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Had I truly been OSA...

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
Over the years, a number of people have supposed that I was OSA. Now, I could see this from back when I was still in CofS and was posting to a.r.s. because this was highly unusual, etc. So that people would know I was just what I claimed to be- just a person who found the forum and was like WTF?- I posted a lot of autobiographical details, far more than the amount many contributors have felt comfortably able to disclose.

This helped a bit, but the incorrect suppositions did not stop. Then a number of people personally met me and said as much. Also, at that same time, I left the church and named names of everyone who'd been involved in my handlings that were ordered by OSA. I continued to make friends with people and meet them, sometimes IRL, even.

I got into the FreeZone. And also studied Scn on my own. Now, everyone knows the cult hates squirrels and that they fair game some Free Zoners.

The accusations of OSAness lessened but never entirely stopped. Some people said that, well, you're doing OSA's work for them and that's what we really mean. Now, this made no sense because posting in favor of "squirreling" is not something OSA would ever endorse. Arguing with other critics? Shit, half the people here fight amongst themselves, on the forums and off them. Anyway, wouldn't that be rather self serving to say that anyone who argues with oneself must be working for the cult's seeekrit police? That's Hubbardite reasoning- "anyone who doesn't like us is an SP" type thing.

So then another accusation pops up here just the other day. I'm thinking, ok, how fracking stupid does a person have to BE to peddle that same old tired bullshit?

If I were OSA,

  • All the Freezoners I've been in contact with (many) would have been betrayed by now. If I were running an op either for OSA or as an actual employee of OSA, I'm pretty goddamn sure it would have come to fruition in less than 13 years.
  • The many other people in the critic's scene who've confided in me, been to my house, had me over to their houses- they'd all have been fucked over by now.
  • You'd never have seen me at a picket chanting "L Ron's gone but the con goes on!" (Boston, May 2010)
  • There'd have been no critical posts about Hubbard from me, either.
  • The critics (quite a few, including funds donated for running of this board) who've actually received money from me would not have received any. What church member helps anyone other than his or her cult and what church member gives any money or assistance to an alleged SP or squirrel?
  • I'd never have defended critics or criticism if I were OSA.
  • I'd not have posted a blog about the Seattle Idle Org being derelict nor, a year or so later, would I have posted videos of DM at the Idle Org grand opening. Those are still up on my google channel.

Now, I have seen it alleged that the cult occasionally expells people as part of some kind of op. And here I am expelled. (So are a lot of people here, though). Now, if that were an op, it wouldn't last 13 years. And believe me, if I'd betrayed all those people by now, y'all would have heard about it, since betrayals of confidence tend to piss people off and critics, skeptics, exes, etc, tend to be very vocal anyway about their experiences.

My activities as a critic are things the cult despises. Someone faking it would not go to those lengths or spend over a decade doing it.

So I know there are some mouth breathers out there who can't think of anyone they don't like or anything that goes wrong without invoking OSA (which has truly become a type of Godwin's law) but, well, those people are irresponsible.


Claire, I lost count on how many retards accused me of being OSA. You and I have been friends right from the beginning, and for the past 11 years we've both been posting and oping on Scientology, religion, free speech issues, privacy, etc.

There will always be trolls or just people blinded by their own views that will accuse you of being OSA and their only proof is that you disagree with them. They'd like you better if you behaved more like a cultist (which they rail against) and just agreed with them and the group. Standing up and saying, I disagree or I have a different take on it, is a good thing to do, but many won't speak up because the anti-cultist-cultists, try to silence any dissent.

Just a few months ago I stood up and basically told Alanzo, a guy that I had no problems with and actually liked his posts but didn't read him much as he posted way too much for me, that I disagreed with him and thought he was being a moonbat. Apparently that didn't sit to well with him and ended up accusing me of being an OSA Op and that I was running Emma and a certain agenda here on ESMB.

How dare I disagree and so disrespectfully! This obviously lead Alanzo to the conclusion that I was and evil OSA Op.

