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The Stories of Scientology Children

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It's taken a long time for the children of scientology to start to tell their stories. This is partly because they first need to grow old enough to start to sort out their programmed upbringing in comparison to a normal childhood. It's an extremely difficult thing to do, to question and resolve the conflicts between what scientology taught them about the world and what they find the world is really like outside the bubble. Many have lost part or all of their families and I think they are incredibly brave to speak out and tell the real stories of what it's like to be raised in this cult. There will be more.

These are the books I found on Amazon, there may be some I missed, please add them. I've included a bit of the book's description.

Scythe Tleppo: My Survival of a Cult, Abandonment, Addiction and Homelessness
by Nathan Rich

Born into Scientology, Nathan resisted indoctrination from the start. Eventually he was sent to the cult’s infamously abusive Mace-Kingsley Ranch, at age eight, and again at age fourteen. He was not allowed contact with his family for nearly three years. After finally getting away, his family disowned him.
He lived for seven long years homeless and without hope. Drugs, violence and despair plagued his mind until he was finally able to rise out of the gutter, face his past and live in the present.

My comment: This is a truly important book, harrowing and yet full of hope.

The Thunderstorms of Eden: The Odyssey of a Second-Generation Cult Survivor and Her Recovery from Child Abuse
by Sandra Kay

For decades the author did not realize the symptoms of PTSD and ADHD she was experiencing were due to the childhood trauma she was subjected to while a member of the Church of Scientology's Sea Organization. At the age of 17, as one of the first residents of the "Big Blue" (the landmark building in Los Angeles), she not only witnessed the largest FBI raid in history, she was also a member of the infamous 1977 PAC RPF (Rehabilitation Project Force) where she pulled 18-hour shifts performing heavy labor to renovate the new headquarters.

My comment: Another new and fascinating book about being raised in scientology.

My So Called "Crazy" Life: A True Story of an Escaped Scientologist Kindle Edition
by Laura Hunter

A Church's lies, harassment, abuse and deceit. A must read true story of a girl who took a courageous stand against an empire.This eye-opening life-experience of a child, born into, and raised according to the beliefs of the Church of Scientology, soon joining the militant-structured higher echelons of the church as a staff member, is an extremely informative tell-all of how the church takes hold on one’s life completely and utterly.

My comment: I haven't read this one, it's just come out.

Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology Kindle Edition
by Leah Remini

Indoctrinated into the church as a child while living with her mother and sister in New York, Remini eventually moved to Los Angeles, where her dreams of becoming an actress and advancing Scientology’s causes grew increasingly intertwined.

Blown for Good: Behind the Iron Curtain of Scientology
Marc Headley

Nominated by Foreword Magazine as 2009 Book of the Year Award Finalist
Marc Headley provides an insider's view of life as a member of Scientology's "Sea Organization". Marc worked at Scientology's secret desert compound, which houses all Scientology management, for 15 years.

Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside Scientology and My Harrowing Escape
by Jenna Miscavige Hill and Lisa Pulitzer

Jenna Miscavige Hill, niece of Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige, was raised as a Scientologist but left the controversial religion in 2005. In Beyond Belief, she shares her true story of life inside the upper ranks of the sect, details her experiences as a member Sea Org—the church's highest ministry, speaks of her "disconnection" from family outside of the organization, and tells the story of her ultimate escape.

Commodore's Messenger: A Child Adrift in the Scientology Sea Organization, Book 1
by Janis Gillham-Grady, Jennifer Moore, et al.

At age 12, Janis was thrust into a role that no one, not even L. Ron Hubbard, could have predicted.
Commodore's Messenger begins by taking the listener into the life of the first family of Scientology in Australia: Yvonne and Peter Gillham and their three children, Peter Jr., Terri, and Janis. Life for the Gillhams is not without its challenges in Australia, but nothing compares to what happens when the family moves to England after dealing with the banning of Scientology in Victoria.

Commodore's Messenger Book II: Riding Out The Storms With L. Ron Hubbard
by Janis Gillham Grady

by Amy Scobee

A former top insider reveals the nightmare world of violence and abuse at the highest levels of the Church of Scientology. One review states: "At home alone, a 14 year old girl takes a phone call from Scientology. This starts a quarter of a century journey of manipulation, betrayal and sexual, physical and mental abuse. This journey leads to the highest management echelon and one woman's courage to break free. A real page-turner.