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Scilon calls Marc Headley to offer legal services!

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Scilon calls Marc Headley to offer legal services! Too funny....
From WWP

Today I received a call from a Bonnie Krumpe. She was calling from a Legal Services company in Burbank. I was in a meeting when she first called for me so got the message on my desk. As we have a pretty airtight operation here, my receptionist not only took the message but googled the name “Bonnie Krumpe” and provided me with the first page of google results for her.

bonnie krumpe - Google Search

So I get out of my meeting and get the message and data on Bonnie. Interesting. I get calls from people that I know are Scientologists all the time. Some are OSA plants. Some are just innocent people that are trying to make a buck and have no clue of who I am.

This is where the fun begins. Do I call her back? Do I just ignore it. It is not every day that an OT VIII Scientologists calls me and offers me their legal services.

What the hell? I decide to call her back.

I reach Bonnie and she gives me the whole spiel about their legal services and tells me that if I act now I can meet with her and get in their newsletter and all the rest of the good stuff I have been missing out on by not already having hired them.

I tell Bonnie that before we can go forward, she should probably google my name and then and only after she has done that and read up on who I am that we can continue our possible future business relationship. I tell her that while I would be more than happy to meet with her, the feeling might not be mutual on her end after she has done some reading.

She laughs. “Will I be surprised?” She asks.

“Oh I think so Bonnie! I think you will be quite surprised! I think you might even be more surprised than I could even imagine. You might want to call me back to ask me some questions, which I doubt will be regarding your legal services. I will, by the way, be more than happy to talk to you should you decide you DO want to talk to me.”

“Okay. Great. Can I at least send you an email with all our information?” She asks me clueless as to what journey she is about to embark upon.

“I think you will find that I already have a fair bit of information and we are already a bit lopsided in this department, so you get on that Google and you call me back if you still feel the need.”

“Okay great. Thanks Marc. ”

“No problem Bonnie. I will talk to you later.” I tell her wishing I had a webcam on her face as she pulls up my google results.

Okay. So here I think that she will never call me back and that is the end of it.
30 minutes later, she calls me back!

“Bonnie, so how’s it going?”

“Great. So we googled you and we should be fine to move forward.”

“Really? So you googled my name and you are cool?" I ask.

“Well, my boss googled you and he said that we were fine and that there was nothing that came up that was of any interest.” Bonnie says still kind of giggling at all this mystery.

“I see. Well Bonnie I told YOU to google my name. I am trying to keep you out of trouble you see. I think this conversation would be very different had YOU googled my name.”

“Well I am at work and I maybe you should just talk to by boss.”

“I would rather not get your boss involved in this any more than he already has been Bonnie. This is about you and me, your boss is not involved in this.”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you not Bonnie Krumpe the OT VIII Scientologist?”

“Oh my god? How do you know me?”

“I know lots of things Bonnie. And I know that if you do not google my name for yourself, this could end up very bad for you and I don’t want that to happen. I care about you Bonnie and I would not want you to get in any trouble on my account.”

“I doubt that would happen.”

“Can I ask you something Bonnie?"


“Is your hair curly Bonnie?”


“Well when you read the stuff on Google Bonnie, it will be.”

“Well, okay, here is my boss.”


“Hey there. I just wanted to let you know that Bonnie might get in a bit of trouble with some people she knows if she talks to me.”

“How do you know this?”

“Well, because they told me so. Are you a Scientologist?”


“Okay, well Bonnie is and while I have no problem with talking to her, she might get in trouble with the Scientology organization for talking to me. It is a silly rule they have that has been being enforced pretty vigorously lately.”

“I think you might have Bonnie confused with someone else.”

“Well either way, I appreciate your time and if Bonnie wishes to contact me further she should really google my name and get some more information on me. I think that at this time it would at least be a bit odd for me to utilize your company for any sort of legal services based on Bonnie's involvement or affiliation to Scientology. Thanks.”

Hopefully, little ol Bonnie gets on the Internet tonight when she gets home and does some reading.

Until next time...

Kathy (ImOut)

Gold Meritorious Patron
Too funny.

And I like the way Marc handled it. Protected Bonnie from potential trouble. Very cool, Marc. I did the same when I ran into an active Scn.

Wisened One

I also applaud the way Marc handled it! :thumbsup: Who knows though, maybe this will be the start of waking Bonnie up, huh?

Maybe one day soon, the Headley's and Bonnie will be laughing over this incident at lunch! :thumbsup:


:drama: What if she does look Marc up on the internet for herself? What if she does call Marc back afterwards? Oh my, this thread needs checking and rechecking. :drama:
:omg: Methinks Bonnie's not gonna have her job much longer....:laugh:

That's actually quite sad if you think about it. Nothing to laugh about really.

Still, Marc did an excellent job in handling the situation. Kudos to him for considering the likely impact on Bonnie when determining his actions. :thumbsup:

Mark A. Baker


Genuine Meatball
I note that Bonnie wasn't on the lookout for SP's! - She'd let her mandatory and ordained vigil slip! - Even after many hints, she still didn't consider the possibility that she had a flamin' SP on her hands!

Very un-scientological! - Off policy! - Dilletantish!

Is she blithely relaxing all the Hubbard shi.. tech! - When hiding away at her WOG job!?

Heh.. Now she'll have to explain disconnection and SP's to her WOG boss.. He'll be curious..

Might make her think things over... She might even dare to look at the internet. The temptation will be great!

Maybe she WILL call Marc before long anyway..



Diamond Invictus SP
Message to Bonnie


We have plenty of space for you here at ESMB and would love to have you. You'll fit right in with our ESMB OT Committee!

Wisened One

That's actually quite sad if you think about it. Nothing to laugh about really.

Still, Marc did an excellent job in handling the situation. Kudos to him for considering the likely impact on Bonnie when determining his actions. :thumbsup:

Mark A. Baker

Sorry, was laughing at Marc's story...and should've put my laughy smiley on a separate line....not laughing at anyone losing their job, particularly! :no:


Rogue male
It's clear to me that none of us a very good at being SPs.:no:

Perhaps OSA could run an extension course so we can 'brush up ' a bit.:thumbsup:

They seem to be quite expert at it.


Patron with Honors
I think that Bonnie will be ok with keeping her job. Fortunately, for her sake, she works for a wog and you can't fire someone due to religious beliefs. If she had been working for a fellow scientologist then she would probably lose it because she pulled that sp in and end up with all kinds of conditions.:lol: