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Getting out

Mick Wenlock

Admin Emeritus (retired)
I think the "thetans with small bodies" comment can be interpreted in many ways.

CofS/SO staff interpret it in a self justifying way, so they don't do much for the kids in the Cadet's Orgs.

Well I have to admit to a disagreement here - the "interpretation" seems fairly obvious to me; after all, Hubbard wrote (in justifying declaring a 7 year old an SP)

"Upstats, big or little, get upstat treatment

SPs get declared."

In another part he makes reference to the fact that it takes some years (I believe the figure was five, but I do not have the reference to hand) to key out the engram of death and birth.

But, as you say, couple that sort of expectation together with the institutional mindset that goes with the SO and it is no wonder things got so bad.

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
I would love to do a life repair, and heard of some ex-scientologist, who do repairs on people who have left or been kicked out. I am interested in that, and if you know anyone, or a group locally that does that in the Clearwater area, I would appreciate that. Thanx:eek:

Someone who does not approve of Scn read your post and asked me why I didn't tell you not to do life repair and why I didn't tell Terril not to answer your question, seein' as how we're both women and all.

Yes, it's a fact that I think Scn is a good thing. I don't have a problem with someone wanting Life Repair.

But what if I didn't? What if I was like many other people here who ditched Scn completely after leaving CofS? Would I go charging in and telling you what to do? No, I would not.

I assume that you and Terril are both adults and that if, on a forum wherein Scn and Scn'ists aren't automatically excoriated every time someone mentions either, that you have the right to communicate to each other.

The thought police are not with us. We left them behind in CofS. Now, THAT'S a thought police type organization for ya.

If you want to ask about how to get life repair outside CofS, you have every right to. If someone wants to answer that question, then they have every right to.

Other people's recourse is to add something to the thread.

I can't advocate the line of thought that says that only certain stances and opinions are ok. Most of us live in democratic countries. We could do Ku Klux Klan thingies if we wanted to. Anyone who didn't like it would be free to write a comment or talk to us about it- if we were that stupid as to get into something like that.

So, Sabrina, there are people who say you are being exploited because you are interested in life repair and someone answered your question about how to get it.

I say that they are the exploiters because they are using your story for their own ends.

Speaking as an indie Scientologist, I'm just as happy, myself, to recommend yoga, Buddhism or even a nice Sunday Service or Mass in a Christian church or going to see a psychotherapist or making new friends as I am to recommend Scientology auditing.

I recommend any and all of these things- definitely including Scn auditing.

If you want Scn auditing, go get it. It may help. But if you can't get it, if it's not available or you lose interest in it, then try some of those other things.

And do let us know how you are doing.


I know it's been a while since you sent this, and I fel bad for not answering sooner. But I am very happy you kept your kids away. You were being a good mother. :thumbsup: :happydance:

The Church really doesn't have any business as a military group to invade and monitor people on the second dynamic.

I learned very early on not to allow the Church onto my second dynamic.

I was 22 and going through a divorce with a Scientologist. This guy was so sneaky with hidden agenda's he couldn't be trusted by anyone for anything.

I was going to hire a lawyer to have my legal rights established custodywise. I was dragged into a chaplains court by the soon to be Xhusband and more or less informed I could not attack another Scientologist legally by the police or law suits or whatever. This X was a real charmer, very charismatic.

We drew up custody agreements with a chaplain.

I wasn't asking for anything financially, so that didn't matter.

About a year went by and the Xonly came by once or twice to see my son.

I was supporting us both without any help.

The X showed up wanting me to sign legal divorce papers so he could claim the child as a tax write off at tax time.

One scam after another.

At that time he obviously was seeking further gain for himself and it was eveident he had no interest in the child or providing for the child in anyway, although I had put him in business when we first got married and he was very affluent.


I signed the papers to help him save a buck.

Christmas rolls around and he calls and says he wants to take the child to visit his family for Christmas.

Having grown up with no father, I did want my son to have to.

He takes the child at Christmas and delivers him back.

It was maybe the second time in a year he had seen the child.

I know he took him to make it look to his family as though he were wearing some type of father hat.


Summer comes around and he says he wants to spend two weeks with my son.

Notice here I have no legal rights, only a handwritten agreement from a chaplains court.

I was stopped from getting my legal ruds in.

The X hasn't even done anything in Scientology since our seperation.

So, he takes the child for a two week vacation.

It took me twenty years to find my son.

Of course, in the final chapter he was not my son at all, he was another woman's son. The woman who raised him alone, as, after she helped kidnap him the Xhusband abandonded her too with my son and another one they had together.

I can't bring myself to say more right now.

Except the Church and it's meddleing with families has not produced very good results.

But after it became to real to me that my son had been taken, I decided I would never surrender responsibility for my private affairs to a church staff member again.

And I was only 23 then.

I don't blame the Church or the staff member that acted as a Chaplain.

I blame myself for incorrect estimation of force, lack of courage, and lack of inteliigence.

I should have packed my bags, taken the child, and relocated to Canada.

That was also the last time I allowed any staff member in the Church to use "ethics or justice" with me.

I still went up the bridge, even joined the Sea org. Didn't bring my stepchildren then anywhere near the base. Their father would bring them to visit. Their real mother was on staff at some Org. So they had lots of terminals, big family.

I just put my foot down about what kind of power I was going to surrender to Scientology staff.

Live and learn.

That's what it's all about.

That was the hardest knock I ever took in my life.

It paid off later too.

I was expected to surrender my other kids that I had later in life to the public school system.


I nipped that in the bud.

I guess I still have some issues.

I can't even leave my kids with a babysitter.

I sat with them all through kindergarten afraid to leave them alone for a minute in the building.

They still sleep in bed with me, still young my last two, because I am afraid someone is going to take them while I am sleeping.
OMG Sabrina Z*****? wow never thought i could find you here. Yes i know how tough it was for you i remember what you went through, I was in security for some time and know your case. Im glad you are doing better now. Who are you with in CW? IM me if you want.


Patron Meritorious
oh,yeah!I remember you

You probably don't remember me. I did not speak perfect english back then.
I was in Sea Org in 1998-99. I remember,you
always had your TRs in and I even thought,you was OT or something.
You're actualy was one of Sea Org members that had my respect.
I can't believe you blew!Wow!


New Member
Thinking about blowing

Hi, I am currently on staff at an org (dont want to say where) and I am having something of a crisis. I am not sure about my opinion about scn in general but I do know I want off staff. I can have a promising future once I leave but how to do so is troubling me. My parents are both on staff as are some of my close friends. Just looking for opinions...should i blow or route off? Id rather route off, but I dont know if I could face some of my coworkers...advice?

-An Uncertain kid.