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Scientology agitator in Katie Holmes protest


Silver Meritorious Patron

Digg: http://digg.com/celebrity/Scientology_agitator_in_Anonymous_Katie_Holmes_protest

It was only very recently that Anonymous, the “leaderless worldwide group of concerned citizens,” showed up to take the fight directly to the Cult of Scientology, on- and offline.

“Actress Katie Holmes is, as the world knows, married to Scientology spokesman and actor Tom ‘CoS’ Cruise,” p2pnet posted yesterday, continuing:

“When Miller’s All My Sons, starring Holmes, opened at the Gerald Schoenfield Theatre in New York, protesters, some wearing the now famous Anonymous masks, picketed outside.”

When an Anonymous Youtube video showed up at the beginning of the year (see below) a long-time p2pnet supporter suggested we forget it: it was just a crank doing his or her thing.


“Tom Cruise’s ludicrous video pep-talk to devotees is sweeping the world on- and offline,” said another p2pnet story, linking to a transcription of Cruise in full rant:

… I have to tell you something. I really … It … it is … you know … . It’s rough and tumble. And it’s wild and wooly. And it’s a blast. It’s a blast. It really is fun. Because damnit, there’s nothing better than to going out there and fighting the fight, and suddenly, you see - pfft! - things are better!

Pfft? Such is the power of The Cult!!!! ;)

Anyhow, given that according to Cos, Anonymous is hardly more than a bunch of nut-cases with funny masks, it was interesting to see many, if not most, mainstream TV stories covering Holme’s appearance in Miller’s play also included segments showing the Anonymous crews in action.

They say no publicity is bad publicity, but that doesn’t apply when it comes to Scientology. The last thing it wants or needs is to be shown up as it truly is, especially considering the stories appeared in print and electronic media in every part of the world.

“I was inside the Barricade with this great group of kids,” says a p2pnet reader, going on »»»

It was my first time protesting anything I thought was wrong.

I am an Atheist. I may not be able to do anything about 2000 years of established belief, but if I can help educate people about what I think is avoidable harmful nonsense, I shall do so. Space Emperor Xenu? Thetans? Please! The assertions by Scientologist commentators in blog posts that they / we were paid by some evil Pharmaceutical cabal is rubbish worthy only of some paranoid delusional science fiction novel.

I work 70+ hours a week at a real job to support myself. It is sad and alarming that Scientology has now reduced the sum total of their movement to a bizarre rant against Prozac. And they get tax exemption status for that?

I was inside the barricade when one of the suspected Scientology agitators came up to us saying “Lets go raid the Org, let’s go break all their windows!”

He then attempted to push his way into the barricade past a female protester.

He placed his hands on her to bodily move her out of the way.

If it wasn’t for the quick response by the NYPD, this could have been a serious case of assault by a suspected Scientologist agitator on one of our members.

Just by luck we caught this guy on film and I hope we may eventually ID him much in the same way Scientologists have ID’d protesters by photographing them.

What is really scary is that the Scientologist internal paramilitary Security organization (OSA) has been reported to follow protesters home and stalk them at their places of employment, while Scientology affiliated law firms issue protesters with cease and desist notices.

I am an American citizen. I Refuse to live in fear of what I believe to be a dangerous cult!

When Anonymous first appeared, “Hello leaders of Scientology,” said its early video, continuing »»»

We are anonymous. Over the years we have been watching you, your campaigns of misinformation, your suppression of dissent and your litigious nature. All of these things have caught our eye. With the leakage of your latest propaganda video into mainstream circulation the extent of your malign influence over those who have come to trust you as leaders has been made clear to us.

Anonymous has therefore decided that your organisation should be destroyed.

“Expect us,” it concludes ominously.

It’s the digital 21st century and the Powers That Used To Be are discovering you can’t beat P2P — People2People.

And you can’t beat the Net.

Stay tuned.

Jon Newton - p2pnet


Silver Meritorious Patron
comment to Neo

"Never fear to hurt another in a just cause."

That was not written by Osama bin-Ladin or Mao Tse-Tung, it was written by the founder of the scientology cult, L. Ron Hubbard.
