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My Story after 30 years and resiging in writing.

Deb Lee

Resigned after 30 years, UPDATED

UPDATED DEC 19th - 8:17pm NY/USA time. Was adding more references, finally fixed up typos.

I REMOVED MY *PERSONAL* STORY BECAUSE SOME JERK IS COLLECTING STORIES FOR HIS OWN SITE. Obviously has no experience what so ever with the Scientology, as it says on the title of this site. Sounds like a college psych 101 student. I hope he is asking permission before ripping off someone's story. He stated openly he was trolling for .pdf files and I visited his link.

And not because I think all the tech is garbage.
(Emma wrote a beautiful article on this). I am glad to see that there are many on this board that like the (old) tech and freezoners and independent scientologists here. I see there are many here on this site, who are absolutely against any tech. Well, I have found some tech to really work. Obviously, why I hung in there.

I do support the constitution which allows freedom of religion, which is WHY America started! Freedom from the King's forced religion and taxes caused by the banks, making countries go into debt. I DO support all psyches that are fighting the fraud in psych, many references below, and at end of article.

Just as you would not judge Christianity exclusively by the behavior of the Spanish Inquisition, please do not judge the tech exclusively on the abuse and misuse currently practiced by Scientology management. I am going to mention some politics and communism, control of thought and behavior in this essay, for a reason, see if you can compare the current management with my references.

I did NOT just blindly except it, this 'group think', that goes on in the church, I fought it. The point is, I shouldnt have had to fight it. This thinking causing so much stress in my life!

My background is in consumer law, mass media, (and how psych is used to control the stupid masses), midwife, (very into natural health, and was always against psych fraud), Libertarian, Ayn Rand fan, later Ron Paul fan. Studied the history of psych, (esp Nazi), WWII, religions - and education, and it's true purpose of dumbing down the masses, so they are more controllable.

QUOTE: "The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originality" - H.L. Mencken
BOOK: Educating for the New World Order, by Bev Eakman
BOOK: THE DELIBERATE DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA, By Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education. Entire book free: http://www.deliberatedumbingdown.com/index.html
BOOK: The Underground History of American Education, by John Taylor Gatto COMPLETE BOOK FREE ON LINE!!! The Odysseus Group: http://www.johntaylorgatto.com
BOOK: Separating School & State: How to Liberate America's Families, by Sheldon Richman
REF: Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963 Try: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1561529/posts
BOOK: NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education, by Samuel L. Blumenfeld. The NEA (National Education Association was largely financed by the Rockefeller/Carnegie foundations.
BOOK: PUBLIC SCHOOLS, PUBLIC MENACE: How Public Schools Lie to Parents and Betray Our Children, by Joel Turtell
BOOK: Public Education Against America: The Hidden Agenda, by Marlin Maddoux
BOOK: The Leipzig Connection, by Paolo Lionni & Lance J. Klass
BOOK: The Missing Gene & The Gene Illusion by, Dr Jay Joseph. A big lie.."MENTAL ILLNESS" IS NOT GENETIC. That statement is a mass media marketing scam, now a household word, which is the intention of marketing.
BOOK: PSYCHIATRISTS: THE MEN BEHIND HITLER, A German warning to the world by Dr. Thomas Roder, Volker Kubillus, Anthony Burwell. There are tons more references.
(That will give you proPsych lurkers some study to start, read before you accuse people of being brainwashed, like the pot calling the kettle black.)​

I also trained on the history on money and banks, when I became a mortgage broker, and how communism or socialism got started - to enslave whole countries via debt & taxes.

BOOK: The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, by G. Edward Griffin (Author)​

I NEVER violated civil rights of any person in the church or out. Like forcing abortions, or holding onto people that didnt want to be there. There is no excuse for that. Just like in the military it is no excuse to follow illegal orders, violate civil rights, in any country. I have family in the military, all the men were in, (WWI, II, Viet Nam, up to Desert Storm), except for my little brother.

I resigned in writing, 3 weeks ago, after 30 years. I cant pretend to be a part of "Scientology", when it's not Scientology. I have experienced (and witnessed) one too many violations in human rights, or civil rights, completely contrary to what Hubbard wrote about. Not to mention all the tech changes. I wonder what is Hubbard's and what isnt?

