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The Story behind the Tom Cruise Video Leak


Gold Meritorious Patron
This needs a :bump2: Thank you, Pooks - magnificent story ! :yes: Thanks to all -who were involved . . . :thumbsup:


OK-- This is from my original report ( Nov 2004) on the Tom Cruise Freedom
Medal of Valor Award.



We are lectured by DM right out of Keeping Scientology Working. “It's
a tough universe. The social veneer makes it seem mild. But only the
tigers survive--and even they have a hard time.” It doesn't matter if
you are a street sweeper, a house wife or a corporate executive. Life
isn't fair and "you're in for the duration" so get your act together and do
everything you can from YOUR position in life to expand Scientology

He tells us that you can fool other people but you can't fool yourself
about what you know you should be doing as a Scientologist. When you
go to bed at night you had better know that you did ALL YOU could do.
Remember I told you that I thought Tom Cruise was going to get a
Freedom Medal at this IAS event? Not only did he get a Freedom Medal Award,
but he got a super-duper first-ever spectacular award for being the OT
celebrity that they all think he is. Tom Cruise was the recipient of
the first-ever


I can tell you what Tom was like in this event, in one word.
Megalomania: A psychological state characterized by delusions of

Tom Cruise, like DM, was wallowing in a highly exaggerated estimation
of himself.

He was way too happy and pleased with himself. It wasn’t so much
about all the things he's accomplished but about his tough attitude
and his ethics. He often got this look in his eyes that was over the
top. You had to wonder if the guy was really OK or becoming a stark
raving nut job.

It's fine to be happy with yourself and happy with achievement but he
has gotten so intense that it’s scary to see the looks that come over his
face sometimes.

That gleam in the eye is the making of a fanatic. It's that "fixed
dedicated glare" that LRH talks about in KSW. I would think that you
would want a serene and confident look, not a fixed dedicated glare.
Tom Cruise is beginning to look like a fanatic and it's damned creepy.
If he’s very lucky, this guy will have a soft landing when he crashes
back into the real world.

The Tom Cruise section of the event was a big DM and TC love fest.
They reminded me of the Ambiguously Gay Duo on Saturday Night Live.

http://madison-paintball-club.com/MPC 122.JPG

DM was Batman and Tom Cruise was his Robin.
DM is awarding him but is careful about stroking him (at least
publicly) because what they want to put across is that Tom is doing all of this
because HE knows he should be doing it. Pay attention to that because
that is important. It's at the heart of the Scientology mindset.
OK Back to what happened.

The video introduction to Tom is all about his celebrity thing around
the world. It went on for ages. There he was at NASA, and thanks to his
dissemination of study tech, the NASA website has a glossary of
difficult terms. There he was with the leader of Japan. There he was being
interviewed all over the world. On and on and on and on.

His involvement in many Scientology programs including his promotion
of CCHR was hammered home. It was a totally glowing report showing
him to be the most influential celebs on the planet, the most active
shilling member of the cult. It wasn’t about stroking Tom. It was
about stroking Scientologists to get them to PRODUCE MORE.
One story he told was about a wog. Tom told him all about SP’s until
the guy finally asked with his voice full of awe, "Have you ever actually
MET an SP?" Lots of laughter at that line and I missed whatever the
point was that he was making. By that time I had a fixed glare of my own
and it wasn't dedicated to getting everything he was saying.
What I heard next was Tom saying he tried to imagine later what it
would be like in a future when SP's were only a part of history. At
that point I tried to imagine what it would be like when C of S PR was
a part of history and you could take ANYTHING a Scientology shill says
without a sack of salt.

Here are some more of Tom’s cognitions. “WE are the authorities. We
know who we are and what we have. We are Scientologists! We don't
need to ask anyone for a permission slip! We should just go out and
DO it.” Those were not his exact words but they are close enough.
What did Tom have to say about the psychs? "Show no mercy! None!"
That is a direct quote.

The audience hung onto every word he said. They lapped him up like a
drunk with a bottle.

The IAS did their own long interview with Tom. I can't remember how
many times he said it was all about having your ethics in and Keeping
Scientology Working. He said the turning point for him was when he
realized that. Because of his position in the world, he had to be more
responsible than he was before. What it tells me is that Tom has moved

It was so obvious DM and Tom had a coordinated message and the message
was ONE BIG HINT to all Scientologists. Tom has accepted mega
responsibility for the mega celebrity he is. He is doing ALL he can
to Keep Scientology Working. If you're a Scientologist, YOU don't
have another option. YOU have to do ALL YOU can.

Tom went onto the stage and was given his award to thunderous applause
by DM. You’ve never seen anyone accept an award as though they knew they
had it coming to them like Tom did. But his acceptance speech was a
mega acknowledgment of DM.

