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Do What Thou Wilt


Silver Meritorious Sponsor
*She* didn't invent Fraud either. Old as the hills.

She did invent the knee-cap castanettes though :)



It's not a hole; it's an escape hatch.


The hole is in the word "Thou."
Who is "Thou"?
Is that ego?
Is it some assumed identity?
What is it beyond any ego and identity?

Did I hear someone say,

To me that sounds right.



Genuine Meatball
And are the cherubs cute little baby angels or grownup responsible and handsome guys looking like roman gladiators?



Silver Meritorious Sponsor
Cherubs aren't really the cute little baby angels.

Main article: Cherub
The Cherubim (singular "Cherub") are beyond the throne of God; they are the guardians of light and of the stars. It is believed that, although they are removed from man's plane of reality, the divine light that they filter down from Heaven still touches the lives of living things.

They have four faces: one of each a man, an ox, a lion, and an eagle. The ox-face is considered the "true face", as later on in Ezekiel the ox's face is called a cherub's face (Chapter 10). They have four conjoined wings covered with eyes, and they have ox's feet.

Cherubim are considered the elect beings for the purpose of protection. Cherubim guard the way to the tree of life in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:24) and the throne of God (Ezekiel 28:14-16).[citation needed]

Their rank among angels is uncertain but they are always categorized in the First Sphere. Some believe them to be an order or class of angels; others hold them to be a class of heavenly beings higher than angels. Cherubim are said to have perfect knowledge of God, surpassed only by the love of the Seraphim.



Silver Meritorious Patron
No. Frankly, I was upset by the whole episode.
I deserve more respect.
What I really wanted was something along these lines:


:melodramatic: :melodramatic: :melodramatic:


Gold Meritorious Patron
Not sure about squaring it with R6 - dunno the maths for that. But it definitely gives a possible basis for some of the principles of OT as Hubbard deliniated later. Interesting concept.


LOL. I didn't mean mathmatically.


Main Entry: square
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): squared; squar·ing
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1 a: to make square or rectangular <square a building stone> b: to test for deviation from a right angle, straight line, or plane surface
2: to bring approximately to a right angle <squared his shoulders>
3 a: to multiply (a number) by itself : raise to the second power b: to find a square equal in area to <square a circle>
4: to regulate or adjust by or to some standard or principle <square our actions by the opinions of others — John Milton>
5 a: balance , settle <square an account> b: to even the score of
6: to mark off into squares
7 a: to set right : bring into agreement <squared their goals with their beliefs> b: bribe , fix
intransitive verb
1: to agree precisely : correspond <your actions should square with your words>
2: to settle matters ; especially : to pay the bill
— squar·er noun

I was talking about bringing reality into conformity with the will, as Crowley thought could be done through magick. Then the other link was about seeing the similarities between union of opposites and running out opposing end-words.