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Tory Magoo....Points re Life to Keep in Mind


Gold Meritorious Patron
Alot of sheet has been flying around of late
and people have asked me many things. SO I decided to create this thread
which others can add to, too.

What are some key points to keep in mind?

#1) Life is a journey.....make sure you enjoy this day and don't miss your LIFE
being upset about basically :bs: Find the beauty, the light, the joy. If you fail...that's FINE.
You HAVE To fail to ever succeed.:omg:

#2) Get enough sleep. I've done this since I was 13 or so, as I realized IF I got enough sleep
the day was bright and cheerier. When I did not get enough sleep, no matter how I felt, there
was just a haze around me. Truly amazing. So way back then, I put in with GREAT DISCIPLINE
getting enough sleep. Now many Doctors have confirmed this to be true. :yes:

#3) Eat 2 meals a day at least, starting with Breakfast. I learned this at Weight Watchers,
way back when I was 100 pds over weight (and never ate breakfast): EAT BREAKFAST. It
gets your entire system going. (not :cake:) :) I lost the 100 pds, by the way, and I cannot
tell you how great that feels. I *highly* recommend finding a support group. For me it's been
Weight Watchers. It's helped me keep off the 100 pds for 3 years now----and it's free, once you
make it to Goal. :) I don't mention this to brag...but to let those who are struggling know, you
need a support group to help you! I realized at age 53: I don't know how to EAT. I knew how to
"Diet". I knew how to eat tons...but I did not know how to make it through *a* day comfortably.
And that's why I joined WW's--to Learn HOW to eat. And guess what? I did AND I lost 100 pds! :)

#4) Help other people during the day, even if it's little things. Here's a great example:

#5) Practice Gratitude!


There's tons more.........but that's a start. Anyone want to add any other Points you know
that have helped you, or you think would help another? Please do..... :)




Gold Meritorious SP
Great things to think about, Tory.

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