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Wisened One

Hey all:

We have been using and like (so far) Holosync by Bill Harris.

Anyone else try or are using it?

Woud love to hear your thoughts.

Gave us lots of wins immediately, much cheaper and faster than Scn!

Wisened One


Silver Meritorious Patron
Sounds a bit Derren Brown to me. Not all the reports I saw on the net were good either.



Silver Meritorious Patron

Hey all:
We have been using and like (so far) Holosync by Bill Harris.
Anyone else try or are using it?
Woud love to hear your thoughts.
Gave us lots of wins immediately, much cheaper and faster than Scn!
Wisened One

Looks like a commercial cult with "levels", that is, levels of money extraction from its dupes. For a tiny fraction of the cost, you can get the same effect from the Insight CD:


I tried it a few years back. Interesting things started happening - I felt I had a huge amount of space and started picking up perception of flows. Then I stopped because I was going to be getting some auditing, which turned out to be shite. :duh:

Can you tell us more about your own wins WO?


Gold Meritorious Patron
I use it, but without the affirmations. I never saw the benefit in quieting the mind and then implanting thoughts into it. :melodramatic: I questioned Bill Harris about it and his point of view was that one "might as well" put positive affirmations in. I don't agree.

My experience of it has been fantastic! For me it ties together TRO, headlessness and releasing. All roads lead to the one truth! :)

As an Englishman I am repulsed by Harris' salesmanship. I always have to remind myself that Americans just can't help themselves in that respect! :D

This is why I like headlessness the best of all, because Douglas Harding has nothing to sell! :thumbsup:

I would recommend Holosync to anyone who wants to benefit from quieting the brain/mind.

After a holosync session I usually feel open and just me, rather like a really great TR0 session.

Colleen K. Peltomaa

Silver Meritorious Patron
I use it, but without the affirmations. I never saw the benefit in quieting the mind and then implanting thoughts into it. :melodramatic: I questioned Bill Harris about it and his point of view was that one "might as well" put positive affirmations in. I don't agree.

My experience of it has been fantastic! For me it ties together TRO, headlessness and releasing. All roads lead to the one truth! :)

As an Englishman I am repulsed by Harris' salesmanship. I always have to remind myself that Americans just can't help themselves in that respect! :D

This is why I like headlessness the best of all, because Douglas Harding has nothing to sell! :thumbsup:

I would recommend Holosync to anyone who wants to benefit from quieting the brain/mind.

After a holosync session I usually feel open and just me, rather like a really great TR0 session.

Some Headless Harding videos on YouTube:


Wisened One


Great to see replies!:)

Yes, we've been having wins at it...we're on AL 1. We also feel more spacious, clean, completely relaxed and open, no inner oscillations going on.
It's also helped with sleep for me, as well.

We also don't use the Holosync with Affirmations, either. Since we're a couple using it, we just ordered AL 1 without any Affirmations and think our own while doing the CD.

These other CD's.. Insight and Headlessness, sound intriquing as well, will have to check them out sometime, too.

For now, we're doing well with Holosync, though.

Wisened One
Last edited:


Gold Meritorious Patron
Have a look at Chapter 4 of Napoleon Hill's famous book Think and Grow Rich:

Per his extensive research talking to the rich and famous of his day, it is the core action to do.


I know. I studied Napolean Hill after being declared an SP. It was one of many things I looked at. It is a modern (relatively) version of ancient metaphysical magic. The Rosicrucians (which Hubbard studied) have this as part of their teachings and they claim to go back to ancient Egypt. Several other early 20th century writers used this technique, including Claude M Bristol (where do you think Hubbard got the idea of affirmations and postulates from?)

Hubbard and as far as I remember, Napoleon Hill omitted an important final step when they squirrelled older metaphysical affirmation techniques. Hubbard omitted it because he was a left-hand magician and so his goal was the empowering the self (see my post http://www.forum.exscn.net/showpost.php?p=69707&postcount=12) I think Hill just duplicated a common misunderstanding of modern metaphysicians.

I used a version of affirmations to sort my ruined life out and I attained financial affluence from using this rosicrucian technique. So I wouldn't belittle it, but as regards Holosync, all I was saying was that a quietened mind doesn't need positive affirmations, which like negative ones are additives to the being (to put it in Scn terms).

The way affirmations worked for me and the final step as per older metaphysical techniques is to also let go of the affirmation, to release it into the universe or Cosmic and that the Cosmic will then look after you because all is well and as it should be anyway!

Now that is magic! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: Deep, deep magic!

But it is right-handed, not black, hubbard magic! Remember, the Rosicrucian goal is Cosmic Consciousness (right handed magic). Ego protectors and ego empowerers have to drop the final step of affirmations because they are on the left-hand path.

I'm happy to explain more fully on another thread, what I did, to anyone who wants to understand this better.

As far as Holosync goes, in my experience of it, it is a uniting with life by a quieting of the mind process, similar to more traditional meditiation. I just diasagree with Bill over the need to add in affirmations. You can get the holosync sound tracks either with or without affirmations. Holosync tell me most people choose to have the affirmations - but why follow the crowd! :D


Gold Meritorious Patron
Great to see replies!:)

Yes, we've been having wins at it...we're on AL 1. We also feel more spacious, clean, completely relaxed and open, no inner oscillations going on.
It's also helped with sleep for me, as well.

We aldo don't use the Holosync with Affirmations, either. Since we're a couple using it, we just ordered AL 1 without any Affirmations and think our own while doing the CD.

These other CD's.. Insight and Headlessness, sound intriquing as well, will have to check them out sometime, too.

For now, we're doing well with Holosync, though.

Wisened One

Fantastic! I think we should let exes know that there alternative methodologies.

Colleen K. Peltomaa

Silver Meritorious Patron
The way affirmations worked for me and the final step as per older metaphysical techniques is to also let go of the affirmation, to release it into the universe or Cosmic and that the Cosmic will then look after you because all is well and as it should be anyway!

Now that is magic! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: Deep, deep magic!

I'm happy to explain more fully on another thread, what I did, to anyone who wants to understand this better.

As far as Holosync goes, in my experience of it, it is a uniting with life by a quieting of the mind process, similar to more traditional meditiation. I just diasagree with Bill over the need to add in affirmations. You can get the holosync sound tracks either with or without affirmations. Holosync tell me most people choose to have the affirmations - but why follow the crowd! :D

When you said that a breeze entered the room, a refreshing "AHA" type of breeze. Yes, reach and then throw it away. Maybe like throwing you bread upon the waters.

My problem is I don't know how to put my personal affirmation into words.

Do affirmations, like postulates, need to be carefully worded, or you just might get what you say?

Do you have a link to the right-handed tech of affirmations?


Gold Meritorious Patron
When you said that a breeze entered the room, a refreshing "AHA" type of breeze. Yes, reach and then throw it away. Maybe like throwing you bread upon the waters.

My problem is I don't know how to put my personal affirmation into words.

Do affirmations, like postulates, need to be carefully worded, or you just might get what you say?

Do you have a link to the right-handed tech of affirmations?

I'll start a new link on affirmations, Colleen so this thread can be kept to Holosync.

Maybe that gentle breeze will blow some more! :)

Wisened One


Colleeen, et al:


Some believe they must be worded very exact, carefully done to receive what you are affirming. And said many times (like a prayer or chant, even) quietly or out loud, whatever you prefer.
One of my favorite authors that was into Affirmations: Florence Scovel Shinn, for me, her Affirmations were powerful and actually worked!
(Endless Good Comes To Me In Endless Ways...) One time, I was repeating this mantra/affirmation in my head over and over and by the fifth time, my phone rang offering me a wonderful job...when I'd been searching for months! things, like that. (This was before Holosync, yet after leaving Scn).

Also: I made a 'Book of Realities' filled with cut out pictures from Magazines, etc.. of material things I'd wanted, situations, etc...and then cut out pictures of me from photos I'd had..and taped ME next to these items, in the situations, etc..

Then I'd look at the book often, several times a day, just enjoying the manipulated pictures I'd made of me and family in them, etc..

Well, exactly within THREE WEEKS to the DAY I started that book,

I got EVERY SINGLE item (and the exact brand, too) that was in my book!

OMG, talk about shocked!?

These items had been wanted for many YEARS with no way in sight to see how to get them, etc... then did the Book thing, and BAM.

Things are STILL happenening using that Book and Holosync also helps quiet my mind and inner oscillations, so I've no resistance to things as much.

I also subcribe to the belief that no matter WHAT affirmations/words you say,think doesn't matter, it's your BELIEF AND your EMOTIONS that matter, as to what results you get...(my opinion).

And that's been panning out in our lives, too.

Hope all this rambling info helps someone, it sure has us!

Wisened One

Colleen K. Peltomaa

Silver Meritorious Patron
Colleeen, et al:


Some believe they must be worded very exact, carefully done to receive what you are affirming. And said many times (like a prayer or chant, even) quietly or out loud, whatever you prefer.
One of my favorite authors that was into Affirmations: Florence Scovel Shinn, for me, her Affirmations were powerful and actually worked!
(Endless Good Comes To Me In Endless Ways...) One time, I was repeating this mantra/affirmation in my head over and over and by the fifth time, my phone rang offering me a wonderful job...when I'd been searching for months! things, like that. (This was before Holosync, yet after leaving Scn).

Also: I made a 'Book of Realities' filled with cut out pictures from Magazines, etc.. of material things I'd wanted, situations, etc...and then cut out pictures of me from photos I'd had..and taped ME next to these items, in the situations, etc..

Then I'd look at the book often, several times a day, just enjoying the manipulated pictures I'd made of me and family in them, etc..

Well, exactly within THREE WEEKS to the DAY I started that book,

I got EVERY SINGLE item (and the exact brand, too) that was in my book!

OMG, talk about shocked!?

These items had been wanted for many YEARS with no way in sight to see how to get them, etc... then did the Book thing, and BAM.

Things are STILL happenening using that Book and Holosync also helps quiet my mind and inner oscillations, so I've no resistance to things as much.

I also subcribe to the belief that no matter WHAT affirmations/words you say,think doesn't matter, it's your BELIEF AND your EMOTIONS that matter, as to what results you get...(my opinion).

And that's been panning out in our lives, too.

Hope all this rambling info helps someone, it sure has us!

Wisened One

You get what you put your attention and emotions to, got it. But a nice, visual way to do it.

Wow! Every month could be Christmas! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Instinctively, my personal "mantra" has always been, "Everything works together for good", and, you know, it always does. I don't always see it that way immediately.

Robert Adams, Jnani, had the ability to say "god, god, god", three times and he would get whatever he wanted. He, needless to say, had a good concept of god, not the usual one we are fed with in Sunday School.

Wisened One

I've been starting to learn more about Monroe Institute and Hemi-sync. We loved Holosync while we were doing it but then got bored with it. I personally never got much from Bill Harri's lectures/articles, tho.

I still use Dr. Jeffrey Thompson's CD's. Listen to his Delta with Ocean Waves every night to relax and sleep.

His Awakened Mind one is like....:wow: