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Prohibit Scientology from Delivering Auditing to Minors as Anti-Gay Therapy


@IndieScieNews on Twitter
Petition: Prohibit Scientology from Delivering Auditing to Minors as Anti-Gay Conversion Therapy.

I was checking on the status of Joyce Miller's short film project (referenced in this thread), and noticed that she had created the above and below petition.

This is Joyce's Kickstarter update announcing the petition.


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Update #7

Sep 18 2016

Scientology Homophobia Petition

I wanted to share a petition I created that goes into the construct of Scientology's religious homophobia and the possibility of Scientology Auditing containing a passive, incidental strain of anti-gay conversion therapy. Thank You! -Joyce


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This is the Petition:


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Prohibit the Church of Scientology from Delivering the Practice Known as Auditing to Minors on the Grounds that it Covertly Accords to the Logic of Anti-Gay Conversion Therapy

Petition by Joyce Miller

To be delivered to Governor Andrew Cuomo

One of Scientology's explicit goals is to bring every single person on the planet up to a spiritual level known as "Clear" through a memory based therapy practice known as "Auditing". One of the irrefutable characteristics of “Clear” is heterosexual behavior.

There are currently 6 signatures. We need 50 signatures!


Scientology avoids specifying a stance on homosexuality through the tightly constructed loopholes and semantics of its late founder L. Ron Hubbard. Throughout my involvement in the church from age ten to the end of college, I was told by multiple staff members this is because it is not legal for Scientology to claim it addresses or seeks to alter any specific trait. I knew repeated accounts of Scientologists saying “Don’t you ever want to learn the real reason behind why you’re gay?” when recruiting openly gay people. To anyone who has been indoctrinated in the Church, it is very clear that Scientology is inextricably homophobic and negates homosexuality at the core.

One of Scientology’s explicit, urgent goals is to bring everyone on the planet up to a state of spiritual existence referred to as “Clear”, achieved primarily through the practice of Scientology auditing. Auditing is Scientology’s signature (pseudoscientific) therapeutic practice of recalling traumatic events until the emotional weight is dissipated, meant to raise a persons level on the “Emotional Tone Scale” or “Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation”. Scientology’s fundamental criterion for human behavior, “The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation”, irrefutably characterizes the sexual behavior of a “Clear” as heterosexual, and classifies homosexual behavior as the byproduct of aberration, or a lower undesirable spiritual state on the chart.

You can find “The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation” pictured and explained on Scientology’s website and the internet, or in books like “Self-Analysis”, available at such retail stores as Barnes and Noble. Every row in "The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation" corresponds to numbered ascending and descending levels of spiritual existence or “tone levels”. Every column describes a different category of behavior, such as “Emotion” and “Sexual Behavior”. In Scientology each "tone level" is usually referred to by its number and/ or emotion, (Content is 3.0, Anger is 1.5, etc.) since Scientology teaches that you can most easily spot a persons position on the “tone scale”/“Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation” by observing their emotional state.

The "tone level" associated with homosexuality, “1.1, Covert Hostility” is characterized in the sexual behavior column by the term “Irregular Practices”. It is widely known in Scientology that "Irregular Practices" is basically synonymous with “homosexuality”.

To confirm for someone unfamiliar with "The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation" that "1.1" is without argument how Scientology categorizes homosexuality, here are some excerpts from the writings of late Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard:

“Homosexuals don't practice love; 1.1s can’t."

“Such people should be taken from the society as rapidly as possible and uniformly institutionalized; for here is the level of the contagion of immorality, and the destruction of ethics; here is the fodder which secret police organizations use for their filthy operations. One of the most effective measures of security that a nation threatened by war could take would be rounding up and placing in a cantonment, away from society, any 1.1 individual who might be connected with government, the military, or essential industry…” (1)

Scientology and all of L. Ron Hubbard’s writings on which Scientology is based functions as a model of infallibility; a source of applicable, unfaltering technology.

There is not room for dissent or interpretation in Scientology. Dissent or interpretation in Scientology are at best considered mistakes to be corrected and at worst justify vicious organized attack from the church. There are no “Versions” of Scientology that validate homosexual behavior. Scientology only allows for one version of Scientology, and it is one in which homosexuality is defined as a byproduct of “aberration” that Scientology auditing explicitly aims to restore.

