit Musik auftreten, ja, und Leute anlocken. Äh, das sind Maschen, die gab es früher nicht, da hatten die ihre Stände, ja, und haben Dianetik verteilt zu Anfang. Wo dann jeder gesehen hat, dass ist Scientology. Das gibt es heute nicht mehr.

Sprecherin (7:42 - 8:01): So hat sie diesmal erst spät von der Aktion erfahren, konnte nur noch dies provisorischen Flyer drucken, um Passanten am Stand zu warnen. „Das war dringend nötig,“ sagt sie, denn auch vor Ort hätte der Verein mit neuen Strategien gearbeitet.

Solveig Prass (8:02 - 8:19): Die jungen Leute von der Kampagne haben Minderjährige angesprochen und haben mit ihnen Fotos gemacht, die die jetzt sozusagen bestellen und kaufen können. Das heißt jetzt kommt natürlich, diese „sag Nein...“ Drogenkampagne an Adressen, an eMail Kontakten, an Kontodaten.

Sprecherin (8:20 9:03): Der Verein weißt den Vorwurf zurück. Die Organisatorin der Tour schreibt uns: „Dritte erhalten diese Kontaktdaten nicht.“ Weiter räumt sie die Nähe zu Scientology ein, betont aber dies, „bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass unser Verein die religiös – weltanschaulichen Inhalte von Scientology verbreitet oder bewirbt oder seine Aktivitäten in irgendeiner Weise mit einer Mitgliederwerbung für Scientology verbindet.“

Wir sind in Berlin. Auch hier wieder die Anti – Drogen – Aktion. Am Alexanderplatz bauen sie gerade auf. Organisatorin Laura Kochsiek ist bis jetzt aber noch nicht da.

Sängerin Joy Villa (9:04 – 9:13): Sie ist nicht da. Sie hält Vorträge in Schulen mit dem BMX Champion. Der zeigt Tricks und spricht dort.

Sprecherin (9:13 – 9:20) : „Nicht nur in Berlin. Auch in den anderen Städten der Tour seien sie in Schulen gewesen“, erzählt die Sängerin.

Joy Villa (9:21 – 9:35): Das gab es noch nie in Schulen, das war das 1. Mal, diese Art von Drogenaufklärung. Gratis Vorträge in ganz Deutschland. Wirklich etwas besonderes. Wir haben Geschichte geschrieben.

Sprecherin (9:36 – 10:24) : Sie zeigt uns ein Video. In einer Schule tritt der BMX Fahrer auf, mit dem Scientology geworben hat. Er hat gerade über Drogen gesprochen. In der Schule mit dabei sind auch Scientologen. Wenig später am Stand, jetzt kommt er dazu Stefan Barthel, Sektenbeauftragter beim Berliner Senat. Er setzt sich seit Jahren mit Scientology auseinander. Für ihn ist der Verein eine Frontgruppe von Scientology und das Scientology sich gegen Drogen engagiert, findet er unglaubwürdig.

Stefan Bartel (Sektenbeauftragter Senat Berlin) (10:25 – 10:39): Das ist so, ich sag immer, als wenn so ein Rinderzuchtverein, sich für vegane Ernährungsweise engagieren würde, dass passt nicht zusammen, weil hier gegen eine Sucht, aber für eine neue Abhängigkeit möglicherweise geworben würde.

Sprecherin (10:40 – 10:48) : Mit diesem Flyer warnt er Schulleitungen und Lehrer, damit sie nicht auf Scientology hereinfallen.

Stefan Barthel (10:49 – 11:00): Keine Schule würde das bewusst machen, weil ähm das ist allen klar, dass Scientology als Organisation, die vom Verfassungsschutz beobachtet wird, dass die nicht unbefangen eingeladen werden.

Sprecherin (11:01 – 11:32) : Wie es Scientologen trotzdem geschafft haben in Schulen zu kommen, kann er nicht erklären. War er der Türöffner? BMX Star Dominik Nekolny war Zugpferd bei der Deutschlandtour des Vereins. In vielen Schulen dabei. Auch hier in Berlin ist er es, der für Publikum sorgt. Ob er weiß, mit wem er dort zusammenarbeitet? Ob er selbst Scientologe ist? Nekolny ist bereit für ein Interview. Wir zeigen ihm den Flyer, den wir eben bekommen haben.

Anne Hinder (11:33 – 11:33): Sind sie auch von Scientology?

Dominik Nekolny (11:34 – 11:42): Nein, ich bin Attheist.

Anne Hinder (11:42- 11:42): Was halten sie denn davon?

Dominik Nekolny (11:43- 12:00): Um ehrlich zu sein, weiß ich nicht viel darüber. Ich habe gehört, dass die dieses Projekt machen. Das finde ich cool, jeden der etwas gegen Drogen macht finde ich cool.

Anne Hinder (12:00 – 12:02): Es ist Ihnen also egal wer dahinter steckt?

Dominik Nekolny (12:03 – 12:17): Ja, klar. Wenn sie gute Sachen für Kinder machen und sie versuchen Kinder über die Gefahren von Drogen aufzuklären und was soll daran falsch sein?

Anne Hinder (12:18 - 12:19): Werden sie dafür bezahlt oder ist das ehrenamtlich?

Dominik Nekolny (12:19 - 12:25): Na, ja, wir haben so eine Art Deal.

Anne Hinder (12:25- 12:26): Also werden Sie bezahlt?

Dominik Nekolny: (12:27 -12:27): Das ist unser Deal.

