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ERRORS and gaps of the Scientology Statistic System - Ver.2


Gold Meritorious Patron
It is based on Utilitarian Ethics - which is FAIL. Admin tech is an utter failure. Witness the fantastic state of the purveyor and #1 proponent of said system. It might be a nice system for a totalitarian regime though. I'm sure it would go over well in North Korea.


True Ex-Scientologist

In Hubbard's "Management tech" there are no excuses for a down statistic. Period. No planning for problems. No understanding of the processes. If all you ask for is "Up!", "Up!" quality will fall, customers will revolt, staff will go criminal.


Yes, and that is why the "quickie auditing grades" happened a long time ago.
(This was Hubbard's fault... overly simplistic individual staff stats.)
Last edited:


At the link below there is a big and very important document I wrote on
free.it.religioni.scientology that deal with Scientology Statistic System
(as described in the chapters 4 and 6 of the book INTRODUCTION TO
SCIENTOLOGY ETHICS) in depth. It contains some graphs.
Anybody can copy o publish this work or a part of it, only if the author (me)
is not omitted. Any possible modification must be clearly indicated as such.
This document is very important to understand the various errors and gaps
that are inside the Scientology Statistic System and to know why this system
It should be known from every Scientologist or Indipendent Scientologist
all over the world.
The document is in Italian and I ask that somebody translate it in English
(and possibly in other languages).
I cannot do it because this translation may take many months (or one year)
for me, ALSO because I do not know very well English.
Anyway, here there are some important points of the document written briefly.

GAP #1
It is not specified how to establish, on a graph, the inclination of the line
that shows the production of a week. It can be done only with sight or with a
goniometer? The method is uncertain.

GAP #2
The Scientology book do not indicate the value of the angle of the lines
that represent the five ethics conditions.
I have misured such angles.

Is not given the concept of AREA or SECTOR of statistic condition.
A statistic condition has an area o sector that represents it.

Here it is a graph that shows the concept:

View attachment 15379


GAP #4
Is not given the concept of EDGE OF A SECTOR of a statistic condition.
Every sector of a statistic condition has two edges: the upper edge and the
lower edge.

GAP #5
It is difficult or impossible determine from Scientology text both edges
of every statistic condition.
To know BOTH edges is necessary.

GAP #6
It is not specified in which place of the sectors, the lines given in the book representing the five conditions (Non Existence, Danger, Emergency, etc.) are

GAP #7
It is not specified any method to determine the edges of the sectors of
the statistic conditions.
Now here it is a graph with all the Reference Lines (that represent the
statistic conditions), the value of the angles, the borderlines
between sectors, and the External Edges (edges that cannot be passed).
See the italian documents for more details.
View attachment 15378

Now it follows the errors contained in the Scientology procedure to determine
the the values that represent a ghaph (ERROR #1 to #5).
This procedure calculate:
1. The lower value of a graph.
2. The higer value of a graph.
3. The value of each segment conteined in the y-axis, called "scale" in
the Scientology text.

It is situad in the step 1 of the Scientology procedure. It is based on a
PERSONAL ESTIMATE, so it is imprecise.
Different persons may give different values, and this may produce different
values of scale.
Different value of scale may produce different inclinations of the graph
lines (except for horizontal lines).
And different inclinations of lines may determine different assignations of
condition for these lines.

ERROR #2 and GAP #8
In the step 1 of the 'correct example' of the Scientology procedure, the
number of days to examine is imprecise.
Are examinated the production values of the 'past 6 months'.
But the period of time 'past 6 months' may vary at least from
181 to 184 days.
This may determine a number of production values to examinate not constant,
depending from wich day of the year it starts the estimation.
The ERROR is in the phrase 'past 6 months' where the number of days is
The GAP is that is not specified from which day of a week start to examine
the 'past 6 months'.
This may vary too the number of production values to examinate.
So, the number of thursdays (days examinated in Scientology) of the
'past 6 months' may vary from 25 to 27.
But, as the Scientology procedure, any value examinated may determine the
lower value of the graph.
If the lower value of the graph change casually, it may change also casually
the value of scale.
And if it change the value of scale, the assignation of the condition may vary

In the step 1 of the 'correct example', the value determined is rounded off,
probably to make the calculations easier.
But a rounded off value is an altered value, that may alteres the value of
the 'scala'.
A changed scala may vary the inclination of the lines (except for the horizontal lines).
And this may vary the assignation of the conditions.
The rounding off must be eliminated.

It is similar to error #1.
The step 2 of the Scientology procedure is based on a PERSONAL ESTIMATE.
So it has the same problem specified in ERROR #1.

In the Scientology procedure, it is suggested to use "easy values" for the
'scala' as <<5, 10, 25, 50, 100>>.
This is a changing of the original value that may cause unknown changing
of the inclination of the lines of the graph (except for the horizontal lines).
And a changed inclinations may determine changed assignations of conditions for
the lines.
This change must not be done.

There is a rule that says that when a line go out of upper side of the
graph, it is needed to calculate again the value of the 'scala'.
This can be correct in same cases ma it is wrong in others.
It is wrong in the case of an external favourable factor but unusual,
basically not due to the staff or persons that are producing.
See italian document for more details.

There is a rule that says, about the x-axis, 'try not to exceed 3 months'.
The error is that it is allowed to vary the time period represented in the
As the Scientology procedure for the drawing the basic graph, this may
vary casually the 'scale' and so it may vary casually the assignations
of conditions of one or more lines.
See italian document for more details.

The error is that the Scientology Statistic System do not considers the
changing of the working situation.
For example, if after having calculated and drawed the initial basic
graph, the number of persons in the staff increase to 5 to 10, why keep
the upper and lower value of the graph the same? It is excepted different
And different upper and lower values does it means to calculate again
the value of 'scale'.
But in Scientology this is not considered.

The condition formulas are fixed and do not work gradually.
One degree more or less on the line of the graph may determine, in
some cases, the change of the assignement of the condition and so
a different execution of a formula.
Just 1 degree.
This not gradual change of actions does not make sense.
The solution is to rewrite the condition formulas in a way to
work gradually according to the inclination of the line.

The error is in one of the most important principles of the
Scientology Statistic System:
to determine the actions (the formula) to improve or keep high
the production, it must be considered ONLY THE INCLINATION of the
last line on the graph (excepted for the Power condition).
The error is that this principle does not consider the USUAL
PRODUCTION of a job.
We have two staff members that hand out leaflets.
One work with a wrong method and usually hand out 3000 leaflets
per week.
The other work with the correct method and usually hand out
7000 leaflets per week.
The working conditions are the same for them.
If the persons with the wrong method hands out one week 2800 leaflets
and the following week 3400, it may be assigned the condition of
"Normal" or "Abundance" only because the line is rising.
If the persons with the correct method hands out one week 7200 leaflets
and the following week 6700, it may be assigned the condition of
"Emergency" or lower only because the line is falling.
So according to the Scientology Statistic System, the staff member
that produce more is in the worst condition.
This system does not make sense.
The usual production of a job must be considered.

The first version of this post I have published it on Apr 2018, and it is equal to this except the two graphs I have



Gold Meritorious Patron
As they are applied in Scientology stats are not so much a production management system as a system of punishment and control. If you read between Hubbard's sweet nothings you will find that he tells us what he actually thinks but because we want to believe his promises are real and that we haven't made poor decisions we press forward deeper into the onion dismissing and rationalizing glimpses into his true nature.

One of the senior governing principles of using Scientology stats is that you punish down-statistics and reward up-statistics. And because Scientology is essentially the indoctrination of people in bigotry and fanaticism they aren't just referring to graphs. People themselves become euphemized as praised up-stats or denigrated down-stats, often both repeatedly, especially since they are denied the authority and resources to influence their own areas of responsibility and the organization constantly does stupid self-destructive things that depress stats and make steady up-trends impossible.

