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Video interview with Ex-Sea Org member


Patron with Honors
Will Fry (WillHaven720), a former member of Sea Org and sales manager for Bridge Publications, tells his story after a global raid at San Jose. He also discusses the Church of Scientology's involvement in trying to rig the 'New York Times' Best Seller List and talks briefly about his mother's abuse by the CoS finance police back in the '80s.




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Patron with Honors
The Dark Side of Scientology

Will Fry (WillHaven720), a former member of Sea Org and sales manager for Bridge Publications, tells his story after a global raid at San Jose. He also discusses the Church of Scientology's involvement in trying to rig the 'New York Times' Best Seller List and talks briefly about his mother's abuse by the CoS finance police back in the '80s.

This is Scientology, the rotten stuff!
A huge thanks to Will for witness! :clap:
This is the other side of those shining medals or happy smiles.

Important post!


Formerly Fooled - Finally Free
That is some awesome stuff, right there!
Yes, this take is a must see. I was really moved by all especially by the comments on his being raised in Scn and life in the SO, how scn effected his family, Xenu on the net, his former Scn uncle's disconnection fueled decline and unhandled addictions ending in suicide, along with how on Narconon and Scientology did not help. The fraud at BPI and how Moxon found out are classic.

Thanks go out to San Jose anons and Will.


Patron with Honors

A big Hi to Will and a huge THANK YOU for telling your story on vedio.

I remember the school in the Desert, as I was there for awhile until I couldnt stand the off policy stuff going on and the way the kids were treated and so I blew....I tried to do something but no one would listen. They were all takin in by Yoka, thinking she was this great person. I was staff and got in trouble for not doing something quick enough (Its been so long I honestly do not remember what it was but I know it wasnt anything major) Sent to Ethics and put on kitchen staff while working through conditions....I am a very good cook and overheard Yoka one day talking to staff saying that they wanted to keep my ethics cyle going because they liked me cooking....
Of course I blew as I couldnt handle the out tech.:angry:

I am truly glad you are out and awake. I wish you the best and hope you have the support you need to do well in your real life...Did your mom ever make it out?

Again thanks and the best to you


In lisening to this interview I couldn't help but think of the question on the personality test that goes: "Do you think that the modern day prison without bars system is doomed to failure?"

When I answered that question I always wondered if there really was one. Now that I have heard this interview it really drove home for me that the Sea Org is a prison without bars system for the most part.

I was at the CLO in NY a few times but I never imagined that the crap that happened to his mother happened there but I shouldn't be surprised.

Happy Days

Silver Meritorious Patron
Thank you so much Will for sharing part of your SO journey.

I'm so pleased you are out, happy and getting on with your life.

All the best for your future.