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CoS Srikes Back! Well, Sort Of....

Rene Descartes

Gold Meritorious Patron
17 February 2012

Much hoopla has been made over the so-called fact that Debbie Cook was a revered and respected Captain of the FSO in Clearwater, FL. Actually Ms. Cook was never the Captain of anything within the Sea Organization. "Captain" was merely a humorous title given to her by fellow staff members. For example: "There goes Captain Debbie, strutting around like she runs the place". The fact is we were all very patient with Debbie's delusions of grandeur. We all tried to help her and rehabilitate her. But the technology of Scientology only works if you are honest and give up your overt and withheld actions. Ms. Cook obviously never did that fully and as a result she blew and is blaming the leadership for the very crimes that she herself committed. Please look up the definition for Overt motivator sequence in our Tech Dictionary, available for sale at any of our local Orgs.

There is no such thing as "The Hole". The RPF is a relaxing retreat for staff members who need a rejuvenating break. We deny that Ms. Cook even came to California during the past decade. There is no record or memory of her being here. She is delusional. The "missing" executives she listed in her Black PR email are all on double top secret assignment to infiltrate the suppressive Government of Bulgravia in order to make that zone safe for Scientology. Thanks to her email their efforts are now blown and will now be reassigned to Australia. They will each undergo plastic surgery and receive new identities.

Despite all of this evil intention to destroy the Church we are growing by leaps and bounds. That is all anyone needs to consider. Rising stats indicate that we are the most ethical organization the planet, and within the planetary confederation of which "Earth" is a member. Since our first Statement two days ago we have received the updated stats, at 2:01 in the afternoon yesterday, Thursday. All stats in the first Statement are now 2Xed. We expect a further doubling in the coming week.

Kathy True is available for any questions regarding the Church and it's leadership. We only select the most ethical among us to be our Spokesperson. David Miscavige is busy right now compiling more heretofore undiscovered writings by our Founder. A New Release will be announced this Fall, which greatly angers Debbie Cook, hence her attempts to derail us. Our members eagerly await the New Release, and will gladly and voluntarily pay for it.

If only the Church were this stupid to actualy put out something like this. Well perhaps they are close.

I guess essentially the statements they actually do make have this level of stupidity but are just written in a style where one can be fooled.


Rene Descartes

Gold Meritorious Patron
I don't disagree with your point at all but I would like to say Fibromyalgia and MS are very different. MS is a horrible, medically verified, neurological disease. A good friend of mine in high school had to care for his mother with MS and it was a really awful disease to watch ravage the body. She was a severe case, had lost the ability to walk, etc...

Fibromyalgia is more of a grey area in medicine. I know people who say they have it say it is painful. It is usually viewed as a neuropsychiatric condition, which makes total sense with Debbie if you consider what she endured on a psychological level - maybe in a quest to ensure she would leave that environment physical problems manifested to prevent her from continuing her work which was so damaging.

Anti-depressants are considered very effective treatment for the pain of many FM patients, which is really awful because I bet Debbie won't take anything she thinks is a "psych med" that could probably really help her condition. It would shatter some of her brainwashing about psychs and their meds if she took a "psych med" and she had a "win" with it by it relieving some of her pain.

Also, I will admit a bit of bias when it comes to FM. A relative who is a doctor had a lot of bad experience with people claiming "FM" in order to get prescriptions for pain killers and abuse pain medications. It became the "disease du jour" as he put it because there is no diagnosis available besides the patients' word and any of them can read the symptoms. This then was picked up by pill addicts as the perfect thing to complain about to try and get pain pills. I'm certainly not saying this is true of FM patients in general, but it quickly got a bad rap due to this.

I do believe their is a big connection between mental trauma/ depression and FM.

FM also tends to be one of those strange "western diseases." You don't see any significant diagnosis of it occurring in Africa, Asia, Russia, and other cultures. (Whiplash is another example, very little incident of "whiplash" outside of the USA.)

Sorry, don't want any derail on this subject because their are bound to be some posters here with FM who will have a different point of view. I tend to ramble but my main point is the psychological stress and trauma Debbie experienced was probably a major factor behind her FM diagnosis.

