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Scientology Culture's addictive hooks.

Panda Termint

Cabal Of One
<...snip> Many conclusions and surmises make deprgramming much lighter work, IMO. Learning to hear/see lots of opinions and interact with them is a healthy part of cult deprogramming IMO.
Sure but, IMO, learning to think for yourself trumps the opinion of anyone here. :biggrin:
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Gold Meritorious Patron
Re-read Scooter's post (above).

Sure but, IMO, learning to think for yourself trumps the opinion of anyone here. :biggrin:

:unsure:..Panda...what's the point of exes coming to the forum to share experiences or lightbulb moments, if they er..don't?

"Hey folks, I had an epiphany, I see it all clearly now."
"Really, what? Tell us."
"No think for yourself."


Actually I really enjoyed Scooter's post. It doesn't matter that I'm not an ex. He got me thinking about things in my own life.

I think some people will look for the ready packaged answer and no matter how much effort is put into encouraging people to think for themselves, they are simply not able to.

This year I spent many months training people. I firmly believed people should think for themselves and find the answer. That they should look at one thing and be able to see how to use the concept in something different.

After months of frustration I realised that some people are not capable, not that they don't want to, just not capable.
It was a relief :p when I stepped back a bit and saw one young man desperately try and please me, following all the instructions but that mental leap was just a leap too far. The situation was stressing us both. I juggled responsibilities and bit and now people are mostly working to their strengths.

Anyway I'm rambling. I'm now for putting it out there and letting people use or choose or alter to fit themselves.

Panda Termint

Cabal Of One
I think you may have misunderstood what I was getting at. I often post my observations and conclusions, I seldom tell others what to think about those observations and conclusions. I firmly believe that many Exes need to re-learn and practice "think for yourself".

(It's just a little joke; scientology uses that exact phrase in its promotional materials.)


Gold Meritorious Patron
What a great topic! Good thread for the newbies to read.

Especially how Scientology gets you stuck on how messed up you are, then posits that the only way to clean you up is with Scientology. Once you've agreed to that one, you're hooked! Because no matter how far you progress in Scientology, you keep finding new things you never even dreamed about that "you need to handle NOW!!" always at greater and greater cost.

Wholetrack implants, amnesia, never-ending BTs, SPs all around, the list is endless. The final result is isolation and paranoia, not to mention bankruptcy!


Gold Meritorious Patron
There are many great books on addiction, and the 'behavior' applies, no matter what the addictive 'substance' - including gaming/computers/online/tv, gambling, love/sex, work - religion/cult/scno - as well as drugs and alcohol - whatever. The information is good for understanding the process - the disease - that is addiction.

And it is a disease, as the addictive substance of choice actually changes the brain, and short circuits the higher thinking/judgement lobes in favor of the lower animal/lizard auto-pilot parts of the brain. The need for the addictive substance gets mixed up with the auto-pilot instincts for survival. And there is no thinking or choice involved here. It becomes an auto-pilot instinct towards survival. It becomes like food, a necessity, in order to live, and the lizard brain will do anything to get it, keep it coming.

But really, if you look at it honestly, and with the higher 'thinking' brain, that 'high' was only there in the beginning. The rest of the 'behavior' is an attempt to get to that place again. But it never comes back. That is why one keeps seeking 'higher' levels - like other, stronger drugs, etc. Think the Bridge, the OT levels . . . :hmm:

Most addicts have a high level of narcissism. We all have that, but to varying
degrees, depending on upbringing and environment, and the degree of abandonment and trauma experienced in the growing up years. If the narcissism (in any degree) is combined with a dna for addiction, well, then it is curtains, unless the addict acknowledges they have a problem, and are powerless against it - unless get help and knowledge - as to what is going on. And practice abstention. Oh, and take one's life to a healthier place, with emotionally healthier people.

One must take responsibility for one's own life and problems, and for solving them, in a more suitable way. Anyone who has a degree of narcissism, and we all do, is susepstible to an addictive way of life, and in seeking their substance of choice. Some are just genetically more prone than those who are not.

But we can all go down that road . .

Most cults - and scno in particular - EXPLOIT this natural tendency in humans to narcissism, and that 'bent' toward addictions and obtaining that 'high', and trying relentlessly to get it back - again and again - that short circuits the brain into the lower lizard brain and over-rides the higher functions and the judgement/thinking areas of the brain.

YES - we are all suseptible, to varying degrees. But the person with the dna for addiction, well, they are worse off than the rest of us - but not lost. Nope not lost at all. IF - - one can recognize that the road taken is not working and in fact, is destructive to survival. :mirror: . .

With the 'right' drug of choice, like 'scno', that love bombing, those first hypnotic 'highs', and that feeling of 'belonging' - belonging to something bigger than (that empty feeling of) 'self' - wa la, an addict - leading to a brainwashed lizard-brain-zombie, doing anything and everything to keep the addictive 'substance' coming, that feeling of 'belonging' to something bigger than (empty) 'self' - - - -even when - ironically - it has become detrimental to survival . . .

Some will die there, and will do anything to die 'there' - - - but not all. Some hit bottom, and have an awakening, recognize :mirror: their survival is actually in jeopardy, on this path, and seek help, get out of it, and find recovery - and health - find freedom - and a REAL life - with a connection to one's own emotions, in a healthy way.

I find that Dr Drew Pinsky has the best books for 'lay' understanding - "The Mirror Effect" and "Cracked". Those tv show of his, Celebrity Rehab and Sober House are very good too. His purpose (to all his books, tv programs and radio shows), as opposed, I am sure, to the big money behind the shows, is to bring an awareness and understanding, some empathy to the disease of addiction (and how our narcissism plays us right into it) - and the co-dependency that our culture brings to that very destructive path.

Knowledge and awareness - of Self. :mirror: It does wonders for the Soul/Self. There is no on-going perpetual happiness, or guarantees to the 'perfect' life. There is no being in 'control' of everything, no constant UP state of being. Life is a cycle, like breathing, in and out, up and down. When we are in reality, we go with it, staying in touch with our feelings, dealing with life, solving our problems, and acknowledging them and our feelings, recognizing whether or not they are appropriate for the situation, as it comes to us. No, no promises of anything, other than a sense of 'wholeness'. And that feels great . . . :yes: It fills one's life/self, and it is Good, a Good Life.

May we all find that, and wish that for others, in this Holiday Season. :yes:


Squirreling Dervish
Other addictive hooks:

Everything you don't like about your present and your past is intensified by getting you to look at it and think about it, and then it is made into a nightmare by convincing you that you will have that and worse for eternity, unless you drink the koolaid.

The entire universe is reframed as a trap. There is only one way out.
Actually that does not seem like addiction, it is just the implant used to make the koolaid addictive. The "wins" are like shots of morphine which ease the pain of having such a horrible whole track past, full of pain, and the pain of now, being stuck in the "trap", and the pain of the future, which is the past, reflected in a mirror in front of you.

This is an interesting book that I owned many years ago and just ordered another copy of. It's not the watered down Rosicrucian promo crap put out now a days by AMORC.
Title The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians Author Magus Incognito