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The Scientology Video Game!!



Of course, I apologize if this has already been posted!!


Great video.....very clever. :roflmao:


Now....someone just needs to make a real video game with all the parts of Scientology that people can really play online....to educate people of the inner workings of Scientology. I'd love to see that. Wish I knew how to create video games.


Squirrel Extraordinaire
Now....someone just needs to make a real video game with all the parts of Scientology that people can really play online....to educate people of the inner workings of Scientology.

There's always Scientopoly.

The purpose of the game is to be the first to achieve a particular status, paid for on credit, without going bankrupt before the other players do. This is designed to be remarkably similar to real-life Scientology for many. Scientopoly is full of Scientology terms and in-jokes, and has not been dumbed-down for general consumption. It is of very limited appeal.

You can adjust the level to lengthen or shorten the game. It's pretty good to play: I think the status thing makes it more interesting to play than the money alone, although I'm biased. You can't buy a set ready made up (trademark problems), but there are templates you can print out on a home printer and stick together at http://scientopoly.com. You can customize the "Chance"-type cards.


There's an online version too, playable on an automated Excel sheet:


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