Another big glimpse into Hubbard's mindset is he perceived "individual decision points" as a problem. This is why we see the absurdly overdone use of routing forms in Scientology. Routing forms anticipate every possible point of arbitrary decision that doesn't maximize asset stripping and strives to remove these to the extent that the respective staff at those points are automatons. Innovation and bright ideas are characterized as "Know-besty" and squirreling. I suspect that the earlier days where Scientology was growing, fun and prosperous was when people were still free to use their own common sense but the advent of the paramilitary Sea Org mentality heralded that demise.

You will find much of the basic wog world business acumen, which Hubbard claimed to disregard, embodied in The Twelve Rules for Straight Thinking by William J. Reilly published three years before Dianetics and derived from two even earlier books.

This combines two earlier books- Straight Thinking and How to Use Your Head. He tells the common mistakes we make in our thinking, how our prejudices affect our thinking, how we draw conclusions from limited evidence, how we draw faulty comparisons, etc. He reduces straight thinking to four simple steps (1) observation suggests a problem; (2) problem is defined and solution considered; (3) experiments are set up and observed; (4) conclusions are drawn on experiments or observations. From these four basic principles he develops his twelve rules for straight thinking.... Fairly elementary, but people who need this sort of book don't want profundity.

I am convinced this book and others like it, which were very trendy in the business community at the time, served as the basis for Hubbard's Data Series which is used to interpret stats and assess problems and solutions and it contains the format for making a proposal submission that is virtually identical to Hubbard's despised CSW (Completed Staff Work) policy.

However, in Scientology the rewards side of this equation is so paltry and perverted that the Scientology concept of reward has been reduced to less punishment and neglect instead of the anticipated reward. Even if you are successful in a Scientology organization and get elevated to a higher post or rank - you get all the increased responsibility, work load and risk with very little increase in benefit or protection if any at all. We see in the Sea Org where veteran staff who once held positions of authority and respect are relegated to menial back office positions for years and sometimes that is exactly how those people prefer it. I think Chuck Beatty said something to the effect that he found the RPF to be easier than regular post, for example. I can completely relate to that. The higher you go up the org board the less likely it will be that you can find a replacement to hold your post for the promised 3 week leave of absence and so we see staff going years without taking a LOA and even if they do chances are their stats will be down when they return and since they assign conditions based on 3 week graph trend lines it often takes at least 2 weeks to undo the prior 3. If your granted one day off every two weeks based on a 3 week trend you can go a very long time without a day off. After a while you are working regularly until 2 in the morning simply because that is the only way to keep your stats up. You don't need to be ordered to work 80 - 130 hour weeks. It becomes your accepted life style but by that time you are so sleep deprived and burned out you are only going through the motions. You have become robotic, another of Hubbard's favorite derogatory expressions. So now you are resigned to having to let the stats go down for a week or two just so they have a chance to go back up from something.

Hubbard ranted against staff transfers unmocking the orgs but it is such a dog-eat-dog world that co-workers are struggling to get transferred to better orgs and units and higher units are struggling to rip them off and use lesser quality staff as coins to replace them. The best people ultimately get promoted to where they fail a la Scientology's deliberately exaggerated "The Peter Principle" universe and get inflicted with heavy ethics, something else Hubbard railed against yet institutionalized, until they leave staff or bail on Scientology completely. And so the stats are constantly crashing due to internal turmoil and if you complain using your knowledge of Scientologese then you are using policy to stop and open to accusations of being an SP.

Sometimes the whole org will be assigned a lower condition and everyone will be on rice and beans for months. It doesn't matter if your area is up-stat. Hubbard often derided communist and socialist systems that didn't respect individual productivity or property but in practice Scientology is very much a communist/socialist system only without much if any redistribution. Even the staff training and auditing is so scarce and reserved for only the most proven and trusted servants (because so many leave in the first few years) that it too is a false promise of shared reward and even when auditing is given it is probably by students in training and not highly respected cash earners.

Hubbard railed against stat pushes, or emphasizing stats over quality and service, but then he instills the LRH Birthday Game which is nothing more than a massive perpetual institutionalized stat push that pits orgs and staff against each other.

