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New Scientology Disconnection procedures and techniques


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New Scientology Disconnection procedures and techniques.

From the South African Independent Scientology blog, Scientologists getting back in comm.

Disconnection Improbable

Read the entire linked article. The following excerpts are only teasers.

They have become so introverted about it that they have reduced their justice system to a covert practice. Scientologists are ostracised and then declared by rumour.

This ostracising begins with a Facebook unfriending frenzy BEFORE there is any confirmation of a declare. Scientologists are simply told “so and so is not in good standing”. If you find your friend count dropping you’ve probably been unfriended by the Church.

A number of people have reported that the unfriending started even prior to them being informed they were an Interested Party in the comm-ev. This rumour could only have emanated from Church and/or Sea Org staff as only THEY knew who was being comm-ev’d – right?

At the point of the comm-ev being held, the unfriending was relatively mild, but once the comm-ev findings were done and those to be “declared” was known (again, apparently only by the Church or the Comm-Ev Committee), the facebook unfriending hit fever pitch. One person reported being unfriended by 9 or 10 people a day! Again, the rumours could only have been emanating from the Church as the findings of the Comm-Ev were not posted anywhere in the public domain (contrary to LRH Policy), nor were they sent to any of the 15 Interested Parties (per LRH Policy).

In one case, someone as far afield as Australia contacted “one of the damned” and told them that due to the result of the comm-ev, they had to disconnect. How on earth does someone from Australia know this when the findings have never been publicly displayed for anyone to see? And the person being disconnected from had not been contacted by the Church yet?

Another interesting fact is that the Church is no longer using the term “declared SP or “so and so is hereby declared a Suppressive Person”. Instead, they have taken to sending emails using the term “expelled by the Church”. Here is an example of one such email that was received:


That’s the game plan. Quietly as possible get the person disconnected. In practice though it aint so simple. It is amusing to observe the futile measures being taken by the Church to get Scientologists to disconnect from all the ”expelled subversives” Its like watching a young child trying to stop water from pouring out of a colander – it’s a losing battle.
There are some willing foot soldiers doing their best to sever these lines such as Susan Jonker who is messaging Scientologists telling them to clean up their friends lists. Which is rather funny as just over a year ago she posted an angry status update saying no one could tell her who she could be friends with. This after she was told to unfriend someone who had been declared. However she was soon reprogrammed and happily telling others to disconnect.

Chris Shelton

Patron with Honors
Because to the RCS's way of thinking, "expelling" someone sounds so much better than calling them "suppressive". I'm sure this new move will do wonders for their PR and save the day in the media. Once again we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief as OSA runs a victory lap for their success at improving the PR of the Church of Scientology. Two thumbs up guys!

Right? :duh:


Because to the RCS's way of thinking, "expelling" someone sounds so much better than calling them "suppressive". I'm sure this new move will do wonders for their PR and save the day in the media. Once again we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief as OSA runs a victory lap for their success at improving the PR of the Church of Scientology. Two thumbs up guys!

Right? :duh:

yah, redefinition of words.

Just like they are trying to introduce the word "cathedral" for their new buildings. LOL

The lawyers no doubt introduce these new terms. As it's all legal.