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Hubbard's 'Reality'!!!


I find it fascinating that so much discussion regarding fact and reality can be outstretched from one drug-addled mind's hypothesis. LRH had an idea. He called it a philosophy. Then he called it an outright fact. Thus, Scientology came into being and spread as "fact". How is this man any better than any other man, sane or otherwise, to be source? Is there proof that he was divine? Is there proof that he had a direct line to Divinity? Megalomania for sure, and when we were (some still are) his disciples, we took it hook, line and sinker.


Of course there's no proof that he was divine. There's no proof that ANYONE is divine, or that there is even such a thing as divinity. The discussion of reality is an interesting one, for laymen and scios alike. It seems very straightforward, until you start really looking. It doesn't matter what Hubbard's qualifications were, or what yours are, or what mine are. What matters is the validity of the concepts and the process of looking at them.


I agree that there is no proof of divinity. I agree that anyone can pose and try to solve the problems of reality. My only disagreement comes into play when one man claims to have the only solution to the problem--especially when that one man claimed the existence of gradient scales and the impossibility of absolutes.


Patron Meritorious
And more cursewords.

This kind of purposefully false thinking is what has made man fall prey and victim to endless pain and suffering for oh too long now.
Maybe it has made man fall prey, and yet this is a fact of life that religions are there and most people have unprovable beliefs (= subjective certainties).

The only 'fact' there is in a religious belief is the willingness of the believer to grant the idea of 'hard fact' to what is but a psychological need to place false or made up information into their understanding of things.

It's wanting to return to childhood magical thinking. By many it's considered an escape mechanism; the desire to escape into a psychological fantasy world can have short term benefits... but intellectual abilities are the only real, dependable tools that can overcome momentary or long term dilemmas.

The believers 'facts' are actually nothing more than wishful thinking that something imaginary is their 'savior' rather than develop and trust their intellectual powers to overcome adversity and extreme hardships.
I am asking myself what you are doing on this board, KnightVision:

There are so many more Christians and Muslims. All suffer from "fantasy world promises" that you mention, so why don't you target Islam or Christianity? It seems to be much more fruitful! You could convince MILLIONS of Muslims instead of only a handful of ex-Churchies. Just tell them "Muhammad is your mental escape mechanism". I am sure it will work. Hey, maybe you figured out how religions work and they will thank you with a nice birthday cake and a "How-could-we-have-ever-been-so-stupid holiday" on the 5th of September every year.
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Patron Meritorious
NO Knn,

I'm not mixing anything. You are trying to sell me dog shit wrapped in pretty paper. It's not gonna work. Not now. Not ever.
It _IS_ already working.

I made you change the subject of this thread from some LRH statements about reality to a hate tirade against religions in general.

You'll only have limited success with those who have not reamed Lcon's job and any other Con's job out of their system using precise NO BULLSHIT observation coupled with objective truths and grounding.
It's funny how you, the "understander of psychology and exposer of religion", show some psychological issues yourself, e.g. resorting to cursewords and made up words like "LCon" to enforce meaning to your statements. Obviously your statements don't speak for themselves.

See, it goes like this...
Wait a sec, need to get my popcorn, the Minister of Belief-Destruction holds a speech.

The 'scary world' that belief systems offer to save one from is in fact....

On the other hand the 'belief system savior' simply convinces one....
Yes, yes, we just discovered *the shocking truth* about what makes billions of people tick.

That's the BULLSHIT FACTOR about beliefs. If you JUST LOVE the smell of your own.... inhale it deep and long.
Unfortunately the Minister of Religious-Belief-Destruction couldn't keep his Tourette tics in check at the end of his speech.


Real reality? - Or what you believe is reality? - Or a belief that you, as a good scientologist, has decided is knowledge?

You got it. They tell you you mocked up everything and you believe it. You mocked up your bank, past lives, earthly reality, everything. Pay at the desk.

Getting the joke: priceless.