As a child, I poured over “The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation” starting at age twelve or thirteen, through signing up for “The Volunteer Ministers Course”. Substantial auditing was beyond my family’s price range, but in my case indoctrination with “The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation” was enough to shape my thinking as a kid.

“The Hubbard Chart of Human Evalution” additionally posits that though everybody has a chronic “tone level” with corresponding columns generally predicting each aspect of behavior, "tone level" acutely fluctuates throughout the day or over time, since each “tone level” corresponds with a different emotion and people experience varying emotions in different situations. According to Scientology, whatever emotional tone you acutely experience, your will accordingly exhibit the corresponding behaviors. Recognizing same sex attraction in myself as a seventh or eighth grader, I asked the course supervisor “So, according to a persons mood, you could feel same sex attraction without being chronically 1.1?” The course supervisor thought for a second and said “Does it make sense according to the chart”? And by the screwed up logic of “The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation”, it does.

"The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation” erases the concept of homosexuality as anything more than a changeable byproduct of existing in a lower spiritual state. For a developing queer child attempting to modify their behaviors in accordance to Scientology’s “Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation”, or simply trying to exist in a religious context that erases the validity of their instincts, the detriment is clear.

Despite being a rigid system of highly engineered totalitarian indoctrination that readily qualifies as a cult, Scientology manages to steamroll its way into the definition of a religion. It is nevertheless important to protect the right to individual religious beliefs.

Scientology auditing, however, is not a belief, but a practice. Auditing is a practice that is taught and executed with deliberate precision and uniformity, and for which the definition of success includes and necessitates heterosexuality. The practice of auditing, in the context of Scientology's immovable philosophy surrounding homosexuality, should therefore be classified as a form of anti-gay conversion therapy and not permissible for use on minors.

Scientology’s language contains precise measures to rigidly define a reality all its own, including invented or warped usage of words. To some degree it encodes itself from scrutiny. If a religious leader punches children in the face, but uses the word “enlighten” instead of “punch”, should it be considered less of a transgression? Forgive the crude example, but it begins to illustrate how Scientology’s highly engineered language routinely shapes reality and negates the identities of its members in more nuanced forms of spiritual abuse. Scientology gets a great deal of strength from its highly regimented structure and uniform totalitarian language, difficult to deconstruct even with inside familiarity.

Scientology is routinely damaging to children and adults regardless of sexual orientation.

Taking away The Church of Scientology’s capacity to deliver auditing to children would still allow it to freely indoctrinate and manipulate them, but stil be a positive step. At the very least I’d like to raise awareness about this strain of Anti-Gay conversion philosophy that is indirectly defined, but nevertheless existing in the groundwork of Scientology.

It is possible to practice auditing for its own sake, irrespective of "The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation" though many more sophisticated forms of therapy exist. However, in context of the Church of Scientology's totalitarian rigidity, and faulty quackery of "The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation", auditing cannot separate from a definition of spiritual growth that negates homosexuality.

Going Clear = Going Straight.

1.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology_and_sexual_orientation

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Gold Meritorious Patron
And yet "the world's first Clear" John McMaster was gay.:confused2:

Very little makes sense in the world of scientology.

Demented Hubbatd

Patron with Honors
So-called minor anti-gay conversions are prohibited in my state, which is New York. Several other states also prohibit it. But there are states that allow it. If somebody wants to sign a petition, they should do it on a state level.

Helena Handbasket

Gold Meritorious Patron
Conversion therapy -- as well as Anti-Gay Auditing -- is one of those things the person hirself must consent to. Having another give consent -- as in the the case of parents "consenting" on behalf of their minor child -- should be strictly forbidden.

Another thing is intersex surgery on infants, who are too young to give their own consent. Making a choice like that on behalf of another is a horrible idea.



@IndieScieNews on Twitter
So-called minor anti-gay conversions are prohibited in my state, which is New York. Several other states also prohibit it. But there are states that allow it. If somebody wants to sign a petition, they should do it on a state level.
This is at the state level. As quoted in the OP, the Petition is addressed, "To be delivered to Governor Andrew Cuomo."


Bitter defrocked apostate
You had me at “Prohibit Scientology.” Even if it has to be one small step at a time, let’s close the clam scam down forever. God damn L Ron Hubbard and his remaining apologists.


@IndieScieNews on Twitter
An update from Joyce Miller. If you have any suggestions or input, it would be best if you respond directly to her Tweet.




