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Kaufman's Inside Scientology

Hi ESMB members and lurkers,

I know Kaufman's book is online but I would prefer a printed copy. It is very expensive at used bookstores. I was wondering if anyone has an extra copy that I could buy at a reasonable price, say $10-15.



I read this during my first few weeks at the Church, in Boston. Their amphitheatre space was LOADED with papers and archives from when they had formerly been a "Saint Hill Size Org" in the 70's that they had never culled through or filed properly. OSA and HCO put a project together to do this, and didn't supervise very well. I was picking through stuff, and found this book. Rather than continue sorting, I read about thirty pages of it. Suddenly I was discovered by an OSA person, who took it from me and said "suppressive bullshit". She seemed concerned that it was there, and that I had been reading it, but didn't say anything further to me. Wish I'd read the whole thing, right then!