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Scientology on the ground in Ferguson


@IndieScieNews on Twitter
Scientology on the ground in Ferguson.



Tony Ortega: Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey spots Scientology in Ferguson

Scientology loves to show up at the scene of a natural or man-made disaster and hand out copies of its literature — in particular, its anodyne list of moral tenets, The Way to Happiness.

Yesterday, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey (@jack) noticed that copies of the booklet were being handed out at the scene of Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, Missouri. (Originally from St. Louis, Dorsey had announced that he was heading home to take a look at the scene for himself.)

He was amused to see Scientology trying to take advantage of the incident…


The Way to Happiness Foundation pumps out huge amounts of the publication, often with custom covers for certain groups or events. (In this case, custom covers were printed for the Stop the Killing Initiative in St. Louis, whose address is the same as a local Mohammad Mosque of the Nation of Islam.) We had seen a notice that they were on their way to Ferguson. But we doubt that they expected to be tweeted by someone with more than 2 million followers.



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Some background on the "non-religious moral code."

"A 'feeling of guilt' is nowhere near as sharp as a knife in the back, or ground glass in the soup."

I bet that the schoolchildren handed 'TWTH' by 'The Way to Happiness Foundation', or some other Scientology front group, have never had the image of "ground glass in the soup" in their minds before.

It was December 1979, and although appeals would delay it for a few years, Mary Sue Hubbard was on her way to federal prison for the commission of felonies.

Her husband, L. Ron Hubbard, an un-indicted co-conspirator for whom his wife, Mary Sue, had taken the rap, was in hiding, writing science fiction novels as therapy, which would later be fraudulently made - each one - into "bestsellers," by having members of his cult, systematically, buy bunches of the books, in a specific week, to get on that week's "bestseller list."

Every week, a million dollars in cash would arrive at Hubbard's secret location, be inspected by Hubbard, and then couriered out of the country to secret bank accounts.

A federal judge had just ordered the release of thousands of pages of Guardians Office documents, including page after page of Hubbard's secret "Scientology Intelligence tech," with its instructions on spying, and on covertly attacking Scientology's (perceived) enemies. Documents revealing the many Hubbard-directed covert attacks on private individuals, including author Paulette Cooper and Mayor Gabe Cazares of Clearwater, were being released. The press was referring to Hubbard as a sociopath and mastermind of a criminal organization. It was a PR disaster.

What could L. Ron Hubbard do? First he would deny, deny, deny, and plead ignorance. He "didn't know," and "could only shake his head in dismay"; then appeared the "Common Sense Moral Code," called "The Way to Happiness," which was to be distributed to the "wogs," just in case they might develop the notion that L. Ron Hubbard was anything other than a very moral fellow.

In reality, Hubbard hadn't changed, and Scientology, in its actual practices, hadn't changed, but, as Hubbard would say, it was a pretty good gimmick.

Right now, my impression of 'The Way to Happiness' is that the outline for it was lifted from somewhere, and then modified and embellished by Hubbard - as the "ground glass" wording and other distinct Hubbard touches would indicate :p - and then used as PR cover.

This was around 1980, and anything new from Ron was much desired by Scientologists, especially new rundowns or levels, so David Mayo, then senior C/S International, made the precepts of TWTH booklet in to a rundown. I don't know if he did this on his own initiative without Hubbard's knowledge, as he had written and published his 'Harmonics of Clear' HCOB on his own initiative without Hubbard's knowledge, but the RD appeared and was sold, and became "the latest exciting tech release from Ron," even though it had been developed by David Mayo. (It has since been changed.)

After Hubbard read Mayo's 'Harmonics of Clear' HCOB - which Mayo had written in an attempt to reduce the confusion around the topic of "Dianetic Clear" - Hubbard was not pleased, and the HCOB was withdrawn.

It would seem that, at the time, Mayo didn't fully understand, or was not yet able to confront, Hubbard's behind-the-scenes list of priorities. Despite having been told two years earlier, by Hubbard, of Hubbard's "insatiable lust for power and money," and despite having been intimately involved in implementing Hubbard's changes to the middle and upper Grade Chart, Dianetics Clear, NOTs, etc., it would be four more years before Mayo could admit what he must have already known: that Hubbard's sudden Dianetic Clear announcement and the changes that followed were PR and money motivated.

