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Marc Headley's Deposition Report

Tim Skog

Silver Meritorious Patron
Thank you Cherished. This is wonderful news. I can just imagine the look on David Miscaviges's face. And this is just the deposition.

Well, if RTC has to clip all this stuff that mentions David Miscavige, maybe we need to post more frequently about the LITTLE man. Well, I suppose it's not nice to make fun of someone's shortcomings . . . oops, did it again, just a small Freudian slip.

Anyway, I look forward to more news about this case.
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Awesome news, just awesome! :buzzin:

Crikey, it's spirit lifting stuff, and inspiring, and it makes any and all crap we go through, seem like peanuts 'cause it'll all be worth it at the end of the day!

Moxon and Co will be rocked and on the back foot, finding out about all this shit for the first time - foolish on the part of DM for not giving him the true 'brief', but a wonderful advantage for 'our' side.

Thanks for leading the way, Mr Headley and Co - you are absolute treasures! :) Good on all of you! :thumbsup:

All the best, for when it resumes - looking forward to hearing about what comes next. :cheers:


Rogue male
Thanks for that, BFG is a hero of mine, among others.

This looks bad for them, what if it opens the door to 100s of ex SO claiming back pay? What if it does mean that the SO will have to pay a living wage to their crew as well as CL5org staff??

Whose abuses will we expose then????:confused2:


Silver Meritorious Patron
Can anyone quote the post here? I can't view WWP at work...
blownforgood said:
Well we had the first round of depositions in my case a few weeks back. April 29th and 30th.

Barry and I arrived at the law offices of Proskauer Rose. Ken Moxon was there as well as two other OSA staff. Then the lead attorney for the Church was there as well. Anthony J. Oncidi.

Proskauer Rose LLP - ANTHONY J. ONCIDI

This firm is one of the biggest law firms in LA for labor and employment issues. They are defense attorneys.

They also had hired a court approved court reporter and videographer. They pointed the camera directly at me and I am the only one who appears on camera but Moxon and my attorney had mics on so we could hear what they were saying.

On our side it was me and Barry Van Sickle.

The first day of depositions were very chaotic and unprofessional. The court reporter said that in 30 years of depositions, she had never seen one this bad. Guess she has not been involved with any Scientology cases. Moxon’s whole game plan was to “dirty my needle” and gather as much intelligence as he could. EPIC FAIL on both fronts. When he was not interrupting every answer I had, he was attempting to put words in my mouth. The entire first day had zero to do with my case. Lots of fishing for info that was not there. While the day was rather boring and fruitless, it came and went quickly. If anyone was keeping score it was zero-zero. Pretty useless waste of time for the most part.

The next day would be a bit more exciting, lame but nonetheless better than day one. We spent hours going over how many times I went to Jack and the Box and Home Depot! Literally hours. At one point I stopped and said, “Can I just say for the record that we just spent 30 minutes arguing over how many time I went to Jack and the Box.” At one point during the deposition on the second day, everyone in the room was either fully asleep or nodding off except for Barry Myself and Moxon. It was truly boring and at one point another senior partner joined the deposition, Harold Brody.

Proskauer Rose LLP - HAROLD M. BRODY

He slept too. It was damn boring. When I got on a roll about being watched 24 hours and restricted to the base for months and not allowed to go home, Harold woke up and seemed a bit surprised. I am sure the attorneys were not told that Dave Miscavige was running the next best thing to a concentration camp in the middle of the California Desert. I am sure he is telling them what to do on this case though.

I could see that Moxon was trying to set up some big crescendo of revelations with about 50 questions but it never came. When he did finally throw out a huge hook that he thought would bring in a real good answer, my answer was the last thing he or anybody on their side wanted to hear. It was so damning that they bailed and decided to take a break. On the second day, they took many breaks. More bad stuff for them came up than they ever intended. Moxon and Oncidi have not been told all of the information that happened at the Int Base by a long shot. There are so many horrible, dreaded things that happened there and they have not been told 1% of them.

For a bit, I was able to really get some good info onto the record and give them a tiny glimpse of what was to come. Anytime this started to happen, it was “break time”. All they have are the illegal employment contracts. That‘s it. They have nothing else. We knew that from the beginning. Well the first two days of depositions pretty much confirmed that.