This is a paraphrase but pretty close to exactly what he said. "I've
met the leaders of the world. I've met the leaders of the leaders. I've
met them all. And I can tell you we're lucky to have Mr. Miscavige, the
smartest, most competent, most compassionate and caring of them all.”
Then Tom walks to where DM is standing on the stage and they shake
hands and hug. But not too closely.

Eventually, as this information gets to the mainstream media, it will
destroy his career or at least make a big joke out of him, but he
doesn't care. He now has that fixed dedicated glare and he truly doesn't


Bitter defrocked apostate
Perhaps Tom Cruise was attempting a postulate: if he pronounced wee Davey Miscavige to be competent and compassionate, and heaped on enough Tone 40 in front of all those loyal clams, perhaps it would somehow become true?

Too bad: it didn't work out, and David Miscavige remains a bitter, ineffectual failmidget to this day.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Eventually, as this information gets to the mainstream media, it will
destroy his career or at least make a big joke out of him, but he
doesn't care. He now has that fixed dedicated glare and he truly doesn't

Great reporting, Pooks.

Happy Days

Silver Meritorious Patron
Thanks Pooks you're a legend for sure ....

I remember that event and it lost me at TC being the most dedicated Scientologist everrrrrrrrrrrrr...

The love bombing by DM to TC was so so over the top... they should have just move it into the 'man cave' for privacy and spared us all.

Didn't we feel inadequate as Scientologists and was I motivated to do MOAR ummmm NO.

The event organised, drilled and signed off by a nut job and that was ever so evident :)

Tom Cruise has been pretty quiet of late.... so I wonder what's going on there :biggrin:


Patron with Honors
Thanks, Pooks. I've heard many differing stories about this pivotal moment. Your story is the one version that makes perfect sense. Thank you. :)

It's how it happened. She left out the part about my paralyzing hangover and the Santa Ana winds howling out of the north at 30-40 mph.

It almost didn't happen...


stubborn rebel sheep!
I might repeat myself but many thanks for this leak!

That was the first time I got an ''evidence'' that it was totally a fabricated scam and that he behave insane like fanatic - to brainwash the staff and SO.
This has been an example of insanity (totally out of reality) and pathologic narcissism of this cult mindfuck.

Send the link to some other people and they also COGNITE.

I remember when it appeared on internet and the EP :omg: result on people.
To me it is an epic moment

Many thank's


Bitter defrocked apostate
It almost didn't happen...

And yet it did. And while a Hubbard apologist might try to tell himself that his 'religion' is under attack by 'bigots' and an evil conspiracy of psychiatrists and so on, the simple fact is that all the things that are required to end the abuses of Scientology are frequently spat out at random... by Scientology.

Nobody had to edit the Cruise DVD to make Scientology look bad. Nobody has to parody Science of Survival, the freight train on Venus, the Obscene Dog Incident, OTIII etc. to make them ridiculous. Nobody needs a critic to point out to them that Scientology is vulgar and tacky, in its architecture, its graphic design and its movies. To continue to blame Scientology's failure on SPs is the fundamental misunderstanding that has doomed Scientology to the ash heap of history: it always contained its own ruin, and it always will.

From the pronouncements of Tommy Davis to the blue asbestos and sewage problems on the Freewinds. From the background of Hubbard to his later mental illness; from the stature of Miscavige to the manic enthusiasm of Tom Cruise... Scientology is just plain funny - and the only things that aren't funny about Scientology are the things that are just plain evil.

I don't believe that "it almost didn't happen", because Scientology continues to "pull it in" with each day that passes. (Squirrel Busters, anyone?) The truth will out.

But: thanks for making it happen. You are what you do, when it counts.


Patron Meritorious
Great thread Pooks.

Each post like this brings the HiStory of the Old Guard

into increasing focus. Your information cleared up a

chunk of history for me. :cheers:


Silver Meritorious Patron
Tom Cruise Goes to Japan.

Pooks said: The video introduction to Tom is all about his celebrity thing around
the world. It went on for ages. There he was at NASA, and thanks to his
dissemination of study tech, the NASA website has a glossary of
difficult terms. There he was with the leader of Japan. There he was being
interviewed all over the world. On and on and on and on.

This is what I remember but I can't find this treasure any more on YouTube.

Any links anyone?


Declared SP
I remember working on PAC Base and how they treated celebrities. It was so insulting the way they had staff to wait on them hand and foot. It was sickening.

I remember when I finally got myself kicked out and as a public how I never saw any of then talk about scientology in the media.

They used to tell the staff how much these people do for scientology. All bs. I was even at this event as a public and even as a previously sheltered staff the homoerotic undertones were unmistakable. I was even sightly aroused by it :lol:

The treatment of celebrities and the fact that the only way to properly avail yourself or services was to be rich are two reasons I began to doubt scientology.

For anyone that has been or interacted with sea org members on a regular basis, didn't you ever notice how feminine/emo the boys are? That event helped me to understand why.