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Jonny Jacobsen

George Layton

Silver Meritorious Patron

Jonny Jacobsen.

A good read.


"The judge in the Belgian trial of Scientology reduced one defendant to tears as he pushed him to justify the Church’s ‘meddling’ in its members’ private lives."

The desire to help others can be turned into such vanity when you convince a person their concept of thinking is the "valid" one. The idea of saving people from themselves, teaching them how to think correctly, is not helping people. It is as if a person ignores the uniqueness of their own experience and begins to believe all experiences need to be led toward one certain lesson. Attempting to lead a person's experience to one certain end takes away from the open-endedness of what life gives.


Gold Meritorious Patron
This is awesome! I love how the Judge "impinges" into the truth of how abusive Scientology treats its members. The poor dupe who was indoctrinated into the abusive methods of "help" that is nothing more than betrayal of Scientology and L Con Hubbard!