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Patron Meritorious
ScienCorp's predictable "dead agenting" of people supports what the presenters said at the conference. OSA trumps up material while former highly placed long-time staff report on decades of abuse, lost childhoods, forced abortions and the like, much of which is still going on to this very day.

This was a rigorous expose of a corporation that has systematically used our country's openness to its advantage for too long. Thanks to everyone who made this happen and who continue to protest in front of orgs around the world!!


Patron with Honors
Today was a good day.

Bruce Wiseman and about 4 Sea Org members stood outside protesting with their signs! They had pamphlets and brochures on their hands. I walked by them and they did not attempt to give me one. :melodramatic: :D

I was there to support the Headleys. I also had the pleasure of meeting Tori Christman and Jeff Hawkins. :)

There were a lot of cameras and Channel 7 ABC Los Angeles was there. The same TV network that produces Nightline, the TV show that Tommy Davies walked out on in November... :duh:

Also noticed a group of Australian Tv journalist. :yes:



Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on
Congrats to all!

This conference is evidence in abundance & confirmation that the tipping point for the lying cult has been surpassed....

One thing ya gotta love is the "wrong target" of OSA picketers out in front. Their signs attack anonymous in Guy Fawkes masks. But the freedom fighters inside giving speeches are the absolute OPPOSITE of anonymous.

On the positive side, at least the CoS is quite consistent in trying to present reversals of truth--while mocking up dedicated, blink-less expressions of indignation. I always found amateur acting to be hilarious, thanks for the laughs CoS!


Patron with Honors
from WWP:

Hey, this is "ScilonTV". Just letting you guys know I'm capturing & cutting the whole video up for posting on YouTube this very evening, so those of you who missed it can see it.

There was a very serious media turnout. CBS, ABC (the American and Australian ones, apparently), another Aussie film crew, FOX was there, the list goes on. You saw all the mics on the podium. Amazing media response thanks to Glib's PR efforts.

About halfway through, I think while Laura was speaking, this dude with a huge broadcast camera starts filming my face and then my laptop which was streaming the video. Pretty sure that was the Scilons. Oh, well. Whatever.

Must return to video work....

Also, the KTLA report on youtube:


I haven't seen it yet (just a snippet on the reports), but I've heard about how it went. Bloody good footage from the sounds of things, and footage that'll be used well, no doubt. :giggle:

It's so exciting...It's just like Christmas! :buzzin:

The Church has had blow after blow after blow, and in recent times those blows have been excelerating and getting harder. This is yet another right hook. The Church has gone from being on the ropes to down for the count.

To all you people - Those who appeared, those who organised it and those who helped......GOOD ON YOU, and congratulations! What a bloody beaut! :thumbsup: We love you all for it! :D


Gold Meritorious Patron
I saw some of it today while I was trying to get some work done.

Thanks Uncle Sam for the link and distracting me.... bitch.

Now that I'm done whining, I echo Carmel's thoughts and add that these are some very brave people. I am occasionally LESS serious about this scientology thing than circumstances would otherwise dictate but I have to say that I am in awe of the people who are taking a stand against these evil mother f'ers now. Back in the day we ran away or chose not to fuck with them because we knew the game and what they were capable of.

Now that they have so many dogs nipping at their heels, the strength of these people gives others the courage to take big bites as well.

Uh........ I forgot what else I had to say, except......this


Thanks also to those who have been fighting the good fight while we weren't paying attention.

Not to slight anyone but Zinf and Mystic come to mind as some early soldiers form the ARS days. Thanks

I couldn't be bothered back then because I was otherwise occupied and didn't fully realize how evil these pricks were. Hell I was one of those pricks, so it took me a while to deal with it so give me a break.

So Fuck you LRH and Fuck you DM and Fuck You scientology.

One thing I observed today was that Jeff Hawkins is almost there. He still believes that there is something of value in the tech. He needs to open his eyes a little more. Beliefs are just beliefs.

Oh by the way, my belief is just a belief.
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Blue Spirit

Silver Meritorious Patron
Local News

The story was on Los Angeles local stations ABC at 4: and 6: o'clock, also on Channel 5 at 6:00.

We got some good points in before Tommy Davis got on and accused some of
them of being criminals. His blanket denials are getting old to say the least.

Jeff Hawkins got to say that DM beat him 5 times.
Laura told her abortion story.
Will Fry said it "Messed him up".
Maureen said how she was tricked back on staff for 3 years with lies.
Mark Headley told of being run off of the road, briefly.
That's all I remember.

Regarding Davis, part of the tech is that SP's always accuse others of what they are doing !
The public will come to know him for all of the falsehoods he tells continually.
I wonder if his mother is proud of him ? I used to admire her - no longer.
These Celebs are so isolated in a bubble.

Good on Jason Beghe for telling the truth and letting the chips fall where they may.


Gold Meritorious Patron
If I had the energy and the passion I would write a book titled, The Dumb Fucks Lost My Billion Year Contract.