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No Politics! ESMB is about Scientology!

Lulu Belle

I'd like to see more people contributing their views to the political threads ... people who lean firmly towards the left don't seem to hang around for long though and I have wondered if that's due to the shock of having to experience differing viewpoints after so many years of political correctness.

Open opposition to some subjects (mainly minority groups, certain religions, immigration etc) seems to freak them out but if they posted thoughtful and respectful comments I'm sure they would be listened to and responded to in the same vein.

The world has really changed since ESMB started ... and I suppose we are just trying to make sense of it as many of us tried to make sense of the cult and as long as it's kept to a few threads I don't think it's a problem ... I really don't like seeing vicious attacks on people with opposing views (left or right leaning) but that's a maturity issue (or lack of) and we tend to sort it out pretty fast between us.

When things are happening (regarding the cult) we all seem to gravitate towards those threads pretty fast but when it's quiet other things get discussed and I really like it that way.


I have to admit I've never looked at the political section here. One, I kind of agree with Veda. I don't really like political posts on ESMB, though I think that as long as they stay in their own forum I don't have a problem with it.

I personally don't agree that people are generally reasonable and civil when talking about politics, which is one of the reasons I don't do it. I don't think that "lefties" or "righties" are going to change their viewpoint one iota no matter what facts/evidence/reasonable viewpoint the other side gives them to do so. Most people that I've seen only post something political to push forward their existing viewpoint, which they will defend to the death no matter what.

Though I avoid politics on ESMB, I find it unavoidable on Facebook.There are exes on FB that I really like and can talk to easily about Scientology and pretty much anything else who I won't go near a political discussion with a ten foot pole.

Maybe avoidance is not the "right" way to deal with these subjects, but I learned many years ago that there's no point in being sucked down a rabbit hole in an endless fight on the internet. I personally don't have the time or energy.

But...that's just me.


Patron with Horrors
You are in gross violation of these rules. Yep go ahead and accuse me as well in your next retort...except I manned up, took responsibility for and apologized to you more than once, for mine. Did you, NOPE.
By continuing your dispicable behaviour you are also disrespecting EMMA who posted the rules.
And here it comes...

Actually that's not entirely correct (referring to Strativarius' Hubbard blowjob post). As far as I recall, Hubbard and David Miscavige are exempt from the "don't bash 'em" rule. However, this does NOT apply to other scientologists, such as Sea Org executives, Heber Jentzsch, Tommy Davis, etc. The cited reason being that all but Hub & Davy essentially deserve to be seen as good people and poor dupes, until further notice, rather than evil psychopaths who create only misery. I don't remember the exact words or kind of message from Emma where I read that, a long time ago, but I'm certain it can be confirmed. It had to do with people from the "anonymous" movement rushing into the forum.
(By the way, IMO, non-scientologist lawyers, P.I.s and pro-cult shills that work for CoS should be exempt from any such rule, too, as they've not fallen under the same kind of undue influence as cult members at all.)


Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on

What's the big deal about what CAN or CANNOT be discussed?

Why is anyone even slightly concerned about that?

It would be a cringey ironic paradox, would it not, if an internet talk forum (ESMB) about cults tried to filter out and prevent adults from talking about parallel cults in the social/political arena, rather than just the religious?

They are all cults and all deserve to be "routed" and "inspected" and "shattered", right? LOL

The most influential book I ever read (as a teen ager) was Orwell's "1984". It convinced me that nobody needs a "MINISTRY OF TRUTH" to tell them what to think or talk about. So what if people "go off" and "go nuts" when their cherished cult beliefs are exposed as ludicrous delusions?

Open discussion in fact PROMOTES transparency and understanding by lifting the "fog of war" and misdirections by cult members. Cults obsessively lie and gaslight others--and when open debate and disagreement are allowed, cult members go nuts and blurt out the craziest deep-held beliefs. That's the mechanism of how they expose themselves and their true beliefs/agenda. Then people realize and understand just how nuts, dangerous and/or destructive they really are.

That's exactly what Donald Trump demonstrated by calling out "fake news" and "social justice warriors" promoting no borders, no laws and anarchy.

If there is no live discussion, cult members (religious, political or otherwise) are allowed to run their rhetorical deceptions and fraud. Better to push the discussion and let them (inadvertantly) expose just how crazy they are. In a "religious" context, think of Tommy Davis storming off a TV show (throwing down his mike in rage) or the time he went on an uncontrolled vicious crazy rant against journalists (ref: making bizarre dead-agenting references to wogs about a "whole track prison warden", LOL)

As for myself, I don't need filters or Ministries of Good-Think/Good-Speak telling me what I can or cannot say or think about.