It isn't possible to have a rational analysis of Scientology statistics unless it is being analyzed as a system of coercion. In fact, I would describe Scientology itself in it's entirety as a system of coercion. Somehow every piece of policy or tech no matter how innocent it might be in the wog world can somehow be defined and integrated into a system of coercion in Scientology. People wanting to remember past lives and controlling the cycle of reincarnation don't get into it expecting to be indoctrinated into fanaticism but that's exactly what it is. On another thread they are talking about hypnotism being used and although there may be the use of confusion techniques and temporary dissociation with the ganzfeld effect that can cause momentary lapses in judgement or suggestibility, I think Scientology is mostly good old fashioned coercion and indoctrination cleverly repackaged for a modern audience of seekers and utopianists.

Yes, Hubbard used rhetoric to persuade. We all do, even here, but persuade to what? People on ESMB expect to be persuaded against getting involved with controlling culty organizations and people getting into Scientology expect rhetoric to persuade them into a workable spiritual and mental technology - they DO NOT start out expecting to be persuaded into becoming bigoted hypocritical fanatics that use something as mundane as statistics to enslave people. Scientology stats aren't supposed to make sense. From the first moment you use them to track your student points they are designed to get rid of sense.

Dotey OT

Cyclops Duck of the North - BEWARE
My experience, in the S.O. for a short time, on staff just under ten years, working in WISE consulting businesses, working in a professional office as an office manager, I've never seen any consistency in the agreement, understanding or application of conditions, stats or ethics.

I've seen a very wide range of interpretations of each one of the conditions, in CL V orgs, and in WISE applied businesses especially.

I've gone to seminars from coast to coast, listened to a variety of the TOP WISE lecturers interpret things differently, newly, or partially disregarded. I've seen guys sell fucked up WISE admin courses. And if you've been around those, studied or sup'd those courses, you know what I mean.

The ethics aspect policy etc, is the license to punish staff and public. It is one of the essential ingredients to the slavery that is LRH tech. It can be used to do anything that you want to someone else, and the victim has limited ways to fight, or it's almost impossible to fight, with unbounded injustices.


Gold Meritorious Patron
My experience, in the S.O. for a short time, on staff just under ten years, working in WISE consulting businesses, working in a professional office as an office manager, I've never seen any consistency in the agreement, understanding or application of conditions, stats or ethics.

I've seen a very wide range of interpretations of each one of the conditions, in CL V orgs, and in WISE applied businesses especially.

I've gone to seminars from coast to coast, listened to a variety of the TOP WISE lecturers interpret things differently, newly, or partially disregarded. I've seen guys sell fucked up WISE admin courses. And if you've been around those, studied or sup'd those courses, you know what I mean.

The ethics aspect policy etc, is the license to punish staff and public. It is one of the essential ingredients to the slavery that is LRH tech. It can be used to do anything that you want to someone else, and the victim has limited ways to fight, or it's almost impossible to fight, with unbounded injustices.
And we can ask, "Why so much need to punish"?

To crush resistance, dissent and challenging thought.
To instill agreement that the COS has some kind of governing administrative and judicial authority even over personal affairs.
To convince people that they must make sacrifices and make others make sacrifices and realign their priorities with Hubbard's.
To control the flow of information and disclosure of lies, abuse and actual conditions.

And perhaps most importantly - to manipulate and break people simply because they can. I do believe Hubbard got enjoyment out of this and the organization was structured to serve his personal interests afterall. That he became so ruthless and cruel as soon as he got people isolated on the ships is very telling.


As the conversation developed, Hubbard told Nairn that making a buck was not the only motivating factor. “He did say that although the initial thing was money, he had also become fascinated by ‘catching’ people, especially clever people, at luring them in,” recalls Nairn, “I remember him saying it reminded him of fishing with his father. You cast out your line to fool a beautiful silvery fish – that was the whole fun of it – of tricking it and luring it in, deceiving it.”
Hubbard explained to Nairn that as a child, he and his father made fishing flies and lures together, experimenting with what would work, and what wouldn’t. According to Nairn, Hubbard said, “I never understood why a beautiful fish could be caught by a fake fly.” Hubbard was admitting his life’s work was, like fly-fishing, all about camouflage and deception. Hubbard mused about how intelligent people got caught up in Scientology. “I remember him specifically talking about two medical doctors, (who got involved in Scientology) as if they should have known better,” says Nairn. “I remember a sense of triumph from him over this idea – as if he felt some of his victims were maybe brighter than he was – but that they were needy, gullible – that he understood the human animal and its ‘needs’ – exploitable needs – backwards.”


