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ESK Voices in Unison #1 Stories Now Online!


Hi Guys,

It is my great pleasure to announce that the very first Ex-Scientology Kids Voices in Unison project submissions period is now over, and the stories are online!

We recieved a total of 13 never-told-before real life stories of people's experiences with Scientology. You can the new stories here:


and here:


Thank you to everyone who participated - you're all incredibly brave! Huge round of applause and lots of hugs from ESK! And thanks for helping make this VIU a resounding success.

The next submissions period has now started - August 1, 2008 to November 30, 2008. If you have a story you'd like to see online, please send it to [email protected], and it will be released together with the rest of the Voices in Unison #2 stories on November 30th.

You are not alone.

ESK Admin