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AGH!! THATS IT!! i want out!


Gold Meritorious Patron
yes and no. some very upsetting things are occurring that i cant really describe. the people closest to me are turning their backs on me for reasons unknown. just in the last 24 hours alone i have experienced more emotional pain than i have in years. it seems i'm coming into the hardest part of all this and i'm finding it very hard to deal with. there's no way i could go back on post after what i know now. at the same time, i'm losing everyone i ever cared about. this is very hard for me and i'm just trying to make it through.

It sounds like either ethics section or OSA has caught on that you are trying to leave and/or are posting here and are employing a third party tactic. What they have been doing in Sydney is calling in all the people closest to the target and showing them some issue or just a list of "crimes" and threatening that person with exposure of their secrets or other dire consequences if they have anything more to do with the target. It's a nasty combination of 3P and disconnection, and a wonderful example of what an honest and loving church we have.

Go have a talk with those you care about and tell them what you need to tell them.

Have you called Chuck Beatty and Tory Christman yet? If not, do so. Find a place to stay with exes and they will help you through this.

Do not despair. The cult will not last that much longer. The wrath of the former victims and the general public will tear it to the ground. Despite all that the critics and Anonymous have done, there has not been one hint of ethics change in a thoroughly corrupt and criminal organization. I've seen more response and ethics change in lifers in a state penitentiary, with far less effort applied. So you will have your family and friends back. Just make sure they know where to find you when they are ready and are going through what you are going through now.

Our thoughts are with you. If you need to talk, PM me.


Master of Disaster
yes and no. some very upsetting things are occurring that i cant really describe. the people closest to me are turning their backs on me for reasons unknown. just in the last 24 hours alone i have experienced more emotional pain than i have in years. it seems i'm coming into the hardest part of all this and i'm finding it very hard to deal with. there's no way i could go back on post after what i know now. at the same time, i'm losing everyone i ever cared about. this is very hard for me and i'm just trying to make it through.

Consider the possibility that you are the target of a Black PR campaign.

At one point you mentioned that you were thinking of routing out standardly. Keep in mind that while YOU are not allowed to talk about it, once you start routing out, OTHERS are going to Black PR you to everybody you know, using everything they can find in your PC folders, plus everything that anybody has ever confessed about you. The objective is to eliminate all your Scn friends and allies, so that you will exit alone. They want to minimize the number of people who will be upset to see you go.

Through all that, remember that we are here.


Master of Disaster
Go have a talk with those you care about and tell them what you need to tell them.

Excellent advice. The org is going to be busy trying to alienate everyone you care about. Now is the time to ensure that your side of the story gets to everybody you care about.

Additionally, it's a good idea to establish a FaceBook account, and let people know about it, so the org has a harder time cutting your comm lines.

Sai Ninja 2000

Patron with Honors
Excellent advice. The org is going to be busy trying to alienate everyone you care about. Now is the time to ensure that your side of the story gets to everybody you care about.

Additionally, it's a good idea to establish a FaceBook account, and let people know about it, so the org has a harder time cutting your comm lines.

yeah... i have one but no one is talking to me. :bigcry:


Gold Meritorious Patron
yeah... i have one but no one is talking to me. :bigcry:

That doesn't mean they won't talk to you up the line. At some point they will realize what the CoS is and does.

Is your family also shunning you? If so, just deliver the final communication to them and off you go. Obviously, the RF is not applicable at this point. Get yourself settled in a new place ASAP. Keep sending your family birthday cards and so on. They will eventually come around.

In the meantime, you have all of us and Anonymous is also full of great people. Some of them will be in your neighbourhood. You will find your life will turn around for the better very quickly.

Sai Ninja 2000

Patron with Honors
That doesn't mean they won't talk to you up the line. At some point they will realize what the CoS is and does.

Is your family also shunning you? If so, just deliver the final communication to them and off you go. Obviously, the RF is not applicable at this point. Get yourself settled in a new place ASAP. Keep sending your family birthday cards and so on. They will eventually come around.

In the meantime, you have all of us and Anonymous is also full of great people. Some of them will be in your neighbourhood. You will find your life will turn around for the better very quickly.

yes my family has told me they will not be talking to me anymore until i "consider my eternity". NO ONE is talking to me. i dont know if it means i was already declared or if there is a non-enturb on me or something.


Silver Meritorious Sponsor
i did.. prior to this happening. i dont know what happened.

They found out that it was a lie. Enforced Disconnection is alive and well within Scientology. So, you can consider your eternity. Will it be an eternity of lies?

Anyway, Still-in, glad to have you here. Many people here are deeply and personally affected by the 'non-existent' Disconnection policy.



Master of Disaster
yes my family has told me they will not be talking to me anymore until i "consider my eternity". NO ONE is talking to me. i dont know if it means i was already declared or if there is a non-enturb on me or something.

Have you communicated to anybody that you were leaving staff?

Obviously, somebody is talking negatively about you to the people in your life. Perhaps we should look into what might have gotten that started.