Sprecherin (12:28 – 12:42): Ein Deal also mit Scientologen. Was wir jetzt erst bemerken, während des Interviews hat sich eine Frau zu uns gestellt, die alles ganz genau beobachtet hat.

Anne Hinder (12:42 – 12:43): Die Aufpasserin, oder?

Sprecherin (12:45 – 12:50): Angeblich wollte sie nur schauen, ob es Sprachprobleme gibt.

Anne Hinder (12:51 – 12:51): Sie gehören auch zu diesem Verein hier dazu?

Frau (12:52): Ja, ja...

Anne Hinder (12:55- 12:55): Ah, ok, und auch zu Scientology?

Frau (12:57): Ich bin Scientologin.

Sprecherin (12:59- 13:30): Ein paar Kilometer weiter, an der Berliner Scientology Zentrale. Auch hier soll heute der BMX Fahrer auftreten. Die Plakate, die gleichen, wie am Stand des Vereins und in den Schulen. Die Anti Drogen Aktion, jetzt in den Räumen von Scientology. Dagegen wird demonstriert. Was passiert hier heute? Plötzlich kommt jemand auf uns zu.

Sabine Weber (Präsidentin Scientology Berlin) (13:31): Hallo, von welchem Sender sind sie?

Sprecherin(13:33 – 13:40): Sabine Weber, Präsidentin von Scientology Berlin, heute im Shirt vom Anti – Drogen – Verein.

Sabine Weber (13:40 – 13:41): ...und wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?

Anne Hinder (13:41 – 13:48): Uns interessiert das heute eigentlich nur mit dem Verein „Sag Nein zu Drogen,.. so ein bisschen. Können wir auch mal rein und drinnen drehen, vielleicht?

Sabine Weber (13:48 – 13:53): Möchte ich eigentlich nicht, weil wir haben ein paar Gäste da und ich weiß nicht, ob denen das Recht ist gefilmt zu werden.

Anne Hinder (13:53): Warum nicht?

Sabine Weber (13:54 – 13:59): Na, ja, sie wissen, dass Thema ist kontrovers diskutiert un dich müßte dann alle erst um Erlaubnis fragen.

Anne Hinder (14:00): Wer ist denn noch dabei?

Sabine Weber (14:00 – 14:09): Also wir haben verschiedene, jetzt gerade, die Dame, die ich begrüßt habe, ist von einer christlichen Vereinigung, der Herr der gerade vor der Tür war ist muslimischen Glaubens.

Anne Hinder (14:09): Von welcher christlichen Vereinigung?

Sabine Weber (14:11 – 14:21): Das könne sie die dann ja selber fragen, ja. Aber das sind unterschiedliche Religionen, die uns auch gerne unterstützen. Natürlich auch Atheisten, wie sie hier ich hörte bereits wissen. Ja, danke. Vielen Dank.Tschüß

Sprecherin (14:22 – 15:33): Von unserem Gespräch mit dem BMX Fahrer weiß sie also schon. Auf der Veranstaltung sind wir nicht erwünscht.Nach wie vor, behaupten Scientologen, es gehe ausschließlich um Drogenaufklärung. Doch uns werden interne eMails zu gespielt, die zeigen, dass es bei dem Programm von Anfang an offenbar noch andere Ziele gab. So schrieb schon 2002 eine Scientologin begeistert von einem „Sag nein zu Drogen“ Event in Augsburg. „Wir sind in der Fußgängerzone und machen 3 Stunden ramba zamba. Da können wir immer tierisch viel Outflow machen und der Inflow lässt nicht lange auf sich warten.“

Und jetzt ist der Verein in Schulen unterwegs. Das wollen wir genauer wissen und suchen nach Schulen, in die es der Verein geschafft hat. In diese Berufsschule in Chemnitz zum Beispiel. Schulleiter Thomas Schulz (?) hat Fotos von der Veranstaltung. Auch hier wieder im Vordergrund der BMX Star. Der Schulleiter selbst war nicht dabei, dafür aber diese Lehrerin und dieser Schüler.

Schüler (15:33 – 15:52): Ich fand den Vortrag sehr informativ und lehrreich, weil er eben auch gesagt hat, dass er mehrere Freunde hat, die verschiedene Drogen genommen haben und er ist jetzt BMX Weltmeister und die anderen haben es eben zu nichts geschafft, sind am Stoffen (Drogen nehmen), ja also ich fand es allen in allem ein echt guter Vortrag.

Schulleiter(15:53 – 16:11): Wir haben schon von der Diakonie, von der Wohlfahrt, also von verschiedensten Organisationen schon Vorträge gehabt, wo letztendlich nur ein Referent vorne stand und was erzählt hat und das ist das, wo unsere Klientel schwer zu begeistern, wo wir die Aufmerksamkeit die sie finden und das Auftreten des jungen Menschen war ganz anders gewesen.

Lehrerin (16:11 -16:14): Die haben sogar Kulis ausgeteilt, also das war schon recht gut organisiert.

Sprecherin (16:14 -16:28): Hier ahnt wohl niemand, wen sie sich tatsächlich ins Haus geholt haben. Wir zeigen also altes Material vom Verein auf dem es noch klare Hinweise gab.

Schulleiter (16:28) Ach, Scientology...

Lehrerin (16:31): Um Gottes Willen!

Schulleiter (16:36 – 16:41): Ne, haben wir nicht gewusst. Dann sieht man es von der ganz anderen Seite.

Lehrerin (16:42): Ich hätte aufmerksamer sein sollen.

