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Kay Rowe Resigns From The Church of Scientology


Patron with Honors
From WWP:

Kay Rowe Resigns From Scientology


Kay Rowe Resigns
Saturday, 01 September 2012 12:20

Kay Milasinovich Rowe — alias Cara Voca and Dee Harmon

Note: This is a short version of a lengthy story. For more details see my blogs: kaymilarowe.wordpress.com and scnpeace.wordpress.com.

R-Factor: I re-did my Doubt formula due to having confronted that I had not come to terms with some things, particularly, “that I can use the established/standard lines in the Church under DM to a get injustices, out-tech and off-policy activities corrected “because things have been changing for the better over the past couple of years” and the only reason I was not getting agreement on this point of view was that “those who left were not up to date”.

I am happy to announce that with the help of my trusted friends, particularly Tony, Mike, Betsy, Lisa, Scott and Janela, reading/watching of many posts on Marty’s, David’s and Steve’s Blogs, reading Amy Scobee’s Book and last but not least, and most important, re-study of applicable LRH references, my Confront of Evil has come way up and I now know with full certainty that change is not possible in the least with DM at the helm and that any apparent change is a ruse. He is a Squirrel Administrator with no faintest concept of taking responsibility for his countless destructive actions. To even think that he will change is a waste of time.

I also met/talked with OSA terminals to get my questions answered only to find their data very weak on the few they did answer. When I pointed this out in my initial Doubt Announcement, the DSA SFO tried to blow me off with threats that I am “walking a thin line” intimating that I will be declared an SP, as well as stating that my questions were “weird”. I finally had to break down and agree to another meeting, but I made it clear that I would only do so if my questions would indeed be answered. These were things I absolutely needed to know in order to do a standard Doubt formula, such as "what is the status of at least 15 notable International Church Executives", "what of the International Management Structure and the Eval Corps", "when was the last time Organization Evaluations were done" and last but not least, "what are the cold, hard statistics, aside from property acquisitions."

I persisted in my quest all the while making it very clear that there was no way I would be blown off this track having directly experienced much of what I had been reading about, but could not get confirmation that the data I was asking for would be given to me.

Finally, when it appeared I would meet with the DSA SFO to achieve this, he was not able to meet but referred me to a site (truthbetold.com) to help me with my concerns in the meantime. However, the site was loaded with outpoints, which I expressed in an e-mail to him:

“Hello Jeff,

Just wanted to get back to you having now read the postings on the site you gave me the link for.

I am going to be very blunt with you, nothing personal, here's my take...

1. My questions are being side-stepped intentionally. I am being strung along as much as possible to avoid having to confront these questions in hopes I will do something rash that warrants an SP declare thus making the answers a mute point.

2. Several of the postings are out-pointy...

a. The one from Karen Dippel, who I personally know, paid a Freeloader debt after having served 23 years in the Sea Org?!?!! You must be joking!!

b. The one from Luke Catton, who I also personally know and just so happened to have his contact data. Well I talked to him and he told me the story of how he came to write a posting under duress- threat of instant, verbal declare, which meant he would be cut off from his family by forced disconnection. Further his initial posting was edited as Kathy and Marian didn't approve it. And lastly, it was not supposed to have his real name on it.

Which leads me to...

c. Luke told me there is another one that is false on the same site from Lana Mitchell.

3. The character assassination reference goes both ways my friend. A lot of mud slinging on Marty, Mike, Haydn, David and Steve. Interesting how the most vocal "Independents" were selected out.

We seem to be at an Impasse.

So, at this stage I think it is safe for me to assume that I will never get my questions answered and will also never get my petition to COB for an International Amnesty approved.

Over to you for final judgment.

L, Kay Rowe”

More things happened in between then and now, no need to bore you with the details. Suffice it to say, it had been very cleverly worked out to avoid ever answering my questions.

That said, the bottom line is this: I am disconnecting from the Church of DM and going to be an On-Source Scientologist, connected to and supporting my friends who are of like mind no matter the hardships or consequences.

I will do everything in my power to expose the SP Acts of DM and will not cease until he is brought to justice.

This is true,

Kay Milasinovich Rowe


SEE ALSO: https://www.facebook.com/kay.milasinovichrowe



Patron with Honors

On Behalf of Howard and Ingrid Walker of S. AF: HIGH CRIME REPORT- EC AOSH UK and SO#1 SEC




SO#1 SEC (accessory)


While on an IAS tour in South AF in late 2009, I partnered up with the SNR HAS AF and we went on tour to reg some public in the Port Elizabeth area. While there, we also decided to see her sister and brother-in-law, who were reportedly disaffected, with the purpose of handling their ARCx and recovering them. Note: Their names are Ingrid and Howard Walker. They were pre-OTs, Patron Meritorius of the IAS (per my recollection) and major contributors to many other Church Projects.

We were welcomed into their home and both were very willing to communicate their grievances and even open to resolving them. The bottom line was that there was an upset with a particular person (I believe he was a Reg) at AOSH UK, who was later RPFed for this, so indeed he did do something very wrong. However, per Howard, after he got off the RPF (either completed or reprieved) he contacted Howard. Howard told me that he was willing to comm. with him but wanted closure on the past upset first and foremost, i.e. wanted at least an apology, however, when he commented to this terminal, he was scoffed at.

Howard told me in so many words that if he had only gotten that and nothing else, he may have let this go. However, this did not happen. I gave him a very good ack on this and told him I would do a write-up once I returned to the Base and help him in any way that I could. We ended off in very good comm. and he was grateful for the visit.

I debriefed on this when I returned to IASA and also sent a letter to ED INT requesting that someone get a letter off to Howard and Ingrid thanking them for all their contributions and apologizing for their upset. The response I got was from the SO #1 Sec who virtually said there was no way they would get an apology and that they are disaffected and have O/Ws, or words to that effect. Included in this comm. was a cramming order for me to do. I read the issue but it didn’t resolve this for me. It seemed more fitting to apply “First Policy”- “The first policy of a Scientology org, laid down on about 8 or 10 March 1950, is: MAINTAIN FRIENDLY RELATIONS WITH THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE PUBLIC”.

To this day, I can not figure for the life of me why this couple was not handled. I had it all set-up, all that was needed was the letter. But no, it was best to leave them ARCxn???? Note: They are very influential people, VIPs as a matter of fact, very decent people.

Further note, the only reason they are not going viral, requesting refund, filing a law suit, going to the Media, etc. is out of respect for Ingrid’s sister, husband and her nephews who are still in the Sea Org.

Sorry, Sonje, her husband, sons and of course, Ingrid and Howard. I could not violate my integrity and withhold this information.

This is true,
Kay M Rowe
Former IAS Membership Officer



Patron Meritorious

What today's fashionable Squirrel Administrator is wearing to the office.


Patron Meritorious
When I use to do doubt formulas I always wondered how I was going to get the actual stats of Scn.

I could get them for the Mission I was working in but not Scn. at large.


When I use to do doubt formulas I always wondered how I was going to get the actual stats of Scn.

I could get them for the Mission I was working in but not Scn. at large.

The ethics formula's and anything else, ARCX PC = send auditor to run ruds, all of it is to keep people IN. Look at the PTS data, all designed to keep people in, in the organization called Scientology. And critics of scientology because they have withholds or crimes against scientology. Per Mike on this video, he says a lot of times we could not find crimes, It's about 7 minutes into the video (hopefully this will make one feel better if they think they have crimes):



Squirrel Extraordinaire
I remember her from ITO when we were both on staff there in the early 90s before she went off to be an IAS reg.

I don't see her posting on ESMB for quite a while yet. :)



Troublesome Internet Fringe Dweller
. . . I am happy to announce that with the help of my trusted friends, particularly Tony, Mike, Betsy, Lisa, Scott and Janela, reading/watching of many posts on Marty’s, David’s and Steve’s Blogs, reading Amy Scobee’s Book and last but not least, and most important, re-study of applicable LRH references, my Confront of Evil has come way up and I now know with full certainty that change is not possible in the least with DM at the helm and that any apparent change is a ruse. He is a Squirrel Administrator with no faintest concept of taking responsibility for his countless destructive actions. To even think that he will change is a waste of time . . .

Never ceases to amaze me when the use of Scientology processes to view Scientology never results in an accurate identification of the correct WHO and the correct WHY. L Ron Hubbard devised a remarkable hiding place: front and centre. Confront that Evil.

Welcome home, Kay. Stay off the hypno-cans and Kool Aid. You'll be fine.

Lulu Belle

I am absolutely wracking my brain trying to remember who this woman is.

Her name is so familiar.

Does anyone have a photo?


I remember her from ITO when we were both on staff there in the early 90s before she went off to be an IAS reg.

I don't see her posting on ESMB for quite a while yet. :)


When I was in, I always liked her. She was always kind and real. I think she may end up here sooner than one might think. I am optimistic. :)


Gold Meritorious Patron
Never ceases to amaze me when the use of Scientology processes to view Scientology never results in an accurate identification of the correct WHO and the correct WHY. L Ron Hubbard devised a remarkable hiding place: front and centre. Confront that Evil.

Welcome home, Kay. Stay off the hypno-cans and Kool Aid. You'll be fine.

Having walked the walk (staggered the stagger, crawled the crawl?), it does not surprise me the stages that people settle on. It can be incredibly painful to dump the whole mind-set all at once - or too fast (note to self: what the f***k were you thinking doing it the way you did!). It eases the extreme discomfort to keep somewhere within the confines of a familiar system.

It's like a series of steps which each person takes at a different speed and different awareness rate. There is a huge amount of emotional, spiritual and mental stuff to work through.

I recognise the current plateau Kay is on. I was once there. I spent several years saying/thinking almost identical stuff that she is speaking of. I just didn't talk about it or post on the internet about it.

Go well Kay. Take your time, be kind to yourself and may you get all the way out of the tunnel. :)

Idle Morgue

Gold Meritorious Patron
Congrats to Kay Rowe! Awesome postings! The truth is exposed and it is time to go viral with an e-mail to 10,000! "operation 10,000" is what I like to call it! :coolwink:


Troublesome Internet Fringe Dweller
Having walked the walk (staggered the stagger, crawled the crawl?), it does not surprise me the stages that people settle on. It can be incredibly painful to dump the whole mind-set all at once - or too fast (note to self: what the f***k were you thinking doing it the way you did!). It eases the extreme discomfort to keep somewhere within the confines of a familiar system.

It's like a series of steps which each person takes at a different speed and different awareness rate. There is a huge amount of emotional, spiritual and mental stuff to work through.

I recognise the current plateau Kay is on. I was once there. I spent several years saying/thinking almost identical stuff that she is speaking of. I just didn't talk about it or post on the internet about it.

Yep, all true. There are as many paths to recovery from Scientology as there are people who have left the cult. My observation, really, was that the tech is the least useful tool for the process because the last thing a person recovering from Scientology needs is more Scientology. Like most learning curves, I guess, it has to be done in stages (thanks for not saying "gradients"). True that Scientology often seems the only tool available at the start and the comfort of the familiar cannot be denied. Its really my own sense of frustration that the mind-fuck can't be ripped away, like a plaster; a harsh, searing pain that lasts an instant, rather than a slow peeling-off which extends the ache. I'd like to think that if it were me on the journey out, all those I encountered spoke their version of the truth. I accept that delivery is all-important for the tender and that I have a bad habit of calling a "spade" a "bloody shovel". How do you soften the blow without also assuming you know best for that person?

Go well Kay. Take your time, be kind to yourself and may you get all the way out of the tunnel. :)

^^^ That.
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