Gold Meritorious Patron
More on stats and LOAs. This story is consistent with my experience while LRH was alive and running things so for any Scientologists who think the organization really runs on stats and things like people not being able to take LOAs is an aberration of Hubbard's admin policy due to Miscavige - my answer is that they can and do constantly create Catch-22 situations under and after LRH that make stat management irrelevant. In fact I'd say that stats are so irrelevant to how the organization is actually managed that the only practical purpose for stats in a Scientology organization is to keep people mindlessly running in circles because they no longer know anything different and they have so little actual control over anything meaningful that it gives them purpose. Maybe before LRH jacked the prices up so high that the average person couldn't afford the lower level of the Bridge there was some point to stats but because they rely so much on elite whales for revenue I expect most staff are essentially just prop window dressing for the con now and even then they are trading them out for TV screens and highly sanitized promo vids because they no longer trust them to give a convincing spiel. What is the stat for a receptionist now - number of videos watched? Number of whole minutes a video is watched? Number of times a video is suggested for watching?


6. While policy entitles a staff member to 3 weeks annual leave, the truth is it's almost impossible to get an LOA authorized and at the upper levels of the church, the concept is all but canceled. As this is an international church, one could estimate that over 75% of the upper level staff work 1,000 miles or more from where their families live. I would estimate that less than 5% of the staff take a leave in a year, well over 75% haven't gone home in 5 years and over 50% haven't gone home in over 10 years. Even if ones mother or father dies, the staff member still has to go through security checks, get post coverage, a list of approvals, etc. to attend the funeral. If you jump through all the hoops and somehow had the flight money saved up, you are doing good to get home before the burial. That's if you were lucky enough to get the phone message passed on to you at all.


Master of Disaster
As they are applied in Scientology stats are not so much a production management system as a system of punishment and control. If you read between Hubbard's sweet nothings you will find that he tells us what he actually thinks but because we want to believe his promises are real and that we haven't made poor decisions we press forward deeper into the onion dismissing and rationalizing glimpses into his true nature.

One of the senior governing principles of using Scientology stats is that you punish down-statistics and reward up-statistics. And because Scientology is essentially the indoctrination of people in bigotry and fanaticism they aren't just referring to graphs. People themselves become euphemized as praised up-stats or denigrated down-stats, often both repeatedly, especially since they are denied the authority and resources to influence their own areas of responsibility and the organization constantly does stupid self-destructive things that depress stats and make steady up-trends impossible.

Another big glimpse into Hubbard's mindset is he perceived "individual decision points" as a problem. This is why we see the absurdly overdone use of routing forms in Scientology. Routing forms anticipate every possible point of arbitrary decision that doesn't maximize asset stripping and strives to remove these to the extent that the respective staff at those points are automatons. Innovation and bright ideas are characterized as "Know-besty" and squirreling. I suspect that the earlier days where Scientology was growing, fun and prosperous was when people were still free to use their own common sense but the advent of the paramilitary Sea Org mentality heralded that demise.

You will find much of the basic wog world business acumen, which Hubbard claimed to disregard, embodied in The Twelve Rules for Straight Thinking by William J. Reilly published three years before Dianetics and derived from two even earlier books.

This combines two earlier books- Straight Thinking and How to Use Your Head. He tells the common mistakes we make in our thinking, how our prejudices affect our thinking, how we draw conclusions from limited evidence, how we draw faulty comparisons, etc. He reduces straight thinking to four simple steps (1) observation suggests a problem; (2) problem is defined and solution considered; (3) experiments are set up and observed; (4) conclusions are drawn on experiments or observations. From these four basic principles he develops his twelve rules for straight thinking.... Fairly elementary, but people who need this sort of book don't want profundity.

