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Isabella Cruise Abandons Tom and Reconnects with Nicole Kidman — Scientology Crisis?


Re: Isabella Cruise Abandons Tom and Reconnects with Nicole Kidman — Scientology Cris

Cute, but no: Scientology is a very, very minor thing, unworthy of notice on a planetary scale. What are there, maybe twenty thousand suckers still working for the cult or paying for its services? It's a nothing, led by a nobody. There are probably more people in Birmingham than have ever been touched by L Ron Hubbard's UFO cult... the idea that the group has some kind of significance is only forwarded by the group itself, via increasingly desperate PR. Scientologists aren't even hasbeens: they never were.

Chances of meeting a member of the Rotary Club are pretty unlikely, unless it's a relative. And there are far more of them than culties.

How many clubs are there in Rotary?

Rotary more than 33,000 Rotary clubs worldwide.

How many members are there worldwide?

There are more than 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide.

Chances are unless you seek it out, you will not meet a real live scientologist (unless you see the bogus free personality test table). I agree, they are a speck on the map, but as far as public opinion, people love the schadenfreude. It is a global lulzcow, and the milk is there for the taking. The hits on web articles is great, and advertisers love hits, so exposing/laughing at scientology is now PROFITABLE!

See the 9th entry on this list: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/may/22/10-essential-gifs-botox


Ms. R.

Re: Isabella Cruise Abandons Tom and Reconnects with Nicole Kidman — Scientology Cris

...plus he's slapping the shit out of whoever was in charge of handling TC's kids. Move over Heber, you got company.

Back when Cruise and Holmes were together and the adopted kids were younger, I remember seeing it mentioned somewhere that Jessica Feshbach Rodrigues was in charge of sec checking Tom Cruise's kids.


Operating teatime
Re: Isabella Cruise Abandons Tom and Reconnects with Nicole Kidman — Scientology Cris


Yes, y'all need to look at this. Hilarious. Just goes to show Scientology is considered simply something to poke fun at by the rest of the world.

Yeah classic :biggrin:


9. Debating Scientology


Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: Isabella Cruise Abandons Tom and Reconnects with Nicole Kidman — Scientology Cris

I totally agree with this.

But Eddie leaving the SO was an extremely predictable event, IMO. It wasn't very smart both on his family's side and on COS' side to let him join to begin with.

Even if you are a "VIP" once you are in that machine: the EPF, the berthing, the musters, etc. you can't help but get a pretty good idea of what it's like. Any pretense on the church's side that "it really isn't like the SPs say it is" will be shown for what it is.

Not good for the celeb PR machine. At all.

Oh I didn't mean his leaving was a surprise - no way a chubby, spoiled kid is going to hack it in the SO very long. I felt him joining in the first place was a bit of a shock. I figured he might have been hands off while he dated Bella, just to keep everything happy in her cult bubble. I had to wonder if Eddie being recruited was either a sign Tom didn't like him dating Bella, or maybe was a bit of a FU/warning to Tom. (Using Eddie to draw in Bella even) It was all quite odd and now puts Bella in a bit of an strange position. I do wonder how she views Eddie leaving the SO and if he has given her any insight into how the SO really functions. It was a risky move for the cult all and all. I do wonder about the fallout from it.