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To Gavino and Gloria

Little Bear Victor

Silver Meritorious Patron
Hi there,

I know at least one of you reads this site, so I decided to write to someone I know on the inside that might even read this.

Since you work for OSA, and because I know Gloria, I figured: why not?

I know you probably won't answer, but that's not a big deal. I don't expect you to.

But that's not why I am writing this. I have a much better reason.

You are both people.

Not only that, very intelligent people, whose intention is to make this world a better place. You have dedicated your entire lives for that single purpose and you are in the one place that has the best chances to handle this planet and the 4th Dynamic Engram before the truly insane people of this planet destroy any chance of civilization with nuclear weapons. Nothing wrong with that. I was there, too, for the same basic reason.

What I am writing about, is really the fundamental question of what is it makes you still think, after all that you have personally experienced in Scientology and the Sea Org, that it is actually going to do that?

This is an honest question. I'm not trying to trick you. I just want you to at least look at it, from your personal experience, not from mine, not from the PR angle of the Church, not from propaganda for or against. From your own viewpoint.

I would like you to consider your own dynamics. Not "the dynamics" as a vague generality of people you don't know, have never met nor will ever meet, but your own personal dynamics.

Are you achieving the goals you set for yourself?

How are your family relationships? Remember that "family" includes such things as mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, cousins, etc., unless you want to go with the limited re-definition that Scientology is offering. Fine, you can even go with that for now.

How is your group doing? No, not in the PR sense. In the real-life, here and now, in the what-is-really-going-on-today sense. Are people stably on post with security of employment. Or do you believe that it was just never meant to be that way in the Sea Org?

How is what you are doing improving the 4th dynamic? Please look beyond the event visuals and the chosen 25 stats that seem to be in affluence when you see them at the event. I mean hard, cold stats of crime, illiteracy, drug abuse? Again, I am not asking "do you think you are doing something about it?" -- I am asking "is it having any effect on the world scene?"

5th dynamic? Remember what it is? Ever even think about it?

6th dynamic? Okay, the office is nice -- how about the berthing? How about the environment one step outside the front door?

7th dynamic? Bridge progress is the usual Scientological measure of this one. How are you doing Bridge progress wise? When did you last go in session on a Grade Chart action? Or have you given up your 7th dynamic to serve the 3rd and 4th only? Is all your hard work and sacrifice improving the 3rd or the 4th, really?

8th dynamic? I won't try to say what it means. You think about it.

When you have actually considered the above questions, get together and compare notes.

It would be a truly eye-opening experience, if you could confront doing it.

I don't expect you will.

But I wrote this for you two people. Personally. Not for anyone else. Just so that you would have a chance.

This is not written in a 1.1 manner.

I really like you, Gloria. I hope you can still think for yourself.

Maybe one day we can stop pretending to be on two sides of the fence. From where I look, there is no fence. From where you sit, it is solid.

Which one is illusion?

You tell me.


Terril park

But I wrote this for you two people. Personally. Not for anyone else. Just so that you would have a chance.

This is not written in a 1.1 manner.

I really like you, Gloria. I hope you can still think for yourself.

Maybe one day we can stop pretending to be on two sides of the fence. From where I look, there is no fence. From where you sit, it is solid.

Which one is illusion?

You tell me.


Hey Victor! You'd make a really good E/O. Leading the partially blind to
better survival. It seems a lost tech, but you are resurrecting it here IMO.