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Dave Fagen - My Side of the Story


Silver Meritorious Patron

Interesting blog with a rapier insight into the acidic effect Scientology has on the human spirit. How wonderful to have a relatively current update on the day-to-day goings-on. Most valuable, for me anyway, was a glimpse at the pernicious influence Scientology has on personal relationships and how those suffering must work so hard to keep love alive. The cost, of course, is exposure of intimate details to the world. Sindy, yours and Dave's gift to me is not the additional information on Scientology as much as it is the example you display of the level of personal bravery required by Exes to face the cult. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Frustrating, though, that Dave seems mired in the carefully laid-out Martyworld sandtrap where analysis begins and ends with David Miscavige. The end result seems to leave those thus trapped floundering in that twighlight zone of the wrong WHO and the wrong WHY. There's all sorts of "tells" which indicate this might be the case. Just one example: the perennial acceptable truth that "disconnection was cancelled". Dave, at least, qualifies the statement somewhat with the rider "disconnection was cancelled as a requirement" but appears to have failed to examine the circumstances surrounding the policy including its timing, context, distribution, impact on related policy, and real-world effects. Jim Logan's tortured apology for disconnection, stumbling tango through the tech, and fallacious premise in regards to David Miscavige's "arbitrary" doesn't mask the disingenuous attempt at revisionism.

Most heartening, however, is that Dave seems not to have arrived at any firm conclusion but is himself still en route. Again, there are all sorts of "tells" which indicate this, not the least of them being a willingness to at least consider L Ron Hubbard's own part in creating the monster. On the other hand, its apparent that someone like me is not the reader Dave had in mind when writing of his journey. He's clearly directing his message at those still in the cult and, rather than scaring them off with a "LOL Xenu / LRH SUX" treatise, he's shining a torch to show a way out. Those who see will be able to, if not eliminate, then significantly reduce exposure to that abuse which requires the cult infrastructure to fully implement.

Meanwhile, there's plenty of us out here happy to throw down planks and tow ropes to help others get across the sand trap. Had a chance to listen this, yet?

Thoughtful comments, Infinite. I find it fascinating to see where an ex is on the scale of out. One watches the various "tells" as you put it. For example, using a Doubt Formula, or listing the FN problems, or noticing mis-application as opposed to noticing conflicting tech or policy. I note that it was the disciplinary actions that really pushed him to a new level of comprehension--more out. Discipline/ethics is the weakest issue with the organization of Scientology, unnecessary discipline which has chased most of us very far away.

It's painful (cringeful) to see the brilliance and energy someone like Dave Fagan has directed to supporting the COS when he could have been more successfully engaged elsewhere.

The blog forced me to examine where I am on the scale of out compared to only a few years ago. Reading the stories and insights from ESMB has provided me with a much clearer understanding of how the cult worked, what was good, what was foolish, what was bad and what was an exciting experience it was and how damaging it was to my psyche and career and 401K.

It's all good. Thanks to Dave and I wish him well. It'll be interesting to see where his insight takes him.

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
I'm nearing the end... whew. Really good stuff.

I particularly like this page, just a snippet:


I don’t believe in the way the church practices disconnection. I think it is being enforced on the pretense that remaining connected to a person who disagrees with things the church does prevents harm to the person who would otherwise receive it.

It’s made to look like the person who speaks out is the suppressive because that person is supposedly causing enturbulation and causing people to doubt Scientology. What is being overlooked is the fact that Scientology is supposed to teach you to think for yourself and to evaluate data. I was never taught in the actual Scientology materials (as opposed to common misinterpretations of it in the official church) that the way to handle something that seems to be giving you trouble is to make yourself blind to it, to cause yourself to stop looking.

You did not need to disconnect from me to protect yourself.

If you would have gotten into communication with me, yes, you would have been greatly disturbed by what I had to say. I should know because I was disturbed by it enormously myself at first. But, if you would have persisted and looked and continued to get into communication, while not shielding yourself from anything, while remaining honest with yourself, keeping your own counsel and weighing all the evidence, you would have been able to come up with your own conclusions. You would have been satisfied with those conclusions (regardless of whether or not your conclusions agreed with mine).


Gold Meritorious Patron

As a newbie here I was hoping someone could refer me to an LRH reference on a situation I have been trying to handle.

I recently have been thinking about leaving the CoS and am concerned about my eternity. But some people are saying I can get my eternity outside of the Cos at a big discount. It sounded too good to be true so I called my reg and they said that Flag is running a special deal right now where you can buy 1/2 eternity for 1/2 price.

Now I am working on a Doubt formula and trying to evaluate both deals.

Does anyone know the best Indie half-hour rates for 1/2 eternity?

I figure by the time I get half-way to eternity I should have accumulated enough MEST money to buy the other half, no problem.


Dear Mr. Helluva

The Senior C/S here at ESMB has an R-Factor for you. She said to tell you, that she completely duplicates your desire to ensure your eternity for rock bottom prices. I mean who wouldn't want to get the best deal possible?

Well we have some good news!!! or have we got a deal for you. If you call before midnight tonight we can offer you this once in a million lifetime price. Guaranteed to the end of the universe!

See flier below:



I just finished reading the blog and made my comment on it. Awesome write up. :thumbsup:

Want to thank you for all the time and effort you put into creating this blog. It's a prize piece to show anyone who is still in. :yes:


Gold Meritorious Patron
Yes indeed, a very nicely written blog.

And HH - I can offer you a special 90% sliding scale discount for 1/4 of an eternity. This offer is only good until Thursday at 2:00 of course so don't Quibble & Argue! That will also include your own titanium cased autographed Collectors Edition of The Unabridged Bridge of Sighs - A Skateboarder's 380 into the Abyss by Lil' Davy MisAdventure (the complete 11 volume elvenology - a literary millstone)


Ordinary Human
Yes indeed, a very nicely written blog.

And HH - I can offer you a special 90% sliding scale discount for 1/4 of an eternity. This offer is only good until Thursday at 2:00 of course so don't Quibble & Argue! That will also include your own titanium cased autographed Collectors Edition of The Unabridged Bridge of Sighs - A Skateboarder's 380 into the Abyss by Lil' Davy MisAdventure (the complete 11 volume elvenology - a literary millstone)

I wouldn't mind one of them - that's a good tune!