Schüler (16:43 – 16:55): Aber dann kann man auch dazu sagen, ist doch gut, dass so eine Sekte mal was sinnvolles in die Welt setzt sozusagen.

Lehrerin (16:55): Das ist ein bisschen schwieriger wenn eine Sekte dahinter steckt, auf alle Fälle.

Schulleiter (16:56 – 17:22) : Das ist jetzt die Meinung des Schülers. Ich muss, kann ja nicht nur für ihn selber vorsprechen, ich muss ja für alle Eltern letztendlich meinen Kopf hinhalten und es wird unter den Eltern welche geben, die sagen, ne in die Schule schicke ich mein Kind nicht mehr, wenn die Schule indirekt Werbung für Scientology macht. ...und dann hätte ich gesagt, ne tut mir leid, für so eine Veranstaltung öffnen wir unsere Tore nicht.

Sprecherin (17:23 - Ende): Es war nicht die einzige Schule, die sich hat täuschen lassen. Kein Wunder. Offensichtliche Hinweise auf Scientology gab es nicht. Nicht vom Anti – Drogen – Verein, nicht auf den aktuellen Materialien. Selbst auf der Homepage des Vereins lange kein Hinweis auf Scientology. Erst nach unseren schriftlichen Anfragen finden wir plötzlich doch einen Hinweis.

Die Deutschlandtour ist zu Ende. Sechs Städte in einer Woche. Ein BMX Star, eine Sängerin aus LA, der Verein hat sich einiges einfallen lassen um mit möglichst vielen Menschen in Kontakt zu kommen. Wahrscheinlich nicht die letzte Aktion dieser Art, denn Scientology schreibt uns: „Die Scientology Kirche wird ihre sozialen Betätigungen in den kommenden Jahren noch mit größeren Einsatz verstärken.“

Das Gefährliche daran, auf den ersten Blick wird wahrscheinlich nicht zu erkennen sein, dass Scientology dahinter steckt.


Who needs merits?
The "Foundation for a Drug Free World" (in Germany they have the name "Sag Nein zu Drogen, Sag Ja zum Leben" it means "Say no to Drugs, say Yes to Life") has made in the last time a "Tour" through some German Cities. They visited schools, had a Singer from LA in the Cities "Joy Villa" (don't know her, maybe somebody else does) and a "BMX - Star" Domink Nekolny was the "Leading Person" to get in contact with people. Especially in schools he was the "Advertiser".

Nobody was able to see, that "Sag Nein zu Drogen..." is part of Scientology. So they have found the way into schools, regulary Scientology will never find a way into schools.

Anne Hinder from the German National TV in Bavaria, has made a very good report about the "hidding" way Scientology goes.

The film is in German, because I can't translate in English (it won't work, nobody would understand) I have made a German Transscript. Maybe somebody can translate much better than me... :)


Thank you for the transcript, Nicole! :thankyou:

Sadly, it's a bit too much text for me to type/translate manually, but here's the Google translation:

Un-edited, un-formatted Google-translation of transcript:

The Story: Lousy tour of Scientology | Controversially | BR

Spokesperson (0:00 to 0:42): On a Saturday in Munich. Here at the Munich freedom is today held an action. From an association called "Say No to Drugs - Say Yes to Life". In advance we got a tip. Supposedly Scientology behind it. Whether that's true? We want to take a picture and wait until something passiert.Zumindest at first glance all seems harmless.

Laura Kochsiek (organizer of the action) (12:42 - 045): We are here for Drogenaufklärung.Wir want here to enlighten young people, what drugs are.

Spokesperson (0:47 to 1:19): While we are doing with the camera, these brochures are distributed. "Truth About Drugs" is a title. A direct reference to Scientology does not contain the books.

Singer Joy Villa has traveled from Los Angeles. There is also the international headquarters of Scientology. Does that mean something? Is there a connection between this action in Munich and Scientology?

Laura Kochsiek (1:20 to 1:27): It is not related, so it is so that it is sponsored it. So the material is ultimately from the "Scientology - Church" sponsored.

Anne Hinder (reporter) (1:28 to 1:30): So it has been founded by Scientology or?

Laura Kochsiek (1:30 to 1:38): It was founded by various people, but there were also Scientologists in starting with us. Um, it's but as I said, a very independent association, who has given me the as such nothing to do "church".

Anne Hinder (1:39 to 1:40): They are also a Scientologist?

Laura Kochsiek (1:40 - 145): Personally? Uh, I'm also a Scientologist, yes.

Spokesperson (1:47 to 2:05): "Not all are here at the stand Scientologists," she says. "The only but it was not." "Today is only about to warn against drugs", the organizers say.

Drug education by Scientologists, for years, experts warn against Scientology.

Solveig Prass (2:07 to 2:09): The most important thing for Scientology is the money alone. And power over the people.

Heinz Peter Meidinger (2:09 to 2:13): This is a professional human scavengers organization.

Solveig Prass (2:14 to 2:16): You are to yourself, you will be a part of a machine.

Spokesperson (2:18 to 2:24): Even by the intelligence Scientology is observed.

Mark Shepherd t (domestic intelligence Bayern) (2:25 to 2:43): Scientology's ultimately designed to develop a global, totalitarian Herschaftssystem. In which there is no democratic diversity more, but a conformist society in which each individual works according to Scientology principles

Spokesperson (2:44 to 3:36): - drugs - According to the Constitution protect the self-proclaimed anti-club is a side organization of Scientology. Will be promoted under the guise of drug education new followers. Passers-by in Munich do not suspect that they also get in contact with Scientologists. In the brochures different websites are recommended. That's the German side of the association. Then a contact form. Counter name, address and e-mail, you can order additional materials. Target group apparently teachers and students. Exactly these booklets make Heinzpeter Meidinger care. The chairman of a national school teacher association warns repeatedly students and even teachers would fall for these books.