I have witnessed and experienced the "group thinking" which is, for lack of better words, is communism, or collective thinking - "greatest good, greatest number for the church - not the individual or their families. That's NOT what Hubbard wrote. It's supposed to be the greatest good for the greatest number of YOUR dynamics, (your areas in life, self, family, groups, etc).

And now the church is promoting the UN's civil rights crap? We already have a constitution and the bill of rights, and laws to protect individuals. So do most countries. What a slap in the face!

The UN is a communist organization started by Rockefeller and run by the world bank. The purpose of the UN is to create a New World Order. See the illuminati symbols on our American money. (The Illuminati refers to 13 bloodline families that make up the general majority of the controlling elite. The Queen of England, the Bush's, Cheney, and Obama are all related, so much for voting).

Rockefeller also started the American Cancer society, currently squashing all cancer cures, and causing more cancer. Ie: mammograms cause cancer, see www.naturalhealthnews.com He was also involved in our defunct education system.

I also noticed at the church events they use illuminati symbols. Like the 2 columns on stage, and some of the symbols. I wonder if DM sold out. Try this: http://www.sovereignty.net and Google it. Try books, New World Order, and The Unseen Hand, by professor and historian, Ralph Epperson.

What I experienced in this church group certainly was "black scientology", a reversal of freedom... Who took over the church, and what are their intentions?

I cant believe I just said that out loud!!! I think I am starting to feel better, after all this writing, and writing and changing things, and I finally just said it out loud!!!


Perhaps if they did run it like a business, paying their staff, with decent normal schedules, and making their staff buy their own services, (or co-audit), that would have been better. Some missions did that. But I do agree it's a 'church', or was, because it is dealing with the soul. I do not 'believe' my fleshy brain thinks. But your entitled to believe that if you want. That's the beauty of this country, while it lasts...

I am against taxes to begin with, esp being a Libertarian. I mention this because some anon's I witnessed were just attacking based on the church 'not paying taxes'. Besides those that paid for church, in any religion, already paid their taxes. Money is taxed over and over again in this country. I have seen tax attacks on other churches, so feel unbiased on that. It's wrong. They should read the constitution, which is no longer taught in schools, delibrately, and confront our American gov't to lower the taxes for everyone.

Your made wrong for not towing the line according to the group thinking, which is actually a very communist method of control, aka "black scientology". (How did this thinking get in there?). Not giving your money, written up for not coming to an event, made wrong for not joining staff, 'nothing is important except joining staff', impossible to get off staff, without incredible duress, and possibly declared later after doing all the routing out procedures, then used for coercion to come back. In complete violation of employment laws. As a business owner, if one of my staff wanted to leave, it was ok by me.

Manipulation of people's divorces to make sure a spouse can stay on staff, (because they make so little), violating the other spouses' and kids legal rights. Usually happens to a wife or girlfriend with the kids, I have seen this one many times, making the wife suppressive, and enemy of the church. It happened to me. Yet, I'm not man bashing, many men do right by their wife and kids.

Attacked and called suppressive if you don't want your child to join Sea Org,
or child trying to leave. (Yet, I recall seeing a policy that you have to be at least a class 4 auditor before joining up, 1. to prove you know what it's about, 2. to be able to make a decision to join up).

I disapprove of young kids joining, or growing up in the Sea Org, because then they never have experience in the outside world. Nor are Sea Org families able to have a normal life. Then they display this group thinking going on and think it's right! I think, the Sea Org should be disbanded. Perhaps it served a purpose long ago, but there's nothing wrong with having a normal work schedule, or even part time, and time with family, money to get dental care, take a real vacation, etc?. Better to set up several tech keepers, and field audit and train.
Force, coercion, threats, fear tactics, that don't belong in any church or business. Too many in the group behaving like children, forcing you to play a game you don't want to. OR if you want to play the game, your constantly beat on the back over it.

Thinking they have a RIGHT to impinge in your life, dictating your life. Guess they didn't read Hubbard's info on SELF-DETERMINISM, or anything else for that matter! This sort of thinking doesn't belong there.

