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VIDEO: Joe Rogan and Louis Theroux talk about Scientology


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VIDEO: Joe Rogan and Louis Theroux talk about Scientology.


Joe Rogan Experience #835 - Louis Theroux


Streamed live 11 hours ago

Louis Theroux is best known for his documentaries in the television series "Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends" and "When Louis Met...", as well as his Louis Theroux's BBC Two specials.


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Re: Louis Theroux - awesome inverview about Scientology!

Theroux goes from "The Most Hated Family in America IN CRISIS" to his Scientology doc. Hmmm.


Interesting that the Westboro Baptists practice disconnection, undue influence and other trappings in common with Scientology.

(Around :44 Louis talks with a family where the daughter has left the church and broaches their resuming communication with her. This to me is the heart of this piece. And around :48 he poses questions that create visible cognitive dissonance with the younger family members. Excellent work and useful for any exes who are still able to be in touch with family.)
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