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IAS Whales Plotting Against Miscavige?


Silver Meritorious Patron
Since I am not in the least interested in 'saving the church' they can plot and plan all they like, that is if they actually are, as Mick put it the "Cof$ breeds cowards", so it ain't gonna happen from that quarter.

The very best thing IMO, is to continue cut the lines of flow into the church, and per observation here in OZ we are having our impact, the cult and it's adherents continue to look more and more stupid and isolated. The actions that have been done well in OZ in these many recent years have made that possible.

There are feeder lines still to be cut...Taiwan for one, boy if we could pull that one apart...!


Auditor's Toad

Clear as Mud
It would appear there is no option for the boys but to throughly investigate the 'whales' or risk a coup.

The 'whales' are well trained and do follow orders....or do they still love the tek but have come to see the tiny tyrant for what he really is?

Funny stuff !


Gold Meritorious Patron
The problem is Kev that anyone who can out-manouver and out slime Miscavige is the LAST person who should be running anything..

The smart thing for the whales to do would be to publicly leave Scientology. Put their money to use suing the church and Miscavige and enlist people like Haggis in their quest.

The fact that they appear to be too damned scared to do that means that it won't happen.

Scientology creates cowards, not heroes.

Very good point Mick.

If there were a coup from within the SO, the successor would probably be as bad as Miscavige.

If there were a push from the public ‘whales’, they’d have to get a good proportion of what is left of management on board, which might happen as I’m sure most absolutely despise Miscavige.

But then there would be the legions of robots who mindlessly follow whoever is in charge. So, although this might be the best solution for salvaging something from the towering inferno that is the CoS, it would almost certainly result in a bloodbath (hopefully figuratively not literally) and leave the organization in tatters.

I agree about the creating cowards part, anyone with any guts or who stands up for themselves is quickly shown the door or else caved in.

If there were real leaders in the CoS, they would have done something a long time ago.



Rogue male
DM has a strangle hold on the power structure of the CofS, he excels in that kind of operation.

As mick says he has also cowed the whales.

Anyone with the gumption to consult a lawyer about how to oust DM can never front up for a session again, lest they get found out. So I think any of them thinking this way is just part of their route out of the CofS.

When they get out their options of attack will broaden and God help him then as the numbers outside swell and his own resources diminish.


Patron with Honors
Do you really want him out? He's doing such a great job for making more ex'es. No telling that the replacement would "fix things."

This is something on the order of how both parties want Palin to run for Pres.

Mick Wenlock

Admin Emeritus (retired)
I was thinking about this thread as I was driving home and I found myself cracking up about it.

These "whales" are afraid of acting openly - presumably because they are afraid of losing their "Bridge" but they are pissed off with Miscavige who they think is ruining the 'Church' and their 'religion'. They care so MUCH for scientology that they are prepared to risk NOTHING.

They are so dedicated that they are afraid to stand up for anything.

How pathetic.

If Martin Luther had been a scientologist the Roman Catholic Church would still be running western Europe and Luther would have been on the RPF.


I was thinking about this thread as I was driving home and I found myself cracking up about it.

These "whales" are afraid of acting openly - presumably because they are afraid of losing their "Bridge" but they are pissed off with Miscavige who they think is ruining the 'Church' and their 'religion'. They care so MUCH for scientology that they are prepared to risk NOTHING.

They are so dedicated that they are afraid to stand up for anything.

How pathetic.

If Martin Luther had been a scientologist the Roman Catholic Church would still be running western Europe and Luther would have been on the RPF.

Amen! :yes:


Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on
Scieno-Scenario: After several long and excruciating years of terrorizing doubt about his eternity, an OT whale finally gathers the courage to publicly announce his defection..........

(reading Doubt formula aloud)
I have an announcement to make on my Doubt formula.
Based upon the greatest good for the greatest number
of dynamics I have decided to leave------

(running up breathlessly, interrupts)
WAIT!!!! I have a special message for you from COB.

It doesn't matter...my decision is final.
I stand by the courage of my convictions.
I repeat, based on the greatest good---

WAITTTTTTT!! Tonight at the worldwide
IAS event COB is awarding you the
Whale Meritorious Medal of Courage!

Oh! Wow, that indicates. Okay, never mind about
that doubt formula, I just blew all my BPC
and false data on the church.

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
I was thinking about this thread as I was driving home and I found myself cracking up about it.

These "whales" are afraid of acting openly - presumably because they are afraid of losing their "Bridge" but they are pissed off with Miscavige who they think is ruining the 'Church' and their 'religion'. They care so MUCH for scientology that they are prepared to risk NOTHING.

They are so dedicated that they are afraid to stand up for anything.

How pathetic.

If Martin Luther had been a scientologist the Roman Catholic Church would still be running western Europe and Luther would have been on the RPF.

Amen as well.

Nurse Pinch

Patron with Honors
Just imagine if they did somehow manage to oust DM.

The "new" management could re-release all the old materials as really really on source now. :omg:

They could re-release all the courses sans GAT as really really really on source now. :omg:

They could also have their very own new Basic Books Bonza Bugger-up getting all the new old books into the libraries! :omg:

They could tell everyone that Ron didn't really fuck up monumentally by letting the books be released riddled with errors! He really is infallible after all! It all makes sense now! :omg:

LFBD FN VVGI's :duh::duh:

They could make SO...MUCH...MONEY!!!!!!!!!!! :omg: (I mean they could make So Many OTs :no:).

DM or no DM; the day they make an OT is the day hell freezes over and Satan drives to work on a snowplow.

(Sorry for my discombobulated posting)



Gold Meritorious Patron
This information is very good news.

I don't think that there can be a successful takeover from the inside. I do think that those that try will be woken up sufficiently to walk or be thrown out the door.

It is good that they are trying, though. They will run across a lot of info as they research and hopefully pass it along to others inside.


Just imagine if they did somehow manage to oust DM.

The "new" management could re-release all the old materials as really really on source now. :omg:

They could re-release all the courses sans GAT as really really really on source now. :omg:

They could also have their very own new Basic Books Bonza Bugger-up getting all the new old books into the libraries! :omg:

They could tell everyone that Ron didn't really fuck up monumentally by letting the books be released riddled with errors! He really is infallible after all! It all makes sense now! :omg:

LFBD FN VVGI's :duh::duh:

They could make SO...MUCH...MONEY!!!!!!!!!!! :omg: (I mean they could make So Many OTs :no:).

DM or no DM; the day they make an OT is the day hell freezes over and Satan drives to work on a snowplow.

(Sorry for my discombobulated posting)


:omg: This is so hilarious!!!! :hysterical::hysterical:


Scieno-Scenario: After several long and excruciating years of terrorizing doubt about his eternity, an OT whale finally gathers the courage to publicly announce his defection..........

(reading Doubt formula aloud)
I have an announcement to make on my Doubt formula.
Based upon the greatest good for the greatest number
of dynamics I have decided to leave------

(running up breathlessly, interrupts)
WAIT!!!! I have a special message for you from COB.

It doesn't matter...my decision is final.
I stand by the courage of my convictions.
I repeat, based on the greatest good---

WAITTTTTTT!! Tonight at the worldwide
IAS event COB is awarding you the
Whale Meritorious Medal of Courage!

Oh! Wow, that indicates. Okay, never mind about
that doubt formula, I just blew all my BPC
and false data on the church.


The Whale Meritorious Medal of Courage

Worth selling your life to Satan I might say. :coolwink:


Con te partirò
I was thinking about this thread as I was driving home and I found myself cracking up about it.

These "whales" are afraid of acting openly - presumably because they are afraid of losing their "Bridge" but they are pissed off with Miscavige who they think is ruining the 'Church' and their 'religion'. They care so MUCH for scientology that they are prepared to risk NOTHING.

They are so dedicated that they are afraid to stand up for anything.

How pathetic.

If Martin Luther had been a scientologist the Roman Catholic Church would still be running western Europe and Luther would have been on the RPF.



Formerly Fooled - Finally Free
OK, you want rumors?

Here's one I've heard for several months from under-the-radar Co$ friends who are inactive but are never going to resign from the Co$. Each of them is closely connected to one or more extremely large IAS contributors (all public, obviously) who have had it with David Miscavige. The rumor is that these IAS whales (and I'm talking WHALES!) now believe Miscavige is such a big liability he simply must go -- to jail or to South America or to hell. They don't care where, they just want him gone.

Allegedly, sekrit meetings (with legal counsel) are in progress about how to:

* Separate Miscavige from Co$ funds so he can't fight these actions using legal counsel

* Build stronger governance checks and balances into the Scio corporate system

* Manage the transition from Miscavigeland to the new reformed corporate Scioland

The plotters are considering current in-good-standing SO execs as Miscavige's replacement, as well as having a Scio-admin-trained non-SO Scientologist with high-level executive experience managing a "real business" manage the transition.

Because my friends don't all hang with each other, there may be real fire under the smoke. Whether this is true or not, or likely or not, it's at least pleasant to think that Co$ loyalists would also want to oust the dwarf.

Anybody else heard anything about this? Either way? Is this bullshit?


Do your friends know that you have spilled their sekrit plans? Seems like posting about it might sabotage their plans, unlikely as the product may be.