Google the UN's "Agenda 21", dictating every aspect of our life, the role of women, your kids, everything! And they are using the global warming lies to do this. Data here:http://www.sovereignty.net

You get to the point where you think you really are a suppressive, what a mind game.

I have never seen a highly trained tech person do this to others, but only once. I have noticed that many that are highly trained, and high on the bridge, QUIT. The more free thinking kind. There is something in the St Hat pack about students blowing the course room due to an anti-social or suppressive person in the course room. BINGO! But many don't apply that writing regarding the church - isn't a course room a group? Yes.

People are NOT just quitting because they have "MU's, or O/W's, or they are a 'plant' or PTS...I just made myself laugh, PTS to whom? The church? I would say PTS to the group thinking. It's just not normal, doesn't apply to reality, AND hinders and damages your dynamics.

I have witnessed and experienced too many families broken up, with disconnection. A policy that was cancelled by Hubbard. Something I never approved of. There are times you need to disconnect from someone, based on their actions, not some policy or dictate. And a person does have a LEGAL RIGHT to disconnect if they want to.

You can't exercise your civil rights and sue another Scientologist
without permission from an International Justice Chief, (IJC), or be labeled a suppressive person. This is against the law. You have to go through WISE, or the chaplain, none of which are attorneys, and expensive. I am not against mediation, it does keep court fees down. Courts might order it. Voluntarily getting a chaplain cycle is fine, but useless with a really bad person, like my X. But instead, your invalidated and told your 'responsible for your own condition', as if that is an excuse to ignore the laws. They operate above the laws. But getting labeled suppressive, cuts off your family and friends, because they have to disconnect from you.

This does not occur in any other church. In fact, if they did away with that rule, those that have been hiding behind the 'skirts of the church' with the thinking, "You cant sue me, na, na, na, na " - it would be a deterrent, and they would think twice about being illegal, being above the law. They'd think twice before screwing a fellow church member.

That includes working for some, not all, Scientologist companies, whom treat non-scientologists differently, but the Scientologists that work for them, are constantly berated and evaluated, for not being on course, or something of the church nature. Which also violates employment laws. I wasn't hired once, by one of these companies, because I hadn't been able to buy a church service for years, yet was paying for study tech school. I couldn't do both.

If your kids are attending a study tech school, which publishes that anyone of any race, religion, or creed, can attend. But if you get declared your kid cant attend, now we punish the kids. Another civil rights violation.

I disapprove of the prices, only the elite can buy services. Hubbard did mention to keep it FREE. (relatively speaking, since all churches, any kind, around the world do need money to pay staff, electric, phone, mortgage/rent, repairs, etc). Better to have a cheap garage to give service than an expensive building, which will bankrupt a church or business of any kind - and certainly keep the prices down! Man, this church behaves like the American gov't over spending, then forcing tax payers to pay it.

Again, I did NOT just blindly except it, this group think, I fought it.
Per Hubbard's Science of Survival book, on human behavior, (simply a list of category's of human behavior, and what to expect), these staff members causing the trouble were very low on the tone scale, and stupid.

O, yes, I am aware of the gay thing in the book. Well, consider this, that book was written *years ago*, when gay was illegal on the LAW books. Things have changed, for instance, even the psyches took "gay" out of their list of mental illnesses, and pedophile! Yep, pedophile is no longer on their books as a 'mental illness'. But I think that is one they should have kept in their medical billing bible. Considering that was pissing off many "elites", psyches and Catholic priests, I can understand it, they would NOT label each other. Didn't they have any personal philosophy, real education, or respect of other people, before coming in the group? DM didn't make it past high school.

But then again, considering the American public education system, unless they studied outside the box, they didn't have any real education. References below. Unless they had great parents that drummed good manners and respect of people in their heads. I constantly studied outside the box. I still study.

Why were they staff members? Because their behavior and how they treated people went against the norm, and expected. I have seen staff screaming at the top of their lungs, as if this is going to make the stats go up! Any psych would have labeled them mentally ill, and rightly so!!! Perhaps a business course in college would have been better, at the least they would have learned employment laws, and how to treat people.