Dave Miscavige is running the handling of these cases. If he is not on the phone to the lawyers himself, he is talking to whoever is and telling them to call back and tell them that “so and so” is how the case is going to be run. Dave like multiple daily updates if not hourly. For those of you who do not know Dave Miscavige still has bad asthma. He also has a very very bad dry skin condition. If he slides his hand across a paper to hard, he will be cut and bleed. He will bleed from clinching his fist to tight. He rarely sleeps, He has fits of uncontrollable rage and he generally not too much fun to be around. (Just think Al Pacino in Scarface mixed with a shorter smaller version of the Predator) With that said, that was how I remember him in 2005. He generally got worse year after year. I cannot imagine what his condition has grown to by now. Eating shit sandwiches for a living is not good for your health either.

Dave Miscavige is about to hit critical mass in a big way. In the middle of all this legal crap that he has to deal with, (because he is the only one who can handle anything) He has the May 9th Event and the June 6th Event to somehow get produced (because he is the only one who does anything) Not only is the legal cases a bit distracting knowing that if they lose this case they are going to have to come up with an extra 400 million dollars a year in minimum wages, but The Scientology public are becoming more and more disaffected with Dave Miscavige each day. They are reading the stories on the internet. He is not telling them the truth about what is going on and this is creating a vacuum. Well that vacuum is being quite adequately filled with the Internet.

Super Power building still not done, all his bogus technical revisions to LRH materials, people being beaten and to top it all off, forced abortions. Now he is supposed to come out with some great big master plan to re-release the entire Bridge and come out with a new improved E-Meters and convince everyone to throw out the ones he made them buy a few years ago and just when he thought all this was at its peak – something else. There is a new storm brewing in Florida just off the coast and it is about to hit the mainland. It is a Force 10 and will blow Dave’s short shorts right off his ass.

I was waiting to post until the depositions were completed but at the last minute they have been cancelled for now. Out of the blue, they just cancelled. I knew this was going to happen. The storm is near and they know it. They are probably wrapping Dave’s shorts in duct tape as you read this.

Oh and I almost forgot, the second day of my deposition was Dave Miscavige’s 49th Birthday. I kid you not. God could not have planned it better. (If you don’t believe me - google him and you will see.) At the end of the second day, Moxon made me read out one of my forum posts from a few weeks ago. It was all about me sending Dave Miscavige and Tommy Davis some lube. Well I read the post out and when I was done Moxon asked me what it meant. I told him that I cared for Dave and Tommy and because I cared, I sent Dave a birthday gift. Moxon argued that the post was from April 23rd and that was not Dave’s birthday. I explained to Moxon that gifts had to be sent in advance BEFORE the actual birthday and whilst we all had a chuckle (except for Moxon) we left it at that. I also told him that LRH said that true art (my poetic writings) had to have some sort of contribution from the viewer and that whatever picture that Moxon had while reading about Dave Miscavige, Tommy Davis and a Costco size tub of lube was his contribution and that I was sure he contributed. He did not ask anymore about anymore posts after that.

Oh yeah, OSA, RTC and Dave Miscavige are reading ALL this crap on the Internet. It has been confirmed. They had 5 damn bankers boxes of this crap printed off and lined up in folders and all super duper organized. I think if you just mention Dave Miscavige in a post, someone at RTC is reading, printing it and categorizing it so Dave can get his daily dose. Del Taco– Feed the Beast! Dave is not happy about people talking about him, people shooping the hell out of him and anything else considered OUT-PR. Truth hurts - don’t it? Maybe you should have played nicer with all the little girls and boys and this would not have happened Davey.

In the end, I was able to get my wedding pictures, some family photos and some stuff I had not seen in years.

All in all it was good and I can’t wait for more.

Until next time…

P.S. If you do shoop something, make sure you call it what it is so it turns up in search results and crawls. I’m just saying…

Also, in response to a question about whether the two other lawyers for CSI are scientologists:

blownforgood said:
Not sure, but I doubt it. I think that anyone in would know better than to get on this boat.