I mean, come on!

Scn brings out the "conspiracy" whackiness in people because it's so full crazy batshit insane stuff, with fair game, lies, trash stealing, squirrel busters, sec checks, evil psychs, pdhing, big pharma conspiracy theories and inter galactic war lords. Where else can you get this kind of kookiness, except in an insane whacked out cult.

Claire is not OSA, never has been, never will be. I'll sign an affidavit to that point. Those of you that continue to think so, need to step back and rethink this because it's pure moonbattery on your part.


Gold Meritorious Patron
When one comes to a doctor for an examination, he loves to hear diagnosis that he is healthy, his organism works great and he will live to 100.

Other diagnoses are not pleasant to hear.

When one comes to the Internet, he loves to hear that he is great, his posts are lovely, his sanity is unquestionable.

Other labels are not pleasant to hear.

Those labels:
1. when one considers himself a Scientologist are: troll, PTS, DB, SP, NCG, Criminal, Miss witholdy,...
2. when one considers himself an ex-Scientologist are: troll, OSAbot, Scientologist...


Genuine Meatball
You're a 'hairsplitter' Claire!

Now, I realize that I can't 'conclude' that this exchange of posts is what you refer to here, since you did not say so explicitly.
I don't know if her changes to her conclusions were due to intimidation from the cult or because of her own errata.
Are you talking about Joan Woods? - You ARE!! - Hot day'um!!

So you don't know that!?

I can only imagine an OSA PR idiot 'pretending' to not know that!! - In a studiously stupid attempt at PR damage control that is immediatly regretted because of it's glaring stupidity!


Dehydration WILL lead to a bloodclot! And the bloodclot or the next one will most probably kill you. - That is how this stuff works really! - Joan Woods first conclusion was that Lisa died from a bloodclot that resulted from dehydration.. Ie. Lisa died of thirst, to say it in plain english.

But OSA didn't think plain english was any good.. So they 'persuaded' Woods to say Lisa died of a bloodclot, without mentioning anything about dehydration or thirst.

Lisa died of thirst! - We all know that! - Even OSA know that.. They're just pretending to not know it.

Do you know it now? - Or are you pretending?


Are you kidding or just having a language barrier moment?

Of course I know Lisa died of dehydration. And it's criminal and I've said so many times.

What I don't know is why Woods changed her story. I don't know if the cult pressured her. It wouldn't surprise me if they did, but I don't know. I've seen MEs fuck up. I always thought she fucked up. Now it turns out the cult may've pressured her and that's why she changed her story.

I said I didn't know cuz I didn't know.

I'm now going to report your post for the OSA accusation. Have a nice day.
Allright.. Hairsplitting: I did not in any shape or form say you were OSA!! - What I did was inform you, and everybody, what my imagination was doing in response to your statement!

So you cannot conclude that I said you were OSA!

Much in the same way as you claim that you don't know if Joan Woods were intimidated by OSA.. Just because we know OSA policies and we also know that scientologists always follow their policies. And I'm sure OSA has vehemently denied that they ever intimidated Joan Woods!

Did you report me?

I'm reporting you for meaningless and vindictive hairsplitting and accusing me of accusing you of being OSA when I can out-hairsplit you!

:yes: :biggrin:


Gold Meritorious Patron
You all say *OSA* like it's something bad. :)

P.S. Ooops! Now I have to have to build my line of defense here that I'm not OSA. - LOL!


Gold Meritorious Patron


Troublesome Internet Fringe Dweller
. . . <snip> . . . Claire is not OSA, never has been, never will be. I'll sign an affidavit to that point. Those of you that continue to think so, need to step back and rethink this because it's pure moonbattery on your part.

Yeah, yeah, yeah . . . but we all *know* BOTH you and VC are OSA and are now playing backup to each other! ; )

But, seriously (just for a moment) - I wonder - is it possible that Alanzo's statements in regard to yourself were more an indication of how silly it was that someone else (He Who Shall Not Be Mentioned) was being subject to equally silly allegations at that time. I don't think Alanzo was as serious in his statements as much as he was, in his own way, making a wider point. I'll have another read of the thread but that was my take on it at the time.