Contrary to cult belief, politically incorrect thoughts/speech (aka "entheta") are good purgatives to excise the "demons" of the mind that cause such stupid ideas to be revered.

Free Being Me

The elephant in the room is that various people wouldn't keep politics in the member's only section resulting in repeatedly hijacking $cio-cult topical threads on the public section basically pushing people off the board.

Enjoy the tumbleweeds. :tumbleweed:


The elephant in the room is that various people wouldn't keep politics in the member's only section resulting in repeatedly hijacking $cio-cult topical threads on the public section basically pushing people off the board.

Enjoy the tumbleweeds. :tumbleweed:
Where is the evidence of that? Who said that the were hijacked? Why are you so bitter?
For twenty years I was all about US politics. I had an organization, a newsletter, a handful of blogs and websites, even a radio show. About a year ago I realized that in the big picture, it was a poor use of my time. More important, I realized that it was slowly making me crazy. I don't object to political conversation in theory, but such activity should include a Surgeon General's warning that consumption of political content may be hazardous to your mental health. So nowadays I'm staying away--at least until the shooting starts.

I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation
For twenty years I was all about US politics. I had an organization, a newsletter, a handful of blogs and websites, even a radio show. About a year ago I realized that in the big picture, it was a poor use of my time. More important, I realized that it was slowly making me crazy. I don't object to political conversation in theory, but such activity should include a Surgeon General's warning that consumption of political content may be hazardous to your mental health. So nowadays I'm staying away--at least until the shooting starts.

If it makes you feel that bad I think you have done the right thing (for you). I'm just happy to see you and others posting because I don't think you have posted on a thread that mentions politics here before ... this thread even dragged @Free Being Me back (if only to fling out a subtle insult).

Politics will always be about factions (cult-like and controlling at the top) and perhaps some of us are finding it refreshing to be able to talk openly to each other (of either leaning) on the net ... I never discuss certain things in real life, I don't need the backlash or any labeling and there is a chance that a degree of ridicule and nastiness can creep in (on the net) and that's not ideal if it becomes the norm, which it hasn't here and won't.

Each to his own ... I'm enjoying the open communication and the laughter but will cope if it's stopped (after a short period of extreme sulking).



Oh, a wise guy,eh?
For twenty years I was all about US politics. I had an organization, a newsletter, a handful of blogs and websites, even a radio show. About a year ago I realized that in the big picture, it was a poor use of my time. More important, I realized that it was slowly making me crazy. I don't object to political conversation in theory, but such activity should include a Surgeon General's warning that consumption of political content may be hazardous to your mental health. So nowadays I'm staying away--at least until the shooting starts.
Well, you know what they say about insanity being contagious...



Gold Meritorious Patron
I was just thinking about Just Sheila the other day....and Miss Wog.

Haven't seen either around for quite some time.


And Straty, so glad to see you finally opening up a bit! :)
Yes, Miss Wog was having a difficult time. If you are out there honey, hope things are going well!

Sheila was one of the good guys in the SO, trying against all odds to help fellow staff members get off Wayne Marple's Rock Slam RPF. Kerry Gleason helped her with this and he also helped me during an especially rough patch. I can still remember her boisterous laugh in the halls of Big Blue. I know there were times here where she got out of line and she pissed people off but she also made some excellent contributions. I also hope you are doing well Sheila!


Gold Meritorious Patron
I remember when I had just become old enough to vote and an older guy asked me who I was voting for in the next election. I said I wasn't voting. Well, that sent this guy nuts. He was obviously deeply entrenched in politics and I had violated his moral code.

"By not voting you are casting a vote for the other side!" he yelled. I didn't know what the hell he was talking about at the time but now I assume he believed that everyone must support one political party or another. He was obviously one of those people who are so involved in the subject that they ask "Are you left or right?" without ever having considered the possibilty that you don't know what "left" or "right" mean in this context and couldn't care less what they mean.

Anyway, I ignore the Politics forum and I think it's fine for people to post there so long as they don't start this "left/right" "republican/democrat" stuff in other threads.



I've just never seen you post such rough language as above...

Good to air things out a bit?


Inveterate gnashnab & snoutband

I've just never seen you post such rough language as above...

Good to air things out a bit?
Well, I don't normally talk about dick-sucking and asshole-licking in my regular posts here on esmb because they're not something that is on my mind a great deal these days, and besides, there's not much call for it. It's just that there was a certain pompous prat who I couldn't resist baiting, so out it came. I'll now go back into my inoffensive little shell. :D