I am convinced this book and others like it, which were very trendy in the business community at the time, served as the basis for Hubbard's Data Series which is used to interpret stats and assess problems and solutions and it contains the format for making a proposal submission that is virtually identical to Hubbard's despised CSW (Completed Staff Work) policy.

However, in Scientology the rewards side of this equation is so paltry and perverted that the Scientology concept of reward has been reduced to less punishment and neglect instead of the anticipated reward. Even if you are successful in a Scientology organization and get elevated to a higher post or rank - you get all the increased responsibility, work load and risk with very little increase in benefit or protection if any at all. We see in the Sea Org where veteran staff who once held positions of authority and respect are relegated to menial back office positions for years and sometimes that is exactly how those people prefer it. I think Chuck Beatty said something to the effect that he found the RPF to be easier than regular post, for example. I can completely relate to that. The higher you go up the org board the less likely it will be that you can find a replacement to hold your post for the promised 3 week leave of absence and so we see staff going years without taking a LOA and even if they do chances are their stats will be down when they return and since they assign conditions based on 3 week graph trend lines it often takes at least 2 weeks to undo the prior 3. If your granted one day off every two weeks based on a 3 week trend you can go a very long time without a day off. After a while you are working regularly until 2 in the morning simply because that is the only way to keep your stats up. You don't need to be ordered to work 80 - 130 hour weeks. It becomes your accepted life style but by that time you are so sleep deprived and burned out you are only going through the motions. You have become robotic, another of Hubbard's favorite derogatory expressions. So now you are resigned to having to let the stats go down for a week or two just so they have a chance to go back up from something.

Hubbard ranted against staff transfers unmocking the orgs but it is such a dog-eat-dog world that co-workers are struggling to get transferred to better orgs and units and higher units are struggling to rip them off and use lesser quality staff as coins to replace them. The best people ultimately get promoted to where they fail a la Scientology's deliberately exaggerated "The Peter Principle" universe and get inflicted with heavy ethics, something else Hubbard railed against yet institutionalized, until they leave staff or bail on Scientology completely. And so the stats are constantly crashing due to internal turmoil and if you complain using your knowledge of Scientologese then you are using policy to stop and open to accusations of being an SP.

Sometimes the whole org will be assigned a lower condition and everyone will be on rice and beans for months. It doesn't matter if your area is up-stat. Hubbard often derided communist and socialist systems that didn't respect individual productivity or property but in practice Scientology is very much a communist/socialist system only without much if any redistribution. Even the staff training and auditing is so scarce and reserved for only the most proven and trusted servants (because so many leave in the first few years) that it too is a false promise of shared reward and even when auditing is given it is probably by students in training and not highly respected cash earners.

Hubbard railed against stat pushes, or emphasizing stats over quality and service, but then he instills the LRH Birthday Game which is nothing more than a massive perpetual institutionalized stat push that pits orgs and staff against each other.

It isn't possible to have a rational analysis of Scientology statistics unless it is being analyzed as a system of coercion. In fact, I would describe Scientology itself in it's entirety as a system of coercion. Somehow every piece of policy or tech no matter how innocent it might be in the wog world can somehow be defined and integrated into a system of coercion in Scientology. People wanting to remember past lives and controlling the cycle of reincarnation don't get into it expecting to be indoctrinated into fanaticism but that's exactly what it is. On another thread they are talking about hypnotism being used and although there may be the use of confusion techniques and temporary dissociation with the ganzfeld effect that can cause momentary lapses in judgement or suggestibility, I think Scientology is mostly good old fashioned coercion and indoctrination cleverly repackaged for a modern audience of seekers and utopianists.

Yes, Hubbard used rhetoric to persuade. We all do, even here, but persuade to what? People on ESMB expect to be persuaded against getting involved with controlling culty organizations and people getting into Scientology expect rhetoric to persuade them into a workable spiritual and mental technology - they DO NOT start out expecting to be persuaded into becoming bigoted hypocritical fanatics that use something as mundane as statistics to enslave people. Scientology stats aren't supposed to make sense. From the first moment you use them to track your student points they are designed to get rid of sense.
For all that Hubbard ranted about communists, the reason why his orgs fail is because they are set up as communist entities.

In a market economy, if workers are not being compensated to their satisfaction, they are free to quit and go work elsewhere (if they can find a place which offers them a better deal). If an employer thinks a worker could be replaced by somebody better (at the same price), then that worker is fired and replaced. No need for punishment or harsh discipline --- improve or say goodbye.

The Sea Org people are not employees. They are slaves to be whipped.


Gold Meritorious Patron
For all that Hubbard ranted about communists, the reason why his orgs fail is because they are set up as communist entities.

In a market economy, if workers are not being compensated to their satisfaction, they are free to quit and go work elsewhere (if they can find a place which offers them a better deal). If an employer thinks a worker could be replaced by somebody better (at the same price), then that worker is fired and replaced. No need for punishment or harsh discipline --- improve or say goodbye.

The Sea Org people are not employees. They are slaves to be whipped.
Agreed. There is much more in common between Scientology and communism than free enterprise systems. I'd even say that there is more in common with the ancient Chinese totalitarian system of legalism than communism but both emphasize centralized control of resources, the strict division of society into specialized units for production exclusively to serve the state and a Stazi style snitch dossier culture. Note that communism, legalism and Scientology all justify their forms of totalitarianism based on existential threats of war and annihilation from some nemesis like nuclear war or as with Scientology - their battle for survival with Interpol, the media who already have their story and psychiatry, or even being forced to report to a between lives implant station on the dark side of the moon presumably being run by alien psychiatrists that haven't been reincarnated as Earth psychiatrists yet. Totalitarianism needs an enemy and fear and for a doctrine that promises total cause over life and livingness Scientology is very much embedded with fear.

To be fair religious orders do tend to be literally commune in nature and in that regard the Sea Org is communistic but people joining a Franciscan monastery or even the Taliban, for example, know exactly what they are getting into and Scientologists do not. To become a card carrying Scientologist means you have signed NDAs and waivers that give them the right to lie, obfuscate and abuse you with impunity in the name of religion. A true Scientologist doesn't need or want full disclosure. Scientology is more like the Taliban with a monasterial (albeit paramilitary) facade:

Telling an acceptable truth in Scientology becomes Taqiyah.
Squirrels and SPs are Infidels.
Fair game is Fatwa.
KSW is Sharia.
Planetary clearing is Jihad

I think this thread started off trying to apply reason to Scientology stats which wrongly assumes that Scientology stats are supposed to make sense but it is important to illustrate how they constitute a critical and incremental component to the path into indoctrination and control. There really isn't any good reason for students to track student points for every word defined and every check sheet item completed unless you are trying to instill compliance to arbitrary forms of discipline. This then devolves into more bigotry as people are labelled slow, or glib for being too fast. These stats then become integrated into other things like staff posting evaluations and can result in being denied advancement but some people are slow and have strong retention and some people are fast and do not and visa versa. Reducing people to statistics is dehumanizing and ignores unique qualities but if you are trying to empty a vessel so it can be refilled in your image then this makes sense.

Maybe in an ideal honest environment this emphasis on stats could have a net positive effect but in the hypocritical context of Scientology with all of it's hidden agendas management by stats is perverted from the start.

We tend to get into the weeds about whether LRH, Scientology or the organization under Miscavige is politically left or right but it is more appropriate to view Scientology as a study in hypocrisy and deception. In one of his more enlightening screeds below, Hubbard tells us how much he is against welfare and in support of rewarding production - yet, there is very little in the way of reward for production in the Scientology universe and a lot of raking off the top and diverting funds to off shore accounts and luxury items for the guy at the top while the sleep deprived underlings try to survive on subsistence wages, irreducible food allocations and sleeping 10 to 20 in a room going years without a vacation. And as much as Hubbard voiced his resentment of welfare he desperately wanted Scientology study tech to take over public education so he could get government education funds, to take over psychiatry so he could get government funds for mental health,...government welfare for criminal rehab, drug rehab, administering the purification rundown to military victims of gulf war syndrome, etc.

After the 1977 FBI raids he set up the SEF (Safe Environment Fund) demanding money for nothing from Scientology public to pay for legal fees and presumably to fund his bug-out bag after putting his wife in the position of overseeing the burglarizing of government offices over 100 times. What is that if not welfare? Oh yes, it's a "donation". But this all must have worked because it was expanded and reconstituted as the IAS and it's insatiable demand for welfare to pay for a real estate portfolio buildup. A portfolio that is tax exempt leaving communities like Clearwater to subsidize Scientology with yet another form of welfare. Ultimately LRH envisioned all world governments using Scientology management technology and it's embedded judicial procedures at which point it wouldn't just get government welfare - it would be the government.

But in LRH and Scientologist's minds Scientology is senior to life itself because it is the only thing that understands and can save life for all eternity so it alone is deserving of all this welfare because it is actually just rewarding an upstat and not really welfare at all.


The whole decay of Western government is explained in this seemingly obvious law:
If you reward nonproduction you get nonproduction.
When you penalize production you get nonproduction.
The welfare state can be defined as that state which rewards nonproduction at the expense of production. Let us not then be surprised that we all turn up at last slaves in a starved society.


Master of Disaster
Religious orders might be organized along communistic lines, but the difference between a convent and Soviet communism is that, at any time, the nun can say "I'm sorry, I've decided this isn't what I want to do", and walk out. And no blow drill, or guards with dogs, will chase her to bring her back.

The ability to leave operates as a feedback mechanism which puts a lid on major abuse, whether in monastery or kibbutz.



This can happen to an entire Country. Iran is a religious Theocracy...

Today, Tehran, Iran is the largest city in the Middle East. Population of around 10 million people.

Currently, only about 25% of the people in Iran own their own homes.

There has been terrible inflation of their Country's Currency.....mainly caused by Government mistakes IMO.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Religious orders might be organized along communistic lines, but the difference between a convent and Soviet communism is that, at any time, the nun can say "I'm sorry, I've decided this isn't what I want to do", and walk out. And no blow drill, or guards with dogs, will chase her to bring her back.

The ability to leave operates as a feedback mechanism which puts a lid on major abuse, whether in monastery or kibbutz.
In Hymn of Asia Hubbard declares that there can be love for all kinds of things including insects and he also preaches that each of the 8 dynamics should coexist and be in-exchange with each other but in practice Scientology teaches people to think of and treat people who voice their disagreement like vermin that should be destroyed without sorrow comparing them to squirrels and lice. Which are we to believe? Do we love squirrels and lice and only hate people who are compared to them? Which line of indoctrination are we signing on for - love or hate? Scientologists are so whipsawed between these extremes with Hubbard talking out of both sides of his mouth that you can't be a Scientologist without rationalizing both extremes to the point that hatred of SPs and denigration of down-stats becomes an expression of love for Hubbard and Scientology. Scientologists are drilled with TRs to be wooden and taught that expression of emotion is a bad thing, it's case and HE&R (Human Emotion and Reaction) to the point that they no longer pay attention to how they feel about being taught to love and hate at the same time. They are taught that they are supposed to be able to go up or down the tone-scale easily, naturally and appropriately for the circumstances without corrupting influence from the reactive mind but they are so conflicted over Hubbard's dichotomies that they get stuck in this zone where intuition is compartmentalized and emotion is artificial. If you don't display the artificial emotion you are somehow down tone. They are taught that they can be in present time and obnose or see things as they are without distortion - the whole time being completely engulfed in a haze of distortion about what it means to be in present time and to observe.

Statistical management is a great innovation for indoctrination into not feeling because it omits variables like independent thinking. You don't get a student point for thinking outside the doctrine. You only get points for referring to Source, no verbal data, read it again and again and clear your misunderstood words and clay demo it until you see it Hubbard's way.

So this isn't just a matter of force and coercion at the point of leaving. It is a matter of deception and coercion from the start. Everything in Scientology has two philosophically opposing narratives either being taught or practiced by Hubbard and the organization. I have little doubt that other more innocuous groups don't tell people everything up front but even the Taliban know they are signing on to kill people so in that regard even they are more honest than Scientology.