@IndieScieNews on Twitter
Joyce Miller has revised her Petition: Scientology Is Gay Conversion Therapy For Kids & We Can’t Do Anything About It Please Sign


* * * * * BEGIN PETITION * * * * *


The Church of Scientology plans to wipe out homosexual behavior from the planet. This is not an exaggeration.

Global cleansing of, in fact, all non-hetero sexuality is a mere byproduct of Scientology's major long term goal: For everyone on Earth to reach the designated spiritual state of “Clear” through its pseudoscientific memory therapy, “Auditing”. One of the non-negotiable characteristics of a “Clear” is heterosexual behavior.

Thankfully, politicians are working to prevent licensed mental health practitioners from practicing conversion therapy. Unthankfully (also, thankfully) The Church of Scientology is neither licensed nor a mental health practitioner.


"The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation" and "Tone Scale" are Scientology's unalterable basis for assessing human behavior, and rigidly classify any non-hetero sexualities as products of human aberration, rather than valid traits. If you listen to Nora Crest's powerful, personal story in her video, "Why You Can't Be Gay In Scientology",* she thoroughly explains how Scientology's brand of inextricable homophobia functions.

Rather than accept sexual identity as a naturally diverse aspect of human life, Scientology's "Tone Scale" and "Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation" rigidly define all non-hetero sexuality as things that simply go away as your spiritual state improves through. The Church of Scientology makes no room for debate about homosexuality. It is Church policy to treat all Scientology principles as unalterable technical data.

Personal Stories:

Nora’s Crest’s story illustrates Scientology's extremely damaging disciplinary actions towards being openly gay within the church, and took place within the Sea Org, one of Scientology's most fundamentalist orders.

My experience is much less dramatic, but emphasizes how internalizing "The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation" or "Tone Scale" can hurt childhood development.

I got involved in Scientology with my dad at the age of ten. By twelve or thirteen I would spend hours pouring over “The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation”.

My middle and high school was an intellectual, liberal, LGBTQ and LGBTQ positive environment. Scientology, however, uses indoctrination practices which I was not equipped to recognize or counter as a kid. Rigorously digesting the pseudoscientific paradigm of "The Tone Scale" erased the concept that I could be anything other than "straight".

"The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation" was printed in my copy of “The Volunteer Ministers Handbook” course, and is published in other books like “Self-Analysis” and “Dianetics”, available at Barnes & Noble and other major retailers.

I did not need to be immersed, or even receive auditing, to internalize the Church of Scientology’s rigid erasure of sexuality. Children are not equipped to counter a Scientology Course Room's uniform indoctrination practices and portrayal of its materials as exact, ultimate science.

At the end of college, a couple years after my stint as a part time staff member, I drifted out of Scientology indefinitely.

In my late twenties, I had been dating men without recognizing that I lacked attraction for men, until I consciously experienced what attraction felt like, when I fell in love with a woman. Becoming reacquainted with my intuition has been a truly great and growth inducing experience.

Love can be powerful enough to navigate out of cognitive dissonance. Not everyone is lucky enough to find an exit or have support for the journey.

Scientology and Dianetics auditing is synonymous with “gay conversion therapy”, and should be legally treated as such. Except, it already is, because being a highly organized totalitarian institution with religious tax-status makes practicing gay conversion therapy difficult to identify or regulate.

When you hear or read about Scientology’s mission to “Clear the Planet”, remember: Scientology indoctrinates children and adults using the same methods, and Going Clear = Going Straight.

This petition will be delivered to:

Andrew Cuomo
Barnes & Noble

* * * * * END PETITION * * * * *




Squirrel Extraordinaire
Scientology and Dianetics auditing is synonymous with “gay conversion therapy”,

Er, no, it isn't. In over 500+ hours of regular auditing I don't recall receiving one command on the subject, except possibly a non-reading question on a Jo'burg or something. I am not challenging that gay people had different experiences, but that does not make the bald assertion above true.



@IndieScieNews on Twitter
Er, no, it isn't. In over 500+ hours of regular auditing I don't recall receiving one command on the subject, except possibly a non-reading question on a Jo'burg or something. I am not challenging that gay people had different experiences, but that does not make the bald assertion above true.

One does not find it surprising you didn't receive one command on the subject given the fact the Jo'burg question was non-reading.

Perhaps to be more precise she should have said that Dianetics and Scientology are gay conversion therapy for people who, unlike you, are gay.

Or perhaps she should have alternatively or additionally said that Dianetics and Scientology are, among other things, gay conversion therapy for people who, unlike you, are gay.

As I understand her argument, her point is that if one is gay and one goes up the Bridge to Total Freedom (except to be gay), one will effectively be subjected to gay conversion therapy. Her particular concern is minors who don't have a choice. That is, they are: (a) not only gay conversion therapy; and (b) gay conversion therapy only for those who "need" it -- i.e., are gay.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Unfortunately the 1st amendment of the US constitution precludes getting involved in the "religious" practices of Scn. The Headley's case is a good example. While I agree that forced conversion therapy is wrong, this effort will hold no real legal protection as it would be struck down if challenged.


Squirrel Extraordinaire
Perhaps to be more precise she should have said that Dianetics and Scientology are gay conversion therapy for people who, unlike you, are gay.

More precise? How about less blatantly dishonest while appealing for support to a general public who, not being intimately familiar with the subject like you or I (or indeed, her), don't know any better?



@IndieScieNews on Twitter
More precise? How about less blatantly dishonest while appealing for support to a general public who, not being intimately familiar with the subject like you or I (or indeed, her), don't know any better?
At this point there is no one in the general public who is even minimally familiar with Scientology who would think it is ONLY gay conversion therapy. Further, if one actually reads the petition, as opposed to just the title, and watches Nora's video attached to the petition, it is clear the petitioner, Joyce, is talking about a particular application to Scientology to gay people where THAT application amounts go gay conversion therapy.


I can maybe try to suggest clarifying language, Like "For gay people (or youth) Scientology functions as Gay conversion therapy." I really don't think there was or is any attempt to mislead here, just concern about a particular application of Scientology to gay people, and particularly gay youth.
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Master of Disaster
I could see that auditing could function as "gay conversion therapy", if every instance of gay sex or gay attraction was processed as an overt.

Then again, I would not be surprised if, in the Sea Org, every instance of hetero sex or hetero sexual attraction was gone over in sec checks (sex checks?) too.

George Layton

Silver Meritorious Patron
More precise? How about less blatantly dishonest while appealing for support to a general public who, not being intimately familiar with the subject like you or I (or indeed, her), don't know any better?Paul
It may be that because your opus was derived from the tech that your slant on what the public should be made aware of in regard to the truth about the processes of scientology leans more toward what scientology would like people to believe than is in reality true.


Squirrel Extraordinaire
It may be that because your opus was derived from the tech that your slant on what the public should be made aware of in regard to the truth about the processes of scientology leans more toward what scientology would like people to believe than is in reality true.

I'm not much of a fan of Scientology processes generally, and don't recommend that anyone take it up. Some Scn procedures are relatively harmless, beneficial even, but a noob is not likely to receive good guidance about them. Certainly not from a Scientologist.


George Layton

Silver Meritorious Patron
I'm not much of a fan of Scientology processes generally, and don't recommend that anyone take it up. Some Scn procedures are relatively harmless, beneficial even, but a noob is not likely to receive good guidance about them. Certainly not from a Scientologist.


Hence the indoctrination necessary to believe in the "good guidance"?


@IndieScieNews on Twitter
I could see that auditing could function as "gay conversion therapy", if every instance of gay sex or gay attraction was processed as an overt.

Then again, I would not be surprised if, in the Sea Org, every instance of hetero sex or hetero sexual attraction was gone over in sec checks (sex checks?) too.
That may be true, but the test is how the Church of Scientology judges parishioners outside the Sea Org.

Bottom line, even if the Church of Scientology, at its most extreme, believes heterosexual premarital sex is an overt, it does not believe heterosexual sex in the context of marriage is an overt.

In contrast, the Church of Scientology believes homosexual sex even in the context of marriage is an overt and, indeed, opposes gay marriage.
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George Layton

Silver Meritorious Patron
Huh? Please explain.


Isn't it necessary to believe in some of the concepts hubbard put together, explaining the workings of the mind, to find some of the tech useful, while those same concepts are used to convince people that their gayness is an illness that can only be cured by the tech. The underlying philosophy of scientology is what is harmful about scientology and that philosophy has a way of contaminating the parts because it is the basis the parts are built upon. I can't see a way to use a part of scientology without it being a part of scientology.