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Suppressive Person Party 22nd January in Glendale CA ~ you are invited


Gold Meritorious Patron

You are Invited.
Jefferson Hawkins will be in Los Angeles and we spontaneously decided to put together an
evening party ~~ i know he has friends in this forum. Come and hang with us if you are local.
It will be in Glendale just off the 134 freeway 7pm to 10pm on Monday 22nd January
Dinner will cost $20 range. Parking is free. Camaraderie, making new friends, meeting old friends,
have *Fun FUn FUN* = no charge.
Please join us....
Its a party for SPs only,"but we will allow those that are PTS to us big bad SPs."
RSVP [email protected]
There will be 7 participants of the Leah Remini AFTERMATH at the party...
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