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Fleetwood Mac vs Sea Organization Stat Evolution!

Mest Lover

Not Sea Org Qualified
Great story, Mest.:thumbsup:

I loved your attitude of doing what you wanted to do regardless of the outcome.

And hey, it was Fleetwood Mac.:)

Yah, I did that, something about an FO during EPF training stuck in me a bit about someone doing something wrong or out of their job description is better than someone doing nothing at all and staying on post description --- I mangled that and can't recall it exactly now, but as I interpreted it --- If you are walking by trash and you happen to be the CO CMO, it would be better to pick it up yourself than to wait for whomever's RPF'ed ass should be picking it up for you.

Hmm why is that in here exactly? Well, I did a massive amount of computer programming for them that I saw a need to do, nobody wanted me to, nobody expected me to, but I did it anyway. I saved enough time that night to buy me a concert go with free tix I won off the radio.

What hurts me more is knowing while I was at that concert, there were people suffering the ill-will and attributes that the Sea Org implemented on people that deserved nothing but the same outing at a concert for a few hours of enjoyment.

Do I think I was out-exchange with CLO EUS? Absolutely not!
Do I think I was out-exchange with other Sea Org members who were suffering on the RPF, abortion decisions, family disconnect, et al? Yes, I do, I would have given those tickets to someone else if I thought it would have helped them escape from that evil. I am sorry, I was not aware you were suffering at the time.
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Rene Descartes

Gold Meritorious Patron
What exactly is that?

HCO policy letter of 16 November 1966,
executive facilities
facility differential.


You work for that place and it takes a lot of work for all those people to put their stat machiness together. All hands, up all night, lose sleep, less breaks, less other jobs

You come along and create a nice program on the computor that gets all the work done in 5 minuteskees and now all the other happy workers can run off and do the production they are supposed to do and because they are so freed up they get their products and the GI of the place increases each week by about $50,000.

They owe you money.

If you follow LRH's PL to the letter they owe you 50,000 a week.

But you being a nice person will likely settle for less because you embrace realism.

But they don't offer it to you and because you don't know about the PL you don't put in a CSW.

Then Bill Gates comes along and changes the operating system of the PCs and now your program does not work on the new OS.

So they ask you to rewrite the program.

On your way to your PC you notice a PL fell out of someones pack and you pick it up and read it. It is about Facility Differentials.

So now you CSW for some cashola along with the program rewrite.

They tell you "no".

So you walk out.

Now the business is out 50,000 buckaroo banzais a week because now once again everybody has to all hands, up all night, etc etc. and they are back to the place they were before you wrote the other program for the other operating system.

Get the picture?

In the meantime they write up an SP declare on you.

And they are still out 50 K a week.

Those greedy bastiches...!!!

Well they try to hire a consultant to do it and guess what the consultant is going to charge?

500,000 plus an annual maintanence fee of 200,000.

tsk tsk

Now we know why Rex Fowler went nuts.



Totally aweshum story MestLover! *paint me green* I never had the luck to get to one of their concerts, tried a couple of times in the 70's but IRL stuff got in the way. I had a huge crush on Stevie Nicks *sigh* and still have most of their albums (yep~ albums, am old :melodramatic:) and my kid is now listening to them 30-40 years later, but hey, they are ageless!

Mest Lover

Not Sea Org Qualified
I saw them live in 1969 at college.

I love the fact that you had a Cronjob report the stats. :)


I used Cron a lot for mundane stuff to buy me time to do other stuff. When I was trying to figure out how to send my stat report on time so I could be at the concert at the same time Cron was the way to go, couldn't ask anyone else to do it for me, the computer always did what I asked it to do.