Heinz Peter Meidinger (German Philologenverband) (3:36 to 4:01): The problem of course is that these contacts are made by can then be used, uh, uh for more far-reaching influences. Thus, for example, that being said there, you have materials ordered from us, we would not now time to offer you a speaker where you no longer know now what would then say everything.

Spokesperson (4:02 to 4:04): "The scam with the stitching, just one of many," said Meidinger.

Heinz Peter Meidinger (4:05 to 4:38): We know the strategy of Scientology, on apparently non-ideological, uh, innocuous topics just to approach health education, drug education, some time ago also tutoring to young people to get hold of addresses, about such materials, then get in personal contact. Uh, and Scientology boasts indeed, uh, that these campaigns have been very successful.

Spokesperson (4:39 to 5:00): In fact, on their homepage Scientology boasts with the "Anti - Drug - Campaign". Referred them even as an initiative of the Church of Scientology, with advertising messages.

Recording Scientology promotional film (5:00 to 5:18)

Spokesperson (5:18 to 6:28): what links there are exactly between Scientology and the club and its action in Munich? To our question answered Scientology Germany ". The association is organisationally completely independent and has no religious - ideological objectives" Only 2 sentences later, it is said, however: "Of course, the Church of Scientology is also calling their own members to commit themselves of the activities Association to participate and promote its goals and support. "

These advertises Scientology Germany Actions like these. A tour of the association with a Czech BMX Star (Dominik Nekolný), throughout Germany it should go. In Munich we go, as far as Berlin. Where exactly they occur in these cities, to no information.

Sektenbeauftragte Solveig Prass believes that is strategy, and the club is no longer to register under his name. To avoid that people like you, actions to prevent in advance. In Leipzig the club was just beginning.

Solveig Prass (Adviser on sects and cults) (6:30 to 6:44): Last year, they have indeed been announced under the campaign, and then of course ringing the alarm bells, ne and then know that the wars with. Of course I was then previous year prepared and they have not even set up their stand uh, this year it could not recognize.
Spokesperson (6:45 to 7:12): Tactics? According to club it is only because that several members take over the registration and use obviously abbreviated title. These brochures criticized Solveig Prass misleading. In the previous editions, there were clear indications of Scientology. On the new brochures but no more notice.

Solveig Prass (7:13 to 7:42): The need to come up with something new always. Uh, when others do not pull mesh, then of course they have to invent something new, that is the same as the BMX - attract drivers or that they now occur with music, yes, and people. Uh, these are meshes that did not exist before, as had their stands, yes, and have spread to the beginning Dianetics. Where then everyone has seen that is Scientology. That no longer exists today.

Spokesperson (7:42 to 8:01): So it has this time late out of the action, only could still print this provisional Flyer to warn passersby on the stand. "That was desperately needed," she says, because even the local club had worked with new strategies.

Solveig Prass (8:02 to 8:19): The young people of the campaign have minors addressed and have done with them photos that can now order and buy, so to speak. That is now coming of course, this "say no ..." drugs campaign addresses to email contacts, to account information.

Spokesperson (8:20 9:03): The club know the allegation. The organizer of the Tour writes us: "Third not receive this contact." Next, it acknowledges its proximity to Scientology, but emphasizes that, "in no way implies that our club the religious - spread ideological content of Scientology or advertises or its activities in some way with a recruitment of Scientology links. "

We are in Berlin. Again, the anti - drugs - action. At Alexanderplatz They are currently. Organizer Laura Kochsiek is far but not there yet.

Singer Joy Villa (9:04 to 9:13): She's not there. She lectures in schools with the BMX champion. The shows tricks and talking there.

Spokesperson (9:13 to 9:20): "Not only in Berlin. In the other cities of the tour they were in school, "says the singer.

Joy Villa (9:21 to 9:35): This has never happened before in schools, which was the 1st time, this kind of drug education. Free lectures throughout Germany. Really something special. We have made history.

Spokesperson (9:36 to 10:24): It shows us a video. In a school of BMX occurs drivers campaigned with Scientology. He just talked about drugs. At school with this are also Scientologists. A little later on the stand, now it comes to Stefan Barthel, cult commissioner of the Berlin Senate. He has for years apart with Scientology. For him, the association is a Scientology front and Scientology is committed to combating drugs, it is not credible.

Stefan Bartel (cult commissioner Senate Berlin) (10:25 to 10:39): That is so, I always say, as if as a cattle breeding association, would be committed to vegan diet that does not fit together because but here against an addiction, would possibly promoted a new dependency.

Speaker (10:40 to 10:48): This flyer he warns school principals and teachers, so they will not fall for Scientology.

Stefan Barthel (10:49 a.m. to 11:00): No school would do consciously because um that's clear to everyone that Scientology as an organization that is observed by the intelligence that are not invited impartially.

Speaker (11:01 to 11:32): How have managed Scientologists still to come in schools, he can not explain. Was he the door opener? BMX Star Dominik Nekolný was driving force in Germany tour of the club. In many schools there. Here in Berlin, he is the one who ensures the audience. Whether he knows with whom he works there? Whether he is a Scientologist? Nekolný is ready for an interview. We show him the flyer, which we have just received.

