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What Questions About Scientology Should Not Be Asked?


Patron with Honors

In the course of dealing with the confusions of life, we find answers that appear to be workable and we use them as stable data to bring life under control. As we bring more data into alignment, we develop a certainty that we have found the solution for our problems in life.

While we are doing this, we can be coaxed into avoiding or refusing to look at anything that might upset any part of our stable data.

Let’s say that our initial contacts with Scientology provide answers to questions that have plagued us for a very long time or we gain some ability that means a great deal to us. It is relatively easy to convince us that there is more to be gained if we join the group and contribute to the motion of the group by joining staff or by buying services.

If our expectations are met and we continue to benefit from our relationship to the group, we feel a sense of loyalty to the group and we reject criticism of the group. If management plays skillfully on on our guilt in not supporting the group, we can be persuaded to not look outside of the group for information of any kind.

It is a short step from this to instilling disgust at the very mention of disloyal thoughts. This is the level of curiosity that exists in loyal scientology staff and most active Scientologists also. I know, because I was among this group for many years.

After repeated exposure to out-tech and squirrel administration by the church, most public and some staff realize they are being betrayed and find a way to withdraw from active participation in the church. The target of their anger is usually limited to the people responsible for betraying their trust, but it can be generalized so that everything about Scientiology is viewed as a fraud or worse.

Usually these people find their way to the world of Independent Scientologists and start learning the true extent of Scientology abuses by reading the Internet. Most find that there is more information than they can confront and find a group of independents with similar interests who will talk about “safe subjects” and ignore the sites that are critical of Scientology Tech, or Policy, or are critical of Ron. They acknowledge that the church of scientology is corrupt and are comfortable assigning the blame to David Miscavige and a few executives.

Basically, these people are enjoying a more relaxed version of the church’s censorship of data that does not agree with the preferred narrative. They have established a new set of stable data and By God they are going to run with this and create a new civilization. They are no longer “Churchies”, but they have not fallen into the clutches of the “Anarchists” who challenge the infallibility of LRH.

Unfortunately for those who seek to put out the light of inquiry, the Internet is a vast repository of data, observations and opinion covering almost every aspect of the history of Scientology and of L Ron Hubbard. The sanitized version of Ron’s life and career published by the church is a faint shadow of the actual story.

There is more information than you would believe about the sources of the technology that LRH claimed as his own creation.

There is an abundance of information on the case phenomena exhibited by LRH during his career and the efforts made to help him and harm him during this period.

Failure to ask questions and pursue answers about scientology and its founder will result in conclusons that will not contribute to creating a viable future for this spiritual technology. There are flaws in the technology and flaws in the policies that created the church of Scientology which must be addressed if there is to be any hope of creating a future track for Scientology.

There are open discussions on what technology should be preserved and what should be discarded. These discussions involve many highly trained auditors and Case Supervisors.

There are similar discussions on what policies should be preserved and what forms of organization are appropriate for the 21st Century. The top-down model of the existing church has some built-in weaknesses that make it easy for SPs to exploit.

There are some who see a future that does not favor institutionalized spirituality. I tend to agree that enforced spirituality is as destructive as any enforced communication.

It all comes back to asking questions and finding answers. If you are not permitted to ask questions or seek answers wherever you wish to look, you are being constrained to follow someone else’s goals and you will suffer for it.

The truth is not what you agree with, it is what is. Deciding to remain ignorant of the truth in any area is not a survival trait. Ask questions and increase your potential for survival.
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No longer any need to ask or not ask questions about the criminal cult of scientology or the apparition tulpa asshole spewer L. Ron Hubbard.

We know what's going on.

Tim Skog

Silver Meritorious Patron
Good post OldAuditor. I'm looking forward to more of what you have to say. Oh yes, welcome to the board.


Patron with Honors

Thanks for the reminder! :eyeroll:

That was my first clue that the C of S was not as upstat as it claimed to be.

Terril park

"There are flaws in the technology and flaws in the policies that created the church of Scientology which must be addressed if there is to be any hope of creating a future track for Scientology."

Hi Old Auditor, being mainly an admin guy I'm reasonably able to see flaws in admin.

I'm interested in flaws in the tech which I'm less able to judge.

Please say more on this. :)


Patron with Honors
These are my observations - your mileage may vary :)

Hi Terrill,

Here is a summary of my thoughts on the state of tech and policy in the church. Some of this has been posted elsewhere:

I think we have to let the Church of Scientology die a natural death, without frantic efforts to revive it and with no attempt at putting it down like the crazed organism it has become.

The basic flaw, rigid top down management, is built into the very DNA of the church. Any organization where you cannot write a knowledge report on a senior or indicate a senior terminal as a PTS item is easy prey to an SP who works his/her way up in the ranks.

In studying LRH policy I was always amused by his presumption that management always knew better than people working in the field. If he ever mentions getting a corrective input from lower on the chain of command, it was always as an afterthought, the remotest possibility.

As a result, there will be no effective correction from within the church as "management infallibility" is drummed into the heads of all staff and SO mambers. Like "Papal infallibility" this only works if you are a true believer and ignore real world inputs.

There are definite advantages in having a large enough organization to exercise political clout as in securing advantageous licensing arrangements for practitioners and defending against efforts to have practitioners shut down because they are not "licensed" therapists or counselors of some type. This can be achieved by creating a large coalition of smaller groups and individual practitioners for the purpose of protecting the practitioners and exchanging information on best practices.

The coalition should concentrate on empowering the individuals and groups through exchange of information and through facilitation of training in the various disciplines used in the coalition. If the coalition is to become truly successful, it will embrace multiple disciplines, those in the Freezone and in the independent field.

The focus should not be on the technology employed, but on practices that ensure that PC, clients, etc. are able to get what they expect from the practice.

Setting expectations and meeting them is far more important than how the result is achieved.

Here are a few observations on flaws in the technology and the use of same:


La La Lou Lou

Old Auditor, welcome, and nicely put. If you ever find a mailing list of staff PC's and Students that are a little off line I would suggest sending a copy to every one on the list.