Around this same time, Scientology's Mission holders were slowly, through exposure to occasional newspaper stories, becoming aware of some of the content of the recently released - by court order - previously secret Scientology documents. There was additional confusion due to Hubbard having assigned a select group of his Messengers to be his secret relay point for his orders. The Messengers were to enforce Hubbard's orders but without mentioning Hubbard, thus protecting Hubbard from legal liability.

David Mayo continued to be Senior C/S International until Hubbard, concerned with what he perceived as disloyal - and mutinous - Mission holders, and believing (and correctly) that Mayo was sympathizing with the Mission holders, finally fired Mayo.

Hubbard had Mayo kidnapped and taken to a secret location in the Southern California desert, and ordered that he be "rehabilitated" by being made to run around a pole.

These days, besides being a PR and front group "particle," TWTH is a money-making racket, with trusting Scientologists making donations to buy overpriced copies for distribution in troubled areas.

If past results are any indicator, TWTH will do no good whatsoever, but Scientology can still use it in its PR, and still use it to make some more money from its compliant followers.


Patron Meritorious
They are sooo predictable. The way to happiness is just another "Noble Cause" gimmick to drain auditing accounts of trusting hopeful PCs


Gold Meritorious Patron
i recall some messages posted from 911 when the $cientology Volunteer Hucksters" in their yellowshirts were there, one of them said something quite memorable: "This is a target rich environment"

Free Being Me

Volunteer $cio Vultures [STRIKE]spreading The Way to Happiness[/STRIKE] looking for free media coverage and new victims. They aren't there to help anymore than a tape worm is beneficial to your diet.


@IndieScieNews on Twitter
Scientology is using the Nation of Islam to front for it in Ferguson

The Church of Scientology is using the Nation of Islam to front for it in Ferguson . With regard to The Way to Happiness booklets, Tony Ortega notes: "In this case, custom covers were printed for the Stop the Killing Initiative in St. Louis, whose address is the same as a local Mohammad Mosque of the Nation of Islam." Source:



Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on
Re: Some background on the "non-religious moral code."

"A 'feeling of guilt' is nowhere near as sharp as a knife in the back, or ground glass in the soup."

I bet that the schoolchildren handed 'TWTH' by 'The Way to Happiness Foundation', or some other Scientology front group, have never had the image of "ground glass in the soup" in their minds before.

It was December 1979, and although appeals would delay it for a few years, Mary Sue Hubbard was on her way to federal prison for the commission of felonies. . . . . --snipped for brevity--

Thanks Veda!

Outstanding post with vital context to better understand Hubbard's diabolical public relations manipulation through lies, shore stories and propaganda ops.

Reminds me of that filmed interview from the late 60's where he already knew he was going to be asked about "Scientology breaking up marriages" and hastily threw together a PROP he could hold up to the camera and defiantly tap his finger on. That thin book which Hubbard announced was ready to go to press was "HOW TO SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE"-- which Hubbard boasted would reveal "thousands of saved marriages".


All of it just stage-craft which Hubbard manufactured out of thin air and cloaked himself within to detour anyone inquiring about his own failed marriages ("I never had a 2nd wife") and the Scientology "policy" he created which broke up countless marriages via SP Declares, Disconnection and Fair Game.

All things considered, Hubbard was a degenerate liar and, himself, the personification of "1.1". Remarkably, even on casual inspection, Hubbard was quite indistinguishable from the "evil SPs" that centered at the crosshairs of his paranoid delusions.


Inveterate gnashnab & snoutband
On the ground in Ferguson...

They're a bit like these banner-carrying individuals who try to get into shot behind live TV reporters.

Dean Blair

Silver Meritorious Patron
Oh thank goodness for Scientology and the Way to Happiness. I feel everything is going to be okay now.:clap:


Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on
Oh thank goodness for Scientology and the Way to Happiness. I feel everything is going to be okay now.:clap:


In a sense, giving out free TWTH BOOKLETS might dramatically reduce theft, robbery and looting statistics. . .

(thrusts pistol out)
Gimme all yo' shit man!

Have you heard about They Way To Happiness?

Y'all can't hear muthafuckah?! I sedddd, gimme
all yo' shit or I bust a cap in yo' white ass y'all interlopin'
yellow raincoat wearin', cult lookin' muthafuckah!

(locks & clutches briefcase close to chest)
Ron says you should not steal!
Think of your eternity!