Anne Hinder (11:33 to 11:33): Are you also of Scientology?

Dominik Nekolný (11:34 to 11:42): No, I'm Attheist.

Anne Hinder (11: 42- 11:42): What do you think about it?

Dominik Nekolný (11: 43- 12:00): To be honest, I do not know much about it. I've heard that making this project. I think that's cool, everyone does something against drug I find cool.

Anne Hinder (12:00 to 12:02): It will be so no matter who is behind it?

Dominik Nekolný (12:03 to 12:17): Yeah, right. If they do good things for kids and they are trying children about the dangers of drugs and enlighten what is supposed to be wrong with that?

Anne Hinder (12:18 to 12:19): they are paid for or is the volunteer?

Dominik Nekolný (12:19 to 12:25): Well, yes, we have some kind of deal.

Anne Hinder (12: 25- 12:26): So you get paid?

Dominik Nekolný: (12:27 -12: 27): That's our deal.

Speaker (12:28 to 12:42): A deal so with Scientologists. What we now only observe during the interview, a woman has made to us, which has exactly all observed.

Anne Hinder (12:42 to 12:43): The female attendant, right?

Speaker (12:45 to 12:50): Supposedly they wanted to look only whether there are language problems.

Anne Hinder (12:51 to 12:51): You belong to this club here that?

Woman (12:52): Yes, yes ...

Anne Hinder (12: 55- 12:55): Ah, ok, and also to Scientology?

Woman (12:57): I am a Scientologist.

Spokeswoman (12: 59- 13:30): A few kilometers further, at the Berlin Scientology headquarters. Here today to the BMX rider occur. The posters, the same as the state of the club and in the schools. The anti-drug campaign, now in the premises of Scientology. In contrast, it is demonstrated. What's happening today? Suddenly someone comes towards us.

Sabine Weber (President Scientology Berlin) (13:31): Hi, from which station they are?

Speaker (13:33 to 13:40): Sabine Weber, President of Scientology Berlin, today in shirt from anti - drug - club.

Sabine Weber (13:40 to 13:41): ... and how can I help you?

Anne Hinder (13:41 to 13:48): We are interested in today, except with the association "Say No to Drugs, .. so a bit. Can we have a look and inside turning, perhaps?

Sabine Weber (13:48 to 13:53): I do not really want because we have a few guests there, I do not know if that is the right to be filmed.

Anne Hinder (13:53) Offer: Why not?

Sabine Weber (13:54 to 13:59): Well, yes, they know that the topic is controversial un you would then have all first asking permission.

Anne Hinder (14:00): Who is this for?

Sabine Weber (14:00 to 14:09): So we have different, now, the lady that I have welcomed, is a Christian association of the Lord was just outside the door is the Muslim faith.

Anne Hinder (14:09): From which Christian union?

Sabine Weber (14:11 to 14:21): They could then ask yourself yes, yes. But these are different religions that also support us happy. Of course, atheists, as I heard here already know. Yes, thank you. Thank Dank.Tschüß

Speaker (14:22 to 15:33): So from our conversation with the BMX riders she already knows. In the event we are not erwünscht.Nach still, say Scientologists, it concerned only drug education. But our internal emails to be played, showing that it was apparently still in the program from the beginning to other destinations. So back in 2002 wrote a Scientologist enthusiastic about a "Say No to Drugs" event in Augsburg. "We are in the pedestrian zone and make three hours RambaZamba. Since we can not always make a lot of animal outflow and inflow can not be long in coming. "

And now the club in schools is on the way. We want to know more and are looking for schools, which has managed the club. In this vocational school in Chemnitz, for example. Headmaster Thomas Schulz (?) Has photos of the event. Again, the forefront of BMX Star. The headmaster himself was not there, but this teacher and this student.

Students (15:33 to 15:52): I found the presentation very informative and instructive, because he has just also said that he has several friends who have taken different drugs and he is now BMX world champion and the others have it just managed to nothing, are the substances (drug companies), so therefore I thought it was all in all a really good talk.

Headmaster (15:53 ​​to 16:11): We have already had talks from the Diakonie, the welfare, so by all kinds of organizations, where it is ultimately only a speaker stand forward and told what and that's where our clientele hard to inspire, where we have the attention that they find and the appearance of the young man had been quite different.

Teacher (16:11 -16: 14): They even coolies distributed, so that was quite well organized.

Speaker (16:14 -16: 28): Here no one who you have actually brought into the house suspects. So we show old material from the club on the there were clear indications.

Headmaster (16:28) Oh, Scientology ...

Teacher (16:31): For God's sake!

Headmaster (16:36 to 16:41): No, we did not know. Then you can see it from the other side completely.

Teacher (16:42): I should have been more attentive.

Students (16:43 to 16:55): But then you can also say, that's good, that such a sect something meaningful sets in the world, so to speak.

Teacher (16:55): This is a bit more difficult if a sect is behind it, in any case.

Headmaster (16:56 to 17:22): This is now the opinion of the student. I have, indeed can not audition only for himself, I must for every parent ultimately hold out my head and there will be among the parents who say, ne in the school I do not send my child if the school indirectly Advertising makes for Scientology. ... And then I would have said, ne'm sorry for such an event, we do not open our gates.

Speaker (17:23 - End): It was not the only school that has been deceived. No Wonder. Obvious evidence of Scientology did not exist. Not from the Anti - Drugs - club, not on the current materials. Even at the homepage of the association long no indication of Scientology. It was only after our written inquiries we suddenly find it a hint.

The Germany Tour is over. Six cities in a week. A BMX Star, a singer from LA, the association has come up with something to come into contact with as many people. Probably not the last action of this kind, because Scientology writes us: ". The Church of Scientology will strengthen its social activities in the coming years with greater commitment"

The dangerous because at first glance, is not likely to be appreciated that Scientology is behind it.

Boson Wog Stark

Patron Meritorious
I find it a little disturbing that teachers or the principals in German schools can't Google for a few minutes to find out about the origin of an anti-drug group they are allowing to do presentations for their students.

The interviewer is aware of how this also about internal PR for the cult, to raise donations and make members believe they are reaching millions with their message and transforming civilization. You have performers like Joy Villa on her mini-stage with her Mr. Microphone, thinking she is "making history." I guess she is, if history includes the desperate efforts of a space cult in its death throes.

And the Czech BMXer, who isn't a clam but just has a "deal," including having a Scientology handler nearby -- LOL.

It is a bait and switch though, because they'd like to get young people involved with a front group, warning their peers about the dangers of drugs or whatever, and after they show interest, then they tell them about the part about needing Scientology training.

The orgs just aren't pulling in the vulnerable, uninformed people like they used to, so Scientology's front groups are going to be more active than ever at pulling in the fresh meat. The only way to sell Scientology will be to attract people with something that doesn't appear to be Scientology. I suspect that with their new broadcasting facility, they are going to take Scientology more in the direction of selling it to people who want to perform, dress up, and break into the entertainment industry.


Formerly Fooled - Finally Free
Thank you both!! For the transcription and translation! I have been eager to know what was said in what appeared to me to be a good investigative report. I wish I was multilingual

German reporter, Anne Hinder, was under a very tight schedule to get this done. I think she did a terrific job on it. I suspect we will be hearing more from her and this TV station, about Scientology and this front group, as well as how they in with Narconon, the other elephant in the room. :thumbsup:

PS: Got to love this!!
Heinz Peter Meidinger (2:09 to 2:13): This is a professional human scavengers organization.


Who needs merits?
I find it a little disturbing that teachers or the principals in German schools can't Google for a few minutes to find out about the origin of an anti-drug group they are allowing to do presentations for their students.


Yes, it is disturbing, but I think I need to break a lance, albeit a very small one, for the teachers and principals in German schools: Since Scientology is relatively small/insignificant in Germany, average people, and that includes school teachers and principals, rarely have this cult on their radar and as has been said in the movie, on the German web pages was no hint about any connection to Scientology. Add some time pressure ("We can only offer our "show" on that specific day, so take it NOW NOW NOW or we'll perform somewhere else!") to the mix and the result is what you can see in the movie."

Also, as sad as it is, many teachers in German schools definitely lack basic computer- and Internet-skills. BTDT, tried to train 'em, but too many teachers were too ignorant regarding any IT-related issues.


Silver Meritorious Patron
I find it a little disturbing that teachers or the principals in German schools can't Google for a few minutes to find out about the origin of an anti-drug group they are allowing to do presentations for their students.
First I was thinking the same and something like this informations are out and why do I write my Blog... But my husband looked the report with me, he works at a school. We discussed about it and he said, he won't have often the time to look at it. He knows about Cults, it won't happen to him. But imo the brochures are very good made and some people think it is a serious offer. Sad Scientology learned so much in the last years.

The interviewer is aware of how this also about internal PR for the cult, to raise donations and make members believe they are reaching millions with their message and transforming civilization. You have performers like Joy Villa on her mini-stage with her Mr. Microphone, thinking she is "making history." I guess she is, if history includes the desperate efforts of a space cult in its death throes.
Ah... I was thinking wtf and typicall Scientology.
And the Czech BMXer, who isn't a clam but just has a "deal," including having a Scientology handler nearby -- LOL.

There I was thinking and saying loud "Dumpfbacke". Doens't he knows something about the death people in Narconon, the Sea Org and normal Scientology members.

It is a bait and switch though, because they'd like to get young people involved with a front group, warning their peers about the dangers of drugs or whatever, and after they show interest, then they tell them about the part about needing Scientology training.

The orgs just aren't pulling in the vulnerable, uninformed people like they used to, so Scientology's front groups are going to be more active than ever at pulling in the fresh meat. The only way to sell Scientology will be to attract people with something that doesn't appear to be Scientology. I suspect that with their new broadcasting facility, they are going to take Scientology more in the direction of selling it to people who want to perform, dress up, and break into the entertainment industry.

The problem is, they hide more and more. I am not sure, if this is a German problem, because the people here seem to know lots about the Cult or if this is a problem in general?


Silver Meritorious Patron
Thank you both!! For the transcription and translation! I have been eager to know what was said in what appeared to me to be a good investigative report. I wish I was multilingual

German reporter, Anne Hinder, was under a very tight schedule to get this done. I think she did a terrific job on it. I suspect we will be hearing more from her and this TV station, about Scientology and this front group, as well as how they in with Narconon, the other elephant in the room. :thumbsup:

PS: Got to love this!!

I have heard lots of critics were involved behind the scenes. Thx to everyone and of course Anne Hinder.


Gold Meritorious Patron
In the late 60s "Jesus Freaks" became a recruiting tool for fundie Christians. By the 90s it was Christian Metal. Now Christian Thrash. Scientology mirrored all of that. The Billy Sheehan crowd took scn out of it's final hippie phase (which had been severely dented by disco) and obviously are aiming at the current skate punk/thrash crowd. Religion always mirrors the popular culture while trolling for the gullible.


Who needs merits?
First I was thinking the same and something like this informations are out and why do I write my Blog... But my husband looked the report with me, he works at a school. We discussed about it and he said, he won't have often the time to look at it. He knows about Cults, it won't happen to him. But imo the brochures are very good made and some people think it is a serious offer. Sad Scientology learned so much in the last years.

I don't think the cult learned anything new in recent years. Remember when Guido Westerwelle gave Tom Cruise the "Golden Key of Berlin"? Same pattern, IMO. Some clueless person unknowingly and unintentionally throws a huge "Scientology validation" party.

Ah... I was thinking wtf and typicall Scientology.

There I was thinking and saying loud "Dumpfbacke". Doens't he knows something about the death people in Narconon, the Sea Org and normal Scientology members.

Nope, probably not. Even average household-incident-related deaths outrank the Cult- and NarCONon-related deaths by orders of magnitude, let alone the daily deaths in traffic accidents. I find it amazing that newspapers and TV shows give valid SCN-related information as much space/time as they do, but it'll probably take many more years for the information to trickle down into the conscience of your average neighbors and colleagues.

The problem is, they hide more and more. I am not sure, if this is a German problem, because the people here seem to know lots about the Cult or if this is a problem in general?

I think the problem is a 2-edged sword: To have more pull in public and at the same time give the anti-cult movement more pull, Scientology would have to become more popular.

IOW, Westerwelle may be a damn dumb shit (IMO), but I doubt he was willfully and deliberately validating the cult in the way he did. Westerwelle was collateral damage and Cruise now has the symbolic Golden Key of Berlin (and, semi-officially, his cult "validated").

Oh, and I believe the problem is an international one: How many international politicians know that they have advisors influenced by Scientology? Sadly, that number is somewhat very close to Zero, I believe.


Silver Meritorious Patron
I don't think the cult learned anything new in recent years. Remember when Guido Westerwelle gave Tom Cruise the "Golden Key of Berlin"? Same pattern, IMO. Some clueless person unknowingly and unintentionally throws a huge "Scientology validation" party.
If Westerwelle would have known how homophob Cruise and the Cult is, he would have never gone in this contact IMO. But that wasn't what I wanted to say. In the past I could say to uninformated persons, if on the material stands Hubbard, New ERA Publications, Scientology, Dianetik... Than it is Scientology and now there stands nothing of this anymore. How should uninformated people find out, what it is? Was it a mistake to make this info public. Sometimes I believe, the More people get informated, the better they hide.

Nope, probably not. Even average household-incident-related deaths outrank the Cult- and NarCONon-related deaths by orders of magnitude, let alone the daily deaths in traffic accidents. I find it amazing that newspapers and TV shows give valid SCN-related information as much space/time as they do, but it'll probably take many more years for the information to trickle down into the conscience of your average neighbors and colleagues.

I think the problem is a 2-edged sword: To have more pull in public and at the same time give the anti-cult movement more pull, Scientology would have to become more popular.

IOW, Westerwelle may be a damn dumb shit (IMO), but I doubt he was willfully and deliberately validating the cult in the way he did. Westerwelle was collateral damage and Cruise now has the symbolic Golden Key of Berlin (and, semi-officially, his cult "validated").

Oh, and I believe the problem is an international one: How many international politicians know that they have advisors influenced by Scientology? Sadly, that number is somewhat very close to Zero, I believe.

This would be another great report. ;)


Who needs merits?
If Westerwelle would have known how homophob Cruise and the Cult is, he would have never gone in this contact IMO.

Ok, back in his days, Westerwelle whored himself out to whatever gave him (and his party) some publicity. IMO, he's never been more than a stupid little pawn, a "useful idiot", basically like all of his party always is and has ever been. But don't let us get all political, OK? :coolwink:

But that wasn't what I wanted to say. In the past I could say to uninformated persons, if on the material stands Hubbard, New ERA Publications, Scientology, Dianetik... Than it is Scientology and now there stands nothing of this anymore. How should uninformated people find out, what it is?

Yeah, well, do you really expect the cult to "label" their propaganda properly? Do you really expect the cult to print "CULT PROPAGANDA" on every single paper they push out to the unsuspecting public?

Of course they don't do that, not even they are that stupid. :wink:

Was it a mistake to make this info public.

No, of course not!

Sometimes I believe, the More people get informated, the better they hide.

Of course they're hiding behind any "media-bush" they can find. What else do you expect?

TV brings a report about Scientology, they react with some highly public Anti-drug-activity.

Well-known, respectable magazine prints a well-researched NarCONon report, they react with some CCHR activity.

That's just how the game goes. :coolwink:

This would be another great report. ;)

Yeah, Scientology is the gift that keeps on giving. :biggrin:


Silver Meritorious Patron
Scientology has a problem with hiding as they cannot hide and at the same time conquer the world.

The moment they stick their noses up, wham! there is a 15-minute documentary about how sneaky they are and pretty soon everyone who ought to know does know and their nice new campaign doesn't work any more.

At least it doesn't work in Germany. But the Germans know all about Scientology for years now and see it very clearly.

If you want to get an overview of what the b/tards are up to with their Front Groups have a look here:

Last edited:


Who needs merits?
Scientology has a problem with hiding as they cannot hide and at the same time conquer the world.

The moment they stick their noses up, wham! there is a 15-minute documentary about how sneaky they are and pretty soon everyone who ought to know does know and their nice new campaign doesn't work any more.

