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Marty: Graduating Scientology... and the need to fight Scientology


@IndieScieNews on Twitter
In other words, get over it.

Marty: Graduating Scientology

To date there has really only been a couple of paths for Scientologists and ex-Scientologists; at least ones that are assisted by Scientologists or ex-Scientologists who understand something about the subject. Both avenues are of the least resistance variety; the easy, least effective ways that ultimately don’t lead toward graduation.

First, one can cling to his firmly held Scientology religious beliefs and continue with the installed cognitive dissonance that entails. He or she can be guided to pretend that it is all ‘over-there’ in the church and play the ‘I am the resurrection of the real Scientology’ game. That ultimately leads to a sort of bitter, secluded ‘victorious Confederate soldier’ megalomania and melancholy. Second, one can be guided to redirect the implanted Scientology need for an enemy and spend years in a state of suspended enturbulation, senselessly flailing at the church or Scientology itself. The latter route leads to much the same state of mind and consciousness as the former.

I think both routes are infected by perhaps the most insidious virus one is inoculated with in participating in Scientology. That is the need to have an enemy.
The Scientologist and ex-Scientologist adolescent pack mentality can be graduated from. It opens up to view a wonderful horizon of possibilities and futures. I think first and foremost it entails getting over the implanted need for enemies.

In present time

Gold Meritorious Patron
and to think just a couple of years ago, if you said something like this to marty, he would accuse you of being in a deep state of confusion. then a year later, if you said something specific he would accuse you of being, man i forget, literal or wooden or something.
then shit got metaphorical after that... and now marty is gonna track down reality and drag it home for dinner.
i am worn out just reading it.

at any rate, you go marty.
i am waiting for the day he says the journey is the destination, or did he already?
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Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on

I'm still waiting for Marty to pass this item on his "Get Out Of Scientology" checksheet. It's a multiple choice.

After decades, he still keeps picking the wrong answer:







When Marty completes "A-E" (above) he will have graduated Homo Novis University and rejoined the human race.

Lone Star

Is it just me or does Marty seem to be having a conversation with himself these days?

That could be his next book! Conversations With Marty.

A Conversation With God was a big hit some years ago. I'm sure Marty's will be just as enlightening. :yes:


Is it just me or does Marty seem to be having a conversation with himself these days?

That could be his next book! Conversations With Marty.

A Conversation With God was a big hit some years ago. I'm sure Marty's will be just as enlightening. :yes:

I talk to him on a regular basis


Patron with Honors

I'm still waiting for Marty to pass this item on his "Get Out Of Scientology" checksheet. It's a multiple choice.

After decades, he still keeps picking the wrong answer:







When Marty completes "A-E" (above) he will have graduated Homo Novis University and rejoined the human race.

A to E

A) Arse hole. I was Supreme Arsehole Scicult Thug.
P) Probably everybody knows this.+
O) Only cult demented people would look past it.
L) Law, legal, litigation :eek:ld tools, scary possibilities.
O) Ow!
G) Grope in the dark.
I) The big "I". Intellectualizing =default from Apologize.
Z) Zero value in deflecting to critical commentary on others decompression while the APOLOGY awaits.
E) E is for "arrogance". Because i said so. And hubbard spelt it with an A. Things are not necessarily the way hubbard said they were.




Gold Meritorious Patron
I received a cannot post to thread on the blog, so here is what I think I tried to post...

Eric Hoffer's "True Believer"

"Usually the strength of a mass movement is proportionate to the vividness and tangibility of its devil. When Hitler was asked whether he thought the Jew must be destroyed, he answered: “No…We should have then to invent him. It is essential to have a tangible enemy, not merely an abstract one. ” (p91)"

In $cientology the intangible enemy is the reactive mind, (also called your BANK, perhaps a covert suggestion to make it easier for you to part with your savings and make their demands for money difficult to resist) and the tangible enemy are SPs, PSYCHS...and you guys.

"In his later writings, Eric Hoffer reviewed the only three choices you have if you are the devil to a mass movement: threaten and attack, turn the other cheek, stand your ground. Threats and coercion make things worse because you act like a devil, to the delight of the fanatics. Turning the other cheek doesn’t work because it inflames hatred, which springs from guilt and a sense of inferiority. The only historically successful protection for a devil is to take a clear, firm, non-threatening stand, which he defends with everything he’s got."

I call that Stepping into it.

Arnie Lerma


I often forget you are an Ex not just an old guard critic. But I think you wouldnt want it any other way to get some push back from lil old me,

I received a cannot post to thread on the blog, so here is what I think I tried to post...

Eric Hoffer's "True Believer"

"Usually the strength of a mass movement is proportionate to the vividness and tangibility of its devil. When Hitler was asked whether he thought the Jew must be destroyed, he answered: “No…We should have then to invent him. It is essential to have a tangible enemy, not merely an abstract one. ” (p91)"

In $cientology the intangible enemy is the reactive mind, (also called your BANK, perhaps a covert suggestion to make it easier for you to part with your savings and make their demands for money difficult to resist) and the tangible enemy are SPs, PSYCHS...and you guys.

"In his later writings, Eric Hoffer reviewed the only three choices you have if you are the devil to a mass movement: threaten and attack, turn the other cheek, stand your ground. Threats and coercion make things worse because you act like a devil, to the delight of the fanatics. Turning the other cheek doesn’t work because it inflames hatred, which springs from guilt and a sense of inferiority. The only historically successful protection for a devil is to take a clear, firm, non-threatening stand, which he defends with everything he’s got."

I call that Stepping into it.

Arnie Lerma


Gold Meritorious Patron
I often forget you are an Ex not just an old guard critic. But I think you wouldnt want it any other way to get some push back from lil old me,

Wrong again...I sometimes look at it this way, amongst a bunch of guys stuck in a trench at the battle front, getting shot at from all sides, some for decades.... When someone who is supposedly on your side, perhaps one of the new guys, trips you up or wastes my time and then calls it entertainment, I feel no need to be polite.

“That hatred springs more from self-contempt than from a legitimate grievance is seen in the intimate connection between hatred and a guilty conscience. There is perhaps no surer way of infecting ourselves with virulent hatred toward a person than by doing him a grave injustice. That others have a just grievance against us is a more potent reason for hating them than that we have a just grievance against them. ……Self-righteousness is a loud din raised to drown the voice of guilt within us" Eric Hoffer "True Believer"
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Patron Meritorious
From Marty's continual refusal to directly & honestly address questions like this:

"broderick | August 9, 2013 at 1:51 pm | Reply Hey Marty, what are your thoughts on the veracity of the OT levels? The route to total freedom and all that? The state of clear? Do you still believe in these states, or are they just mental tricks that make a person create his own emotions in a session, then destroy them, so that he shoots up the tone-scale for a short while. I think the later. What do you think?"

It is clear that he hasn't quite, "Graduated from Scientology". Going that direction but hasn't arrived yet...

I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation

He's finally 'moving on' ...

The Scientologist and ex-Scientologist adolescent pack mentality can be graduated from. It opens up to view a wonderful horizon of possibilities and futures. I think first and foremost it entails getting over the implanted need for enemies.




He's finally 'moving on' ...


I call it "running scientology out". As in removing the fixed idea's and specifically KSW, that would be Keeping scientology working. Key word = KEEPING. LOL

And that's what hubbard did with his endless sales pitches, talks, PR bullshit, in his endless lectures. OMG.

I guess Marty calls it, graduating. Whatever. LOL

The Scientologist and ex-Scientologist adolescent pack mentality can be graduated from. It opens up to view a wonderful horizon of possibilities and futures. I think first and foremost it entails getting over the implanted need for enemies.

Let's see, Hubbard created his own Children of the Corn, the CMO. That just tells me hubbard, the OT of OT's, couldn't even confront his own comm lines. He had to do it thru a via. :laugh:

Then, after he failed in Corfu and Rodensia, he says only a group of OT's can handle something. Wut. LOL


Gold Meritorious Patron

He's finally 'moving on' ...


perhaps not,

Back in 1993, when I was thumbing through "An Internet Guidebook" , a thick 2.5" thick tomb, it had indexes for everything, from FIDONET to something called USENET. Amongst the endless lists of usenet newsgroups were two that caught my eye... each newsgroup had a short descriptor after it...

alt.clearing.technology description: renegades from scientology

alt.religion.scientology description: He's dead Jim...(1)

I started reading, and noted many ex-scientologists were freezoners, and would say, in so many words, why fight them? It just makes us become THE OPPTERM.

I thought to myself, OK, so you leave scientology but you still think with that bullshit.. OPPTERMS...thats Hubturd...based on Implants, that's Hubturd too...

but "getting over the implanted need for enemies" << THAT is Hubbardian sausage at its best, and smells like the justification from some freezoners and a lot of "New Age-ers"....for NOT doing anything about a serious human rights violator... I wondered back then if Hubbard provided this Term Oppterm stuff just for ex's to get stuck in as rationalization for doing NOTHING ABOUT THE $CIENTOLOGY PROBLEM or any other problem...almost as if it were designed to create a person who might be inclined to just sit upon their hands.. and "get on with their life"?!?

It was never about 'needing enemies', I always had plenty of those, since elementary school, people I made look stupid, and inadequate, so they got jealous...

Rather than continued hand-wringing MANIPULATION, instead of quoting Hubbard, I'd cite Shakespeare, as a source of TRUE inspiration

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?

Or Alexander Dumas from The Count of Monte Christo

“Moral wounds have this peculiarity - they may be hidden, but they never close; always painful, always ready to bleed when touched, they remain fresh and open in the heart.”

“All human wisdom is contained in these two words--"Wait and Hope.”

“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”

“As a general rule...people ask for advice only in order not to follow it; or if they do follow it, in order to have someone to blame for giving it.”

“Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome. Do your worst, for I will do mine! Then the fates will know you as we know you”

“How did I escape? With difficulty. How did I plan this moment? With pleasure. ”

I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation
perhaps not,

Back in 1993, when I was thumbing through "An Internet Guidebook" , a thick 2.5" thick tomb, it had indexes for everything, from FIDONET to something called USENET. Amongst the endless lists of usenet newsgroups were two that caught my eye... each newsgroup had a short descriptor after it...

alt.clearing.technology description: renegades from scientology

alt.religion.scientology description: He's dead Jim...(1)

I started reading, and noted many ex-scientologists were freezoners, and would say, in so many words, why fight them? It just makes us become THE OPPTERM.

I thought to myself, OK, so you leave scientology but you still think with that bullshit.. OPPTERMS...thats Hubturd...based on Implants, that's Hubturd too...

I wondered back then if Hubbard provided this Term Oppterm stuff just for ex's to get stuck in as rationalization for doing NOTHING ABOUT THE $CIENTOLOGY PROBLEM or any other problem...almost as if it were designed to create a person who might be inclined to just sit upon their hands.. and "get on with their life"?!?

It was never about 'needing enemies', I always had plenty of those, since elementary school, people I made look stupid, and inadequate, so they got jealous...

Rather than continued hand-wringing MANIPULATION, instead of quoting Hubbard, I'd cite Shakespeare, as a source of TRUE inspiration

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?

Or Alexander Dumas from The Count of Monte Christo

“Moral wounds have this peculiarity - they may be hidden, but they never close; always painful, always ready to bleed when touched, they remain fresh and open in the heart.”

“All human wisdom is contained in these two words--"Wait and Hope.”

“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”

“As a general rule...people ask for advice only in order not to follow it; or if they do follow it, in order to have someone to blame for giving it.”

“Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome. Do your worst, for I will do mine! Then the fates will know you as we know you”

“How did I escape? With difficulty. How did I plan this moment? With pleasure. ”

snipped from the above post

but "getting over the implanted need for enemies" << THAT is Hubbardian sausage at its best, and smells like the justification from some freezoners and a lot of "New Age-ers"....for NOT doing anything about a serious human rights violator...


Arnie, I dont give a damn what hubbard said ... just because the hideous old toad said something doesn't mean it isn't true ... or that it is.

I'm glad Marty's moving on as I'm glad when anyone moves on, thinking for oneself normally starts as a young adult and he has a lot of catching up to do and seems to be heading in the right direction.

I've always liked to keep things simple and lately even more so.


Terril park

but "getting over the implanted need for enemies" << THAT is Hubbardian sausage at its best, and smells like the justification from some freezoners and a lot of "New Age-ers"....for NOT doing anything about a serious human rights violator...

There are plenty of examples of Hubbard and CO$ implanting a need for
enemies. Merely leaving and saying so is enough to get an SP declare for

I can't speak for Marty but in his examination of the tone scale he
put "Serenity, equilibrium (Justice)" above tone 40. IMO This would be at
odds with espousing no action re human rights violations. He had also done enough to get 190 days of "squirrel busters" at his gates.

"Bliss, Pan-equilibrium (Non-Duality)

Serenity, equilibrium (Justice)

40.0 Serenity of Beingness"


Patron with Honors
This was just posted on Marty's thread. This dude NAILS IT.

Michele | August 10, 2013 at 10:04 pm | Reply

Good observation by Wieber:
“”When Scientology first contacts a person to bring them into the organization the entire presentation to the person is all about them, their problems in life and how Scientology can help them deal with the problems in their life to make their life better. Note that with the vast majority of people brought into Scientology (or any cult) the cult makes contact and brings the person in. It does happen where people come into the cult on their own but it is very rare.

Only after the person is sufficiently indoctrinated does Scientololgy bring in the dwindling spiral, and Hubbard’s version of an end of days scenario in which Scientololgy is the only way that the world can be salvaged. This is pretty much a ubiquitous feature of every cult. The details vary.
At that point Scientology, and every other cult, changes their focus with the individual. The deal is no longer how the organization can help the person but that the person must take responsibility and contribute to the organization with all their energy, and worldly material wealth, which is, by the way, only mest, and nothing to do with the spiritual gains awaiting the person. But in the meantime there is a world full of SPs that has to be dealt with and time is rapidly running out.
None of that is true, but the euphoria from the indoctrination was real and is attributed to the special powers of the organization.
Now get this. The whole entire purpose of Scientology and any other cult is to provide the organization’s leader with wealth and material comfort. Everything else about the organization involves deception to hide that fact and manipulation to bring it about. Until a person involved with a cult confronts and accepts that to some extent the cult will have a hold on them”…


Gold Meritorious Patron
Marty's losing his flock. He has nothing to offer them now that he's just passing on tidbits from old psychology texts. He's got no higher place to lead his followers. Many have already slid off the decks and slipped away.

He's also discarded his role as waystop on the way out of the cult.

... fade to black...