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New book available: Exercises for Personal Power


Oh no I couldn't care less where he puts his book, however, twenty pages into our Math thread he threw a hissy fit and demanded that it be changed over to the 'off topic discussion' thread.. :confused2: It made no difference to us, however I couldn't figure out why anyone would get so upset over something that had been going on for such a long time.. but no worries, it was just a question, and he can put his book wherever he likes as far as I'm concerned. :yes:

Oh dear Smitty!! :dieslaughing: :dieslaughing: Look at us here having a lovers tiff... :dieslaughing:

Well now that you don't think me evil nasty and vile anymore... I shall have a peek at your new book in the hope that I can gain some more personal power and I shall let you know how that tranpires... :D


Silver Meritorious Patron
reply to Pixie

Oh dear Smitty!! :dieslaughing: :dieslaughing: Look at us here having a lovers tiff... :dieslaughing:
Well now that you don't think me evil nasty and vile anymore... I shall have a peek at your new book in the hope that I can gain some more personal power and I shall let you know how that tranpires... :D

Who knows what that was about.
I think you will like the book. I piloted the exercises with several friends, they thought it was worthwhile, and we are still friends, if that means anything.


Who knows what that was about.
I think you will like the book. I piloted the exercises with several friends, they thought it was worthwhile, and we are still friends, if that means anything.

LOL! You mean they stayed friends with you? :omg: ... :dieslaughing:

Smitty it sounds great, it really does, I'm into observations much more lately now that I have calmed down a bit and laid off the 'cussin'... :D

But I don't have a cc right now Smitty so I'm afraid you're going to have to send me a special edition signed copy! :D Then when I do get one, I'll buy ten for my friends. :thumbsup:


Silver Meritorious Patron
Aha! Thanks for that! And you'll sign it especially now won't you... :coolwink:

I have contracted with a fulfillment service for sales, but as the author, can buy copies myself. Signing it is no problem. My concern is shipping it to Spain so it gets there intact. I will have to research the shipping cost and let you know.
In the meantime, here is the link to open a PayPal account: