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Fifteen year old abused at Narconon - Lawsuit dox at Tony's


A Girl Has No Name
This is truly awful.....


Now, a Narconon center in Nevada is being sued by a family over the experiences of their fifteen-year-old.
On March 8, Mark and Nicole Peet, residents of upstate New York, sent their son to the Rainbow Canyon Retreat, a Narconon drug rehab center that relies on the teachings of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. The young man was back home by May 13. In the lawsuit they filed in Nevada on November 21, the Peets allege that their son (whose name we’re withholding because of his age) went through disturbing mistreatment at the hands of older patients, including “branding” him with a hot iron.

The Peets are suing to get back the $39,000 they paid Rainbow Canyon, and are also asking for punitive damages, alleging that their son was so affected by his experience at the facility, it led to his attempting suicide on September 5.

See lawsuit dox and the full story at Tony's site.


Happy Sapien
Anyone know the status of this Nevada case?
Peet v Narconon Fresh Start, et al
(Docket #: 3:2012cv00684)
