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Scientology church located across street from gay strip club???


Patron with Honors

I'm not kidding folks.....it just doesn't get any better than this. Apparently the cult's new location in Portland is across the street from a GAY STRIP CLUB. The comments are already pouring in, as are the infinite opportunities for lutz! The comments ARE A MUST READ!



Daily Journal of Commerce – Building and Construction News in Portland, Oregon and the Pacific Northwest

Scientology church’s neighbor: a strip club

by Aaron Spencer

Published: June 30th, 2010

The Portland chapter of the Church of Scientology this month purchased the Sherlock Building, where it plans to move. But something about the location of the building sticks out: It’s across the street from a strip club.

Namely, it’s across the street from a male nude strip club called Silverado. The club is ostensibly gay (a rainbow flag hangs outside its door), but straight women also go there.

From Google Maps

Not to blanket statement all religious organizations, but I doubt many of them would be willing to set up camp next door to a strip club. Some liberal ones probably would.

I called the president of the Portland chapter of Scientology, the Rev. Steven Crandell, to see if he was concerned about the strip club being so close.

“If you look around in that neighborhood, it is Old Town and it is what it is,” Crandell said. “Our hope is as various things happen in the neighborhood, we will bring good things to neighborhood.”

I asked him if he meant stripping was a bad thing, to which he said, “I don’t think it’s what you’d want your daughter to do.” (I reminded him that in this case, it would be your son.) “But you have to respect the laws of the land,” he said.

He didn’t give a clear stance on where the Church of Scientology stood on stripping, but he did say the church has “a non-religious moral code called The Way to Happiness.” You can find more information about it at scientology.org.

Crandell told me he has lived in Portland all his life, and the church has a mission for social change.

“What you’d hope would happen is - not through a militant presence - but that through your own philosophical views that kind of stuff (strip clubs) would dissipate,” he said.

As far as homosexuality goes, the Church of Scientology has been criticized in the past for homophobia because of its founder’s views. The founder, L. Ron Hubbard, classified it as an illness or sexual perversion. But the present day church says it does not dictate sexual preferences. A report from the church in 2005 says:

The Church of Scientology does not dictate sexual preferences. Scientology is a practical method of improving conditions in life and works to increase a person’s abilities, give higher IQ and better reaction time, greater ability to solve his problems in life – things of this nature.

What do those at Silverado think about this? When asked what he thought of the church moving in, a man who answered the phone at Silverado said, “Doesn’t bother me as long as they mind their own business. We were here before them.


Protest Portland = WIN - Page 2 - Why We Protest | Activism Forum says:

[...] is ostensibly gay (a rainbow flag hangs outside its door), but straight women also go there. Scientology church

Posted on 06/30/10 at Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Greg says:

If this church functions like most, I’m sure the club will increase its business.
Posted on 06/30/10 at Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Awesome says:

That’s great! When human rights advocates protest against the syndicate’s horiffic human rights abuses, they can pop in for a cold drink afterwards. Love it!
Posted on 06/30/10 at Wednesday, June 30, 2010

bert says:

Scientology and the strip club have a lot in common…. they promise a good feeling for money, and the better you want to feel the more it will cost you. The difference is that the strippers won’t brainwash you, send you to a slave labor camp or force you to work endless hours with virtually no pay.

Posted on 06/30/10 at Wednesday, June 30, 2010

ObjectiveReporting says:

Scientology is so desperate it’s going to go after the wasted drunk dudes leaving the strip bar, ROFL.I don’t drink for the most part but I’ve gone to strip clubs, I’ve seen a bouncer reach into a guy’s pocket and pull out his wallet to find his name so a cab could be called, easy pickings for the Scientologists.
Posted on 06/30/10 at Wednesday, June 30, 2010

There goes the neighborhood! says:

Well, just wait until the “church” starts “proselytizing” in front of the strip club. Then all hell will break loose!

The club owner may start singing a different tune when he sees all his patrons running away and shielding their faces from any cameras. As it will probably be carried on the 6:00 news….. Oh my…..how can Daddy explain to little Jr. what he was doing at a gay strip club???? Or more importantly…..how can he explain it to Mommy? eh?

By the way……did the “church” get the property zoned for religious services? Just asking……the “church” seems to overlook that minor detail a lot when invading a new town/city…….wonder why? It’s not like they are an invasive species or anything…..or are they???
Posted on 06/30/10 at Wednesday, June 30, 2010​


All I can say is.......what a lovely idea and who do I have the honor of sending a toothbrush to?????? hehe




Gold Meritorious Patron
Let the bad jokes begin. Anyone? Anyone?

Ok I'll start first. Maybe they'll change the signs outside to "Take the Pole to Total Freedom".


Gold Meritorious SP
The Silverado has been there for 22 years and isn't going anywhere. The dynamics of the church being next door will be interesting to watch. I know the owner of the bar - Donald Sexton - and he is well aware how homophobic & downright crazy Scientology is.

"It's been called the Gay Triangle, the Burnside Triangle and the West End. The epicenter is the block bounded by 12th, Burnside and Stark. But with Burnside as its northern edge, the neighborhood is loosely defined as the area between Southwest Ninth Avenue, Washington Street and 14th Avenue, spreading south and east to cover about a dozen city blocks that for decades have housed social service agencies, the poor and a gay commercial center featuring clubs, restaurants and shops."



Gold Meritorious Patron
Maybe they can have a little party to introduce themselves to the neighborhood and call it the Raw Meat Market.


Gold Meritorious SP
This wouldn't be a first for Scientology. The HGB, Scientology's corporate administration building in Hollywood is 1/2 block away from the notorious gay bath house, Hollywood Spa.

The Great Zorg

Gold Meritorious Patron
Hands full!

The 'body routers' are going to have their hands full around that club! Best of luck to them and the 'reg cycles' from the 'raw meat' coming through their front door. :thumbsup: :eyeroll:


and moar...






Gold Meritorious Patron
both sides vs the middle

OSA agents will be stationed just outside the strip club dressed up as red neck gay bashers. They will harrass the clientelle. The gay club goers will then run across the street, where Cof$ will welcome them into their "sanctuary" with open arms to protect them from the evil gay bashers. The club goers will then be set upon by the div 6 redges. Pretty clever marketing strategy, huh?



Gold Meritorious Patron


That's one of the best one's I've seen in a while. Pretty much sums up how they operate. It makes me wonder if homophobia is one of the major forces that secretly drives scientology? Maybe only David, Tom, and John know for sure.


Patron with Honors
What would you get if you merged this thread with the Masturbation In Scientology thread? Just asking!


Gold Meritorious Patron
Can you imagine bodyrouting in that area?

Scene: A male scientology body router is on the sidewalk plying his trade. A gay man approaches.

Body Router: "Hi, would you like to take a personality test?"

Gay Man: "Well good morning sunshine, aren't you the cutest thing. What's a personality test?"

Body Router: "Er, thank you. Well, we ask you a bunch of questions and then find out what's bothering you. We call that finding your 'ruin' and then...."

Gay Man: (Quietly) "Listen, you don't have to use the 'personality test' ruse. It's OK. Just be friendly and go from there".

Body Router: "Um, er no you don't understand..."

Gay Man: "Oh yes I do". (Putting his arm around the body router) "Why don't we go somewhere and you can find my ruin and I'll find yours!"

Body Router: "Er, um, um, um....help!"

Fade to Black

Fade up to the front of the scientology building. The camera zooms in on a large 'For Sale' sign in the window.

Fade to Black

The End