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RESULTS - Independent Scientology Survey, and New Question


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Independent Scientology Survey Results and New Question

Again, from the fundamentalist KSW IS blog.

Survey results - and a new question...

By Lana Mitchell

Thank you to all who filled out my recent survey (yes, I was the author for those who were unsure). We had over 100 survey results in less than two days. As I believe the way forward for the field is open communication lines – no hidden data lines or mystery -- I wanted to make the results known to all. Here they are:

Question 1: As a Scientologist, independent of the Corporate Scientology Network, do you feel you are part of a cohesive group?

YES - 23.2% (23 responses)

NO - 49.5% (49 responses)

OTHER – 27.3% (27 responses)

Detail on OTHER responses include – not a Scientologist anymore (4), unsure/indecisive (10). Don’t like groups or the natter/noise (3), yes but only in a few respects (10).

Question 2: If an international Independent Scientology membership group was formed (with a very low annual fee) to build independent delivery groups worldwide, and introduce new people to LRH, would you be a member?

YES - 44.0% (44 responses)

NO - 17.0% (17 responses)

DEPENDS - 39.0% (39 responses)

Points the DEPENDS responses wanted were: Purpose/Policy and Charter of such a group agreed with (4), services and products of the group (2), standard LRH tech delivery (12), transparency with finances (2), trusted leadership (4), pro-LRH (10), not nattery/noisy (2), expectations of group members clear and agreed on (2), how it would not be a repeat of Corp Scn betrayal (3), not a formal brick and mortar group – but something more fluid or virtual.

Question 3: What do you need at this time, to assist you in moving forward?

Nothing needed at this time - 35 responses

A support network to communicate with – 35 responses

Training to move up The Bridge - 27 responses

Auditing to move up The Bridge – 23 responses

Review auditing to handle bypassed charge and/or out-tech - 14 responses

Options to earn a steady income based on a specific industry you have experience in – 13 responses

Options to earn a steady income based on using/applying/disseminating LRH tech – 12 responses

Training/internship as a Scientology delivery terminal (auditor, supervisor, wordclearer, C/S, etc – 10 responses

Options to handle severe debt – 8 responses

Legal Assistance – 4 responses

Help from a field chaplain – 2 responses

Other -- group needs to be formed from the ground up – grass roots up, rather than management down – 2 responses

Question 4. Is there anything else you want known?

61 responses. New points raised (other than what is already covered above) were:

Having a stable and trusted auditor certification and Qual line

Knowing where delivery terminals are located and how to get in touch with them

Setting up good courserooms for SOLO 1 and OT 6

Getting the problem of training over long distance tackled

Field events and social events


Purpose.... and a new question

I must admit, I had felt somewhat alone in my desire to move forward in some capacity with the 3D for the 4D. I had formed a somewhat cynical view of the scene – but this survey opened my eyes to the fact that there is indeed a very 3rd and 4th dynamic oriented group of Scientologists existing outside of Corp Scientology, who want to see standard tech carry forward into the future. To get 100 answers in just under 2 days shows that there are MUCH MUCH larger numbers that are out there who would add to these survey responses - and undoubtedly, have similar answers.

To see that so many people have such feelings or views was truly revitalizing for me. Like so many others – I dedicated the better part of my adult working life to 24/7 Scientology – and it was a purpose that kept me there, regardless of the hardships, problems, injustices, and suppression encountered.

So, IF a group is to be formed in the future – then purpose is the underlying factor.

WHY would we want to form such an alliance? For what reason? To accomplish what?

I think that if there is to be a group, it can only be formed with agreement on purpose or at least similar realities on purpose.

One person in the survey pointed out that what is not really needed is a group -- but a guild (definition: an association of persons formed for mutual aid and protection and/or for a common purpose). I tend to agree. I think if there is to be a group/guild, then it can only be formed with agreement on purpose - or at least similar realities on purpose.

So – let’s get the dialogue happening.

Here is the next survey over the next 48 hours – What could or should be the purpose of a newly formed Scientology guild/group be? Please place your answers in the comments below, so all can see, and all can take part in the discussion. And direct others here, so they can take part in the conversation.

Sincerely, Lana


Angelic Poster
I should probably come up with something more coherent and specific.

But all I can muster is Good Grief!
