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Scientology Interivew with Former Personal Assistant To David Miscavige


Silver Meritorious Patron
I get it people *now* say, "Oh---I don't know---*I* am just different. *I* would never do ~anything~ like that". Well? Guess what? NEITHER WOULD WE, IF We had the Information, and facts most people now have. (That many of us helped share, and continue to do so).

I'm repeating myself but this bears repeating. Dr. Margaret Singer (author of "Cults in our Midst") commented that she used to hear people say, "Oh, I would never fall for anything like that." SHE would say to herself, "You wanna bet." She also say that we didn't join, we were selected and handled by pros.

The truth is that we weren't prepared for the trap that we were walking into and neither are most people. I was open to experience something brand new and most of my friends and family at the time weren't. For quite a while, the Scientology experience was fabulous and diverse and new and energizing.

ESMB allows one to see the good and the bad and to speak openly. This process and it is a process has allowed me to open myself up to reconsider what was actually valuable. It's been fun.