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Experiences I don't blame on Scientology at all... but on egotistical people.


Patron with Honors
1. EPF I/C made told me to walk like a chicken, during EPF muster, because I could not do the salute thing right. Despite, I did not do it.

2. EPF I/C got promoted high up in CLO, second to the CEO, last I knew. In one incident, he saw me walking down the hall way, called me out by my ethnic last name and busted out a long line of combos of ethnic last names, obviously to offend me.

3. I walked in the dorm one day, and overheard a Sea Org member complaining to another member about one of the other room mates telling her to tidy up her bed. She referred to this other person as a " fucking mexican" when in reality this woman was Venezuelan.

( I will tell you guys, at the PAC BASE, I noticed a seemingly wide many S.O. disliking Mexicans or spanish speaking people, in general)

4. There was also many cliques. The Scientology children had a very close group that considered themselves, ' the cool people' and I know only a few of them were good examples of well-meaning, for the right reasons, Sea Org members.

5. There was a constant problem with, sometimes people would be harsh to me, and other people standing by would not do anything about it. Like, I got the feeling that, if I had been in the cool crowd, I would have been defended.

6. Also I had a lot of people going around talking behind my back and giving out preconceived notions of me to people who had yet to meet me, and then when they would first start talking to me, would be harsh from the get-go. I also met people who I got along with, and then the next time we talked, they would be anti-social, because some other person had told them things about me.

7. Also, the first time I was on the EPF, the EPF I/C kept making a yoddling sound like an Indian, I just realized he had meant to make fun of me, he told me to run around the parking structure, in front of the whole in-formation EPF. I ran across and he started Yoddling like an Indian, and some people were laughing.

I will re-post more later guys, I would like to know if you had similar experiences. Also, I want you guys to know that there is a lot of stuff in the CoS that I experienced, that today, I feel is not really something that has fault with Scientology. It's individual people who are egotistical, and the failure of execs to be able to do something about it. Like, we were supposed to write KRs whenever we'd see something wrong, but many people never wrote KRS to defend me, because some people smeared my reputation, they went around thinking they would stop being popular if they would defend me.

I had this particular female in CMO who started bullying me many times

She wrote KRS on me for going to the bathroom so much, and I actually saw her with my own eyes, telling fellow CMOers about me. She was sitting at a table of 5, and only one of the other females wrote another KR on me. This without even having communicated with me up-front before writing it. Now, the Ethics book, as I recall, states that before you write KRS on people, you should communicate with them first, and if that doesn't work, then you write a KR. Well, when I was doing my courses at the ASHO. I had and stilll do have a bladder problem, and she never actually confronted me to see what was going on. The supervisor had a talk with me about the KRS, and there was so many exaggerations written up in them. I pointed them out to him.

On another occasion, I was doing TRs with a public at ASHO, and this same CMO member was doing TRs right next to me, she even asked the supervisor if she had to do thinking, while doing the TRS, he said no. So, I proceeded to do the TRS with this public. I was bull-baiting him on some stuff and then said, woops, I think the supe told me not to bullbait people on this last time. Then , like the next day. This same public came up to me and told me that this CMO messenger told him to write a KR on me. He said he didn't want to but she told him to do it. So that made me mad because she once again, never confronted me about it. The one time I actually even had a conversation with her was very brief. She came up to me and asked if I had recieved her KR. I felt that she did this intentionally because she wanted me to be fazed or something.

( I should have chitted her for doing the TRS wrong, she was obviously eavesdropping)

I really didn't feel that this female had her heart in the right place with Scientology. Even back then I thought to myself, I don't know why she's in and so high up, I overheard her say she had been in Scientology since 9. She really alienated me. I think it's people like that make your life miserable on the inside. And they omit so much policy just to get a kick out of alienating somebody else, they don't realize how much damage they do to Scientology.
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Gold Meritorious Patron
The Sea Org empowers people to behave like that. :no:

So sad. And they go on acting this way because they look like they are being the good guy.:duh:


Patron Meritorious

WEll IMO I would blame this on scient. Because cults are sometimes for whites, because the white race needs to feel and believe they are superior.

An exception to that would be the Jonestown cult.


Patron with Honors
Well, half of LA hates mexicans (and to the that half, anyone brown is mexican, who cares what part of the Americas they are from)

The other half is mexican :p


Patron Meritorious
But that ~is~ Scn.

Messengers are trained to act just as LRH would in any circumstances - she was putting your ethics in because you were cutting across production by going to the bathroom all of the time. Even if it was due to a valid medical issue, it like other medical issues was due to you serfacing.

Others have to be warned about out-ethics cats as well, and enough pressure has to be exerted on them externally to exceed their internal mental pressure to dramatize their bank. The eighty percent can't be allowed to be stopped by the twenty.


Patron with Honors
She exaggerated how many times I went to the bathroom. So what I went to the bathroom once every hour. That's how fast my bladder fills up. If you ask me, she was treating me like a criminal. There is other people who would approach me about things more nicely than that.. and she was not even neutral she was anti-social.
Well, I hope she reads this and apologizes. I'd feel more comfort knowing I was not the only one who had to deal with these same individuals.

Every messenger that I had encountered was not like that. She was not even neutral, she was downright nasty. I mean, yes they are very serious and don't use emotion, this one's eyes sparkled when she'd see me.. like an evil sparkle. If you've ever met a human vampire, lol, that's what that was... attempting to suck your energies.


Patron Meritorious
If you ask me, she was treating me like a criminal.

Yes she did because she ~saw~ you as a criminal with either Counter Intention or at the best Other Intentionedness, as she had been taught to do.

Every messenger that I had encountered was not like that.

Really? How odd. Every messenger I saw and most RTC were most definitely like that. They have to maintain "ethics presence" after all. In my experience, you got more and more people like that the higher up the org board you went.

this one's eyes sparkled when she'd see me.. like an evil sparkle. If you've ever met a human vampire, lol, that's what that was... attempting to suck your energies.

Your description reminds me of one RTC person I worked around for a while. She looked like nothing other than the Terminator as she walked around. I swear her head swiveled from side to side and I could all but see the targeting mechanism as she searched for Sarah Connor... erm, I mean the next outpoint to blast.