If you have not openly said anything, then perhaps somebody discovered you were posting here.

Have you told anybody besides this board about your being in doubt about staff or Scn?

If you are posting here from an org PC, then they know. If you are posting from a home PC that another Scientologist has access to, then they can put monitoring software on it when you're not looking.


Silver Meritorious Patron
I want you to take a look at some references.

It is times like these when I've been helped by someone showing me some "references". Sometimes it helps to clear a few words. I don't know if this helps at all, but here goes.

- to make (someone) believe only what you want them to believe by continually telling them that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching them

- subject (someone) to a prolonged process to transform their attitudes and beliefs totally.


Pronunciation: \in-ˈti-mə-ˌdāt\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): in·tim·i·dat·ed; in·tim·i·dat·ing
Etymology: Medieval Latin intimidatus, past participle of intimidare, from Latin in- + timidus timid
Date: 1646
: to make timid or fearful : frighten; especially : to compel or deter by or as if by threats <tried to intimidate a witness>
— in·tim·i·dat·ing·ly \-ˌdā-tiŋ-lē\ adverb
— in·tim·i·da·tion \-ˌti-mə-ˈdā-shən\ noun
— in·tim·i·da·tor \-ˈti-mə-ˌdā-tər\ noun
synonyms intimidate, cow, bulldoze, bully, browbeat mean to frighten into submission. intimidate implies inducing fear or a sense of inferiority into another <intimidated by so many other bright freshmen>. cow implies reduction to a state where the spirit is broken or all courage is lost <not at all cowed by the odds against making it in show business>. bulldoze implies an intimidating or an overcoming of resistance usually by urgings, demands, or threats <bulldozed the city council into approving the plan>. bully implies intimidation through threats, insults, or aggressive behavior <bullied into giving up their lunch money>. browbeat implies a cowing through arrogant, scornful, or contemptuous treatment <browbeat the witness into a contradiction>.

1. To lead into error; to cause to believe what is false, or disbelieve what is true; to impose upon; to mislead; to cheat; to disappoint; to delude; to insnare.

1. To cause to believe what is not true; mislead.

2. To give a false impression: appearances can deceive.
Middle English deceiven, from Old French deceveir, from Vulgar Latin *dcipre, from Latin dcipere, to ensnare, deceive : d-, de- + capere, to seize; see kap- in Indo-European roots



Characteristics of a Cult or Spiritually Abusive Group
These characteristics can also be found among some Christian groups. In such cases, this is called “spiritual abuse.”

1. Exclusivity – they are the only “ark of salvation.” You can’t leave and be saved (“breaking up is hard to do”).
2. Elitism – all other groups are inferior, apostate, or false; it’s “us against the world.”
3. Information control – They decide what you should know and believe. You are not free to read or listen to other sources.
4. Submission – to the leader and group is required, usually a special title must be used when addressing the leader.
5. Mystical ministry – the leader and sometimes other followers claim special insights from God that are not available to others. This is used to intimidate and manipulate into conformity.
6. Isolation – they group leads its followers to separate from others (family, friends, the world).
7. Faithfulness to the group is sacred.
8. Guilt is used to manipulate.
9. Authoritarianism – disagreeing with the leader is disagreeing with God.
10. Legalism – you must work hard to be approved by the group and God.
11. Majoring on minors – extraordinary focus on minors issues while ignoring real spiritual issues.
12. Enthusiasm – the group is excited about itself.
13. Fear/intimidation – questioning and criticism of the group is severely discouraged unless it’s the leader criticizing the followers or other groups.
14. Conformity of dress, language, lifestyle is strongly encouraged.
15. Leader has no accountability.
16. Loss of personal freedom to make life choices about school, marriage, work, family, etc.
17. Unrealized hopes – whether a prophesy about a soon-coming healing, or a promise of great blessing, or imminent revival, or urgency about the end of the present age, there are often unrealized hopes or expectations that keep you coming back (much like a gambling addiction).
18. Financial exploitation of followers. Sacrificial giving is practically coerced through tremendous pressure to “give to God.”

Sai Ninja 2000

Patron with Honors
Have you communicated to anybody that you were leaving staff?

Obviously, somebody is talking negatively about you to the people in your life. Perhaps we should look into what might have gotten that started.

If you have not openly said anything, then perhaps somebody discovered you were posting here.

Have you told anybody besides this board about your being in doubt about staff or Scn?

If you are posting here from an org PC, then they know. If you are posting from a home PC that another Scientologist has access to, then they can put monitoring software on it when you're not looking.

i think there were some people who were aware that i wasn't happy, but i never ever ever directly said that i didn't want to be on staff or that i was leaving. i never accessed this site from the org, only home, and i'm the only one who uses it. it also password protected.

*sigh* i have no idea what happened. its utterly confusing. out of the blue i get a phone call? i mean.. it makes no sense.


Silver Meritorious Sponsor
Well, the cat's out of the bag. Now you need to feed it and set up a litter box. On the bright side, you also get to cuddle it.
