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The importance of being right

There is an aspect of Scientology, which I'd like to point out - the importance of being right. I have come to realize that as I get older and make mistakes, I find my mental powers occasionally failing me, that I have to write it off to getting older and in my late middle sixties. But I have had the awful thought, what if I was always that way? So when I recall other spectacular fuck ups I have had in the past, that there is a desperate need to be right. Being in a group, especially one that is saving the world, provides that sense of being right, in the face of epic failures in life. The failures become infinitesimal in the face of the greater good of being part of saving this sector, the endless story of life and death in former lives, the eternity of lives yet to be lived the future

I think a hard truth to confront, is the comfort of being in Scientology, of knowing you are an imortal, the problems one encounters in life can be vanquished by a few well designed questions, the holding of the cans, is worthless. One has to stand on his own two feet. I may very well be immortal, however, the belief in a belief system, a cult's technology, that offers no proof of it's validity, is a foolish proposition.

Scary. I think it is a fear of being wrong - that keeps people in Scientology as much as anything.

Well, there is nothing to do, but soldier on, go fix yesterday's fuck up, and carry on. The security blanket of being right because I am a member of a world saving group, lays on the ground, abandoned.

A side note: the fodder of many a fiction book, is the saving of the world. I am reading one currently (listening to on the way to work in the mind numbing traffic on the 10 freeway) which is just that, as Pendergast, searches out a madman on a cruise ship in a mid Atlantic crossing with a Tibetan death McGuffin bent on destroying the world. How different is that from the fiction of the IAS and Scientology, where by contributing your hard earned money, you too can save the world from the dwindling spiral wrought by the reactive mind?


Idle Morgue

Gold Meritorious Patron
great post Mims! Didn't LRH even ask the question - How right can you be? DEAD was his answer. Well, that is very true in Scientology - the only ones left just have to be right - and there is a spiraling down to rightness riddled with large, ginormous donations, years and years of "training" and giving giving giving everything to the cult! It does lead to a slow and painful death.

The EEE PEE of getting out - one has to spiral back up to being wrong about the cult. This is hard - some do it faster than others. Some need Marty and the Indies to come up out of the wrongness but I think eventually will hit the EEE PEE we have all had here - Scientology is a cult, there is no bridge, David Miscavige is a ruthless dictator that abuses "religious" protection.

Scientology plain and simple does not work - it is your "belief and viewpoint" of things that make anything in Scientology work. Scientology will eventually "break" everyone in their path including the dicator - David Miscavige. Financial ruin and psychosis - is what happens to criminals and their organizations.

It should be interesting to see what happens to this cult and David Miscavige over the next 5 years. My prediction - David Miscavige will have to be right about his exhaustive effort to glow things right and keep the cult and his lavish lifestyle alive as long as possible.

I can't imagine if David Miscavige blows - where he could go - he has to be right about the es pee's out here in wog land and just how dangerous we are! Where would he go - where would he hide?