BTW, Brody said nothing at all when he was there, Oncidi spoke about four times over the course of two days and when he did speak it was usually off the record and he would throw Moxon under the bus. If something was decided or he was asked if this or that was what was going to happen, he would just say, "Moxon is the boss, we are going to do whatever he says." That was his pat answer for all questions pertaining to the case.

Brody and Oncidi were there because they had to be. Dave Miscavige is running this case through Moxon and this firm is just a name they can put on the case. It is a feel good thing. Dave says he wants the best labor attorneys in town so he can tell them how to deal with this case himself.

They have spent over one million dollars on these guys already. In 6 more months they will have spent more fighting this case than it was worth when it started! Spend a dollar to save a dime - that's Dave's Motto. That's how he rolls. They spent over 100 million dollars fighting cases in the 80's and 90's that they ended up settling for millions in the end anyway.

By the time they have spent double digit millions, they will REALLY start fighting this and spend some real money.

Until next time...
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Gold Meritorious Patron
BFG you got some titanium balls. I've been through my share of these things and I know how unpleasant they can be.

This one has to be off the unpleasant scale.

Good luck to you and stay strong.


Bardo Tulpa
To: Mr. David Miscavige
From: Alanzo

Dear Mr. Miscavige,

I understand.

You're important.

You are the head of a worldwide church of people who study things by a guy who set you up in your position, or whose insanity and eventual decline left a vacuum which you were able to suck yourself into. And through the years, the church you sit on top of has amassed a lot of money to take care of.

And that's important.

It's what makes you important.

The money came pouring in because your church sells something that every mortal wants: salvation. It's an old business, but unless you have unbridled power, a very rough one.

I'm sure that you understand that no business like this could last forever. I don't even think Hubbard planned for it to last this long. So you've done quite well at keeping it going for as long as you have.

Look into history. Anyone in the Salvation Selling business has never lasted. In the past, if you were the government AND the only Salvation Salesman around, then you could keep it going for maybe hundreds of years at most. Those were really the days! But now with the Internet, where the customers get to discuss your product, anyone in the salvation selling business is pretty much fucked.

Maybe you've been contemplating a second career with the whole Ideal Org Thing: a move into Real Estate like your brother.

Problem is, I don't think they'll have you there.

In fact, I don't think they'll have you anywhere.

You know how you tell your juniors that they could not make it in the wog world in order to keep them from leaving you? And you know how in Scientology what's true is what's true for you? Well, it isn't true for them, but it's certainly true for you.

The only place you can go in the wog world after Scientology is probably jail. That's really the only place that'll have you now.

Or maybe Tom Cruise's house.

Such is the nature of the business you are in. What appears to be wealth and power one day is just a big pile of shit the next.

I know.

You never asked for any of this.

You were just trying to do the best you could.

The best thing you could do now is to just let it go. To simply stop trying to save money on your staff with all the abortions and slave-labor stuff. Tell everyone that they can speak to their families and friends now. Stop trying to micromanage everyone. Just let it go.

Let it go, David.

It was never supposed to last forever.

Let it go.

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Squirrel Extraordinaire
Snap with Dulloldfart. Great minds think alike!!

But yours made it online first. :)


P.S. DM's dry skin sounds like a zinc deficiency. I used to get patches like that on my fingers when in the US. Cheapo zinc tablets cleared it up, but there was a delay of several weeks, both in the condition disappearing and later on reappearing after I stopped taking the additional zinc.


Patron Meritorious
P.S. DM's dry skin sounds like a zinc deficiency. I used to get patches like that on my fingers when in the US. Cheapo zinc tablets cleared it up, but there was a delay of several weeks, both in the condition disappearing and later on reappearing after I stopped taking the additional zinc.

Out Tech. See EO for Eval and Inval.


Silver Meritorious Patron
I tried getting in there to read it at 10:00 this morning ( Wednesday). The first page came up, wouldn't scroll, wouldn't close, computer froze. I had to manually shut down and restart.
Anyone else having a problem with it?



Turn Around

And then will come BFG's turn to depose. Oh oh oh OOOOOOO run dwarf Davey run, run from the process servers. Oh Tom Tom Tom where can I go oh where can I hide?