I too have been subject to the OSAOSAOSA label. At the time I took it as a mark of honour. However, I can imagine for the OG such as yourselves it must get more than just a little tiring as the years roll on.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Alanzo and Zinj have every right to call others what they want.

They just have to deliver evidence. - Solid and not hearsay.

Otherwise that shadow of being "OSA" falls onto anybody here (including Emma).


But, seriously (just for a moment) - I wonder - is it possible that Alanzo's statements in regard to yourself were more an indication of how silly it was that someone else (He Who Shall Not Be Mentioned) was being subject to equally silly allegations at that time. I don't think Alanzo was as serious in his statements as much as he was, in his own way, making a wider point. I'll have another read of the thread but that was my take on it at the time.

I did actually consider this and to tell the truth, he might have actually been doing that but honestly, that's a pretty strange way of making a point. It would have been a lot easier if he just spoke truthfully rather than going through those kind of contortions. Acting like a bratty kid, lying and twisting peoples words doesn't really work well for me.


Gold Meritorious Patron
I think everyone here is OSA.

At the same time, I think noone here is OSA.

Dunno. - Never worked for OSA, so every being here can be presented to me as OSA.

Safe point for me is this: "You say I'm OSA like it's a Bad thing"


Gold Meritorious Patron
I did actually consider this and to tell the truth, he might have actually been doing that but honestly, that's a pretty strange way of making a point. It would have been a lot easier if he just spoke truthfully rather than going through those kind of contortions. Acting like a bratty kid, lying and twisting peoples words doesn't really work well for me.

Pooks, don't you think of yourself less.

Alanzo got into some conspiracy theory, that's all. - It's not that uncommon.

I'm sure he doesn't feel good about having offended you.

You aren't an OSA op, are you? - :lol:

(Well, I saw you with Larry Brennan on the video. - And Alanzo, be sure, did too. How can you be "OSA"?)


Gold Meritorious Patron
How about relaxing about that "OSA" thing?

OSA! Scientologist! Troll! - they all seems "dangerous". - Like they are gonna ruin your life.

Relax, people!

Paranoia hasn't helped anyone.


Just exactly how effective is OSA these days? Who's really been damaged by them lately?

There's too many people out. There's too much on the internet to counter. It's not like they can do church on one anymore.

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
You're a 'hairsplitter' Claire!

Now, I realize that I can't 'conclude' that this exchange of posts is what you refer to here, since you did not say so explicitly.
Allright.. Hairsplitting: I did not in any shape or form say you were OSA!! - What I did was inform you, and everybody, what my imagination was doing in response to your statement!

So you cannot conclude that I said you were OSA!

Much in the same way as you claim that you don't know if Joan Woods were intimidated by OSA.. Just because we know OSA policies and we also know that scientologists always follow their policies. And I'm sure OSA has vehemently denied that they ever intimidated Joan Woods!

Did you report me?

I'm reporting you for meaningless and vindictive hairsplitting and accusing me of accusing you of being OSA when I can out-hairsplit you!

:yes: :biggrin:

There've been a number of foolish accusations over the years, some of which are recent.

As far as anything else goes, you and I are not having that conversation. There's no percentage in it, as the saying goes. I explained myself quite well in that thread.

So it is with great radiant joy that I say "see previous post. Thx, C".

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
I never thought you was OSA Fluff. But you and Pooks could start your own cult.

That would be hawt! :yes:

If I had my own cult, there'd be a lot of shopping. And with Pooks and me both in the mix, it would have to pertain to having adorable fuzzy pets. Oh, and books.

Chocolate, too!!

In our cult, there'd be no head person or contributions to the cult (Maybe contributions FROM the cult for worthwhile things). Probably a bunch of happy ladies munching chocolate and romping with eccentric doggehs and kittehs and shopping.

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