It seems to me if the church, at the very least, didn't hire anyone but very up tone, intelligent individuals, who have some respect for people, even if that meant very small staff, half the problems wouldn't have happened. The treatment of people on the RPF, forced abortions, and anything else that happened. Certainly in any regular job environment, they cant do that.

I am tired of fighting it. The church is doing itself in with this behavior and thinking. Hubbard says, 'we make our own enemies'. Well, he tried to warn us...hm, them.

BUT, I know a lot of really nice scientologists, staff or not, and they NEVER had any bad happen to them, or done to someone else. Very ethical people. They don't understand why people quit.

I trained in mass media, which uses psych tech to control the stupid masses, the 'human animals', (how insulting). Used to 'socially engineer' the masses. Long before I came into the church, I already was 10 feet back of this "group thinking".

The masses are actually ALREADY brainwashed, if you do NOT study outside the box, and loosen what info they press into your mind in school and TV, and search for truth and facts.

However, Psychology is only a treatise, a THEORY, with no medical tests, or medical proof whatsoever. Another cult, making billions of dollars selling drugs. They really do make up those labels, and make the medical codes, so they can collect insurance money - no wonder health insurance is unaffordable in this country.

Psych also used in education to dumb down the masses, calling our children "human animals", a term that started in Nazi psych, during WW2. All for political gain. I have studied extensively in the history of education. And these 'products' of the education system join staff. I am not picking on all on staff or in the church.

Psychology used to mean the study of the SOUL, before WW2. Check an old dictionary.

My Uncle, a special education psych, has verified the schools get more federal tax money to get kids labeled and on drugs. They don't care about your kids, they want the money! He only tutored them, esp after seeing the bad quality of the books. Look how many school shootings! They freak on these drugs.

Esp on SSRI's - Serotonin is a chemical the body needs to get the hormone molecules to the various places in the body. In Britain, SSRI's were banned on kids below age 18 - figuring their bodies are done growing after 18. Sugar makes way too much serotonin. Nutrition is a better way to help, "mental illness".

First they create a market, i.e.: psych drugging a mother, whom then turns around and drowns her own kids. Lo! The Mothers Act was passed to drug pregnant mothers, this is a violation of the Nuremburg code, experimenting on people, kids, the unborn. Before this, NOTHING was given a pregnant mother for fear of hurting her and the fetus, everything goes through the placenta.

Drug students, zing, they grab a gun and shoot people, zing, let's USE THIS to take away our right to bear arms, per the 2nd amendment. More manipulation of the masses, using your FEAR. The mass media was used to generate FEAR when the towers went down, to gain the acceptance of people willingly giving up their civil rights, and the war.

REPEAT - However, Psych is only a treatise, a THEORY, with no medical tests, or proof whatsoever. A cult, making billions of dollars selling FRAUDULENT AND DANGEROUS drugs.

[By the way, all those on psych drugs are poisoning the rest of us. When they go to the bathroom, these drugs are NOT filtered out in America's water systems. Talk about real terrorism. www.ewg.org & www.naturalhealthnews.com]

See video: One Nation Under Siege. It starts with x-pres Bush's PROPAGANDA, as an example of using mind control. http://video.google.com/videoplay?d...78&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=3#


Or see, America: Freedom to Fascism by Aaron Russo, it's free on line:

Per Bush Jr's, "New Freedom on Mental Health Commission", we are now considered "mentally ill" if we support the constitution, and bill of rights, against the illegal federal reserve, which is just a foreign bank owned by the Rothschild's, (we have the power to coin our own money WITHOUT interest per the constitution). Note, the Rothschild's took over the bank of England too. Pres Lincoln went up against this family not to borrow money from the Civil War @36%, they created! Loaning money to both sides!

And we are "mentally ill, if we are against the IRS, the fed reserve's revenue collectors, against the UN, the North American Union, pro-lifers, supported CONGRESSMEN Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, (Ron Paul nailed them for this), against illegal immigrants, are one of those truly patriotic Americans, whom are knowledgeable, that write your reps, support the 2nd amendment, attending the tea parties, the list goes on!!! In short, your not allowed to think "American" now.