Okay bunnyskull, just so long as Tom Crusie doesn't show up here gritting his teeth and pointing his finger and saying "Fibromyalgia is a myth".


Lone Star

Okay bunnyskull, just so long as Tom Crusie doesn't show up here gritting his teeth and pointing his finger and saying "Fibromyalgia is a myth".


"Rene Rene....you're being glib. Fibromyalgia is based on psuedoscience. The psychs invented it to sell more drugs. It's only in the US because there are more psychs here than anywhere. I study this stuff Rene. I can show you the data. And whiplash can be handled by LRH Tech. That's why it's important that you only have a wreck when a Scientologist is near. We're the only ones who can help."



Lone Star

Ms. Cook and her husband are simply bitter, defrocked apostates, attempting to
spread falsehoods for personal gain. Both Ms. Cook and her husband are expelled from the Church, are prohibited from calling themselves Scientologist or ever again entering one of our Churches

I wonder how much DM will try to charge for each time they call themselves Scientologists?

La La Lou Lou

I don't disagree with your point at all but I would like to say Fibromyalgia and MS are very different. MS is a horrible, medically verified, neurological disease. A good friend of mine in high school had to care for his mother with MS and it was a really awful disease to watch ravage the body. She was a severe case, had lost the ability to walk, etc...

Fibromyalgia is more of a grey area in medicine. I know people who say they have it say it is painful. It is usually viewed as a neuropsychiatric condition, which makes total sense with Debbie if you consider what she endured on a psychological level - maybe in a quest to ensure she would leave that environment physical problems manifested to prevent her from continuing her work which was so damaging.

Anti-depressants are considered very effective treatment for the pain of many FM patients, which is really awful because I bet Debbie won't take anything she thinks is a "psych med" that could probably really help her condition. It would shatter some of her brainwashing about psychs and their meds if she took a "psych med" and she had a "win" with it by it relieving some of her pain.

Also, I will admit a bit of bias when it comes to FM. A relative who is a doctor had a lot of bad experience with people claiming "FM" in order to get prescriptions for pain killers and abuse pain medications. It became the "disease du jour" as he put it because there is no diagnosis available besides the patients' word and any of them can read the symptoms. This then was picked up by pill addicts as the perfect thing to complain about to try and get pain pills. I'm certainly not saying this is true of FM patients in general, but it quickly got a bad rap due to this.

I do believe their is a big connection between mental trauma/ depression and FM.

FM also tends to be one of those strange "western diseases." You don't see any significant diagnosis of it occurring in Africa, Asia, Russia, and other cultures. (Whiplash is another example, very little incident of "whiplash" outside of the USA.)

Sorry, don't want any derail on this subject because their are bound to be some posters here with FM who will have a different point of view. I tend to ramble but my main point is the psychological stress and trauma Debbie experienced was probably a major factor behind her FM diagnosis.

Strange western disease, well if you live in poorer parts of the world and can't get out of bed the chances are you go hungry, or get buried.

ME/CFS and Fybromyalgia are neurological. In the UK there are too many doctors that do not understand the illnesses. Very few doctors are allowed to diagnose it, and only after many blood tests and neurological tests too. I have no idea what the American system is. Looking at her though, she does seem to be suffering from FM.

There was a time that Psychiatrists had sole power over sufferers but since then, from pressure from support groups the illness has gained more understanding in the medical field. The days of being slapped by doctors and being told to get over it and get to work are hopefully over.

Purple Rain

I thought she was careful not to mention DM by name, I was wrong.

However, I don't think a "harsh ethics program" = telling everyone about the hole. The average Scio has 0 reality about INT and DM's abuses. They do however have experience in ethics so I don't see how the average cult member would ever equate "harsh ethics" equal to "locked in a trailer, infested with ants, in 100 degree heat and abused constanly via a variety of methods and group forced confessionals."

If anything it was her attempt to speak in code. DM and others with actual info like us could read "harsh ethics at Int" & years off post to mean the hole, but the average Scio that letter was intended for would never make that huge mental leap. They could only imagine their own ethics experience, notch it up a bit and extend its duration.

She was extremely careful not to overtly mention anything in that letter she thought would violate that crazy agreement. I would love nothing more than a follow up letter where every indignity and fact about the hole is detailed in depth to the bots. Using the term "heavy ethics" just makes it too easy for them to write off as something justified under LRH policy or tech.

I think you interpret ANY criticism or discussion of Debbie as some how meaning she's not supported here or her actions aren't respected. I respect the fact Debbie finally broke her silence after 4 years via that letter, it took courage.

However, I have detailed here that I think when people leave the cult due to being personally mistreated haven't really "left" and have a long road out. Those who leave because they have insight into the con or the fiction, will have much better results breaking the mental shackles. Debbie, unfortunately, only left because SHE was abused, not the mistreatment of others, not because of any insight into the mechanism that created that enviro or abuse. She's still a KSW gal and I think many here can't become total cheerleaders for anyone still promoting that schtick.

BTW, ESMB maybe a place for healing, but healing also means confronting past actions, not glossing over them. It's a part of the process. A major caveat is Debbie is not a member here, she would never hang out or speak with all the DBs and SPs here. She is allowed to think that way, but by the same token it doesn't endear us to have a "no criticism" allowed policy on poor Debbie either.

I'm not saying she's above criticism, but "insults or taunts of a sexual nature" are considered sexual harassment in my country, and I strongly dislike it, so I will always object when I see a woman subjected to this kind of commentary.

I also think people should consider the purpose of the criticism and what they hope to achieve. Is it just to bring an already broken person down at an intensely difficult time? What are the specific benefits? Could it be done in a more constructive or beneficial way?

Anyway, my main objection was that it was like Scientology in how it "positions" a person with something perceived as negative by the general community. It's a form of propaganda and as I said by its nature of alluding to sexual "virtue" it is more insulting to a woman than it would be for a man. That is just my opinion and people are free to disagree with me, but I will probably always end up in these futile attempts to get people to stop characterising women as 'sluts'. I don't know why I always need to find another windmill to charge. I guess I'm just made that way.

I do appreciate your thoughtful responses to my posts and agree with much of what you say.

Lone Star

That she lied about her status to Scientology parishioners in an attempt to profit
financially from their goodwill;


17 Feb 2012


To: OSA INT. Dirty Tricks Division

Create backdated 2007 Goldenrod Suppressive Declare on Debbie Cook and Wayne Baumgarten.

Direct Golden Era Productions to make film showing our Debbie and Wayne doubles receiving Goldenrod after signing NDA in 07. Spare no expense to insure quality and believability. Use digital camera and editing computer donated by TC.

This action is to be completed by 2:00PM next Thursday. Failure to complete action to EP will result in trip to the Hole.

This Dispatch is to be burned immediately after reading.



17 Feb 2012


To: OSA INT. Dirty Tricks Division

Create backdated 2007 Goldenrod Suppressive Declare on Debbie Cook and Wayne Baumgarten.

Direct Golden Era Productions to make film showing our Debbie and Wayne doubles receiving Goldenrod after signing NDA in 07. Spare no expense to insure quality and believability. Use digital camera and editing computer donated by TC.

This action is to be completed by 2:00PM next Thursday. Failure to complete action to EP will result in trip to the Hole.

This Dispatch is to be burned immediately after reading.

This above captures the exact flavor of the intentional deceipt and misrepresentation that is stock-in-trade for the Church of Scientology.

They will make up ANYTHING, and try to pass it off as "true" or "real", simply by attempting to get people to AGREE with the claims.

They are such FARTHEADS! :confused2:

Hubbard's whole game comes down to "postulate whatever you want", "assert whatever you want", "lie however you want", "mock it up", and just get people to agree with you! :ohmy:

I hate to tell you Hubturd, but just because somebody agrees with something does NOT make it "true"!
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Rene Descartes

Gold Meritorious Patron
Now there's a word.


Did the solid pass directly through to the gaseous state and bypass the liquid phase?

That can happen.

Is the word for that "sublimation"? Am I recalling that piece of science correctly?


Now where else have I heard a form of that word before?

heh heh
