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Stu Wyatt pleads


Mods, if this shouldn't be under breaking news please move. I hit enter before I was done with the title. Sorry people. He has pled guilty to possesion, etc. His post which follows explains it.

Re: Stu Wyatts pleads Guilty, Scientologists gloat.


Hi guys....

Thank you so much for your comments and support. I'm sorry that I have not been active on the forums, and I had to miss the last protest due to preparing for court.... Basically, since my lights and meds were taken from me, my health and stamina has been pretty much fucked. I'm finding dribs and drabs locally, but I'm without more often than when I'm with.

What the scientology vids showed this year was the power of cannabis.... I was smoking my own home-grown medicine, and at times, I felt fucking amazing.

Jump forward 6 months after my arrest, and I'm not so good. The most worrying new symptom is total weakness in my left hand and arm.... It comes and goes, but it is coming more often than it is going. Things like rolling a roach or lifting a can of baked beans can be an impossible task. I am finding it more and more difficult to even hold sustained notes on the piano with the left hand.... the same hand that used to dance all over the fingerboard of my violins....

But hey, there are many more people worse off than myself....

The court battle has been a rollercoaster ride of beaurocracy and closed doors.... There is no fucking justice in this country, and we are truly turning into a police state. My only hope is mitigation.... but even with that, I have to seriously consider that there is a strong chance I am going to jail. Cannabis is going to be unjustly reclassified to class B a week after my sentencing, and you can bet that they will want as many negative news items and harsh sentences to brainwash the sheeple....

I had no legal option but to plead guilty, or lose my legal representation, and have to argue a jury nullification argument in front of a jury, without being able to explain the circumstances of why I did it.... Talk about a fucked playing field... lol....

Anway.... I love you guys, and Ive been having to watch from a distance since the madness of last summer. I am honoured to have been a part of this, but sadly, due to health reasons and having a much more personal cause to fight at the moment, I am having to step back. I've got a month to pack up all my possessions just in case I do get a custodial....

I have 46 unread PM's dating back months, and I'm sorry, but it may take a while to get through them. I will do so over the next few days health permitting.

I have met so many inspirational people through protesting Scientology.... You guys saved my life.... literally... Prior to Feb, I was in a fucked up place and was very close to ending it. Anonymous inspired me to give life another chance, and I tell you, it was the best year of my life. Even the arrest and the court stuff.... my life certainly has not been dull, and very little of this year was shrouded in any kind of depression....

So thank you....




Stu, just take care of your health. The rest of us will be taking care of the cult until you can get back into the fight.

You provided us with some great moments. Vicky Boyce will never be the same, I'm sure!:D

You're buddies in Plymouth will make sure the org never forgets what they've done.

Best wishes to you, Stu.

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
Yes I agree Panda.

Thankyou Stu. To see you out there day after day was inspirational and I truly wish you the best and hope this particular hiccup comes to an end soon! :clap:

Takin Time

Patron with Honors
I think it's very interesting that folks like Stu Wyatt and Shawn Lonsdale are some of the most hardcore in-your-face-CoS people around.

I guess some are on that edge of devil-may-care with not a lot to lose --- in a place that most of us in the world are not (with our must-pay-for-the-house, feed the kids, keep the job, sort of world).

Thanks, Stu, for being such an inspiration to at least move a little bit out of our comfort zone.


Another post from Stu:

Thanks again everyone... Its brought a tear to my eye tonight :)

Re: medicinal trials and evidence, it might surprise you that the worlds largest medicinal cannabis medicine trials happened in my city, and were led by my neurologist, Dr Jon Zajicek - who is the worlds leading cannabis scientist..... however, trying to even get him to answer a letter is impossible, and its been over a year since I last saw him.

However, I'm seeing a pain specialist for the first time tomorrow (after 3 years of tests? lol).... Im praying that I will finally be allowed Sativex (cannabis based medicine)... and that would be a great mitigation - to be prescribed a natural extract of the very plant that I am being prosecuted for? lol

Anyway - re: sentencing, it is becuase I was 100% honest and defiant in my interview, and admitted to supplying other sick people (for free I might stress), and helped form a network in the UK of people who help each other....

... that is supply of a class C substance.... and at the moment, the courts are starting to lay down some heavy sentences.

Time will tell how this will all pan out, but I have a little bit of fait and hope that sanity will prevail.....

Oh, and yes, and Vicky Boyce et al.... I had some great times :) Like I said earlier.... best year of my life bar none.


Stu isn't the only one with a tear in the eye.:bigcry:


Thank you Stu for all you have done! I'm so sorry to see that you are having to endure all this as a consequence. It's a big price, but your efforts have made a difference - you are appreciated for it, and our prayers are with you. :)

Tim Skog

Silver Meritorious Patron
I have to apologize. I had forgotten who Stu was. I googled and found a site and when I read it, it brought it all back.

So, good luck with the legal battle Stu. I am sorry that you have to deal with that shit.

When I read about stuff like this it makes me want to go caveman and get a club and start knockin' heads.

I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation
Hey Stu ...

I miss you ... you are a hero ... I was hoping we would hear from you again so many thanks for posting this and good luck with the upcoming case ... I really believe you will be OK and common sense will prevail.

You are a good person (and an amazing musician) ... Love you.



Patron Meritorious
Maybe the last we see of Stu :bigcry:


Again, thank you so much for the comments. Its a shame that the controlling egotistical online cannabis community aren't real activists like you guys... Would you believe that I am blackballed from them? *sigh* The world will look back on anonymous vs Scientology as the first truly anarchistic, decentralised protest group.... I have learned and discovered so much by working with you all.

I'm may be offline for a bit due to the past few days. Hospital was shit today.... Pain specialist said that they do not prescribe sativex unless it is for a drugs trial, and that synthetic THC medications were too expensive, thus are impossible to be prescribed.

And it didn't help that I couldn't sleep til 4am, and then I was woken up at half nine by the 'chairman' of the uber-secret-'anarchist' cannabis activist group.... who I may add has done nothing in the past 3 months except try and draft up a written constitution.... who then proceeded to lecture me as a leader, and tell me what to do and refusing to discuss the reasons why I, and many other activists have been ostracised....

madness... lol.....

But it makes life interesting as always.

By the way.... I phoned up the org last night and offered a truce.... I think I screwed with the poor girls mind (I think I know who she is, but I wont name her).... I did ask to be put through to Vicky, but was refused. I reminded them that the only reason I protested them as much as I did was because they kept making it personal. The baiting and assault on my very first cart picket pushed me to utilise mynew mobility scooter and new-found freedom when i received it shortly afterwards.....

And the more they tried to 'shatter and suppress', the more I grew and attacked.... until they played really dirty with the whole Sandra incident. And they sadly won in a way.... in the fact that I have had to concentrate 100% on cannabis activism and legal stuff.... but in a way, they did me a favour by getting the medicinal cannabis argument back in the spotlight.

Anyway, she kept asking for something in writing, so I fired off a short and concise email (that could not be misinterpreted). I told them to leave me alone 100%, and I will do the same for them. I cannot have the Scientology argument cloud the medicinal cannabis argument... I'm sorry, but medicinal cannabis prohibition causes more suffering than Scientology..... and that is the bigger beacon for me and deserves my full attention.

Whether I will be back depends on many things. I know the cult does not play fair, and it does not play nice, and I truly expect them to make it personal again... which means I may be back.

But I have a lot to do over the next few months, and I will need a period of time of total R&R (I've heard prison is good for that... to have someone cook my meals, do my laundry, cleaning and have cable TV sounds like heaven!)... so whatever happens to me on the 16th, don't worry.

What is meant to be will be.

As always, much respect to you all.... and I'm always going to be watching you from the sidelines ;)


Best wishes Stu, you're a brave soldier and thanks for all you do. The law is an ass for sure, but lets hope that whoever is dealing with you has their head well out of theirs. :thumbsup:


Silver Meritorious Patron
thank you for everything you have done.

You have helped to heal many lives! Mine included.

hugs and kisses



Gold Meritorious Patron

You are one brave soul! My thoughts and best wishes to you.I know that you will beat this and we will again see your kick-ass videos!:thumbsup:

Love, TP


Silver Meritorious Patron
Hello Stu *waves*!

You know me as a different name, from a different place.

I am so glad to see this here, and I have been thinking about you. Let's hope for "time served", and house arrest.

I am pulling for you, buddy! :thumbsup:


Gold Meritorious Patron
Hi Stu,

Thank you for your good intentions and deeds!

So sorry that you have taken the hit for this.... very sad.

Know that many are quite grateful and send wishes for you.