(puts gun to his temple)
Gimme yo' shit man or you is dead!

*** The mugger yanks away the briefcase, slams it on
the ground several times until it pops open. TWTH
booklets spill out all over the pavement ***

Awwwww mannn! Scientology?! Y'all can
keep dat muthafuckin' out-ethics shit, man!!

As the mugger walks away, the VM starts to formulate in his mind a Success Story for Advance! magazine--how he used OT tech to stop crime.


Gold Meritorious SP
The grieving community which is so active in looting and arson against shop owners who had nothing to do with the shooting.

It's synonymous to what goes on in Northern Ireland when there is some sectarian killing (Protestant 'loyalist' vs. Catholic 'nationalist & vice versa). The police has given it a name.. "recreational rioting".

Many of those arrested admitted they cared little about the event that led to the rioting.

Mick Wenlock

Admin Emeritus (retired)
It's synonymous to what goes on in Northern Ireland when there is some sectarian killing (Protestant 'loyalist' vs. Catholic 'nationalist & vice versa). The police has given it a name.. "recreational rioting".

Many of those arrested admitted they cared little about the event that led to the rioting.

exactly. When there are a lot of very bored people, especially young men, with high unemployment and not much chance of making money, rioting and looting are not just income - they are adrenaline filled entertainment. All the media is doing is making them sound like they are respectable. Let me also state that the family and friends of the young man who was killed have every right to be upset and suspicious and demanding answers and investigations. But the likes of Sharpton and Jackson and other professional organizers? All they are doing is priming confrontation between bored adrenaline seeking young men and women and puzzled but armed police officers who are no longer acting as police but as an occupying paramilitary force. If the likes of the agitators are not identified by real police work and gotten out of there, this situation will continue to bumble along and the chances that people will be seriously injured or killed will rise. Get rid of the agitators by identifying them and identifying what they are doing and then find an agency or respected people to oversee a transparent investigation that involves all parties.
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Mick Wenlock

Admin Emeritus (retired)
V for Vendetta described what is happening in Ferguson

Dominic: So do you know what's going to happen?
Finch: No. It was a feeling. But I can guess. With so much chaos, someone will do something stupid. And when they do, things will turn nasty. And then, Sutler will be forced do the only thing he knows how to do. At which point, all V needs to do is keep his word. And then...

Dominic: I went by Parliament. Never seen anything like it — tanks, antiaircraft, infantry — it makes you wish that no one would show up tonight. But if they do, what do you think will happen?
Finch: What usually happens when people without guns stand up to people with guns.


Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on
exactly. When there are a lot of very bored people, especially young men, with high unemployment and not much chance of making money, rioting and looting are not just income - they are adrenaline filled entertainment. All the media is doing is making them sound like they are respectable. Let me also state that the family and friends of the young man who was killed have every right to be upset and suspicious and demanding answers and investigations. But the likes of Sharpton and Jackson and other professional organizers? All they are doing is priming confrontation between bored adrenaline seeking young men and women and puzzled but armed police officers who are no long acting as police but as an occupying paramilitary force. If the likes of the agitators are not identified by real police work and gotten out of there, this situation will continue to bumble along and the chances that people will be seriously injured or killed will rise. Get rid of the agitators by identifying them and identifying what they are doing and then find an agency or respected people to oversee a transparent investigation that involves all parties.

Thanks for that.

If the police and political system was not so cowed by political correctness, they would (and should) have moved in immediately and arrested the Black Panther leaders who lead interactive chants that included "Death To Police" and another cheer that asked the assembled crowds "how they wanted" the policeman (shooter) and the mob yelled back "DEAD!"

Amongst other criminal charges that properly should have been leveled should have been "INCITING TO RIOT" and "MAKING TERRORISTIC THREATS".

The US political system is so weak right now that even terrorists making death threats against a policeman are simply ignored. No wonder they have riots in that city.


Patron Meritorious
I've never understood this "I've never had a second wife" statement. Even if he was never actually married to the girl he took off Parsons then MarySue would have been his legit second wife. Or was he not married to her either? Though, no. I used to audit someone who said she was present at that wedding.

So he had a first wife and a third wife but no second wife?

Too confusing for me. My first wife is still the one I love best of all my wives.


Patron Meritorious
So tacky, cant they see it! They are the joke in situations like this. Maybe that is what is needed in tense situations....a joke.