At least it doesn't work in Germany. But the Germans know all about Scientology for years now and see it very clearly.

If you want to get an overview of what the b/tards are up to with their Front Groups have a look here:


Right! That's why Cruise still didn't have to give back that symbolic Golden Key of Berlin, right?

Protip: Never underestimate your enemy! :coolwink:


Silver Meritorious Patron
Scientology has a problem with hiding as they cannot hide and at the same time conquer the world.
Wrong. See the governments. They can hide there very good with their lobbying. Look eg. at the US Humanright report. Everytime Germany is there told to be against religious freedom, because of Scientologies connections into the US Government.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Scientology has a problem with hiding as they cannot hide and at the same time conquer the world.
I like this. I see that Nicole disagrees but I think you have a good point.

They are only able to successfully hide and infiltrate when people don't know who they are.

They get their foot in one door or other because people don't really know about them. The moment they have done that, they use that 'in' to attract members and immediately out themselves. The door closes.

Scientology effectively moves from place to place, violating the trust of naive people, and inadvertently inoculating them.

Every now and then, they get a big fish and it then becomes the subject of a huge investigation and people are inoculated by a Television report.

They can't win.

Thanks to all involved.


Silver Meritorious Patron
I like this. I see that Nicole disagrees but I think you have a good point.

They are only able to successfully hide and infiltrate when people don't know who they are.

They get their foot in one door or other because people don't really know about them. The moment they have done that, they use that 'in' to attract members and immediately out themselves. The door closes.

Scientology effectively moves from place to place, violating the trust of naive people, and inadvertently inoculating them.

Every now and then, they get a big fish and it then becomes the subject of a huge investigation and people are inoculated by a Television report.

They can't win.

Thanks to all involved.
For me it hasn't so much to do with win or not win. I won't go in this kind of battle. IMO it will always exists people like Dominik Nekolny, who will help the Cult. IMO it is just important to inform people. It is a problem that we are informing people after something happens. How many of this pupils do think now, Scientology isn't as evil as they have heard before. You can see the reaction, of the one pupil in the Vid. Those kinds of reports are very important, but any kind of prevention, is very important too. Kids have eg to learn, how they can see if they get manipulated by any kind of Cults. That will break the number of Cult members.

This is my way to destroy the Cult. What doesn't mean not to do this kind of reports. They are part of this kind of work.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Putting Scientology to work to destroy Scientology is a kind of ju-jitsu technique. There you go, run your little campaign, then Whammy!!

I like it.

All their months of preparation and scheming and plotting and subversion and planning v. one fifteen-minute documentary.

I know there is a lot more to it but the damage is now controlled. Such episodes will continue to happen and may be necessary, like an inoculation so that people especially young people learn and are warned.

I don't believe we will ever get rid of the infestation but over the past few years the damage they are able to do has been contained in certain countries.


Who needs merits?
Putting Scientology to work to destroy Scientology is a kind of ju-jitsu technique. There you go, run your little campaign, then Whammy!!

I like it.

All their months of preparation and scheming and plotting and subversion and planning v. one fifteen-minute documentary.

I know there is a lot more to it but the damage is now controlled. Such episodes will continue to happen and may be necessary, like an inoculation so that people especially young people learn and are warned.

I don't believe we will ever get rid of the infestation but over the past few years the damage they are able to do has been contained in certain countries.

You think the damage is controlled? Well, then listen to what the kid says at 15:30 ff. That kid is probably the elected representant of that school's Schülermitverwaltung (student council), so he holds one of the highest student positions available in schools. If you so will, he's one of the most effective opinion leaders amongst hundreds if not thousands of students at that school.

The damage done hasn't even been fully evaluated yet, let alone "controlled". The cult has successfully gained a few supporters in that school and the teachers don't have enough time nor the means to fix that damage.

Really, listen to what the kid (who is very probably the officially elected "master voice" of the student body) says and imagine how many kids will have similar thoughts.

And you call that "damage control"? Sorry, but I call that "closing the barn door after the horses had ran away." :duh:


Formerly Fooled - Finally Free
The front groups are actively infiltrating societies in covert ways and the media is just catching on to some of the many places they are doing this. That is why it is so important as exes to keep up with Sec Check's important thread and blog on the front groups and their current activities across the world.
These groups could very well be operating in your community. The Sec Check owner(s) appear to have sources leaking information, all to our benefit! Every day there are new posts with photos and information. Some will be surprised at how much is going on!

Sec Check Blog: Exposing Scientology Front Groups (and other stuff)

I am asking all readers here to do what you can to keep informed and alert to what is going on with these. Bookmark and check in with the thread whenever possible. If you come across something there that is even remotely concerning your area or state, do comment and share.

There are other critics actively working on specific front group activities but they need to know, hence posting a thread when you find any cult activity in your area. Help prevent the cult's growth in your community and if possible, the communities of others. Sometimes, even a comment to an online article can make the difference and trigger a domino effect of backlash to the activity. We know what they are doing.

Scientologists get involved in these activities because it's no cost to them and it's part of the hat of a public scientologist, to get out there in their fields of influence, infiltrate society and get Scientology well known and in use. I'd be right there along with them if I had not woken up.

Lets try to curb these activities before they become embedded in a locale. Alert the public! I have seen amazing things happen when citizens are alerted, become interested. educated and armed with information to do what they can to squash Scientology projects in their communities. They do most of the work once they know and have a critic to help them get started.