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What if it wasn't dub in?

Roger - that is one hell of a video.
It is interesting how he does a 180 degree flip flop - he is a neurosurgeon totally into the mechanistic viewpoint of reality - that consciousness is a function of the brain, the universe follows these physical rules etc, and after being in a near death coma for 7 days, awakes with a profound shift of viewpoint, that the universe is more of a phenomena of the mind than the opposite.
So much so, he is onboard with the holographic model of reality. At one point he was down to a 2% chance of survival, and yet he pulled through.

A key point he makes is that there is no way neuroscience can explain any part of how consciousness works - not even the first tenet - and this is after decades of research.

Amazing lecture.
Here's a quote that is in the lecture by Sir James Jeans
(11 Sep 1877 - 16 Sep 1946)
English physicist, astronomer and mathematician whose early career was in molecular physics, followed by an interest in astronomy and in later life he popularized science through books, radio broadcasts and lectures.

"Today there is a wide measure of agreement, which on the physical side of science approaches almost to unanimity, that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears as an accidental intruder into the realm of matter; we are beginning to suspect that we ought rather to hail it as a creator and governor of the realm of matter."

And another by Tesla:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all previous centuries of its existence."


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Roger - that is one hell of a video.
It is interesting how he does a 180 degree flip flop - he is a neurosurgeon totally into the mechanistic viewpoint of reality - that consciousness is a function of the brain, the universe follows these physical rules etc, and after being in a near death coma for 7 days, awakes with a profound shift of viewpoint, that the universe is more of a phenomena of the mind than the opposite.
So much so, he is onboard with the holographic model of reality. At one point he was down to a 2% chance of survival, and yet he pulled through.

A key point he makes is that there is no way neuroscience can explain any part of how consciousness works - not even the first tenet - and this is after decades of research.

Amazing lecture.
Here's a quote that is in the lecture by Sir James Jeans
(11 Sep 1877 - 16 Sep 1946)
English physicist, astronomer and mathematician whose early career was in molecular physics, followed by an interest in astronomy and in later life he popularized science through books, radio broadcasts and lectures.

"Today there is a wide measure of agreement, which on the physical side of science approaches almost to unanimity, that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears as an accidental intruder into the realm of matter; we are beginning to suspect that we ought rather to hail it as a creator and governor of the realm of matter."

And another by Tesla:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all previous centuries of its existence."


This guy is with the Theosophical Society that was started by Madam Blavatsky. Hitler was a fan of hers.
No, I don't think so - per the youtube blurb he was invited to speak there. Interesting fact about Hitler, but what of it? Mimsey

"Published on Aug 27, 2014
In this intimate and powerful re-examination of his best-selling book "Proof of Heaven," Dr. Alexander looks at the past two and a half years of his life spent in trying to reconcile his rich spiritual experience with contemporary physics and cosmology. He is convinced that his remarkable near-death journey is totally consistent with the leading edges of scientific understanding today. 2014.
This presentation was part of the 128th Summer Convention of the Theosophical Society in America. The theme for the conference was "Science and the Experience of Consciousness," which brought together such distinguished scientists as physicist Amit Goswami, consciousness researcher and psychologist Dean Radin, physicist and psychic researcher Russell Targ, neurosurgeon Eben Alexander, and more. 2014."

"There is no religion higher than truth”While Theosophical principles form the basis of all student presentations at ULT, no one is asked to believe or accept these doctrines.
Come explore them together with us as we journey through some of the most fascinating ideas of all time – Karma, Reincarnation, Human Solidarity, Spiritual Evolution, Dreams, Death, and more."



Yes, it is quite something, Mimsey. And wonderful to see accepted, credible hard science types involved in honestly researching this stuff. Of course, what Alexander is coming up with as his personal experience is not a new proposition withing the hard science community . . . it was all proposed and felt to be the very next area and level of scientific discovery by the key lads 100+ years ago: Niels Bohr, Einstein, etc.

Though I do disagree with their use of the word "consciousness," and also "mind" in the way they use it. I am not alone in that. A number of the scientific community guys researching this stuff also find the language used to be inexact, misleading and even confusing . . . and have proposed more exact terminology that more correctly refers to our true spiritual presence and action with the mind also properly referred to as a mechanism that focuses and holds our spiritual emanations . . .

As you might recall, I posted on ESMB the details of my own 1963 "trip out" of this body and attempt to "pick up" my next body. Today the holographic nature of the physical universe as a formation of spiritual Life-Force focused in stasis by "the mind" is more real, even, than when I posted the below linked piece some years back, and certainly more real to me than when I experienced it in '63.

The Link:

Well one of the things that was interesting - his older son wisely had him write down all of what he experienced prior to trying to find out what happened to him, to keep it free from any influences, which he states is why he is questioned frequently by medical professionals that are not convinced it is all a hallucination. And what about the disease? The disease he had - very rare, and always fatal.

"Escherichia coli bacteria have insinuated themselves into the lining of his central nervous system, the membranes that protect his brain and spinal cord, he writes in Proof of Heaven. It is unclear how they got there. Spontaneous cases of bacterial meningitis are rare but not unheard of, and the transmission vectors are the same as those of other common infectious diseases: tainted water supplies, poor hygiene, dirty cooking conditions. Regardless of where these particular E. coli came from, now that they're here, they proliferate. E. coli populations are incredibly fertile, and under ideal circumstances will grow exponentially, doubling in size every twenty minutes. Theoretically, given limitless food and zero resistance, a single 0.000000000000665-gram E. coli bacterium could in nineteen hours spawn a megacolony weighing as much as a man. But our bodies are not defenseless. Alexander's immune response kicks in immediately, deploying fleets of white blood cells to kill the invaders. His cerebrospinal fluid, the fluid that supports his brain in every sense, buoying it and nourishing it, becomes a terrifying battlefield. While the invaders consume his CSF's brain-sustaining sugars, the defensive onslaught of white blood cells causes the volume of fluid to swell, raising the pressure inside his skull.
By the time the EMTs wheel him into the ER at Lynchburg General Hospital, his besieged brain, choked and starving, is severely dysfunctional. He is raving, thrashing, incoherent." http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/interviews/a23248/the-prophet/

When I went on line to find what the disease was - I found that in a critical article written in Esquire where the author rather smugly proceeds to debunk him and his book and his assertions that he fell into a coma ( he is reported to be in an induced coma ) and digs into his failings and law suits against him over errors as a surgeon, his suspension from surgical procedure, and wraps it all up as a need to reinvent himself and his experiences as hallucinations.

While that is all so easy to explain away, why am I seeing a proliferation of similar stories on the net? Why are they all having the same or similar hallucinations? Why are these so similar to the deep religious experiences one finds with nitrous oxide?
