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Conspiracy Theories from a Scientologist


Master of Disaster


Patron with Honors
I'm sorry, I got lost at this:
The Internet is the best source of News nowadays...
I'm not surprised it talked about "Alien Lizard People."

(Life's too short to read that whole screed.)

Demented LRH

Patron Meritorious
It's from Ian Shillington - I know he's a scn, I've heard his name in scn circles and conversations.

Right - I was reading along going, ok, ok, ok, ..... not my cup of tea but .... ok. And then.... Alien Lizard People.

I did note the statement that the internet is a great place to get news these days. And that we should reach out to our neighbors of all religious persuasions.
I have my own conspiracy theory -- Ian Shillington works for the Grand-Ayatollah of Iran who thinks that the CIA and Mossad are responsible for the 911 attack. This means that the Ayatollah is following in Farrakhan's footsteps by adopting Scientology as additional source of revenue.
Tarman explained to me why everyone's so confused about what's going on back in 1985

it all began when the japanese conquered the world after panasonic invented time travel in a.d. 2057. the underground radio free bedlam network is now defending the dwindling core of the pre-rising sun dimension while trying to invent time travel before it ultimately happens...

Intentionally Blank

Scientology Widow
Tarman explained to me why everyone's so confused about what's going on back in 1985

it all began when the japanese conquered the world after panasonic invented time travel in a.d. 2057. the underground radio free bedlam network is now defending the dwindling core of the pre-rising sun dimension while trying to invent time travel before it ultimately happens...

But of course .... :duh:


Gold Meritorious Patron
Re: David Ickes, a Brit. "At the heart of his theories lies the idea that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood (including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson and Boxcar Willie) controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian."

The Queen and Boxcar Willie! Who knew???

I have it on good authority that the lizard people enjoy the parochial sounds of country and western music, which is unusual for a well traveled intergalactic species, but then Ron didn't have great taste in music either and he hung out in the Van Allen belt before it was fashionable.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Tarman explained to me why everyone's so confused about what's going on back in 1985

it all began when the japanese conquered the world after panasonic invented time travel in a.d. 2057. the underground radio free bedlam network is now defending the dwindling core of the pre-rising sun dimension while trying to invent time travel before it ultimately happens...
Now you know that is going to circulate and people will believe it.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Ok, so what would a "Lizard Group" be?? Some Scios that were interested in David Icke's theories? If so, why would the MAA care? Scios believe all the conspiracies. I want to know what the Lizard Group was! :grouch:

While on the subject, has anyone heard of this whole subculture that thinks we should buy Iraqui Dinar? Since I only know Scios who are into that, I'm assuming it's another conspiracy. Can anyone that knows world currency and global finance substantiate that theory?
Tarman explained to me why everyone's so confused about what's going on back in 1985

it all began when the japanese conquered the world after panasonic invented time travel in a.d. 2057. the underground radio free bedlam network is now defending the dwindling core of the pre-rising sun dimension while trying to invent time travel before it ultimately happens...

a word to the wise...

don't eat the sushi.


Gold Meritorious SP
Ok, so what would a "Lizard Group" be?? Some Scios that were interested in David Icke's theories? If so, why would the MAA care? Scios believe all the conspiracies. I want to know what the Lizard Group was!

According to David Icke, 5- to 12-ft. tall, blood-drinking, shape-shifting reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system, now hiding in underground bases, are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy against humanity. He contends that most of the world's leaders are related to these reptilians, including former President George W. Bush & Queen Elizabeth.

Icke's conspiracy theories now have supporters in 47 countries and he has given lectures to crowds of up to 6,000. American writer Vicki Santillano included it in her list of the 10 most popular conspiracy theories, describing it as the "wackiest theory" she had encountered.


I've had a few girlfriends in my college days that I suspected were Reptilians, but they weren't Scilons.

cleared cannibal

Silver Meritorious Patron
I think there was an episode of Ancient Aliens which talked about lizard people.

I get stuff similar to this all the time and I just assumed it was was from type of tracking cookies . I haven't gotten this one that I know of but a lot of the time I delete whole pages of E mails without looking at them.


Inveterate gnashnab & snoutband
According to David Icke, 5- to 12-ft. tall, blood-drinking, shape-shifting reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system, now hiding in underground bases, are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy against humanity. He contends that most of the world's leaders are related to these reptilians, [highlight]including former President George W. Bush & Queen Elizabeth[/highlight].

A conversation between George W. Bush and Queen Elizabeth II, now that would be something I'd just love to listen in on...