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ANNOUNCEMENT: ESK Launches "Voices in Unison" Project


Hi Everyone,

Exscientologykids.com is proud to launch the Voices in Unison project, aimed at helping those who've never felt safe enough to tell their story get the support they need to speak out.

Background Info

In the relatively short time our website has been up, the admins at ESK have recieved hundreds of letters from ex-Scientologists and ex-Scientology kids who have expressed a desire to tell their story publicly, but have also said they are concerned about the repercussions of coming out alone.

At the same time, we have also recieved endless emails from non-Scientologists who have said that it was the stories on this site that really opened their eyes, and helped them understand what all the ruckus was about.

ESK decided to launch Voices in Unison as a way to make an even safer environment for people who have never before written publicly about their CoS experience.

Not everyone who has a story can come out and tell it. Some people still have family and friends inside Scientology - family and friends they stand to lose if they speak out. But many can. If there ever was a time, it is now.

How it Works

The Voices in Unison project will run for a trial period of one year, and will be broken into three 4-month periods. During that time, we will be accepting Scientology stories from those who have not previously spoken out.

However, we will not publish those stories immediately on our site. Instead, during each of the 4-month periods, we will keep a publicly-viewable tally on this page of how many stories have been recieved. No information will be released as to who has submitted stories. We will change the tally each time a new story is submitted, so that the public will be kept up to date on the number of stories recieved.

At the end of each four months, we will release the stories in a batch, all on the same day, all at the same time. That way, no one person need stand up alone.

The first Voices in Unison submissions period will start on April 1st, 2008 and will run until July 31, 2008. The next from August 1st, 2008 to November 30, 2008. The last period will be from December 1st, 2008 to March 31, 2009.

Story submissions are open to anyone who has not told their Scientology story before. This includes Ex-Scientology kids, and those who got into Scientology later in life.

Anonymous submissions are allowed. You do not have to give your real name to participate in Voices in Unison. However, if you prefer to remain anonymous, please provide us with a pseudonym that we can use on the site.

Read more at: http://www.exscientologykids.com/voicesinunison.html

Best to you all,

Colleen K. Peltomaa

Silver Meritorious Patron


Okay, boys and girls! One week in to VIU and we've got 2 stories turned in and 4 additional stories pledged.

15 weeks to go!


Gold Meritorious Patron
Btw .. Sarah is Kendra .. Kendra is Sarah .. who is also Tru2Form .. ummmmmm shes making ME schizophrenic! :p