Psych was always used as a political tool, to control behavior and thinking. Also see The Patriot Act, (almost the same as Hitler's Enabling Act), and The Military Act.

REFERENCE: From the Dept of the Home Office, "Rightwing Extremism:
Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgency in Radicalization and Recruitment". 7 April 2009.

You have to think "globalist socialist" now, as our kids are being trained to do in the schools. As x-Pres Regan said, we lose our freedom in one generation. He was referring to the gov't controlled schools and their true agenda.

This country reminds me of the 4th Reich. Well, considering Bush's grandpa was nailed in court, 1944, for financially supporting the Nazi's it's no wonder Bush Sr and son came up with these policies that Obama also supports. (They are all related to the Queen).

Fluoride was used in Nazi concentration camps to induce apathy, after the war it came over here, mass marketed as a cavity preventative. Talk about consumer FRAUD. Fluoride is a neurotoxicant, http://www.fluoridealert.org/health/brain/index.html It allows your body to absorb MORE toxic metals, (esp in vaccinations), causing 'mental disorders'.

BOOK: The Fluoride Deception, by Christopher Bryson
BOOK: Sugar Blues, by William Dufty. Creating mental illness, goes over history in England and the sugar trade.
Also see articles by Dr Mercola, causes 78 different problems in the body.
Google: Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963 Try: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1561529/posts

Communism does NOT approve of unauthorized thinking or behavior, and demands no master before them. Kids raised away from their parents. No religion. Check out Obama's 0-5 program, and his youth group.

Right now there is a big, big push against all religions for many years in this country.

Google the UN's Agenda 21 or here:http://www.sovereignty.net/library/sd-1-vid/player.html - dictating every area of our life. Same as the church group thinking, as far as controlling your life, behavior, who you talk to, etc.

Also, IN LIES WE TRUST, by Dr Leonard Horowitz. This unique film takes you inside the policies, politics, and propaganda of genocide with a twist of humor. Horowitz exposes unprecedented fraud, malfeasance, and murder as a clear and present danger to you and your loved ones. In Lies We Trust examines the military-medical-petrochemical-pharmaceutical profiteers behind medical madness; their political prostitutes, and shoddy scientists. Also shows how mass media, any kind, is used to brainwash and condition you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8df9-oADP_c

Google: NASA Blue Beam Project.

Obviously, psych always has been a method of mind control, see how they use it in communist China. To control thinking, and behavior according to the political agenda.

In short, your not allowed to be an "American citizen" anymore, but must follow the current political agenda, of a global world gov't. And our taxes pay for this indoctrination starting with the schools, into the media, music, TV, magazines...you must go outside the box, and read independent news.

To end, Hubbard said we only have a short time...


QUOTE: "All psychiatrists have in common that when they are caught on camera or on microphone, they cower and admit that there are no such things as chemical imbalances/diseases, or examinations or tests for them. What they do in practice, lying in every instance, abrogating [revoking] the informed consent right of every patient and? POISONING them in the name of treatment is nothing short of CRIMINAL. — Dr Fred Baughman Jr., Pediatric Neurologist

QUOTE: "...theres no biological imbalance. When people come to me and they say, I have a biochemical imbalance, I say, Show me your lab tests.? There are no lab tests. So whats the biochemical imbalance? — Dr. Ron Leifer, psychiatrist.

GROUP: Also groups of psychs fighting psychs - Please note, persons whom did study psych fighting psych as FRAUD, something a layman cant do on equal terms: International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology.

"ICSPP is a network of people concerned with how mental health theories effect public policy, and all of us. Our varied membership includes psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, educators, and lawyers as well as psychiatric survivors, concerned family members, and advocates."PSYCH BLOWING THE WHISTLE ON PSYCH".

There are some great psychs out there, that fight for human rights and against psych FRAUD - like:

Dr Mary Ann Block,
Dr. Ann Blake Tracy,
Dr John Breeding,
Dr. Fred A. Baughman Jr,
Dr Thomas Szasz,
Dr Rima Laibow, against the UN's codex, removing our vits and minerals, http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5266884912495233634&q=CODEX&pr=goog-sl#
Dr Ron Liefer,
Dr Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.,
Dr Jay Joseph (about no evidence of genes causing mental illness),
and so on.

