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The Secret of Scientology Part 2 : THE ADAMANTIUM WALL


Silver Meritorious Patron
There is a part of the experience of trying to use reason with a Scientologist ( or truth be told some exes that can even include oneself ) or get them to LISTEN to critical info that many , if not all , who try to warn them or inform them inevitably run into and are seemingly eternally frustrated by to no end .

I will now use some quotes to help show my point :


“To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.”
Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

Men's reasonings on practical subjects are not cold, logical processes, standing separate in the mind, but are carried on in intimate connection with their prevalent feelings and modes of thought. Generally speaking, that, and that only, is truth to a man which accords with the common tone of his mind, with the mass of his impressions, with the results of his experience, with his measure of intellectual development, and especially with those deep convictions and biases which constitute what we call character.


He who in reasoning cites authority is making use of his memory rather than of his intellect.
LEONARDO DA VINCI, Thoughts on Art and Life

Men may be divided into two classes, according to the use they make of reason. Some men employ reason, or, as it is more commonly called, SENSE, to defend error by argument; others employ it, to discover and distinguish truth: the power, therefore, which we call SENSE, may exist without its use; and it is only valuable, in proportion as the mind is candid, dispassionate, impartial, and unprejudiced.
FULKE GREVILLE, Maxims, Characters, and Reflections

As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely upon authority, there is no end to our troubles.
BERTRAND RUSSELL, An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.


Now , often talking to a Scientologist and trying to engage critical thinking( i.e. reason ) about Scientology is considered the equivalent of banging your head on an adamantium wall .( Wikipedia quotes on adamantium :Adamantium is a metal alloy in the Marvel Comics Universe best known for being the substance bonded to the character Wolverine's skeleton and bone claws. In the Marvel Universe, adamantium is a group of man-made metal alloys of varying durability, but all are nearly indestructible. )

Now , the above quotes are to try to introduce a number of ideas for consideration relative to Scientology.

First off in discussing or considering ideas with oneself or others there is a long held and possibly valid idea that a person may be in several states or modes that have distinct qualities.

In one a person listens and considers ideas that may conflict with one's own or have unfortunate or undesirable meanings or implications.

A person may settle their passions and carefully question many ideas - even and especially including long held or assumed and often uninspected ideas - that are relevant to examining a subject , idea or theme .

A person may realize relying on authorities is simply bad reasoning and shuts down actual learning and understanding and is a very poor substitute for looking at ideas and evidence both for and against ideas and independent thinking , discovery and understanding - not to mention practically aborting innovation and improvement .

A person may consult authorities for information to examine and always keep the ideas of others clearly apart from one's own ideas and if they agree with conclusions after careful independent verification they may see that both hold some ideas in common but very likely never all .

A person may see that some agreement does not mean for any reason uninspected ideas should be seen as proven when in fact they are not - no matter who the source is - good or bad .

A person may see that ideas that show desirable or pleasing information are in no way shown to be true or not by the desirability of the ideas being true or false .

Or a person may " reason " in a VERY different way .

They may see Hubbard as infallible , ALWAYS right , a SOURCE of workable and unquestionable and un-doubt-able " technology " that can NEVER be criticized and that all criticism AUTOMATICALLY stems from " crimes " and insanity and evil purposes by the CRITIC .

They may accept all the concepts contained in the language of Scientology and Dianetics as universal absolute truth and that " knowing " the language itself is proof of superior eternal spiritual knowledge and deep spiritual enlightenment far beyond mortal men .

They may take great comfort in remembering "applicable" policy and doctrine when situations arise and questions are brought up as proof that the technology is both correct and all-encompassing .

They can see the vividness of personal experiences and beliefs as trumping any objections or outside ideas - to the point that such ideas are to NEVER be looked at seriously and certainly never to be investigated as anything other than a guide on WHO to attack ( the source of the conflicting or contradictory ideas ) .

I think these two broad groups have been observed to exist and the severity with which they are polarized is particularly extreme in Scientology .

That they exist is certainly not a new idea at all.

I will attempt to make it clear that this is intentional on the part of Hubbard and not just a product of individual styles or personalities at all to me .

There is a very specific process he uses to create this effect and very specific behaviors , emotions and thoughts to expose , examine and change to effectively deal with this in my opinion .

The process he used has several ways it can be described but I will say it is implanting - putting a hypnotic command in a person's mind below the conscious level of awareness in a hidden manner .

It can also be called thought reform , mind control , double bind based covert forced cognitive restructuring via hypnotic indoctrination reinforced by linguistic reframing ( loaded language ) and repetition and a variety of other correct names .

I at this point agree with Jon Atack's assertion that Scientology is AN implant .

It at first SEEMED an extreme idea to call a body of information with a reported thirty five MILLION words and seemingly hundreds of practices and techniques ONE implant - it is incredulous .

I have found it to be after VERY careful examination to also be TRUE .

See , ALL the info and activities are intended to utterly confuse a victim and via that use contradiction to cause trance logic to replace normal thought and make the critical and independent thinking depart and trusting blind slavish compliance and an inability to see contradictions in anything from the master ( Hubbard ) become and stay the new norm until death .

From The Free Dictionary :
trance logic Popular psychology An altered mental state in which a person's normal capacity for critical analysis is suspended, and inconsistencies in logic are better tolerated; TL opens a hypnotized person to suggestion. end quote

And from my article Scholars on Scientology :Hypnosis involves the suspension of "normal" logic. Trance logic is characterized by, among other things, lack of criticalness and the ability to hold two contradictory beliefs as true without one canceling out the other (Orne, 1959). Thus, in trance one can have the sensation of cold and still be aware of being seated in a warm, heated room. Corollary: in trance, people can accept notions or ideas that they would otherwise reject because they contradict other beliefs known to be based in reality. For example, the members of one Hindu-based cult believe that the space program is a hoax and yet may listen to and accept weather reports based on satellite pictures. end quote


That is it - ONE super complex mind control method and a giant caste system for mankind centered on making and retaining INDIVIDUAL slaves COVERTLY .

The method has dozens or really hundreds of other methods WITHIN and bolstering the main method but they HELP it by increasing confusion and trust and other factors to fool the victim and increase and maintain vulnerability to the fraud .

It is a way of making an enslaving and enslaved POPULATION that is BLINDLY obeying authority and progressively submitting and complying totally to greater and greater EVIL as individual judgement including moral judgement is insidiously eroded .

Some have said it as experiment - if only by Hubbard or backed by others with power or their own " technology " of mental manipulation...I will not explore...YET .

It most certainly is an effort - at least by him - to make one thing no matter how many angles or sub-methods are within the overall framework .

Now there are VERY specific parts within the method that in my mind MAKE the victim hang onto the doctrine and reject any criticism in a most unreasonable manner.

In particular there is a behavior and emotion and thought pattern that repeats over and over that has at its core certain human vulnerabilities that have long existed that are exploited thoroughly by being triggered and channeled by the " technology " of Dianetics and Scientology .

They are painstakingly fine tuned and targeted for maximum effectiveness in shutting down the mind and holding trance logic AND at protecting the state from any threats .

These implants are perhaps most easily described as the names they have had for thousands or years in logis and rhetoric and debate before the custom fine tuned versions Hubbard made where created : LOGICAL FALLACIES . Fallacies are fake or deceptive arguments, arguments that prove nothing. Fallacies often seem superficially sound, and far too often have immense persuasive power, even after being clearly exposed as false. Fallacies are not always deliberate, but a good scholar’s purpose is always to identify and unmask fallacies in arguments.

Logical fallacies are not just incorrect by rules of debate or make you lose contests where in they are frowned upon : they shut off or down the reasoning of the USER , IF believed by the user - not just an audience that fails to see their use and flaws.

You see if I see a point as settled by an idea or saying or rule then I am very unlikely to examine it or ideas about it further .

So , whether I am being told or telling the fallacy it may prevent engaging the critical factor and encourage limited thinking marked by a pronounced lack of depth and examination .

I am now going to give a short and very brief list of some of the very most common and agreed upon fallacies and some comments on each .

I am going to use quotes from Wikiepedia to define simply some terms :


Ad hominem is a Latin word for a type of argument. It is a word often used in rhetoric. Rhetoric is the science of speaking well, and convincing other people of your ideas.

Translated to English, ad hominem means against the person. In other words, when someone makes an ad hominem, they are attacking the person they are arguing against, instead of what they are saying.

The term comes from the Latin word homo, which means human. Hominem is a gender neutral version of the word homo. In ancient Rome it referred to all free men, or in other words, all free human beings.

Ad hominem can be a way to use reputation, rumors and hearsay to change the minds of other people listening. When a social network has already excluded or exiled one person, or applied a negative label to them, this can work more often. It is most of the time considered to be a weak and poor argument.


Now the argument is implanted in Scientologists so often and repetitively and with such variation many use it routinely as a substitute for reason until death - EVEN if they leave and become exes and renounce Hubbard and the technology - because they do not see the fundamental changes to their thinking and behavior that have occurred.

It is in KSW and the SP doctrine and the all critics have crimes that motivate them doctrine and the wog doctrine and the tone scale doctrine and the analytical mind and reactive mind doctrine and EVERY time you read or hear the terms clear or preclear - they assert that Hubbard was saner and more able and knew more than EVERYONE else EVER .

He conditions Scientologists to automatically attack the attacker and NEVER address the attack - THAT is the essence of ad hominem .

In Scientology " attacks " are pleas by family to examine legal records or actual medical technology or hear both the pros and cons of Scientology from critics AND supporters!

"Attacks " are also honest records and accurate stories by reporters - free speech !

This also manifests as the indie who says well you must have never had " real Scientology " if it did not work !

Or you must not know what you are talking about if you disagree with Hubbard !

They are saying YOU have to be the problem if you have criticism or disagreement and it not only cannot be valid BUT it must NEVER be examined and YOU must ALWAYS be attacked !

Look , this is prejudice pure and simple - I get it from exes and indies and freezoners who in a panic at my stating that all the tech is harmful and fraud try to attack my " lack of experience " or " being dumb " and I say it does not matter if I am the stupidest idiot ever : if my ideas are valid it does not matter who presents them .

And some cannot ever get that a person capable of being stupid or looking foolish can also present valid ideas.

Well if someone can never get past that they will be very limited for the rest of their life in learning and reason .

It is conditioned to be turned to to squash internal mental and emotional discomfort and doubt and to project negative emotions externally at critics diverting attention from critical thinking - that if it even slightly turns down trance logic releases tremendous stress and mental discomfort and confusion to overwhelm the victim's mind .

So , the victim feels terrible if considering thinking of criticism as anything other than a trigger to follow Hubbard's implants to attack ," know " the doctrine regarding this is certain and unquestionably correct AND to project doubt and confusion on doctrine and self into BLIND unreasoning hate of critics .

It is simple : look with the trance logic removed and go into tremendous trauma of breaking the framework of reality and its artificial shielding from confusion and internal negative emotions like fear , hopelessness and matters long unresolved consciously OR maintain the trance by keeping critical and independent thought in check and substituting submission to and compliance with hypnotic commands ( including the loaded language itself ) as a SUBSTITUTE for conscious thought !

The double bind is simple : submit or suffer , if you submit negative experiences get turned off and the ones the tech cannot stop are reidentified as being caused by external sources to be attacked - not the bad results and no results of Scientology !

Next I will show a fallacy that many exes and Scientologists fall for .

It is so rampant that I will present it with an even higher standard than is usually used .


An Appeal to Authority is a fallacy with the following form:

  1. Person A is (claimed to be) an authority on subject S.
  2. Person A makes claim C about subject S.
  3. Therefore, C is true.
This fallacy is committed when the person in question is not a legitimate authority on the subject. More formally, if person A is not qualified to make reliable claims in subject S, then the argument will be fallacious.

This sort of reasoning is fallacious when the person in question is not an expert. In such cases the reasoning is flawed because the fact that an unqualified person makes a claim does not provide any justification for the claim. The claim could be true, but the fact that an unqualified person made the claim does not provide any rational reason to accept the claim as true.

When a person falls prey to this fallacy, they are accepting a claim as true without there being adequate evidence to do so.


The above quote is from the Nikzor project .

I actually believe you should always keep separate the ideas you have verified or originated from those others claim that MIGHT be true and never mix them .

Hundreds of claims by Scientologists rest on Hubbard being an expert without peer in many fields - but his expertise is backed by his claim of his creation's effectiveness which is backed by his claim of being an expert - it is purely a circular argument that in Scientology's enormity is hidden !

See , in thirty five million words he says " Scientology is valid because I am qualified to say it works as I made it and am validated as an authority which is proven by it working so I am thereby qualified to state that it works which it must as I say it ! "

Pure idiocy spread out over a lifetime !

That was the "magic " Hub tried to sell Nibs on !

A way to lie and fool that lasts until death !

Additionally the ad hominem in Scientology is usually used with appeal to emotion in a truly unscrupulous and hidden way :

Again from the Nikzor project :

Description of Appeal to Emotion An Appeal to Emotion is a fallacy with the following structure:

  1. Favorable emotions are associated with X.
  2. Therefore, X is true.
This fallacy is committed when someone manipulates peoples' emotions in order to get them to accept a claim as being true. More formally, this sort of "reasoning" involves the substitution of various means of producing strong emotions in place of evidence for a claim. If the favorable emotions associated with X influence the person to accept X as true because they "feel good about X," then he has fallen prey to the fallacy.

This sort of "reasoning" is very common in politics and it serves as the basis for a large portion of modern advertising. Most political speeches are aimed at generating feelings in people so that these feelings will get them to vote or act a certain way. in the case of advertising, the commercials are aimed at evoking emotions that will influence people to buy certain products. In most cases, such speeches and commercials are notoriously free of real evidence.

This sort of "reasoning" is quite evidently fallacious. It is fallacious because using various tactics to incite emotions in people does not serve as evidence for a claim. For example, if a person were able to inspire in a person an incredible hatred of the claim that 1+1 = 2 and then inspired the person to love the claim that 1+1 = 3, it would hardly follow that the claim that 1+1 = 3 would be adequately supported.
It should be noted that in many cases it is not particularly obvious that the person committing the fallacy is attempting to support a claim. In many cases, the user of the fallacy will appear to be attempting to move people to take an action, such as buying a product or fighting in a war. However, it is possible to determine what sort of claim the person is actually attempting to support. In such cases one needs to ask "what sort of claim is this person attempting to get people to accept and act on?" Determining this claim (or claims) might take some work. However, in many cases it will be quite evident. For example, if a political leader is attempting to convince her followers to participate in certain acts of violence by the use of a hate speech, then her claim would be "you should participate in these acts of violence." In this case, the "evidence" would be the hatred evoked in the followers. This hatred would serve to make them favorable inclined towards the claim that they should engage in the acts of violence. As another example, a beer commercial might show happy, scantily clad men and women prancing about a beach, guzzling beer. In this case the claim would be "you should buy this beer." The "evidence" would be the excitement evoked by seeing the beautiful people guzzling the beer.

This fallacy is actually an extremely effective persuasive device. As many people have argued, peoples' emotions often carry much more force than their reason. Logical argumentation is often difficult and time consuming and it rarely has the power to spurn people to action. It is the power of this fallacy that explains its great popularity and wide usage. However, it is still a fallacy.

In all fairness it must be noted that the use of tactics to inspire emotions is an important skill. Without an appeal to peoples' emotions, it is often difficult to get them to take action or to perform at their best. For example, no good coach presents her team with syllogisms before the big game. Instead she inspires them with emotional terms and attempts to "fire" them up. There is nothing inherently wrong with this. However, it is not any acceptable form of argumentation. As long as one is able to clearly distinguish between what inspires emotions and what justifies a claim, one is unlikely to fall prey to this fallacy.

As a final point, in many cases it will be difficult to distinguish an Appeal to Emotion from some other fallacies and in many cases multiple fallacies may be committed. For example, many Ad Hominems will be very similar to Appeals to Emotion and, in some cases, both fallacies will be committed.

As an example, a leader might attempt to invoke hatred of a person to inspire his followers to accept that they should reject her claims. The same attack could function as an Appeal to Emotion and a Personal Attack. In the first case, the attack would be aimed at making the followers feel very favorable about rejecting her claims. In the second case, the attack would be aimed at making the followers reject the person's claims because of some perceived (or imagined) defect in her character. end quote


This is further compounded by Hubbard's using it in combination with the other fallacies and the reality that compliance and agreement are rewarded with the trance state providing euphoric experiences and not cooperating results in suspension of trance logic and its accompanying protection from cognitive dissonance - actually cooperation acts as a cognitive distortion in itself - really a cognitive distortion factory making many kinds and types of distortions.


The above link lists fifteen distortions with names like black and white thinking , Heaven’s Reward Fallacy , Always Being Right , Global Labeling , Emotional Reasoning , Blaming - all of these are fallacies and it is a never win situation - comply to avoid discomfort and in complying take on hidden dissonance and manifest distortions OR try to use independent reason and throw off the trance and thereby trigger the dissonance consciously which acts to prompt cognitive distortions which bring on confusion , disorientation and anxiety - ALL of which increase both hypnotic vulnerability and a marked lack of good judgement and reasoning !

This is the true genius of mind control based in this manner on the double bind - you are damned either way once far enough into the trap and it gets a tighter grip the further you go and longer you are in very often as your natural instincts and efforts make it stronger.

Now , this is not all gloom and doom as Scientology never took over the world or even a single city or country .

It also has thousands leave and cannot get the vast majority to accept it as a religion or decent practice - so the technology is overall for world conquering a failure but for the people stuck in and who come out and do not fully recover it can be devastating .

The trap has certain ways even the very heavily indoctrinated who are in trance logic all the time or very close to it do actually escape .

I certainly qualify as someone totally brainwashed for many years and broke out bit by bit by studying Jon Atack and Arnie Lerma's stuff and branching out .

But I started totally convinced of several facts

1) Hubbard was a pathological liar who never produced any workable technology and EVERYTHING he wrote or said should be fully disregarded as much as humanly possible .

2) The loaded language reframes reality covertly limiting and channeling thinking and acting as post-hypnotic commands and should be completely rejected and wherever possible real true accurate English words should be used to replace it .
It is okay to use it in J & D to show its absurdity and lack of possible rational reality - as this is reversing the sacredness Scientology uses to hide the truth .

3)The experiences and events in Scientology are controlled and misrepresented to fool and control people : they must be taken apart with careful critical and skeptical reframing in a more accurate and unbiased way to minimize or remove the influence they have and continue to have on victims.

4) The methods in Scientology are totally misrepresented as to their true nature, intent and results and are certainly harmful so they must never be used to solve or handle Scientology - a lie does not cure a lie and reveal truth .

I will now list several links on fallacies that can be examined and some more I am certain are implanted in Scientology routinely : Composition/division , black or white , genetic , ambiguity , burden of proof , bandwagon , anecdotal , appeal to nature , no true Scotsman , and there are several more and Hubbard even uses more complex custom ones .






I went to the first link and ordered a poster they sell that has about two dozen fallacies very simply explained and put it up and it has been undescribably helpful in my work .

I recommend everyone get it and study and restudy it .

Once you really spend time trying to see how people almost constantly use fallacies unknowingly you can spot them in yourself and start the fight to lessen them .

You can also see how so many things Hub said are unsupported by reason or evidence and only manipulation and rhetorical ( persuasive language ) tricks and mind control are all he ever had .

Look , he tried everything under the sun on hypnosis and mind control and thought reform and a thousand other areas of controlling humans like occult rituals to fool and hypnotize and old school hypnosis and guided imagery renamed and combined with electrification and conditioning and tons of odds and ends from psychology and psychiatry and totalist ( completely controlling their victims ) groups and tricks con men and hustlers use but once you take those away there is NOTHING beneficial left - in his character or " technology ".

This can be crushing to take - a life fooled by an insane evil man with no great wisdom gained or redemption .

That's the cards that are here to be played - we are not experts on the mind or life , just getting fucked over .

We are not automatically wiser than regular people or elite and have to be humble and not guided by wounded pride in our evaluation of who and what we now are and what we will be .

We lost - it will not be changed by trying to blame society or feel the experience makes us special .

Survivors of wars know their experience quite well but are not treated like that makes them especially suited for life after the war .

That has several parallels to our experience .

It can be devastating but the thing I know that took about twenty six years to get to is that life is enjoyable to some degree and with Scientology that degree is greatly lowered and so Scientology should be removed from it .

It is a lesson some can learn in twenty six seconds or minutes and the rest of the time was a huge waste and loss and that is it .

I hope this is of some use to some of you .

ps in case there is anyone who has not read my earlier tech threads here is a link to them :


And the predecessor to this link : the secret of Scientology part 1 :


And some of Arnie Lerma's most relevant stuff


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An Appeal to Authority is a fallacy with the following form:

  1. Person A is (claimed to be) an authority on subject S.
  2. Person A makes claim C about subject S.
  3. Therefore, C is true.
This fallacy is committed when the person in question is not a legitimate authority on the subject. More formally, if person A is not qualified to make reliable claims in subject S, then the argument will be fallacious.

one step at a time.

How did Hubbard use this means of Authority as one of the 3 means of Rhetoric, or the ART of Persuasion, namely Ethos:


"Ethos: The Appeal to the Speaker’s or Writer’s Character or Reputation

If you wish to persuade, you need to establish credibility and authority with your audience. A man may have the most logical and well-thought-out argument, but if his audience doesn’t think he’s trustworthy or even worth listening to, all his reasoning will be for naught."

In Dianetics, Hubbard claimed hisself as an authority by saying he studied Molecular & Nuclear Physics at George Washington University back when Nuclear Physics was first being discovered.

Are there other examples Hubbard claimed hisself as an authority?
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Gold Meritorious Patron
Gib: He claimed to have a Phd. (Sequoia University diploma mill, later shut down)
He claimed to have developed Dianetics after being blinded and crippled from wounds received in WWII..and used Dianetics to CURE himself. All he had when discharged from the navy was a eurethral discharge...
He claimed to have been a blood brother to the blackfeet indians...LINK
He claimed that Commander SNAKE Thompson taught him Freudian Psychology...
He claimed in Ron's Journal 67 to have almost broken his back getting through the Wall of Fire...surviving only cause of how incredible he was....


Given sufficient altitude, reputation, and authority an operator can accomplish instantaneous hypnosis, which is why $cientology lies so much about Hubbard...and goes to great extents to try to protect his 'reputation". LINK

"But the moment eloquence or the language of debate enters, true reasoning becomes impossible. For the purpose of the debater is not to find the truth but to win the argument, and to this end he will often stray as far as possible from the real issues"

"Eloquence and debate are designed, not to decide issues, but to sway people, for this reason they lean heavily on appeals to emotion and prejudice, and make use of neat, clever, and sometimes humorous turns of phrase rather than profound analysis of ideas"

"Of all this Confucious was contemptuous" Confucious by H. G. Creel Chapter "The teacher"

“When a wise man points at the moon the imbecile examines the finger.” Confucious

Also see Ron The War Zero


Silver Meritorious Patron
Gib as usual steers our attention to a key area for exploration .

Hubbard used many many tricks and fallacies to both imply and state his authority and hypnosis and mind control as well .

I actually believe his implication and statements on this even exceed the ad hominem implant group with which it intersects as both bolster one another often .

I will here include some quotes from THE centerpiece of ALL Scientology doctrine - many consider the dividing line between Scientology and other practices to be IF a person or group recognizes this reference as valid and attempts to follow it or if they consider it expendable or as having exceptions or lacking importance :

Note in my description I use the following terms as methods from hypnosis or mind control : confusion , anxiety , attention , overwhelm , induce , direct attention , ambiguous language , focus , misdirect and repetition .

Keeping Scientology Working selected quotes


1) We have some time since passed the point of achieving uniformly workable technology. 2) The only thing now is getting the technology applied.

3)If you can get the technology applied, you can deliver what's promised.

4) Getting the correct technology applied consists of:

5)One:Having the correct technology.
6)Two:Knowing the technology.
7)Three:]Knowing it is correct.
8)Four:Teaching correctly the correct technology.
9)Five:]Applying the technology.
10)Six:Seeing that the technology is correctly applied.
11)Seven:Hammering out of existence incorrect technology.
[12)Eight:]Knocking out incorrect applications.
13)Nine:Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect technology.
14)Ten:Closing the door on incorrect application.
15)One above has been done.

  • 16)Two has been achieved by many.
  • 17)Three is achieved by the individual applying the correct technology in a proper manner and observing that it works that way.
  • 18)Four is being done daily successfully in most parts of the world.
  • 19)Five is consistently accomplished daily.
  • 20)Six is achieved by Instructors and Supervisors consistently.
  • 21)Seven is done by a few but is a weak point.
  • 22)Eight is not worked on hard enough.
  • 23)Nine is impeded by the "reasonable" attitude of the not-quite-bright.
  • 24)Ten is seldom done with enough ferocity.
  • 25)Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten are the only places Scientology can bog down in any area.

26) The reasons for this are not hard to find. (a) A weak certainty that it works in Three above can lead to weakness in Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten. (b) Further, the not-too-bright have a bad point on the button Self-Importance. (c) The lower the IQ, the more the individual is shut off from the fruits of observation. (d) The service facs of people make them defend themselves against anything they confront, good or bad, and seek to make it wrong. (e) The bank seeks to knock out the good and perpetuate the bad.

27) Thus, we as Scientologists and as an organization must be very alert to Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten.

28)only so long as it does not seek to alter basic principles and successful applications.

29) We will not speculate here on why this was so or how I came to rise above the bank.

30)Similar examples exist in instruction and these are all the more deadly as every time instruction in correct technology is flubbed, then the resulting error, uncorrected in the auditor, is perpetuated on every pc that auditor audits thereafter. So Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten are even more important in a course than in supervision of cases.

31) Squirreling (going off into weird practices or altering Scientology) only comes about from noncomprehension. Usually the noncomprehension is not of Scientology but some earlier contact with an offbeat humanoid practice which in its turn was not understood.

32)With what we know now, there is no student we enroll who cannot be properly trained.

33)The proper instruction attitude is "You're here so you're a Scientologist. Now we're going to make you into an expert auditor no matter what happens, We'd rather have you dead than incapable."

end quote

Now I numbered the selected quotes to make referring back easier for the reader and so I would not be constantly repeating the quotes .

The first observation I have is that there are a lot of pieces of info that refer back to each other in a CONFUSING DISJOINTED WAY - intentionally AS A VARIATION OF confusion AND a fallacy in their own right .

From Wikipedia :Proof by verbosity (argumentum verbosium, proof by intimidation) – submission of others to an argument too complex and verbose to reasonably deal with in all its intimate details.

See , Hub presented a ridiculously complex and long PL with tons of points that in a deliberately confusing way present tons of points that are referred to and back to with ambiguous language so you try to remember what all the points are and how what is said in one place relates back to something presented in a giant group of points and - it is all a confused mess !

But the sheer size of it IMPLIES a body of knowledge well organized and thoroughly understood by an AUTHORITY who must have made it !

Never mind that there is no such body of knowledge - the PRESENTATION is where your attention goes NOT validation .

The monolith is simply too big to understand easily and so implies wisdom without EVER demonstrating it .

Line one is intentionally written in a confusing style to distract your mind off it's truthfulness or lack thereof as you FOCUS your misdirected mind on the VERY unusual use of " since " to mean " earlier " instead of its usual meaning of " due to or from that point on or from which point in TIME ".

See , many hypnotists use statements with ambiguous or paradoxical wordings regarding time to generate slight cognitive dissonance and in the moment of blankness accompanying the dissonance - swoop in and direct attention .

THIS is what Hub was really doing when he pretended you have an MU !

Jon Atack informed me about the dissonance at the exact moment of blankness and I - upon reflection and investigation of cognitive dissonance - agree fully .

Hub makes you confused with his odd , unclear and eccentric word choices - which further implies his authority as a master of language !

THIS is what he was doing with all those odd ways to say things and referring to things with two almost identical terms - so YOU would wonder why he said both characteristics AND qualities or used an unusual idiom like first and foremost - making you clear foremost and to pass a checkout LEARN foremost is a synonym for first and that the redundant use is best explained as either having no additional meaning or as an idiom it focuses attention slightly more on the concept of both words but in either case the wording CONFUSES your mind as you try to find why he uses more words than are needed over and over - you think the problem is YOU or your vocabulary or not really getting the deep meaning in his " wise words ".

In any of the cases above you are confused , gain anxiety about this ( which as an " MU phenomenon " makes you focus more on words and not ideas ), and have the constant implication Hub knows something just out of reach .

In point 26 Hub IMPLIES that he is not among the not too bright and that he has a high IQ by speaking in a round about way where others with flaws he implies he does not have have their errors listed, also implying immunity to those for himself .

Points 1 , 3 , 5 and 15 ALL refer to one another in a circular argument mixed in with the other points to generate confusion sorting them out - further implying his brilliance in keeping them straight and tying up the attention of his victim - even writing about the method is confusing and I KNOW what he is doing !

The term " Technology " is initially confusing as one tries to sort out " just what the fuck is this technology ? " .

It is not a material science like engineering or something familiar .

This ambiguous term that just refers to Scientology and Scientology is defined as the technology - which gives a hidden circular argument that there is SCIENTIFIC validated method here - with no real proof or clear explanation .

So that further confuses a person .

At some point a person may accept that there actually is a technology - just to understand the rest of the reference better ! Oopsies !

Lines 4 through 14 refer to each other in very slightly different ways - to confuse and imlpy through complexity, ambiguity and repetition that there is SOMETHING genuine to this " technology " !

Points 15 through 25 refer WAY back in a disorganized incoherent way to 5 through 14 and this is intentional as if you where to rewrite it with 15 linked to 5 , 16 to 6 , 17 to 7 , 18 to 8 , 19 to 9 , 20 to 10 , 21 to 11 , 22 to 12 , 23 to 13 , 24 to 14 and 25 as a separate clearer sentence or even short paragraph the constant keeping track of and referring back to ideas would not DIVIDE the attention to the edge of madness - further reducing the critical factor by MISDIRECTION .

The ideas are actually simpler than what is written here IF better organized .

Having the correct technology has been done.

Knowing the technology has been achieved by many.

Knowing it is correct and that is achieved by the individual applying the correct technology in a proper manner and observing that it works that way.

Teaching correctly the correct technology and it is being done daily successfully in most parts of the world.

Applying the technology which is consistently accomplished daily.

Seeing that the technology is correctly applied which is achieved by Instructors and Supervisors consistently.

Hammering out of existence incorrect technology which is done by a few but is a weak point.

Knocking out incorrect applications is not worked on hard enough.

Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect technology is impeded by the "reasonable" attitude of the not-quite-bright.

Closing the door on incorrect application is seldom done with enough ferocity.

Now if this was there it would be a LOT clearer and 25 should really be a little paragraph set off and completely redone for clarity as well .

Now , if stated THIS way the constant overuse of the term technology with no definition becomes abundantly clear - it is referred to over and over !

It is also clear that there are MANY claims asserted with NO PROOF EVER !!!!

The other way sorting out the vague garbage is ALL you are even trying to do - NOT decide if you accept or believe ANY of it .

Point 23 redefines " reasonable " as a BAD thing , with NO explanation for free loaded language AND acceptance of the ideas within the new language !

Point 23 has the not-quite-bright and point 26 the not-too-bright - to further confuse , as why choose such similar wording except to induce confusion ?

Point 26 should be rewritten as several sentences and made much clearer but it is also intended to divide attention and further confuse - not inform .

Point 27 further divides attention .

Point 29 directs your imagination to speculate on how Hubbard in some mysterious way overcame the bank and why this was - so you ASSUME he DID overcome the bank AND that it EVEN exists !

It functions like saying do not think of a pink elephant - you automatically think of it in hearing it !

And he as an expert hypnotist KNEW you would be distracted by wondering why and how he could do this .
Points 30 , 32 and 33 ALL assert (largely through very slight variation to confuse ) and repetition that Scientology works - again with no proof !

Point 31 says a lot in one place - that by calling going off into weird practices squirreling it IMPLIES Scientology is NOT weird - making it orthodox in some undefined way .

It also says this comes about from noncomprehension - linking this to the MU doctrine AND misdirecting attention off the fact that noncomprehension can be from incredulity , finding contradictions , being confused by things that do not add up - all triggers for CRITICAL analysis and inquiry !

You know like in normal pre-Scientology life .

It also further combines tricks as it claims noncomprehension is not from Scientology ( discouraging close examination ) but earlier off beat humanoid practices .

Okay this is to IMPLY earlier practices existed and may effect people now - meaning it links to the whole track doctrine as " proof " and has the corollary that if the earlier practices are offbeat THEN it follows that Scientology is NOT offbeat - with no proof .

And by saying the earlier practice "in its turn " is a vague way to imply all these earlier practices ( and earlier civilizations ) and tie up your mind wondering what and when it was and not notice that he says the practice was NOT UNDERSTOOD as a cause of noncomprehension .

That has a couple more ideas too - the idea noncomprehension comes from not understood things - which is a synonym for misunderstood and that this can be linked to earlier similar things a vital and unproven Scientology doctrine .

Point 33 implies that a Scientologist is CAPABLE and being one is automatic by being here and death is preferable to not being a Scientologist - ALL strong extreme unproven claims mashed together so the overwhelmed confused student just hypnotically intakes and does not evaluate ANY of the claims for authenticity or desirability !

See , he makes many , many claims here almost all of which are NOT to be inspected or questioned or even perceived really - just taken in and followed .

I have ONLY taken a small sample from one reference - this entire PL is a huge logical fallacy designed to stir emotion , wonder , confusion , an air of expertise and certainty that there is a real subject here and Hubbard MUST be the authority on it and only true originator ( asserting the single source myth with no proof ) and make you buy and never question many other ideas and bolster lies from other doctrine linking them in your mind .

It is intended to through repetition and confusion gain dominance and install the double bind ( or circle of lies )

Explained in the following link :


Supplemented by the following link


This is my first quickie off the cuff analysis of KSW - Keeping Slaves Willing .

I hope it can help show many claims are asserted with no shred of proof and ideas accepted without direct examination as a requirement to even participate in Scientology .

This trend only expands over time .

There are many , many other places Hub pretends expertise and authority - all without merit .

I started with this as IT hangs up exes often for decades in confusion - as it was intended to .

Simply put the confusion is a kind of trance state that can impair thinking and happiness covertly for life if unhandled .

There are many of these states that a Scientologist accumulates and pile up , even moving from one to another seemlessly after they replace normal thought and identity enough .

Some people cancel a few trances or many but not all and so are " weird " years after leaving Scientology or still enthralled or fascinated by parts of it even if knowing Hub lied or the tech fails and the group is a criminal cult .

I am sorry I am very sure that is how it works - I wish just figuring out he lied or there are no OTs or the SO and orgs are running a fraud would magically make us wake up but for many that is simply not true .

I do plan to soon write another thread entirely on trance states so people can better understand what happens to their mind and what Scientology does to it .

But I hope this served both as an example of Hub's unsubstantiated claims of authority and the utter fraud and deception KSW was always intended to serve as .

It is a circular argument : the tech works this way and only this way because Hub as the top expert knows it and he is the top expert because it works but neither is ever proven at all !

Enjoy sharing this with everyone especially indies and under the radar folks .

With love for DM for Christmas - stuff this up your stocking !


Gib: He claimed to have a Phd. (Sequoia University diploma mill, later shut down)
He claimed to have developed Dianetics after being blinded and crippled from wounds received in WWII..and used Dianetics to CURE himself. All he had when discharged from the navy was a eurethral discharge...
He claimed to have been a blood brother to the blackfeet indians...LINK
He claimed that Commander SNAKE Thompson taught him Freudian Psychology...
He claimed in Ron's Journal 67 to have almost broken his back getting through the Wall of Fire...surviving only cause of how incredible he was....


Given sufficient altitude, reputation, and authority an operator can accomplish instantaneous hypnosis, which is why $cientology lies so much about Hubbard...and goes to great extents to try to protect his 'reputation". LINK

"But the moment eloquence or the language of debate enters, true reasoning becomes impossible. For the purpose of the debater is not to find the truth but to win the argument, and to this end he will often stray as far as possible from the real issues"

"Eloquence and debate are designed, not to decide issues, but to sway people, for this reason they lean heavily on appeals to emotion and prejudice, and make use of neat, clever, and sometimes humorous turns of phrase rather than profound analysis of ideas"

"Of all this Confucious was contemptuous" Confucious by H. G. Creel Chapter "The teacher"

“When a wise man points at the moon the imbecile examines the finger.” Confucious

Also see Ron The War Zero

cool, thanks Arnie. :thumbsup:

From the link I provided above:

"For Aristotle, a speaker’s ethos consists of appearing knowledgeable about the topic he’s speaking about and being a man of good character."

Hubbard also said he was "mankinds best friend". Note, Hubbard said it and got others to say it. (persuasion)

I think it's important to realize that Hubbard used Dean Wilburs book on Rhetoric and that he told Dean Wilbur in his 1936 letter to Dean Wilbur, that he (Hubbard) will be using Dean Wilbur's book in the future), so we know Hubbard learned Rhetoric for sure. (see Hubbards report card: http://www.xenu-directory.net/documents/hubbard-gwu.html

place to read the letter: https://backincomm.wordpress.com/2014/04/01/dear-dean-wilbur/

Hubbard to Dean Wilbur:

"Do not allow this to upset you in any way. Put it down that I am a rebel, a nonconformist, anything. Some of these days I am going to set down these things in a book, and your rhetoric, very battered now, will be open on the desk beside me when I write it."


I think it is also to important to realize that us duped members were "doe eyed" when we got in, at least for me I was.

But, back to Ethos. Hubbard did a nice trick which was to also give us members Ethos, or character, or reputation or authority.

How did he do this?

Hubbard said if you found scientology you were one of the smartest people on earth. He said I consider auditors to be one of the most caring, intelligent people on the planet. He said the Sea Org where the elite of the elite.

Are there any other Ethos Hubbard created in the minds of people reading his books or listening to his lectures?

One comes to mind, if one does dianetics auditing, one becomes clear & Homo Novus!
What are the Ethos of clear/homo novus? The so called ability gained?

Was there any Ethos created in our minds when we read policy letters or HCOB's?


1) We have some time since passed the point of achieving uniformly workable technology. 2) The only thing now is getting the technology applied.

3)If you can get the technology applied, you can deliver what's promised.

4) Getting the correct technology applied consists of:

5)One:Having the correct technology.
6)Two:Knowing the technology.
7)Three:]Knowing it is correct.
8)Four:Teaching correctly the correct technology.
9)Five:]Applying the technology.
10)Six:Seeing that the technology is correctly applied.
11)Seven:Hammering out of existence incorrect technology.
[12)Eight:]Knocking out incorrect applications.
13)Nine:Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect technology.
14)Ten:Closing the door on incorrect application.
15)One above has been done.

  • 16)Two has been achieved by many.
  • 17)Three is achieved by the individual applying the correct technology in a proper manner and observing that it works that way.
  • 18)Four is being done daily successfully in most parts of the world.
  • 19)Five is consistently accomplished daily.
  • 20)Six is achieved by Instructors and Supervisors consistently.
  • 21)Seven is done by a few but is a weak point.
  • 22)Eight is not worked on hard enough.
  • 23)Nine is impeded by the "reasonable" attitude of the not-quite-bright.
  • 24)Ten is seldom done with enough ferocity.
  • 25)Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten are the only places Scientology can bog down in any area.

26) The reasons for this are not hard to find. (a) A weak certainty that it works in Three above can lead to weakness in Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten. (b) Further, the not-too-bright have a bad point on the button Self-Importance. (c) The lower the IQ, the more the individual is shut off from the fruits of observation. (d) The service facs of people make them defend themselves against anything they confront, good or bad, and seek to make it wrong. (e) The bank seeks to knock out the good and perpetuate the bad.

27) Thus, we as Scientologists and as an organization must be very alert to Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten.

28)only so long as it does not seek to alter basic principles and successful applications.

29) We will not speculate here on why this was so or how I came to rise above the bank.

30)Similar examples exist in instruction and these are all the more deadly as every time instruction in correct technology is flubbed, then the resulting error, uncorrected in the auditor, is perpetuated on every pc that auditor audits thereafter. So Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten are even more important in a course than in supervision of cases.

31) Squirreling (going off into weird practices or altering Scientology) only comes about from noncomprehension. Usually the noncomprehension is not of Scientology but some earlier contact with an offbeat humanoid practice which in its turn was not understood.

32)With what we know now, there is no student we enroll who cannot be properly trained.

33)The proper instruction attitude is "You're here so you're a Scientologist. Now we're going to make you into an expert auditor no matter what happens, We'd rather have you dead than incapable."

My strictly Rhetorical analysis of this is this:


while I am not just a 3rd party analyzing, but from somebody who was in and understands now)

Hubbard says, key words being, "we" and "you" in his KSW. That's creating Ethos in our minds. It's creating "authority",

call it hypnosis, I'd agree with that. :thumbsup:


Silver Meritorious Patron
Well Gib , regarding rhetoric , I will use a few short quotes from the very site you introduced us to :



Rhetoric is defined for our purposes as
  • The art of persuasion, and
  • The study of the art of persuasion, and
  • An individual act of persuasion.

In the work we'll do in our rhetorical analysis, there are 2 parties to be concerned with:

  1. The rhetor: the party that is attempting to persuade, and
  2. The audience: the party that is the target of persuasion.

  • ethos: The rhetor is perceived by the audience as credible (or not).
  • pathos: The rhetor attempts to persuade the audience by making them feel certain emotions.
  • logos: The rhetor attempts to persuade the audience by the use of arguments that they will perceive as logical.
Remember, it's not necessary for every act of persuasion to make use of all three appeals. Often, however, there is some element of each. In academic writing, ethos and logos are given more respect than pathos. An essay that relies primarily on pathos, with little use of ethos or logos, is unlikely to be perceived by an academic audience as persuasive.


end quote

Now this site presents rhetoric in much , much simpler terms than some books and other sites I have seen and saves many steps of learning translations of old words.

So it is useful in that way .

Now Hubbard constantly generated arguments or ideas that subtly presented ethos , pathos and logos - as FALLACIES to mislead and confuse and persuade .

Now logos involves logic or the appearance of logic - pathos emotions - and ethos authority .

Hubbard frequently used all three in his writings and tapes .

I will include a brief quote from another site to help tie this together .



Rhetorical fallacies, or fallacies of argument, don’t allow for the open, two-way exchange of ideas upon which meaningful conversations depend. Instead, they distract the reader with various appeals instead of using sound reasoning. They can be divided into three categories:

1. Emotional fallacies unfairly appeal to the audience’s emotions.
2. Ethical fallacies unreasonably advance the writer’s own authority or character.
3. Logical fallacies depend upon faulty logic. Keep in mind that rhetorical fallacies often overlap.


Now not all persuasion is dishonest manipulation as Hubbard used - really virtually all his adult life as a pathological liar who relied on confusing people to control them - he told a half-truth when he said the only way to control people is to lie .

He not only lied but also directed attention with many other techniques to control them and by saying to lie he disarmed minds for all the rest .

He was always building intertwining webs of lies that had the Scientologist believing they were the upper ten per cent of the upper... and he was the source of that so HE being an authority was needed to validate THEIR being an authority and they believed in the " incidents " from auditing as genuine based on his language and " philosophy " so ALL their "gains " and status ( which acts as an appeal to emotion as status is desirable ) totally rely on his authority .

This is where the term web of lies comes in - one builds and reinforces another and all together they are very strong - based on the emotions and perceived logic and perceived authority of Hubbard .

Very gradually a person accepts a little as on faith or possible - without proof as it appeals emotionally to be immortal and good and capable of redemption and elite and to be trying harder than others - ALL of which Scientology instantly claims to hand you .

All these desirable emotional components ( aka sublime writing which stirs with emotions to influence ) are linked to the false empty and largely circular logic hubb buries you with and his authority goes right along with it .

His pictures and his office in the org , the very existence of the org and the grossly exaggerated claims for members and the scope of Scientology and Hubbard having been the alleged "source " for ALL the " technology " and his false walls of certificates and honors and war medals contribute to make him seem truly outstanding if not borderline superhuman when you first walk into an org .

His claiming to know about stuff way down the whole track defines him as the undisputed authority on past lives , hi tech , space opera the true hidden nature of spirits and reality and many other topics by IMPLICATION .

He says many things with the corollary that if they are true HE must know far , far more than any and every one else on the topic to be the ONLY one to EVER figure them out .

KSW has the implication that he is many , many steps of mental and spiritual development above all others to have found the way out - as it has never been done before !

Or so he claims - the real reason he is the only one to " find the way out " is because the trap is a DELUSION he created to commit fraud and enslave YOU .

He is very careful to do things to people that he KNOWS create mental difficulties - as he learned from Hypnotism Comes of Age that Hypnotists can implant neurosis very easily in some subjects then he predicted the " case phenomenon " at certain points on the bridge to total insanity and slavery .

Thereby SEEMING to understand the mind - as he poisoned and polluted it to make the problem he then " cures " !

This seems to show he is wise and can work miracles better than conventional medicine and science routinely .

This is also true in " study tech " - he predicts the " phenomena " that HE creates with hypnosis ( really covert self hypnosis ) and cognitive restructuring which induces cognitive dissonance ( blankness , confusion , reeling , not there feeling ) and stress ( anxiety ) and between the two creates all the alleged " barriers to study phenomena " AGAIN making Hubbard seem wise .

It is the same trick - with his insane cult doctrine intentionally using obscure words , unusual grammatical stretches , rare idioms , unneeded complex confusing turns of phrases and the loaded language that constantly twist and changes in meaning to further confuse he imlpies WISDOM .

You are fooled into thinking you are just not getting...something and not realizing there is nothing there to get.

It is not a wise person constantly saying things over your head and being hard to understand - it is intentionally confusing and conditions submission by appealing to your emotion of being comfortable and brushing aside dissonance and contradiction with denial and entering the trance logic wherein Hubbard knows best and it is relaxed and easy to just remember what he says - NOT inspect critically .

You quickly submit and see him as the authority on a great many things or it just does not make any sense - ALL the lies hinge on his altitude growing rapidly to being the authority on Dianetics and Scientology and these being legitimate subjects or everything you read is indecipherable idiocy past the TWTH and a few fluff intro pieces .

He constantly stresses the validity and indisputability of Scientology and the workability of the technology - which with him as the claimed source of would automatically make him the greatest genius EVER as a natural consequence .

He does not need to say I am super smart - In stead he says this thing I made is the greatest thing EVER far above all others in usefulness and importance and that he alone made it where all others have failed miserably - so it IMPLIES it for you to use your own mind to coordinate the ideas and CONCLUDE his authority .

See , he knew saying he was a demigod and the smartest guy ever would get directly inspected and people would walk away saying ( correctly ) that he was nuts .

By implying it he was one step removed and the audience makes him a demigod and authority in their own mind .

This protects him in many ways - first never ins often cannot see where his " logic " leads as believing his other claims is the way to seeing his eventual inevitable corollaries .

Second if you believe YOU at some point see things his way and feel it was your conclusion when really it was a trick of persuasion to use interlocking hidden fallacies to use all three rhetorical methods to together fool you .

He fools you a little then you give a little more and agreeing is rewarded and disagreeing is discouraged - look at virtually any PL or HCOB .

They all use the same few language tricks and methods to persuade over and over.

He also knew an additional factor rhetoric does not reveal - the rhetor (person attempting to persuade) actually persuades someone in addition to the audience ( person they are attempting to persuade ) - THEIR OWN SELF .

See , in persuasion what I say to you can influence you - if only slightly - but what I say or do or think or feel definitely persuades ME .

That is why in the Affirmations Hubbard said " You can consciously banish any train of thought from your mind, any time, any song. You can recall words, speeches, whole books verbatim at will. You are not a victim of chance thoughts. You are in powerful and wise conscious control of all your thinking. You are a master without limits. Your brain has no limits, consciously, unconsciously or psychically. You can perform any mental trick or stunt consciously of which you have ever heard. You are in perfect poise, balance and control of your brain. "

And also " "You are light and you are good. You have the wisdom of all and never doubt your wisdom."

He adds, "You have magnificent power but you are humble and calm and patient in that power. For you control all forces under you as you wish."

And, then, "Men are your slaves."

And, "Your writing has a deep hypnotic effect on people and they are always pleased with what you write."

"Your psychology is advanced and true and wonderful. It hypnotizes people. It predicts their emotions, for you are their ruler."

See he understood people can be and are influenced by others AND their own thoughts and actions .

He tried to protect his mind from " chance thoughts" and " doubt" AND to be able to predict emotions and have advanced psychology and have a deep hypnotic effect and have people ALWAYS pleased with what he writes - an obvious intention given his study of rhetoric to persuade emotionally with pathos or sublime writing .

He wanted to avoid unpleasant influence from himself and others to himself and succeed in secretly controlling others .

He tried to construct a system where a person - say an auditor( a false name as they do far more than guide ) influences a preclear ( a totally false name as there is nothing other than a bank account to clear ) to progressively be influenced in a controlled and predictable manner toward confusion and slavery .

The auditor is ALSO influencing their own mind secretly toward slavery by auditing and preparing to audit !

The experiences , feelings and actions they have as an auditor are designed and through indoctrination and language reframing reality to grant Hubbard increasing authority so with enough altitude - EVERYTHING they do is in a state of blind hypnotic submission that grows as ALL experiences are seen as validating Scientology -

Example PC feels good ? Thank Scientology - it works ! PC feels bad - well there can be a bad auditor , a flub , a missed withhold , suppression , whole track case ( which is nearly infinite so can never be erased ) , an SP , etc .etc.

How about another example , a student uses self hypnosis when using and COMPLYING unquestioningly with " study tech " and intakes doctrine hypnotically remaking their mind and thoughts, feelings , personality and behavior - well the SUPERVISOR does the SAME exact thing when supervising with total faith and no doubt about Scientology and Hubbard !

ANY relationship with total blind trust and no judgement has the critical factor turned off and trance logic induced .

That is the hard part to get people to really see.

Some can see auditing alone as hypnotic as many processes are really stolen old hypnotic practices - sometimes with NO alteration except in name and description to fool the victim .

But thanks to the super hypnotic TRs and many other practices many Scientologists walk around ALL DAY in trances and see Hub as their authority and follow him and those who agree with him - and are in disagreement with any who try to cause doubt or critical examination of him or his works - he is to be REVERED not doubted in this relationship .

Say a student can get a " good " feeling or experience on course - thank Hubbard for his wonderful tech !

Say they do not get something or worse get a bad result - well what did YOU do ? remember we MUST challenge with ferocity instances of unworkability !

The student blames their own self and actions - automatically as a KSW Scientologist - and no other kind is acceptable !

See , he by KSW had a full blown cult and in my mind always intended to but built it bit by bit over time so the submission would be gradual for early Scientologists and they would never see it .

For later ones the earlier ones acting like all this is normal and regular and standard makes social pressure help new recruits adjust their minds and ideas to fit in - never knowing why only that it is expected .

The old members being there and complying and acting " happy " implies results which implies authority as does their slavish devotion .

It goes on and on - once he is in an inch he works the feelings and authority and false logic SIMULTANEOUSLY to get another inch and another until soon he is far above his victim in altitude through transference and then his real work begins - implantation in earnest as ideas that would earlier be puzzling and doubted are now WONDERFUL and fully agreed with .

This deep trance with trance logic and euphoria is where you get the Tom Cruise woosh , zoom , and pow !

They really are carefree in a deluded paradise !

Too bad it is all a lie in the victim's mind .

See , this and the content of the Secret of Scientology part 1 and 2 are what I was trying to get to in Advanced Methods of Persuasion but failed to .

Gib and Arnie and Jon Atack and Free Being Me and Freethinker and Eldritch Cuckoo and Veda and Helluvahoax and a few others are the right people to have these conversations with .

This is why I sometimes do not want the " I think it might be hypnosis but do not think we can ever know because you cannot define hypnosis " or " I just think it is not so please go away or say something I like " people chiming in .

They are not what I want here and talking to Gib and company STIMULATES reason and debate while some others just derail threads that could produce good results.

I hope this has helped show how Hubbard incorporated his study of Rhetoric under Dean Wilbur into his writing thinking and larger methods and plans .

I would be very interested in hearing intelligent , relevant comments on this .

I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation
Posted by Mockingbird but snipped quite a lot ...

I would be very interested in hearing intelligent , relevant comments on this .

Ooooh, you must be wanting more input from me ...


Perhaps you'd like to know how to use the "quote" button? When you are using the posting pad, it appears above, it looks like a white, squarish cartoon bubble, middle row of icons ... 4th from the right.

When you want to quote something, highlight just the required words you want quoted and then hit that button.

It's a Christmas miracle and it's just for you!




Mockingbird, may I make a suggestion?

It is worthwhile for you to format your posts so that they are clear and simple for others to read. Use different sizes, bolding or italics where needed, or even different colours for different quotes from different people. It is so much easier to read posts that are formatted. Break up your paragraphs properly and take out the extra breaks. People read quickly on forums and long walls of text or too much text tends to make a post unread and ignored by others.

Copy and paste is normally not enough, as different sites use different formats so you need to proofread and usually reformat what you write.

Please keep your posts shorter. I used to read them, but they've gotten too long and the formatting is too rough for me. Perhaps this is true for others as well.

Lone Star

Mockingbird, may I make a suggestion?

It is worthwhile for you to format your posts so that they are clear and simple for others to read. Use different sizes, bolding or italics where needed, or even different colours for different quotes from different people. It is so much easier to read posts that are formatted. Break up your paragraphs properly and take out the extra breaks. People read quickly on forums and long walls of text or too much text tends to make a post unread and ignored by others.

Copy and paste is normally not enough, as different sites use different formats so you need to proofread and usually reformat what you write.

Please keep your posts shorter. I used to read them, but they've gotten too long and the formatting is too rough for me. Perhaps this is true for others as well.

Yes, a wall of text...not good.

Wall of Voodoo
on the other hand....well...that's a whole...nuther...matter....




Well Gib , regarding rhetoric , I will use a few short quotes from the very site you introduced us to :



Rhetoric is defined for our purposes as
  • The art of persuasion, and
  • The study of the art of persuasion, and
  • An individual act of persuasion.

In the work we'll do in our rhetorical analysis, there are 2 parties to be concerned with:

  1. The rhetor: the party that is attempting to persuade, and
  2. The audience: the party that is the target of persuasion.

  • ethos: The rhetor is perceived by the audience as credible (or not).
  • pathos: The rhetor attempts to persuade the audience by making them feel certain emotions.
  • logos: The rhetor attempts to persuade the audience by the use of arguments that they will perceive as logical.
Remember, it's not necessary for every act of persuasion to make use of all three appeals. Often, however, there is some element of each. In academic writing, ethos and logos are given more respect than pathos. An essay that relies primarily on pathos, with little use of ethos or logos, is unlikely to be perceived by an academic audience as persuasive.


end quote

Now this site presents rhetoric in much , much simpler terms than some books and other sites I have seen and saves many steps of learning translations of old words.

So it is useful in that way .

Now Hubbard constantly generated arguments or ideas that subtly presented ethos , pathos and logos - as FALLACIES to mislead and confuse and persuade .

Now logos involves logic or the appearance of logic - pathos emotions - and ethos authority .

Hubbard frequently used all three in his writings and tapes .

I will include a brief quote from another site to help tie this together .



Rhetorical fallacies, or fallacies of argument, don’t allow for the open, two-way exchange of ideas upon which meaningful conversations depend. Instead, they distract the reader with various appeals instead of using sound reasoning. They can be divided into three categories:

1. Emotional fallacies unfairly appeal to the audience’s emotions.
2. Ethical fallacies unreasonably advance the writer’s own authority or character.
3. Logical fallacies depend upon faulty logic. Keep in mind that rhetorical fallacies often overlap.


Now not all persuasion is dishonest manipulation as Hubbard used - really virtually all his adult life as a pathological liar who relied on confusing people to control them - he told a half-truth when he said the only way to control people is to lie .

He not only lied but also directed attention with many other techniques to control them and by saying to lie he disarmed minds for all the rest .

He was always building intertwining webs of lies that had the Scientologist believing they were the upper ten per cent of the upper... and he was the source of that so HE being an authority was needed to validate THEIR being an authority and they believed in the " incidents " from auditing as genuine based on his language and " philosophy " so ALL their "gains " and status ( which acts as an appeal to emotion as status is desirable ) totally rely on his authority .

This is where the term web of lies comes in - one builds and reinforces another and all together they are very strong - based on the emotions and perceived logic and perceived authority of Hubbard .

Very gradually a person accepts a little as on faith or possible - without proof as it appeals emotionally to be immortal and good and capable of redemption and elite and to be trying harder than others - ALL of which Scientology instantly claims to hand you .

All these desirable emotional components ( aka sublime writing which stirs with emotions to influence ) are linked to the false empty and largely circular logic hubb buries you with and his authority goes right along with it .

His pictures and his office in the org , the very existence of the org and the grossly exaggerated claims for members and the scope of Scientology and Hubbard having been the alleged "source " for ALL the " technology " and his false walls of certificates and honors and war medals contribute to make him seem truly outstanding if not borderline superhuman when you first walk into an org .

His claiming to know about stuff way down the whole track defines him as the undisputed authority on past lives , hi tech , space opera the true hidden nature of spirits and reality and many other topics by IMPLICATION .

He says many things with the corollary that if they are true HE must know far , far more than any and every one else on the topic to be the ONLY one to EVER figure them out .

KSW has the implication that he is many , many steps of mental and spiritual development above all others to have found the way out - as it has never been done before !

Or so he claims - the real reason he is the only one to " find the way out " is because the trap is a DELUSION he created to commit fraud and enslave YOU .

He is very careful to do things to people that he KNOWS create mental difficulties - as he learned from Hypnotism Comes of Age that Hypnotists can implant neurosis very easily in some subjects then he predicted the " case phenomenon " at certain points on the bridge to total insanity and slavery .

Thereby SEEMING to understand the mind - as he poisoned and polluted it to make the problem he then " cures " !

This seems to show he is wise and can work miracles better than conventional medicine and science routinely .

This is also true in " study tech " - he predicts the " phenomena " that HE creates with hypnosis ( really covert self hypnosis ) and cognitive restructuring which induces cognitive dissonance ( blankness , confusion , reeling , not there feeling ) and stress ( anxiety ) and between the two creates all the alleged " barriers to study phenomena " AGAIN making Hubbard seem wise .

It is the same trick - with his insane cult doctrine intentionally using obscure words , unusual grammatical stretches , rare idioms , unneeded complex confusing turns of phrases and the loaded language that constantly twist and changes in meaning to further confuse he imlpies WISDOM .

You are fooled into thinking you are just not getting...something and not realizing there is nothing there to get.

It is not a wise person constantly saying things over your head and being hard to understand - it is intentionally confusing and conditions submission by appealing to your emotion of being comfortable and brushing aside dissonance and contradiction with denial and entering the trance logic wherein Hubbard knows best and it is relaxed and easy to just remember what he says - NOT inspect critically .

You quickly submit and see him as the authority on a great many things or it just does not make any sense - ALL the lies hinge on his altitude growing rapidly to being the authority on Dianetics and Scientology and these being legitimate subjects or everything you read is indecipherable idiocy past the TWTH and a few fluff intro pieces .

He constantly stresses the validity and indisputability of Scientology and the workability of the technology - which with him as the claimed source of would automatically make him the greatest genius EVER as a natural consequence .

He does not need to say I am super smart - In stead he says this thing I made is the greatest thing EVER far above all others in usefulness and importance and that he alone made it where all others have failed miserably - so it IMPLIES it for you to use your own mind to coordinate the ideas and CONCLUDE his authority .

See , he knew saying he was a demigod and the smartest guy ever would get directly inspected and people would walk away saying ( correctly ) that he was nuts .

By implying it he was one step removed and the audience makes him a demigod and authority in their own mind .

This protects him in many ways - first never ins often cannot see where his " logic " leads as believing his other claims is the way to seeing his eventual inevitable corollaries .

Second if you believe YOU at some point see things his way and feel it was your conclusion when really it was a trick of persuasion to use interlocking hidden fallacies to use all three rhetorical methods to together fool you .

He fools you a little then you give a little more and agreeing is rewarded and disagreeing is discouraged - look at virtually any PL or HCOB .

They all use the same few language tricks and methods to persuade over and over.

He also knew an additional factor rhetoric does not reveal - the rhetor (person attempting to persuade) actually persuades someone in addition to the audience ( person they are attempting to persuade ) - THEIR OWN SELF .

See , in persuasion what I say to you can influence you - if only slightly - but what I say or do or think or feel definitely persuades ME .

That is why in the Affirmations Hubbard said " You can consciously banish any train of thought from your mind, any time, any song. You can recall words, speeches, whole books verbatim at will. You are not a victim of chance thoughts. You are in powerful and wise conscious control of all your thinking. You are a master without limits. Your brain has no limits, consciously, unconsciously or psychically. You can perform any mental trick or stunt consciously of which you have ever heard. You are in perfect poise, balance and control of your brain. "

And also " "You are light and you are good. You have the wisdom of all and never doubt your wisdom."

He adds, "You have magnificent power but you are humble and calm and patient in that power. For you control all forces under you as you wish."

And, then, "Men are your slaves."

And, "Your writing has a deep hypnotic effect on people and they are always pleased with what you write."

"Your psychology is advanced and true and wonderful. It hypnotizes people. It predicts their emotions, for you are their ruler."

See he understood people can be and are influenced by others AND their own thoughts and actions .

He tried to protect his mind from " chance thoughts" and " doubt" AND to be able to predict emotions and have advanced psychology and have a deep hypnotic effect and have people ALWAYS pleased with what he writes - an obvious intention given his study of rhetoric to persuade emotionally with pathos or sublime writing .

He wanted to avoid unpleasant influence from himself and others to himself and succeed in secretly controlling others .

He tried to construct a system where a person - say an auditor( a false name as they do far more than guide ) influences a preclear ( a totally false name as there is nothing other than a bank account to clear ) to progressively be influenced in a controlled and predictable manner toward confusion and slavery .

The auditor is ALSO influencing their own mind secretly toward slavery by auditing and preparing to audit !

The experiences , feelings and actions they have as an auditor are designed and through indoctrination and language reframing reality to grant Hubbard increasing authority so with enough altitude - EVERYTHING they do is in a state of blind hypnotic submission that grows as ALL experiences are seen as validating Scientology -

Example PC feels good ? Thank Scientology - it works ! PC feels bad - well there can be a bad auditor , a flub , a missed withhold , suppression , whole track case ( which is nearly infinite so can never be erased ) , an SP , etc .etc.

How about another example , a student uses self hypnosis when using and COMPLYING unquestioningly with " study tech " and intakes doctrine hypnotically remaking their mind and thoughts, feelings , personality and behavior - well the SUPERVISOR does the SAME exact thing when supervising with total faith and no doubt about Scientology and Hubbard !

ANY relationship with total blind trust and no judgement has the critical factor turned off and trance logic induced .

That is the hard part to get people to really see.

Some can see auditing alone as hypnotic as many processes are really stolen old hypnotic practices - sometimes with NO alteration except in name and description to fool the victim .

But thanks to the super hypnotic TRs and many other practices many Scientologists walk around ALL DAY in trances and see Hub as their authority and follow him and those who agree with him - and are in disagreement with any who try to cause doubt or critical examination of him or his works - he is to be REVERED not doubted in this relationship .

Say a student can get a " good " feeling or experience on course - thank Hubbard for his wonderful tech !

Say they do not get something or worse get a bad result - well what did YOU do ? remember we MUST challenge with ferocity instances of unworkability !

The student blames their own self and actions - automatically as a KSW Scientologist - and no other kind is acceptable !

See , he by KSW had a full blown cult and in my mind always intended to but built it bit by bit over time so the submission would be gradual for early Scientologists and they would never see it .

For later ones the earlier ones acting like all this is normal and regular and standard makes social pressure help new recruits adjust their minds and ideas to fit in - never knowing why only that it is expected .

The old members being there and complying and acting " happy " implies results which implies authority as does their slavish devotion .

It goes on and on - once he is in an inch he works the feelings and authority and false logic SIMULTANEOUSLY to get another inch and another until soon he is far above his victim in altitude through transference and then his real work begins - implantation in earnest as ideas that would earlier be puzzling and doubted are now WONDERFUL and fully agreed with .

This deep trance with trance logic and euphoria is where you get the Tom Cruise woosh , zoom , and pow !

They really are carefree in a deluded paradise !

Too bad it is all a lie in the victim's mind .

See , this and the content of the Secret of Scientology part 1 and 2 are what I was trying to get to in Advanced Methods of Persuasion but failed to .

Gib and Arnie and Jon Atack and Free Being Me and Freethinker and Eldritch Cuckoo and Veda and Helluvahoax and a few others are the right people to have these conversations with .

This is why I sometimes do not want the " I think it might be hypnosis but do not think we can ever know because you cannot define hypnosis " or " I just think it is not so please go away or say something I like " people chiming in .

They are not what I want here and talking to Gib and company STIMULATES reason and debate while some others just derail threads that could produce good results.

I hope this has helped show how Hubbard incorporated his study of Rhetoric under Dean Wilbur into his writing thinking and larger methods and plans .

I would be very interested in hearing intelligent , relevant comments on this .

Good stuff MB. :thumbsup:

Hubbards use of Rhetoric was to trap:


" It can be used for ethical and unethical purposes, but ought to be used for good ends and to enhance truthful and honest messages."

I find it quite interesting Hubbard learned Rhetoric but yet did not teach it?
Well Gib , regarding rhetoric , I will use a few short quotes from the very site you introduced us to :



Rhetoric is defined for our purposes as
  • The art of persuasion, and
  • The study of the art of persuasion, and
  • An individual act of persuasion.

In the work we'll do in our rhetorical analysis, there are 2 parties to be concerned with:

  1. The rhetor: the party that is attempting to persuade, and
  2. The audience: the party that is the target of persuasion.

  • ethos: The rhetor is perceived by the audience as credible (or not).
  • pathos: The rhetor attempts to persuade the audience by making them feel certain emotions.
  • logos: The rhetor attempts to persuade the audience by the use of arguments that they will perceive as logical.
Remember, it's not necessary for every act of persuasion to make use of all three appeals. Often, however, there is some element of each. In academic writing, ethos and logos are given more respect than pathos. An essay that relies primarily on pathos, with little use of ethos or logos, is unlikely to be perceived by an academic audience as persuasive.


end quote

Now this site presents rhetoric in much , much simpler terms than some books and other sites I have seen and saves many steps of learning translations of old words.

So it is useful in that way .

Now Hubbard constantly generated arguments or ideas that subtly presented ethos , pathos and logos - as FALLACIES to mislead and confuse and persuade .

Now logos involves logic or the appearance of logic - pathos emotions - and ethos authority .

Hubbard frequently used all three in his writings and tapes .

I will include a brief quote from another site to help tie this together .



Rhetorical fallacies, or fallacies of argument, don’t allow for the open, two-way exchange of ideas upon which meaningful conversations depend. Instead, they distract the reader with various appeals instead of using sound reasoning. They can be divided into three categories:

1. Emotional fallacies unfairly appeal to the audience’s emotions.
2. Ethical fallacies unreasonably advance the writer’s own authority or character.
3. Logical fallacies depend upon faulty logic. Keep in mind that rhetorical fallacies often overlap.


Now not all persuasion is dishonest manipulation as Hubbard used - really virtually all his adult life as a pathological liar who relied on confusing people to control them - he told a half-truth when he said the only way to control people is to lie .

He not only lied but also directed attention with many other techniques to control them and by saying to lie he disarmed minds for all the rest .

He was always building intertwining webs of lies that had the Scientologist believing they were the upper ten per cent of the upper... and he was the source of that so HE being an authority was needed to validate THEIR being an authority and they believed in the " incidents " from auditing as genuine based on his language and " philosophy " so ALL their "gains " and status ( which acts as an appeal to emotion as status is desirable ) totally rely on his authority .

This is where the term web of lies comes in - one builds and reinforces another and all together they are very strong - based on the emotions and perceived logic and perceived authority of Hubbard .

Very gradually a person accepts a little as on faith or possible - without proof as it appeals emotionally to be immortal and good and capable of redemption and elite and to be trying harder than others - ALL of which Scientology instantly claims to hand you .

All these desirable emotional components ( aka sublime writing which stirs with emotions to influence ) are linked to the false empty and largely circular logic hubb buries you with and his authority goes right along with it .

His pictures and his office in the org , the very existence of the org and the grossly exaggerated claims for members and the scope of Scientology and Hubbard having been the alleged "source " for ALL the " technology " and his false walls of certificates and honors and war medals contribute to make him seem truly outstanding if not borderline superhuman when you first walk into an org .

His claiming to know about stuff way down the whole track defines him as the undisputed authority on past lives , hi tech , space opera the true hidden nature of spirits and reality and many other topics by IMPLICATION .

He says many things with the corollary that if they are true HE must know far , far more than any and every one else on the topic to be the ONLY one to EVER figure them out .

KSW has the implication that he is many , many steps of mental and spiritual development above all others to have found the way out - as it has never been done before !

Or so he claims - the real reason he is the only one to " find the way out " is because the trap is a DELUSION he created to commit fraud and enslave YOU .

He is very careful to do things to people that he KNOWS create mental difficulties - as he learned from Hypnotism Comes of Age that Hypnotists can implant neurosis very easily in some subjects then he predicted the " case phenomenon " at certain points on the bridge to total insanity and slavery .

Thereby SEEMING to understand the mind - as he poisoned and polluted it to make the problem he then " cures " !

This seems to show he is wise and can work miracles better than conventional medicine and science routinely .

This is also true in " study tech " - he predicts the " phenomena " that HE creates with hypnosis ( really covert self hypnosis ) and cognitive restructuring which induces cognitive dissonance ( blankness , confusion , reeling , not there feeling ) and stress ( anxiety ) and between the two creates all the alleged " barriers to study phenomena " AGAIN making Hubbard seem wise .

It is the same trick - with his insane cult doctrine intentionally using obscure words , unusual grammatical stretches , rare idioms , unneeded complex confusing turns of phrases and the loaded language that constantly twist and changes in meaning to further confuse he imlpies WISDOM .

You are fooled into thinking you are just not getting...something and not realizing there is nothing there to get.

It is not a wise person constantly saying things over your head and being hard to understand - it is intentionally confusing and conditions submission by appealing to your emotion of being comfortable and brushing aside dissonance and contradiction with denial and entering the trance logic wherein Hubbard knows best and it is relaxed and easy to just remember what he says - NOT inspect critically .

You quickly submit and see him as the authority on a great many things or it just does not make any sense - ALL the lies hinge on his altitude growing rapidly to being the authority on Dianetics and Scientology and these being legitimate subjects or everything you read is indecipherable idiocy past the TWTH and a few fluff intro pieces .

He constantly stresses the validity and indisputability of Scientology and the workability of the technology - which with him as the claimed source of would automatically make him the greatest genius EVER as a natural consequence .

He does not need to say I am super smart - In stead he says this thing I made is the greatest thing EVER far above all others in usefulness and importance and that he alone made it where all others have failed miserably - so it IMPLIES it for you to use your own mind to coordinate the ideas and CONCLUDE his authority .

See , he knew saying he was a demigod and the smartest guy ever would get directly inspected and people would walk away saying ( correctly ) that he was nuts .

By implying it he was one step removed and the audience makes him a demigod and authority in their own mind .

This protects him in many ways - first never ins often cannot see where his " logic " leads as believing his other claims is the way to seeing his eventual inevitable corollaries .

Second if you believe YOU at some point see things his way and feel it was your conclusion when really it was a trick of persuasion to use interlocking hidden fallacies to use all three rhetorical methods to together fool you .

He fools you a little then you give a little more and agreeing is rewarded and disagreeing is discouraged - look at virtually any PL or HCOB .

They all use the same few language tricks and methods to persuade over and over.

He also knew an additional factor rhetoric does not reveal - the rhetor (person attempting to persuade) actually persuades someone in addition to the audience ( person they are attempting to persuade ) - THEIR OWN SELF .

See , in persuasion what I say to you can influence you - if only slightly - but what I say or do or think or feel definitely persuades ME .

That is why in the Affirmations Hubbard said " You can consciously banish any train of thought from your mind, any time, any song. You can recall words, speeches, whole books verbatim at will. You are not a victim of chance thoughts. You are in powerful and wise conscious control of all your thinking. You are a master without limits. Your brain has no limits, consciously, unconsciously or psychically. You can perform any mental trick or stunt consciously of which you have ever heard. You are in perfect poise, balance and control of your brain. "

And also " "You are light and you are good. You have the wisdom of all and never doubt your wisdom."

He adds, "You have magnificent power but you are humble and calm and patient in that power. For you control all forces under you as you wish."

And, then, "Men are your slaves."

And, "Your writing has a deep hypnotic effect on people and they are always pleased with what you write."

"Your psychology is advanced and true and wonderful. It hypnotizes people. It predicts their emotions, for you are their ruler."

See he understood people can be and are influenced by others AND their own thoughts and actions .

He tried to protect his mind from " chance thoughts" and " doubt" AND to be able to predict emotions and have advanced psychology and have a deep hypnotic effect and have people ALWAYS pleased with what he writes - an obvious intention given his study of rhetoric to persuade emotionally with pathos or sublime writing .

He wanted to avoid unpleasant influence from himself and others to himself and succeed in secretly controlling others .

He tried to construct a system where a person - say an auditor( a false name as they do far more than guide ) influences a preclear ( a totally false name as there is nothing other than a bank account to clear ) to progressively be influenced in a controlled and predictable manner toward confusion and slavery .

The auditor is ALSO influencing their own mind secretly toward slavery by auditing and preparing to audit !

The experiences , feelings and actions they have as an auditor are designed and through indoctrination and language reframing reality to grant Hubbard increasing authority so with enough altitude - EVERYTHING they do is in a state of blind hypnotic submission that grows as ALL experiences are seen as validating Scientology -

Example PC feels good ? Thank Scientology - it works ! PC feels bad - well there can be a bad auditor , a flub , a missed withhold , suppression , whole track case ( which is nearly infinite so can never be erased ) , an SP , etc .etc.

How about another example , a student uses self hypnosis when using and COMPLYING unquestioningly with " study tech " and intakes doctrine hypnotically remaking their mind and thoughts, feelings , personality and behavior - well the SUPERVISOR does the SAME exact thing when supervising with total faith and no doubt about Scientology and Hubbard !

ANY relationship with total blind trust and no judgement has the critical factor turned off and trance logic induced .

That is the hard part to get people to really see.

Some can see auditing alone as hypnotic as many processes are really stolen old hypnotic practices - sometimes with NO alteration except in name and description to fool the victim .

But thanks to the super hypnotic TRs and many other practices many Scientologists walk around ALL DAY in trances and see Hub as their authority and follow him and those who agree with him - and are in disagreement with any who try to cause doubt or critical examination of him or his works - he is to be REVERED not doubted in this relationship .

Say a student can get a " good " feeling or experience on course - thank Hubbard for his wonderful tech !

Say they do not get something or worse get a bad result - well what did YOU do ? remember we MUST challenge with ferocity instances of unworkability !

The student blames their own self and actions - automatically as a KSW Scientologist - and no other kind is acceptable !

See , he by KSW had a full blown cult and in my mind always intended to but built it bit by bit over time so the submission would be gradual for early Scientologists and they would never see it .

For later ones the earlier ones acting like all this is normal and regular and standard makes social pressure help new recruits adjust their minds and ideas to fit in - never knowing why only that it is expected .

The old members being there and complying and acting " happy " implies results which implies authority as does their slavish devotion .

It goes on and on - once he is in an inch he works the feelings and authority and false logic SIMULTANEOUSLY to get another inch and another until soon he is far above his victim in altitude through transference and then his real work begins - implantation in earnest as ideas that would earlier be puzzling and doubted are now WONDERFUL and fully agreed with .

This deep trance with trance logic and euphoria is where you get the Tom Cruise woosh , zoom , and pow !

They really are carefree in a deluded paradise !

Too bad it is all a lie in the victim's mind .

See , this and the content of the Secret of Scientology part 1 and 2 are what I was trying to get to in Advanced Methods of Persuasion but failed to .

Gib and Arnie and Jon Atack and Free Being Me and Freethinker and Eldritch Cuckoo and Veda and Helluvahoax and a few others are the right people to have these conversations with .

This is why I sometimes do not want the " I think it might be hypnosis but do not think we can ever know because you cannot define hypnosis " or " I just think it is not so please go away or say something I like " people chiming in .

They are not what I want here and talking to Gib and company STIMULATES reason and debate while some others just derail threads that could produce good results.

I hope this has helped show how Hubbard incorporated his study of Rhetoric under Dean Wilbur into his writing thinking and larger methods and plans .

I would be very interested in hearing intelligent , relevant comments on this .

What happens when you apply the same analysis of persuasion/rhetoric etc, to:
Long term relationships between individuals.
Long term relationships within groups such as families, working groups -and corporations etc, educational institutions, political parties etc,


What happens when you apply the same analysis of persuasion/rhetoric etc, to:
Long term relationships between individuals.
Long term relationships within groups such as families, working groups -and corporations etc, educational institutions, political parties etc,

It depends.

Did all people in your questions study Rhetoric for it's use?

Or did one person study Rhetoric to persuade?

If all people learned Rhetoric in your questions, then the playing field is equal and the one with the most logical argument wins.

Aristotle favored logos.


wife says I want that mink coat.

husband says we can't afford it.

wife cries. Husband buys the mink coat. Neither know of logos, ethos or pathos.

Husband gave into Pathos, emotions.

What if the wife knew of Pathos, emotions, she won. Since she knew of pathos, she was able to persuade.

But, if the husband knew of Pathos, he would be able to not fall for Pathos and use logic to further explain why we cannot afford the mink coat.
Last edited:


Silver Meritorious Patron
Well JustShiela I have a lot to learn about computers - as I was warned to stay away from them and the " psych implants " they contain !!!:duh:

I just started recently doing anything with them .

As for the length of posts - they are usually just written on the fly unless I do specific research for something in particular and almost stream of consciousness .

In truth I actually am not a writer as such and just started writing all this stuff to address and work out certain issues people showed a tremendous lack of knowledge on despite some calling them old hat .

I found exes who are critics often do not know anything more about mind control than the statement Scientology is hypnosis and when asked by a reporter they say " well , I do not really know anything about hypnosis ".

I also found many articles and books that show a thorough lack of knowledge on what study tech is and does as well as many other aspects of the technology .

I never learned how to write or communicate well and planned on doing things in a VERY different manner but requests from people for explanations and further answers on issues has largely driven my actions and choices .

I wish anyone who disagrees with what I am doing would do a few things.

Look at the likes , thanks and LOLs at the bottom of my posts and compare that with the disagrees , WTF? s etc.

I see a ratio of about 50 to 100 to 1 .Hmm .

Okay , now look at the views for the threads and posts I start that people clearly know will primarily address the tech and how it is mind control and its construction

. Hmm

Well the less than ten people who have complained and act like my posts are too long or boring or old hat SEEM to be less than 2and 1/2%...

And regarding the old hat comment I call bullshit - I looked and looked and VERY few people ( Arnie , Jon Atack , and a hypnotist or two and MAYBE two others )even CONSIDERED the idea that any parts of study tech other than drills are actually hypnotic mind control and to my knowledge NO ONE prior to me EVER broke down that and other aspects of the con in as great a detail as I have started to - and I am probably less than 5% done both in research AND writing here AND I have plans to reach a much , much bigger audience with much easier ways to see what the con is and how it works .

I have very frequently got PMs and comments from folks who thank me for helping them personally understand what happened better than anything else they have read .

I have people who are nice enough to say I have " filleted the con to the bone " and reading one thread or POST has helped more than YEARS of auditing .

So , why don't you tell them they do not matter and what they want or need is boring .

See , almost all folks are not going to dig through all the stuff at Lermanet.com and the Scientology Mythbusting series ( at the Bunker ) and read dozens of books and abstracts ( scholarly papers ) and watch videos - on hypnotism , prisoners of war , totalitarianism , mass movements, cults, psychology , rhetoric ( despite Gib generously pointing out both that Hub studied it and used it ) , the actual subconscious or unconscious mind , social psychology , critical thinking , logical fallacies , transference , projection , dissociation , denial , trance logic AND related topics .

So if I can try to relate some of what I learn as I learn it and think it answers questions or fills a need in a way tailored specifically for exes with their particular needs and obstacles , why wouldn't I ?

None of the complainers EVER answer why they keep coming back if they do not like my threads - EVER .

None address the VAST majority who are encouraging and the ones who say this is very informative , helpful and NEW information .

Or how SO many keep coming back for more .

Some would say the complainers are driven by a push to both read my threads AND disagree or DENY them as projection for personal issues unresolved .

But some could say it is from OSA ...that pathetic limp-dicked third rate terrorist organization .

Well , your profiles ( if OSA ) show I am VERY persistent at some things and WILLING to go against the crowd and convention .

So...pushing me will just encourage my expanding and telling even more folks about your fraud and how it works . ( stat push )

If the complaints are from indies desperate to silence abolitionists - sorry the cat is out of the bag and I know it absolutely sucks to have everything from Scientology and Hubbard himself torn down as worthless as it triggers the release of confusion , overwhelm , despair , hopelessness and other things the trance hides - so it is fought as if you are a creature in terror - Hub designed it that way .

To escape the dissonance consciously one only need to submit to Hub by merely thinking the doctrine ( in total slavish submission , with certainty in either Hub or the doctrine or even part of it ) but you will only be running to delusion and an undue influence relationship with you as a victim and he as a power holder .

What part of the doctrine to submit to will be an individualized need as how it is implanted in layers is a personal experience that varies greatly.

This idea relates to the " Some of it is good but not all " or " it matters what you do or intend as it can free or enslave " or " Hubbard had ethical lapses but was a genius and we just need to sort it out " etc. etc. believers - they hang onto the parts they do for psychological reasons .

I do not EVER recommend that by the way . It is here for educational purposes - if you cannot bear to think of Hub or Scientology or a specific part or idea as even remotely possibly wrong or false then THAT is the part you should examine outside Scientology language and methods with non-Scientology methods- like critical thinking , skepticism and scientific method .

It can be an auditing you " enjoyed " or the idea of past lives or the tone scale , ANYTHING if it has to true in your mind .

I personally held onto the part I experienced the most often and vividly - study tech .

If there is a part that , if thrown into doubt or criticized makes you ANGRY or anxious or confused or stunned mentally or feel sick or panicked and you think or say a Hubbard line or word and feel secure and certain again - that is an implant and thought stopping cliche - it literally channels your mind AWAY from critical and independent thought and examination of ideas with YOUR judgement intact to think , feel and do other things.

The emotional reactions and verbatim ( or very close to it ) repeating of Hub's words or phrases ( even in thought )- or DMs at this point or an auditor or Sup etc. and accompanying anger or blind hate to someone or something outside yourself and clarity of mind are the clues to what to FORCE yourself to look at .

That dissonance , confusion , sense of panic or gnawing feeling something is not right - is YOUR mind almost breaking the trance on some point often and the SEARCHING for a calming relaxing Hub doctrine then relaxing when it is found as the solution is turning away from that and shutting your critical factor off .

Look if people are snarky , insulting or just plain rude I am going to use add to ignore much more .

If they want to be nice and say hey this could make a post easier or what about this - then I can listen to them and may take advice .

If you are REALLY bored or over it , why come back to say it ?

Please don't.

I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation
Of course rhetoric was used along with manipulation, indoctrination and anything else that could be used for achieving the desired result by hubbard and is used by most people that want to gain influence or agreement or sell something.

Of course it was used by tubs ... so what?

A baby learns very early how to manipulate, a puppy, kitten or bird (living within a household with love) does much the same ... most of us know instinctively who we can and who we cannot manipulate (if that's what we want to do) and rhetoric is but another "technique" some use once speech is possible to motivate, sell themselves or whatever it is they want to sell or gain agreement with.

It's been used for ever and of course it can be used as a "professional" sales technique or by husbands, wives, children, granny Mcgee or cult wannabes/messiah lookalikes intending to recruit ... but also by good, well intentioned people.

I see Mockingbird has just asked Sheila (who had posted a warm post to him re formatting) a "rhetorical question" ... it just took him a while to get to it (his last but one sentence).




Of course rhetoric was used along with manipulation, indoctrination and anything else that could be used for achieving the desired result by hubbard and is used by most people that want to gain influence or agreement or sell something.

Of course it was used by tubs ... so what?

A baby learns very early how to manipulate, a puppy, kitten or bird (living within a household with love) does much the same ... most of us know instinctively who we can and who we cannot manipulate (if that's what we want to do) and rhetoric is but another "technique" some use once speech is possible to motivate, sell themselves or whatever it is they want to sell or gain agreement with.

It's been used for ever and of course it can be used as a "professional" sales technique or by husbands, wives, children, granny Mcgee or cult wannabes/messiah lookalikes intending to recruit ... but also by good, well intentioned people.

[STRIKE]I see Mockingbird has just asked Sheila (who had posted a warm post to him re formatting) a "rhetorical question" ... it just took him a while to get to it (his last but one sentence).[/STRIKE]


regardless of the ad hom to MB.

If you understand of course Rhetoric has been used to manipulate people from since Aristotle days,

don't you think maybe it (rhetoric) is new News for some peeps?

It was new news to me just a year ago.

Just because it is old hat to you, does not mean it is old hat to others.

[STRIKE]Dianetics[/STRIKE] (Rhetoric) is new news, so spread it, or whatever [STRIKE]Hubbard[/STRIKE] (Aristotle) said. :yes:


The KSW Series....at the start of EVERY course in Clamology......basically stunts all reasoning...or looking..listening to or at or about other people....ideas.

IMO...anyone reading those documents for the first time, should run out of the course room..... (but I didn't)

On another vein....IMO the basic technique that Hubbard used.....was to lie.

He lied about pretty much the everything.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Degraded Being asks "What happens when you apply the same analysis of persuasion/rhetoric etc, to:
Long term relationships between individuals.
Long term relationships within groups such as families, working groups -and corporations etc, educational institutions, political parties etc,"

Great questions , I primarily see it as fallacies as that is the first form I studied it in - way back in about Feb 2014 HUNDREDS of hours earlier in my exit counseling than now.

Calling it rhetoric also includes rational and honest uses which fallacies do not - so it is a bigger subject .

I see groups as being influenced by rhetoric in advertising , families ( this is where the worthless but charming uncle comes from - he may know slightly more than others about influencing people even if he never formally read about it ).

It is used in media as almost all major news and cable news is utterly flooded with fallacies and tries to overwhelm , confuse and settle for stirring emotion rather than being logical or anything remotely resembling critical thinking.

Lots of what corporations and governments ( the...partners at the very least conspiratorial way to put it ) put out and encourage is largely based on using rhetoric in a combination of forms .

The book Propaganda by Bernays may best show this .

I will post a description and synopsis from Wikipedia :


Propaganda, an influential book written by Edward L. Bernays in 1928, incorporated the literature from social science and psychological manipulation into an examination of the techniques of public communication. Bernays wrote the book in response to the success of some of his earlier works such as Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923) and A Public Relations Counsel (1927). Propaganda explored the psychology behind manipulating masses and the ability to use symbolic action and propaganda to influence politics, effect social change, and lobby for gender and racial equality.[SUP][/SUP] Walter Lippman was Bernays’ unacknowledged American mentor and his work The Phantom Public greatly influenced the ideas expressed in Propaganda a year later.[SUP][/SUP]The work propelled Bernays into media historians’ view of him as the “father of public relations.”[SUP][/SUP]

[h=2]Synopsis[/h] Chapters one through six address the complex relationship between human psychology, democracy, and corporations. Bernays’ thesis is that “invisible” people who create knowledge and propaganda rule over the masses, with a monopoly on the power to shape thoughts, values, and citizen response.[SUP][/SUP]“Engineering consent” of the masses would be vital for the survival of democracy.[SUP]

[/SUP] Bernays explains:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.”[SUP]


Bernays expands this argument to the economic realm, appreciating the positive impact of propaganda in the service of capitalism.[SUP][/SUP]

“A single factory, potentially capable of supplying a whole continent with its particular product, cannot afford to wait until the public asks for its product; it must maintain constant touch, through advertising and propaganda, with the vast public in order to assure itself the continuous demand which alone will make its costly plant profitable.”[SUP]


Bernays places great importance on the ability of a propaganda producer, as he views himself, to unlock the motives behind an individual’s desires, not simply the reason an individual might offer. He argues, “Man’s thoughts and actions are compensatory substitutes for desires which he has been obliged to suppress.”[SUP][/SUP]Bernays suggests that propaganda may become increasingly effective and influential through the discovery of audiences’ hidden motives.

He asserts that the emotional response inherently present in propaganda limits the audience’s choices by creating a binary mentality, which can result in quicker, more enthused responses.[SUP][/SUP]The final five chapters largely reiterate the concepts voiced earlier in the book and provide case studies for how to use propaganda to effectively advance women’s rights, education, and social services.[SUP]





The KSW Series....at the start of EVERY course in Clamology......basically stunts all reasoning...or looking..listening to or at or about other people....ideas.

IMO...anyone reading those documents for the first time, should run out of the course room..... (but I didn't)

On another vein....IMO the basic technique that Hubbard used.....was to lie.

He lied about pretty much the everything.

of course, now you see that.

But think back when you were just getting in.

Why didn't you question it?

what persuaded you to continue?


of course, now you see that.

But think back when you were just getting in.

Why didn't you question it?

what persuaded you to continue?

Oh, I certainly questioned it....to myself. But I decided to take a "wait and see" attitude. I wanted to see what the deal was....so I continued.

I did retain my right to decide....if KSW was true or not.

This is the reason I feel that DMSMH is such a dangerous book. HubTub basically states that the human mind has been figured out.....Back in the early 1970's as a young man...age 17....and naive....It didn't dawn on me that he would out right lie . I came into the cult.....and "it" was agreed upon...as far as I could see....that "things had been figured out." So I started on that path.....

Once started....it is awful hard to get off of it.

I continued on for 27 years.....LOL.

The "hooks" go in deep....and that dangled carrot.....was just out of reach.....

( oh, hey Gib...long time. New avatar....)