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Scientologists targeting alcoholic Aborigines with 'killer' therapy


Formerly Fooled - Finally Free
Aha! So this is the proselytising path followed by the scientology VMs. The VMs give their "assists" voluntarily, of course, and then urge the recipients onto Narconon lines, whose function is not only to extract as much $s as they can, but then coerce them, the victims into becoming scientologists. In retrospect, this is quite obvious but I had missed the significance of the emergency workers after "9 11" doing Narconon's program. Talk about scavengers, VMs are the new hyenas of modern society.


Funny how they are not in Haiti helping the victims of Cholera

I'm so glad the North Australia Health Department intervened. Scientology 'therapies' are not therapies.


Silver Meritorious Patron
I guess the verdict is still out on the efficacy of the rundown.

The thing is: Why are the Scientologists "helping" these people to begin with and why now?

Wasn't it recently determined that, in order for an organization to have tax exempt status in Austrailia, evidence of public benefit needs to be established?

I find it hard to believe that the timing on this is a mere coincidence.
It's pretty transparent to me that the only reason that the CoS is bothering with this project at this time is to save itself a bunch of money.

Happy Days

Silver Meritorious Patron
What gets me is the cult is so arrogant that it doesn't even engage with regulators and other stakeholders to work out what's needed and wanted.

Whatever happened to working out the ethnics of the area for PR reasons and safepointing.:confused2:

I know they believe they are above it all, are the authority and have all the answers but boy with the amount of bad press the cult is getting ya think they'd want to get it right at some point...:duh::duh:

As for the validity of the Purif ... let's look at the reversion rate of addicts first and that stat would indicate it's worth; apart from the fact that this community would probably have a high illiterate level and that would need to be handle first IMO.

Further, the individuals in the photo do not look happy at all not even Kevin Chapman :no: Bad indicators all round.


Silver Meritorious Sponsor
Yeah, I've read through "Narconon - junk science" or whatever it was called on the Internet. That convinced me the Purif might not be so great as I first thought.

I'm not saying Narconon is the best solution, I think it should be one of the solutions offered to people since it obviously has worked for some. Instead of more drugs, perhaps more communication and some sweatin' seems to work for some people.

Narconon does seem to 'work' for people who become Scientologists, although, not always.

Very likely life imprisonment 'cures' serial murderers. And burglars. And reckless drivers.



ARTICLE: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/health/2010-11/20/c_13614637.htm

CANBERRA, Nov. 20 (Xinhua) -- The Northern Territory (NT) Health Department of Australia on Saturday warned Church of Scientology that a drug detoxification therapy, promoted to Aborigines in Australia could kill the people with kidney problems.

The Scientologists has been moving through remote Australia and targeting alcohol-dependent Aborigines with a "drug bomb" therapy, in a move to recruit indigenous members.

The church claimed its detoxification program developed by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard uses exact technology and is the only successful drug and alcohol dependency treatment in the world.

However, the group has been warned that the drug they promoted to the indigenous could be dangerous and "potentially fatal" to renal patients.

Renal disease is common among Aborigines in the NT.

National Scientology president Vicki Dunstan said her church had responded to complaints.

Even though the pamphlets contained the formulas, church protocol was that people should obtain medical advice first, Dunstan told The Australian newspaper on Saturday, adding that the church has since stopped handing out pamphlets.

NT Health Minister Kon Vatskalis said the Scientology brochures were "utterly irresponsible".

Sharone Stainforth

Silver Meritorious Patron
I think this is scientology propaganda put out by the church(sick) of scientology.

Yet again, my comment was not allowed.

Nothing and I mean Nothing in scientology is allowed unless it promotes this useless piece of crap. He was a humaniterean? He was a psychopathic nutcase and I do not believe any drivel that he promotes, even if it was plaguerized from someone else.

I really recommend you go see a psychiatristrist, whomever you are, you obviously have major psychiatric problems.


Silver Meritorious Patron
This push to get into the Aboriginal communities is not a recent thing! They started to push this line some 4 or 5 years ago, Donovan Reid was one of the first SO VMs to take the VM Cavalcade into the outback. They arrive with their truck and get permission to set up the VM tent...'we are here to help' and yes the slogan... 'something can be done about it' is put to use, even if their help did provide some relief it is laced with so much liability any such vulnerable communities simply do not need them and would be wise to show them the door.

The fact is they are there for a PR caper and that is all. This time it has backfired.

Petey C

Silver Meritorious Patron
... If the Scilons think they have a magic pill/program to help Indigenous people in Australia, they should think again. The issue of substance abuse (alcohol, petrol sniffing, other drugs) among Aboriginal people in Australia is complex and deep-rooted, and has everything to do with culture, deep and recent history, social structure, personal and social displacement, housing, education, racism, physiology, geography, isolation, opportunity, opportunism, etc. etc. This is typical Scientology crap -- someone has a bright idea to drive up stats ("I know! Let's get a whole bunch of black people onto Narconon and get them off alcohol, then we'll really show the world!") and off they go, eyes wide shut.

It craps me off that they have such a simplistic view of the world, and that it brings so much trouble to so many people.



New Member
In retrospect, this is quite obvious but I had missed the significance of the emergency workers after "9 11" doing Narconon's program.
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In retrospect, this is quite obvious but I had missed the significance of the emergency workers after "9 11" doing Narconon's program.

Welcome, have a good time on ESMB :coolwink:



Gold Meritorious Patron
Aha! So this is the proselytising path followed by the scientology VMs. The VMs give their "assists" voluntarily, of course, and then urge the recipients onto Narconon lines, whose function is not only to extract as much $s as they can, but then coerce them, the victims into becoming scientologists. In retrospect, this is quite obvious but I had missed the significance of the emergency workers after "9 11" doing Narconon's program. Talk about scavengers, VMs are the new hyenas of modern society.


Absolutely. The VM I/Cs report the number of people routed to their local org, etc. every week as part of their stats. I don't know about the briefings to public, but as staff, all VM briefings led to how people would get the help and then see the truth and become Scientologists.

Ironically, I only tried 'heavy' drugs after I became involved in the cult. I was so caved in that I failed as a Scientologist that I called a Narconon for their advice. Funny thing was--the person I spoke to wasn't shocked at all, and I was assured that plenty of Clears, etc. had problems with drug reversion (and I was crying... "but I never did this BEFORE I became a Scientologist") . Rather common, in fact, she reassured me. Said if I could come up with umpteen grand, I could enroll in Narconon...but, since I already did the Student Hat, Drug Rundown and Objectives, it was pretty pointless. She was pretty supportive when I told her I had smoked weed to get through coming off of the other stuff....:clap: Basically, I was told that a bong hit was a better bet than what Narconon had to offer (and a hell of a lot cheaper--free in fact since I'm a chick who had guys more than willing to 'help me out':D). :dieslaughing:

Oh...and have I mentioned that after my Purifs, my liver function tests fell out through the bottom so badly that the doc was sure I had to have hepatitis? Yeah...that one isn't quite so funny. Thank goodness all alternative medicine isn't complete quackery and it's all good now.