Also check out Dr Doris Rapp, about the toxins in the environment, in our food and water, and mercury in the vaccinations causing ie: study problems, autism, depression, and all the other "mental illness" problems they actually caused. Cause the "mental illness", then capitalize on the psych drugs, via mass marketing campaigns.

Also see http://www.naturalnews.com & http://www.ewg.org

QUOTE: "The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originality" - H.L. Mencken

BOOK: The Leipzig Connection by Paolo Lionni & Lance J. Klass. This book is amazing - it is the truth, using our schools to 'condition, the masses into ignorant, stupid, easy to control 'human animals'.

BOOK: The Underground History of American Education, by John Taylor Gatto COMPLETE BOOK FREE ON LINE!!! The Odysseus Group:

LECTURE: Mental Health Liberation and Anti-Psychiatry Movement - video by Dr John Breeding, Psychologist
part 1
part 2
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Patron with Honors
welcome , you could still probably change your name if you'd prefer to be anonymous and not potentially have OSA/ fair game come after you. PM Emma and ask if you'd like to.

You will find many friends here who know, KNOW exactly with complete understanding what we are recovering from.

~ stephie :)
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Squirrel Extraordinaire
welcome XXXXXXXXX, you could still probably change your name if you'd prefer to be anonymous and not potentially have OSA/ fair game come after you. PM Emma and ask if you'd like to.

You will find many friends here who know, KNOW exactly with complete understanding what we are recovering from.

~ stephie :)

She says after putting your name into her own post that you can't edit. :)



Welcome Deb, hope you are enjoying your new found freedom, have some fun you and your kids and just enjoy it, Because you can.

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
Sweetheart, believe me, what you write is not entheta. :)
It is the heartfelt truth of your story and it needs to come out. No judgement here, no KRs, no turning away from emotion.


Gold Meritorious Patron
:welcome2: Deb Lee and enjoy your new freedom to tell it like it really is - we're all listening. :drama:


Silver Meritorious Patron
Hi Deb! After all that injustice and all the fighting for justice you've had to do, it's no wonder if you feel you have a lot that you just have to express.

Pull up a seat on the couch and nestle in. Read, laugh, cry, debate, don't. Whatever you wish to do. Congratulations on seeing the wrongs and not being willing to put up with them any longer.

Whatever your chosen path from now on, you will not be alone.

You are free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, you're free at last!

<3 Cherished (one of those horrid Anonymous people)


Gold Meritorious Patron

First, congratulations on leaving the church and keeping your kids safe from it's insanity. :thumbsup: You did the right thing and nothing you write here is 'entheta' because entheta is a fiction. You have the right to your opinion whether it be for or against scio.

Your story is a powerful example of what happens to people who allow the church with all of its bogus rules to control them. No church has the right to 'require' it's permission to get a divorce. Divorce is purely a civil matter, NOT a religious matter. Your scio attorney should be disbarred for working for the church's interest rather than your interests in this matter.

Your ex-husband should be in jail if he abused you. If this should ever happen again, and I hope it doesn't, you must file a police report AS SOON AS IT HAPPENS. If you wait, your testimony will be useless.

You mention you 'love the ethics tech'. May I suggest you take some time to read some of the posts here that examine that 'tech' in detail which show the built in cruely and repression it contains. There is no such thing as PTS. You don't 'pull in' sickness by associating with an 'SP' (which also is a fabricated idea).

Anyway, we are glad you are here. Keep reading and sharing your experiences.


Wisened One

Sweetheart, believe me, what you write is not entheta. :)
It is the heartfelt truth of your story and it needs to come out. No judgement here, no KRs, no turning away from emotion.

^^^^ This, Deb and :welcome2: to ESMB and OUT and TO LIFE, Deb! :hug:

I will give a much more detailed reply later, as I want to re-read your story more slowly.

But I am SO glad you are HERE, now! I bet you will find many people you knew and now have a lot of new friends here! :yes:
